Chapter 58 The Last Fortress of Hot Summer

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  Chapter 58: The Last Fortress of Hot Summer
  "He wants to visit the base, right?"

  Luo Wenjing saw that Zhou Yuqing saw it, and nodded: "Yes. But this is illegal, right? If he says no, forget it, and he doesn't want to It involves secrets."

  Zhou Yuqingxin said that you have the highest authority, and you are also involved in Mao's secrets.

  Seeing that Luo Wenjing didn't seem to know much about Fang Hao, he didn't say that Emperor Yan had agreed to this outrageous request.

  It seems that Luo Wenjing doesn't know what kind of immortal she is protecting.

  "It's okay to visit." He smiled, "But he has to change into researcher's clothes. I'll call a few researchers with high authority to take you to visit." Seeing

  his agreement, Luo Wenjing couldn't help being shocked and said: "This Are you okay?"

  "Okay." Zhou Yuqing nodded.

  "Then I don't have to go, right?" Luo Wenjing frowned, "With you here, I don't need to protect him."

  Although she was heartbroken, she knew the rules.

  Just because Fang Hao can visit the base doesn't mean she can too.

  Her duty is only to protect.

  "What if you don't go?" Zhou Yuqing was shocked, "You have to come together to help block him!"

  Luo Wenjing thought about it and nodded.


  But this made her feel even more upset.

  It's not because he wants to act as a shield for Fang Hao, but because he actually knows the least about this "younger brother".

  Have higher authority than yourself.

  Can chat privately with Song Yuanzheng.

  To receive such a strange mission.

  But she was kept in the dark, didn't know anything, and didn't even dare to ask due to confidentiality regulations.

  Now Zhou Yuqing actually agreed to Fang Hao's outrageous request to visit the base, and even took the initiative to disguise him. He obviously knew more than she did.

  She was obviously the person Fang Hao was closest to and spent the longest time with.

  Why does she act like an idiot and don't know anything?

  This feeling of being excluded by everyone, even by Fang Hao, is really uncomfortable.

  "Give him this set of clothes to change into. This is the ID you just made." Zhou Yuqing handed over an unopened uniform bag and a book of ID.

  "After changing, ask the guard at the door to take you to my office."

  "Yes!" Luo Wenjing saluted and took the bag, sighed in her heart, and turned around to enter the lounge.

  Fang Hao was lying on the bed with his eyes closed to relax.

  Luo Wenjing came in and put her pockets beside the bed and said with a smile: "Put on these clothes. General Zhou agrees with you to visit the base. However, your identity as a second lieutenant officer is too eye-catching, so you have to change to a researcher." Fang Hao said

  . He opened his pocket and took out the researcher's uniform.

  "This is your ID." Luo Wenjing handed him the ID.

  Fang Hao picked up the certificate and looked at it.

  So considerate that you even prepared his ID for him?
  Atomic Energy Researcher III.

  "Sister, what is the level of a third-level researcher?"

  Luo Wenjing also took the certificate and looked at it, and smiled: "It is equivalent to the deputy department level, deputy mayor level."

  "More generous than Lao Song." Fang Hao couldn't help laughing. , began to unbutton the military uniform.

  Luo Wenjing turned around and walked out of the room, temporarily avoiding it.

  A few minutes later, Fang Hao changed his clothes and came out.

  He wears the certificate of a third-level researcher on the chest of his white coat. He is tall and handsome, and he is still handsome.

  "General Zhou asked you to go to his office after you change."

  "Then let's go." "Yeah."

  There are already four researchers wearing the same uniform waiting in Zhou Yuqing's office, all of whom are first- and second-level senior officers. guy.

  The four bosses have all been told by Zhou Yuqing to only give answers and not ask questions. Even if they ask questions and argue, they can only be limited to the four of them.

  Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to ask questions that would embarrass the “leader”.

  After getting ready, Zhou Yuqing personally led the team, leading Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing to visit the entire base.

  Luo Wenjing was still wearing the alloy armor and helmet.

  She just wants others to not know who she is and be curious about her, so that they won't pay attention to Fang Hao who is among the four big guys.

  The projects studied in the research base are all confidential, and many are even top secret.

  But Emperor Yan's word "Xing" means that whether it is confidential or top secret, as long as Fang Hao wants to visit, Zhou Yuqing can take him to visit.

  Since there is Emperor Yan’s approval, there are no restrictions.

  Zhou Yuqing simply took Fang Hao around the entire base.

  This base was originally built as the "last fortress in hot summer", so all facilities are complete.

  Although it is built in the desert, there is abundant underground water, so there is no need to worry about water sources.

  With water, electricity, and food all in one package, survival is not a problem even if this is a desert.

  In that era when alien beasts were raging, the harsh environment of the desert could not even allow alien beasts to stay, so the desert became the best safe haven for humans.

  The Yan Emperor, Overlord, Stone Emperor and others who were selected as the Fire Seeds practiced and grew up in this base until they entered the Imperial Realm and were born, establishing the overall situation in one fell swoop.

  When the path to the extraordinary true martial arts was first developed a hundred years ago, the pioneers were limited by the dangerous environment of the time when alien beasts invaded, the country was invaded, and they themselves were divided. They did not have much time and energy to refine their true energy and develop their internal strength.

  They can only focus on strengthening their body cells, and constantly break through the limits to make their bodies stronger and larger, trying their best to increase their combat power in the shortest possible time, so as to protect their home and country.

  But this "giant" route is extremely difficult to reach the king level (the tenth level of Zhenwu), let alone the emperor level. The advantage is that he is physically strong, and at the ninth level of Zhenwu, he has combat power comparable to that of a king-level warrior at that time.

  It's just a pity that I still can't compete with the beast king-level alien beasts that "eat, eat, eat, eat". Not to mention that there are Beast King-level alien beasts wreaking havoc, and not even the Emperor-level experts dare to provoke them.

  There are also "ninjas" from the Kamikaze Empire who are good at sneak attacks and assassinations. They continue to assassinate, harass and destroy.

  In addition, the country was divided at that time, civil strife was difficult to quell, and fighting continued.

  The "Giant" route can only cultivate up to the tenth level of Zhenwu. It can provide emergency relief, but it cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

  So the pioneers at that time selected a hundred young people with the best talents and gave them their developed or unfinished internal skills so that they could become fire types.

  The pioneers themselves take the "giant" route to break through quickly, advance to the ninth or tenth level of Zhenwu as quickly as possible, and rush to the front line as quickly as possible.

  The talented young people like Emperor Yan are not in a hurry to break through and improve their realm. Instead, they refine their internal skills, condense and accumulate their true energy, improve their internal skills and visualization methods, and silently accumulate strength.

  However, due to the urgent war situation at that time, ninety-four of the hundred people were forced to leave the mountain early after reaching the king level (the tenth level of Zhenwu). By the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, only five were left.

  Counting the six people who stayed until the end, including Emperor Yan, Emperor Ba, Emperor Shi, and Emperor Ming, only eleven out of a hundred people made it to Jianguo.

  Four of the five who returned from the front were seriously injured during the war. Although they survived until the founding of the People's Republic of China, they died early one after another.

  The only one left is Song Yuanzheng, who broke through the imperial realm and is still alive today.

  His real name is not "Yuanzheng".

  Needless to say why it was changed to this name.

  Although he broke through to the Imperial Realm, he did not dare to use the power of the Imperial Realm easily because of the heavy injuries he suffered in his early years and the excessive loss of vitality.

  The Overlord was so cruel to the "Kamikaze Empire" and even broke the embankment and destroyed the dam at the expense of notoriety, not just because of national hatred.

  It was also because most of the young people who came out early at that time were assassinated by those ninjas in sneak attacks, and the casualty rate was much higher than normal casualties.

  If the cannon can't kill the flies, then just blow up the base camp!
  After visiting various facilities and being explained by four senior researchers, both Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing benefited a lot.

  After the visit, it was already five o'clock in the morning.

  It's time to go to the nuclear blast site.

  (End of chapter)

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