Chapter 82 Do good people deserve to be held at gunpoint by you?

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  Chapter 82 Do good people deserve to be held at gunpoint by you?

  Fang Hao did not reject anyone who came.

  On the contrary, the more people there are, the more they can hide their true purpose.

  Students who can come to Zhenwu Academy can be summed up in one word - there are no poor people.

  After all, the tuition fee alone is 50,000 yuan a year, plus resources such as exotic beast steaks and blood essence crystals, it is not something that ordinary families can afford.

  What's more, children from ordinary families cannot even pass the entrance examination.

  "You Feihao, are you going?"

  Hearing that he was called by Wang Cheng, You Feihao frowned and shook his head.

  "I'm going to a personal trainer's home for lessons on Saturday. You can have fun."

  You go have fun and I'll practice more!
  My talent is not as good as Fang Hao's, how can I survive if I don't practice more?

  "Personal trainer's home?" Wang Cheng was shocked, "Who has such a good personal trainer? Does it cost extra?" A

  practitioner's training equipment is all consumables and valuable.

  Therefore, personal trainers almost always go to the students’ homes and specially develop training plans based on the students’ family background and training equipment.

  "Teacher Li Chao." You Feihao didn't hide anything and simply said, "No need to pay more. I will practice with his apprentice and I will be honored." "

  Is the apprentice you are talking about called Ai Xiaodong?"

  " Yes. Do you know her?"

  "His sister is our junior high school classmate." Wang Cheng looked at Fang Hao with a strange expression, "Fang Hao, I heard Xiaodong say that you recommended him to Teacher Li Chao as your apprentice?" "

  ? "

  You Feihao looked at Fang Hao and felt like he had a toothache.

  Why are you everywhere?

  Recommending apprentices to Li Chao, how can you be so proud?

  "I'm just recommending." Fang Hao smiled, "Xiaodong's qualifications are very good, and his family background is also good, so Teacher Li Chao accepted him." Zhong Weiwei said speechlessly: "You

  can recommend others, why not? Where are you?"

  The onlookers looked at each other in confusion.

  Yes, why don’t you recommend yourself? Could it be that that person named Xiaodong has better qualifications than you?

  "I have a teacher." Fang Hao said with a smile, "A little better than Teacher Li Chao." "

  You mean the dean?" Zhong Weiwei looked envious, "What you said is indeed true."

  Fang Hao shook his head: "Don't I'm just guessing, my teacher is not in Maplewood City."

  "Then how can I teach you? Video?"

  "As long as you want to teach, there are many ways." After Fang Hao finished speaking, he changed the subject, "If any of you want to go together, remember to go in advance. Buy the ticket."

  "Do you want to spend the night there?"

  "It's better to stay there for one night, otherwise you'll be in a hurry and not have enough fun." "

  I'll book the hotel. I have a cousin who owns a hotel there. It's a three-star hotel and not far from the seaside."

  "Okay, if you want to go, come here and sign up so we can make a reservation."

  There is no deadline for registration. Friday is fine, as long as you can get there in time.

  This time we are going to Linhai City, a relatively prosperous second-tier city.

  Of course, the reason for going to second-tier cities instead of first-tier tourist cities is not because of lack of money, but because the level of defense is different.

  First-tier tourist cities attach great importance to safety. Every day, warships and king-level warriors patrol the coastal areas to prevent sea beasts from approaching the coast.

  The coastal defenses of second-tier cities are not as strict. Although they are also patrolled by warships and king-level warriors, the defense level is much lower.

  For example, when a sea creature is discovered, it is usually driven away rather than killed.

  Because even king-level warriors would be greatly constrained in their naval combat capabilities, let alone those below the king-level.

  Using weapons such as mines is too wasteful - after all, it is not easy to recover corpses and requires additional costs.

  Therefore, as long as the beast clone goes into the sea and swims to the open sea instead of swimming from the open sea to the offshore sea, the warship will usually let it go.

  But the same thing happened in the coastal areas of first-tier cities, and it may have been directly killed by a few high-explosive mines.


  Laughing to death, there is no shortage of money at all.

  In the afternoon, weapons training class.

  "I heard that your class 1 is going to the beach?" Lu Qianjun, one of the three freshmen Class 3S students, approached Fang Hao and asked with a smile.

  Fang Hao nodded: "You want to go too?"

  "Why not? It's lively when there are many people!"

  Lu Qianjun turned to look at the girls, and said with a smile: "I really have you, I can feast my eyes on this trip!"

  Go to the beach Of course you have to swim in the sea, and of course you have to wear a swimsuit when swimming.

  It is the period of puberty and growth, and practitioners are generally well-nourished and develop early, so the girls' figures are getting hotter than the last.

  Of course, the boys are not bad either.

  "If you want to go, just tell Du Yutang. He has relatives who own a hotel there and can help book a room." "


  Lu Qianjun found Du Yutang and signed up.

  After registering, he walked up to Shi Zhixue, another 3S-level student, and asked her if she wanted to go to the beach to relax.


  "Fang Hao initiated it."


  "Can't you hesitate? Even for a moment?"

  Then Shi Zhixue paused and then asked, "Who else is going?"

  Lu Qianjun squeezed He smiled, paused, and then replied: "A lot of people."

  After saying that, he turned around. After taking two steps, he turned around and smiled again: "Remember to wear a swimsuit, because you have to go into the sea."

  Swimsuit? Shi Zhixue lowered her head and looked at her less undulating parts, and then looked at Li Xiaoya's obviously large curved undulations next to her. She couldn't help biting her lower lip with a resentful look in her eyes.

  She couldn't think of any other reason besides genetics.

  Damn it, too.

  Li Xiaoya could only hold back her smile and comfort her: "You are still young, you will grow up - I am talking about your young age."

  Aren't you in a detached state of mind?

  Why do you still care about this?
  This is not transcendent.

  "Xu Lin, do you want to go to the beach?"

  On the other side, Lu Qianjun called other beautiful girls and pulled them into the sea.

  Some people won't come if you don't take the initiative to invite them.

  Especially when you are not familiar with it yet.

  There are 28 people in Class 1 of Changdao 1st Battalion, and the remaining 20 people are S-level students from other classes. The girls themselves are a bit reserved.

  They need someone with enough weight to invite them to participate.

  Of course, excluding those with lively and cheerful personalities.

  Lu Qianjun came to the end and called a dozen people. In the end, more than half of the students from Changdao 1st Battalion were going to go to the beach to relax together.

  It’s not that the rest don’t want to go, they’re just tied up by other things. Like You Feihao, most of them hired private tutors and couldn’t let their teachers go.

  Fang Hao didn't care how many people came, and he didn't have to spend any money. He wished that more people would come to cover him.

  at the same time.

  In the palace hall of a certain city in the northern part of the Southern Kingdom, a special trial is taking place.

  Jialuo's hands were separated by chains and tied to the alloy pillar, and his legs were also tightly wrapped around the pillar with iron chains.

  But her expression was calm, she just lowered her head slightly and stared at the colorful tiger skin on the floor in front of her.

  It was presented to the king during the Chinese New Year.

  It's a pity that it was sent to the wrong person.

  "(Jialuo, you don't deny that you know that monster from the hot summer?)" "

  (Don't deny.)" "

  (You don't deny that you did something with that monster?)" "(Don't deny.) "

  (Who is that monster? What is its name? Does it have anything to do with Yanxia official?)"

  Jialuo responded in silence.

  These questions are all ridiculous.

  Since he is considered a monster, who does it matter? Does it matter what you call it?

  The third question is even more stupid.

  Even if there is a relationship, what can you do?

  Go to Yandi for theory?

  Seeing that she didn't respond, the old man in noble clothes under the throne asked again: "(Do you admit that you are guilty?)" "(

  No.)" "

  (You colluded with the monster, but do not admit that you are guilty?)"

  "(I sent him away. He will never come to Southland again. This is our deal. He kept his promise and left, and he will not come to Southland again. I sent him away at the minimum cost, and I have a clear conscience!)"

  Hua The old man turned his head and looked at the king who had a long black beard, a crown studded with gems, and a gorgeous gold robe on the golden throne.

  The king spoke with a soft voice: "(Jialuo, you should keep it. Letting it go is your biggest sin.)" When

  Jialuo heard this, his eyes immediately widened and his pupils shrank.

  She raised her head slightly, looked directly at the "king" whom she once respected, loved and respected, and said bitterly: "Keep him? What to do?"

  The king leaned forward, rubbed the tip of his beard with the fingers of his right hand, squinted his eyes, and looked gentle He smiled and said:
  "(It is from Yanxia, ​​no, it is a monster that came out of Yanxia. Yanxia should be responsible for this, right? But if you let it go, we got nothing, but we lost two young warriors in vain.)"

  Jialuo closed his eyes, lowered his head, and slowly exhaled a breath.

  "(The king taught me a lesson, Jialuo remembered it. Next time he comes, I will keep him.)"

  He will not come again.

  He is a man of his word.

  Just leave.

  If you say you won't come again, you won't come again.

  The king leaned back and adjusted his sitting posture to make himself more comfortable. There was a smile on his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes.

  He winked at the old man in rich clothes under the throne. The old man hurriedly bowed and nodded, took out a mobile phone and walked to Jialuo.

  "(We found a Yanxia mobile phone number in your mobile phone - the number you deleted, but was restored by our technical department.)" "(Jialuo, you are in touch with that Yanxia monster

  , Right?)"

  Jia Luo raised his head slightly, his eyes full of deathly gray.

  "(You guys, that's enough! Why don't you think about the people that such monsters come into contact with? Are those people you can afford to offend?)" There are only a few dozen king-level

  experts in the Southern Kingdom, and they are not as good as Yanxia. There are many beast kings in the territory, but you actually want to pull out the tiger's teeth?

  The old man didn't want to blackmail Jialuo with this, because intuitively he felt that it would be best if the monster left. No matter where he went, it would be better if he was not in the South Country.

  But their king didn't think so.

  The king wants to catch that monster and use it to demand some compensation from Yan Xia.

  Emperor Yan is a reasonable leader of a big country. As long as they have concrete evidence, they will definitely compensate the Southern Kingdom.

  And the "tangible evidence" is that monster.

  "(Jialuo, I will give you a chance to make amends for your past mistakes.)"

  The king on the throne leaned on the backrest of the throne, tilted his neck, and looked down at Jialuo condescendingly.

  "(You call that monster and ask him to come to the South Country. You can think of the reasons yourself.)" "

  (I refuse.)"

  "(Don't refuse in a hurry.)" The king stroked the end of his beard with a cold smile.

  "(The day of the Poison Demon Spider Queen's sacrifice is coming soon. You don't want your parents, your sister's family, and your brother to be chosen, right?)" Jia Luo's

  body trembled, and the iron chain rang.

  She finally understood why this trial was so grand.

  She thought that a whipping would put the matter to rest.

  But she thought too simply.

  When this so-called "king" first heard about the appearance of the "monster", he just randomly sent a few teams of practitioners to investigate. He didn't care at all about the outcome, let alone the two dead young warriors.

  After knowing that the "monster" was born in Yanxia, ​​he suddenly paid so much attention to it.

  He wanted to catch the monster and take it to Emperor Yan to demand an explanation and compensation.

  If it were any other leader of a major country, he would not have such an idea, let alone dare to have such an idea.

  If Yan Xia were replaced by the Overlord, he would naturally not dare.

  However, Emperor Yan was kind and reasonable, and took great care of the surrounding small countries.

  The Emperor Realm expert from the Southern Kingdom was able to enter the Imperial Realm because of Emperor Yan's support.

  But because of this, this "king" breeds greed that he shouldn't have.


  Her breathing suddenly became much faster.

  She had witnessed Fang Hao's growth rate with her own eyes. He could continue to grow by swallowing strange beasts, and he also had a variety of extraordinary powers.

  She didn't tell anyone about the rapid growth of the sixth-level baby python and the seventh-level bull beast when she took Fang Hao to hunt them, and the king didn't know!
  As long as it can be delayed for a while, a month, it is not impossible for Fang Hao to grow into a beast king, let alone a beast king!
  No, Beastmaster is enough.

  This bullshit king is definitely no match for him!

  "(You know how nervous you are, which means you still have humanity.)" The king on the throne smiled softly and leaned forward again.

  "(Have you thought about it? Should you make that call?)"

  "(I'll fight.)" Jialuo lowered his head, "(Jialuo will obey the king's orders.)"

  The king saw her being so respectful and smiled with satisfaction.

  "(But please give me some time, your Majesty.)" Jia Luo continued to lower his head, "(We have agreed to contact each other only on the first of every month, because many times he is in the wild and cannot answer the phone.)" The King smiled

  . He froze, his eyes slightly cold.

  "(You want to delay?)"

  One month?

  Changes happen sooner rather than later.

  "(If the king doesn't believe it, I can fight now.)" "

  (Put her down.)"

  Jia Luo was quickly put down. He took the smartphone that had been prepared from the hand of the old man in Chinese clothes and added it to the address book. I found the number that I deleted and then restored.

  She pressed the call button and dialed the multinational number.

  "Hello? Who is this?"

  "Miss Lin? I'm Kaneki's friend Garo."

  "Oh, Garo, right? He told me about you, why did you come to Yanxia so soon?" "

  No, I I'm still in the South. I have something to tell him. Can you help me get in touch?" "

  Maybe not. He's going on an expedition to the sea this month. But he left a message saying that if you come to Yanxia, ​​I'll send someone to pick you up." Jia

  Luo He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the king on the throne.

  Although it was not turned on, the ears of a king-level expert were strong enough to hear clearly.

  The king narrowed his eyes and nodded.

  Jia Luo then said to Lin Yuzhen: "Okay, when he comes back, please ask him to contact me once and call this number." "


  The phone hung up and the king nodded with satisfaction: "(Jia Luo, what do you think of Nan Guo?" Loyalty, as well as loyalty to this king, I have realized. You should live in the palace first and talk to me more.)" He said he was satisfied, but in fact he wanted to imprison Jialuo. He didn't want Jialuo to be another one

  . Make phone calls to issue reminders or warnings.

  The old man in gorgeous clothes took the mobile phone from Jialuo's hand and made a gesture of invitation.

  Jialuo was relieved and left peacefully.

  Wait, then.

  When he comes, you will know what terror is.

  It’s okay not to want such a king!
  (End of chapter)

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