Chapter 68: Devouring flesh and blood, the power of a TM bear!

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  Chapter 68: Devouring flesh and blood, the power of a TM bear!

  On the southwest border, to the northwest is the Kunlun Mountains, and to the southwest is the intersection of Yanxia and the border between the two countries in the south.

  A long time ago, that place was a mixture of dragons and snakes, full of evil.

  There is no sin now.

  Because it has been occupied by alien beasts and has become a paradise for alien beasts.

  Since it is a no-nonsense zone, naturally no one will send troops or strong men to wipe out the alien beasts and take back the land.

  Moreover, the jungle area is suitable for the life of alien animals, but not suitable for human life.

  As a result, the place was gradually occupied by alien beasts, and now humans have been completely driven away.

  After decades of gestation, two beast kings were born in this area.

  A python, a spider.

  The python, known as the "overlord python", is hundreds of meters long and lives in a swamp.

  It has a bulky body but rough skin and thick flesh. Even heavy cannons cannot break its skin.

  The insect is called the "Poisonous Spider Queen" and lives in the Spider Jungle.

  It is small in size, with a trunk only over twenty meters long, but each of its eight legs is a hundred meters long. It is agile, cunning and cruel. It often runs out of its territory and goes to the southern villages to hunt and prey on humans.

  Fortunately, they didn't dare to go north and hunt and devour the people of Yanxia.

  The poisonous devil spider queen eats no more than ten people at a time, once a month, so the leader of the southern country turns a blind eye to its evil deeds.

  More than a hundred people dying a year is nothing for a country with a large population.

  However, the Poison Demon Spider Queen lays hundreds of eggs every year, and the poisonous demon spiders she gives birth to are naturally exotic beasts and are extremely valuable.

  The spider silk it spits out is also an excellent material for refining weapons and can be used to refine treasure clothes and ropes.

  These two beast kings nominally belong to the Southern Kingdom.

  Therefore, even if strong men in other countries want to eliminate harm for the people, they cannot find a suitable reason.

  If people themselves don’t take their citizens seriously, what can foreigners do?

  And there is no need to worry so much about foreigners’ affairs.

  There are many species living in the jungle, and there are also many types of exotic animals.

  If the South Country doesn't deal with it, it also wants to use this jungle to breed more king-level beasts to increase its national power.

  A small country doesn't have as much territory as a big country, so it doesn't dare to raise a beast king casually.

  The South Kingdom can raise two beast kings to continuously provide extraordinary resources because there are emperor-level experts sitting in charge.

  Only such a country is qualified to breed king-level beasts within its territory. Otherwise, sooner or later, the situation will overturn and the country will be destroyed by the beast king.

  Fang Hao controlled the clone to walk out of the house and go south.

  It's not that he wants to hunt the Beast King, he doesn't have the ability now.

  But the jungle environment in the south breeds many strange beasts. He can add [Soul Devouring] and [Flesh Devouring] to strengthen his soul and at the same time try to raise this clone as a strange beast.

  The jungle in the south cannot be controlled in the hot summer, and the southern country does not care, so it is very dangerous.

  As a Yanxia person entering this jungle, it is easy to be targeted and sneak attacked by practitioners and extraordinary people from the southern country.

  But compared with the embarrassment of encountering the hot summer people in the Kunlun Mountains, it is better to go to the jungle in the south, at least you don't have to hold back when fighting.

  "Swish, swish, swish"

  After entering the jungle, Fang Hao smelled the smell of corruption in the jungle and immediately felt like vomiting.

  He immediately took off against the wind and flew over the jungle.

  I didn't come here to survive in the wild, so there was no need to suffer those punishments.

  Being able to fly is a huge advantage at this stage, so he upgraded his [Wind Control] ability from D level to B level.

  [Ability Points-2000]

  [Supernatural ability [Wind Control] upgraded to C level! ]

  [Ability Points -5000]

  [Supernatural power [Wind Control] upgraded to B level!

  The effect of controlling the airflow has increased four to five times. When flying in the sky, it is more arbitrary and saves mental energy.

  Coupled with the previously unlocked [Spirit Strengthening] ability, the upper limit of mental power is increased to 160 points.

  Now Yufeng's flying speed is thirty to forty meters per second, which is more than a hundred kilometers per hour.

  Due to the existence of air resistance, the flight speed did not increase four or five times as much as the control effect, but only increased from more than ten meters per second to thirty or forty meters per second.

  However, the speed and power of condensing airflow into wind blades and gale tornadoes increased four to five times.


  He raised his hands and controlled the airflow to rotate around his body, immediately blowing up a strong wind of level 7 or 8.

  Although the area of ​​influence is not large, only a dozen meters in radius, this is because his mental strength is still low.

  When he reaches the king level, as soon as he raises his hand, a violent tornado will sweep across the earth, destroying everything.

  When you reach the imperial realm, you can even compete with the nature of heaven and earth.

  There was a powerful Emperor Realm man named "Wind God" who once fought against a tsunami with one person's power and protected an entire coastal city.

  Control the storm in a large area, which can destroy or protect.

  This is a "group" ability that extraordinary people from other departments generally do not possess.

  Therefore, the God of Wind received the title of "God of Wind" and was respected by the world.

  Foreign titles are different from those in Yanxia and surrounding countries. They prefer to be titled after "a certain god", such as the God of Fire, God of Wind, God of Water, etc.

  Or the title may be given directly to the name of the corresponding deity in myths and legends.

  Yanxia also has "Fire God Zhu Rong", who is another emperor-level strongman with fire-type powers besides Yandi.

  There is no way, they are all fire-type, and they can't be called Emperor Yan. Calling him Emperor Yan will also make people feel unworthy.

  There were only a few usable titles left, so we had to find another way.

  When you reach the Imperial Realm, the honorific title depends only on whether you want it or not. There is no way to say whether you are qualified or not.

  If the world doesn't give it to you, you can make one yourself.

  Of course, oneself will definitely not be as recognized as the world, but if you want to be recognized by the world, you must have great achievements or great fame.

  After walking in the wind above the jungle for a long time, Fang Hao finally spotted a strange beast with the help of a few stars.

  A big black bear with a body length of three to four meters, a big body and a round waist. It can be seen that its size is at the third level (equivalent to the third level of Zhenwu).

  Black bears have rough skin and thick flesh. When they were ordinary bears, it was difficult to kill them immediately with conventional firearms.

  Now he has become an extraordinary creature, the "Raging Black Bear", and has been promoted to the third level. His body is even stronger, and he can now ignore the shooting of conventional firearms, and it is difficult to kill with small bombs.

  Fang Hao looked at the violent black bear on the ground and couldn't help but flash a few expressions.

  "The power of a fucking bear!"

  "The bear people will never be slaves! Unless they eat and wrap them up!"

  If you use the [Flesh Devouring] ability to swallow the flesh and blood of this violent black bear, will you get the "power of a bear" "?
  When he was observing the violent black bear, the black bear also sensed his breath and looked up.


  The violent black bear roared, suddenly turned around, and ran into the dense forest behind it, stepping on dead branches and fallen leaves.


  Fang Hao was speechless.

  Where's your fucking bear's power?

  Where's your fucking rage?
  Why are you so cowardly?
  He harnessed the airflow to accelerate, whizzing past the dense forest.

  The raging black bear, a rough-skinned but slow-moving beast, was quite easy for him to deal with.

  Because he has many methods, he can always find a way to restrain himself.

  For example, fall in front of the violent black bear and use [Earth Control].

  [Ability Points-2000]

  [Extraordinary power [Earth Control] upgraded to C level! ]

  [Ability Points -5000]

  [Supernatural power [Earth Control] upgraded to B level!

  "Get up!"

  A one-meter-thick earth wall suddenly rose from the ground.

  The violent black bear couldn't brake in time and hit the wall. The wall immediately collapsed, but it also blocked the violent black bear for a moment.

  The real killer move is not a wall, but a quagmire!

  The mud behind the earth wall turned into mud, and the violent black bear that rushed over immediately got stuck in it.

  "Ho ho ho ho -"

  the violent black bear roared and struggled, but due to its inability to exert its strength, it sank deeper and deeper, with wet mud filling its mouth and nose.

  In environments such as quicksand and quagmire where there is nowhere to draw on, no matter how powerful the force is, it cannot be exerted. On the contrary, the greater the weight, the deeper the sinkage.

  Fang Hao used almost all his mental power to maintain the quagmire and bury the violent black bear entirely in it.

  I can't kill you, but I can drown you.

  add water!

  The surrounding water vapor immediately gathered and merged into the mire.

  Add more!

  Water vapor continuously merged into the mire, quickly turning the mire into a mud pool.

  Fang Hao, who used his superpower, felt that this muddy puddle was connected with his spirit and body. He felt turbid and blocked from the bottom of his heart, as if he had really turned into muddy water.

  It is said that when a super S-level elemental power is used in the Imperial Realm, the body will be "elementalized", greatly increasing the power and effect of the power.

  But if it lasts for too long, the elemental body will be unable to return to the physical body and will lose its "human" identity.

  The violent black bear suffocated and struggled for five minutes before it finally stopped moving.

  An ordinary black bear would have suffocated to death in just over a minute.

  Fang Hao was not careless and still maintained the mud pool. I just relaxed a little and didn't go all out like before.

  The raging black bear may have simply fainted from lack of oxygen.

  If you let him out now, he might wake up in a few moments. If you give him a bear's paw, he won't be able to resist it.

  So just keep drowning for another ten minutes, and you will die anyway.

  After waiting by the muddy pool for ten minutes, he used his [Earth Control] ability to push up the three-meter-long corpse of the violent black bear.

  The violent black bear has completely lost its vitality.

  Fang Hao steadied the ground, walked to the violent black bear's body, and placed his hands on its forehead, which was close to his shoulders.

  [Swallowing Soul] activates!
  The bear soul that had not yet dissipated was sucked into Fang Hao's body and turned into the purest soul power.

  An indescribable feeling of relief came from the bottom of his heart, making him excited.

  Is this "the ultimate pleasure from the soul"?
  It's a bit scary.

  It feels very addictive and impossible to quit.

  This is inevitably a bit scary.

  If someone in this world awakens to this extraordinary power, can they control it?
  I can’t say it’s not difficult, but it is indeed very difficult.

  When he devoured the soul of the parasite before, he was so focused on catching the spy that he did not experience this wonderful pleasure in detail.

  In addition, both arms were broken when the parasite struggled, and the pain covered up the pleasure.

  Now that he was carefully experiencing the wonderful taste of devouring his soul, he felt that his self-control might not be enough.

  Fortunately, there are many strange beasts in this world, and after all the ones on the shore, there are still a lot left in the sea.

  He glanced at the body of the violent black bear and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

  Although he was planning to use the [Flesh Devouring] power to devour this violent black bear.

  But, how to devour it specifically?

  Fur and skin, flesh and bones?
  After devouring it, will this clone turn into a bear?

  It’s useless to think too much, just try it out.

  It's a clone anyway, if it's too disgusting, just destroy it.

  He put his hands on the violent black bear's head and activated his ability [Flesh Devouring].

  He suddenly staggered and threw forward.

  It turned out that the flesh and blood of his hands had "melted" and merged into the flesh and blood of the violent black bear.

  A trace of blood flowed into his body along his hands, causing his muscles and bones to expand and strengthen rapidly.

  Those are the rich flesh and blood essence of the violent black bear!
  Fang Hao suddenly felt some discomfort in his mouth. When he lowered his eyes, he saw that his mouth and teeth were protruding forward.

  It seems that he is really going to become a "bear man".

  Don't be afraid, clone! Wander as you like!

  The huge body of the violent black bear quickly became shriveled and shrunken, and soon there was only a thick bear skin covering the skeleton.

  At this moment, Fang Hao has turned into a "bear man" standing upright and more than three meters tall.

  Tough black hair grew on its body, its head turned into a bear's head, and its hands and feet turned into bear paws.

  He turned completely into a "black bear"!
  Is this [flesh-devouring]?
  How terrible!

  He actually gained "bear power"!
  He felt that the power was four to five times stronger than before, and he couldn't help but raise his head and roar.


  Can the superpower still be used?

  He tried to control the airflow, but found that he could no longer fly.

  Has the superpower effect become weaker?
  No, it's not that the effect of the superpower has weakened, but that his body has become heavier!
  He opened the properties panel in his mind and looked at it.


  [Strength: 695 (Bear Transformation)]

  [Spirit: 180]


  The abilities in the ability list are the same, even [Energy Absorption] is there.

  Does this mean that the "Bear Man" clone absorbs radiation energy while basking in the sun four or five times faster than before?
  After all, this body is four to five times stronger than before.

  Keep hunting!

  See if the body will continue to change after devouring the flesh and blood of other alien beasts.

  According to the current trend, the more types of strange beasts that are likely to be swallowed, the weirder they will be!
  Now he only swallowed a violent black bear, so his body became a "bear man". After that, more exotic beasts of different races will be devoured, and different elements will merge with each other, and the body will only get weirder and weirder!
  Unfortunately, now my body has become heavier and I can no longer fly, so I can only run on the ground.

  Fortunately, [Wind Control] not only allows him to fly into the sky, but also turns him into a "wind ear".

  He closed his eyes, controlled the airflow calmly, let the wind carry the sounds from all directions, and listened quietly.

  Coupled with the beast's hearing and sense of smell, he quickly caught the unusual noise.

  He immediately landed on the ground with his forepaws and flew away on all fours in that direction.

  This movement of landing his forefoot and running forward on all fours was completely subconscious and seemed to be based on his body's instinct.

  This immediately alerted him.

  He gained the "bear body" by devouring flesh and blood, and thus gained the "bear instinct".

  But he is a human being at heart, and he cannot let his animal instincts swallow up his human rationality.

  So he immediately stood up and ran over with both feet.

  Fortunately, it is not a complete bear body, but a "bear man", and its legs are still very flexible.

  Soon after, he approached his hunting target.

  It is a black panther that goes out to hunt at night. After becoming extraordinary, it is called "Swift Shadow Leopard". It is as fast as a ghost.

  Fang Hao was pleasantly surprised.

  What a damn coincidence!

  Bear power!

  Leopard speed!

  This Swift Shadow Leopard is just the beast he needs!
  But the Swift Shadow Leopard had long sensed his approach, climbed up the tree early, and looked down at him coldly among the branches.

  Fang Hao looked up at it and secretly thought about countermeasures.

  The soil is out of reach.

  Unable to control the wind.

  What about unlocking a power that controls plant vines?

  In this jungle, this type of power is most suitable!

  There are still more than 20,000 ability points, which is enough!
  [Unlock plant control, D level]

  D level is not enough, upgrade to another level first.

  [Ability Points-2000]

  [Supernatural power [Plant Control] upgraded to C level! ]

  [Ability Points -5000]

  [Supernatural power [Plant Control] upgraded to B level! ]

  Fang Hao curled his lips, walked to the tree, and placed his palms on the trunk.

  The Swift Shadow Leopard on the tree was still looking down at him coldly, unaware of the approaching danger.

   (Bringing yesterday’s one) Thanks for reading without paying, Qing Xin Xin, Zhen Xing Na, The Starry Sky and the Ocean, Whose Ouch is Weird, Happy Handsome Fatty, Little Gray Machine II, The Blessed Generals of the Mythical Three Kingdoms, Wen Wenhao, Book Friends 20221123140920004, King Ao Guang, Wangyue in Red Mansions, Book Friends 20181224014341861, Book Friends 20220706204923555, Dawn Watcher, Come Come~, Li Xiaoshang’s Legendary Friends, 0541148, Mobei Kuangzu, Wu Nian_Ab and other big guys Monthly ticket, thank you for your support~
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  (End of this chapter)

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