Chapter 45 The third emperor in Yanxia, ​​Stone Emperor

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  Chapter 45 The third emperor in Yanxia, ​​Stone Emperor
  Fang Hao walked into Song Yuanzheng’s office, and Luo Wenjing closed the two heavy iron doors behind him.

  Song Yuanzheng was looking through a photo album with a sad look on his face.

  Everyone in this photo album is a pillar of the country.

  It just so happened that there was a traitor and a traitor here, and he had been treasonous for ten years and leaked countless secrets.

  He didn't understand that as top experts, the treatment given by the country was extremely high, and they also tried their best to train them in Zhenwu Dao, striving to make these people become king-level experts and live to be strong and healthy over a hundred years.

  Why are there traitors among these people?
  What is the picture?
  Or was he inadvertently controlled by a [telepathy] person from the enemy country?

  He only hoped that the traitor was mind-controlled and not for any other reason.

  Fang Hao walked to the desk and sat down. He handed over the photo album, his eyebrows still furrowed.

  "These are photos of everyone in that department, take a look."

  Fang Hao used [Psychic Power] to quickly look through the album, then stopped quickly and returned the album.

  Song Yuanzheng looked at the person in the photo and suddenly closed his eyes.

  He took a slow, deep breath, opened his eyes again, and looked at the photo. His already old face seemed to have aged ten years.

  "It's this person." Fang Hao said, and then asked: "Special status?"

  Song Yuanzheng nodded and covered the photo album.

  After a moment of silence, he said bitterly: "His name is Shi Youzhi, and he is the fourth generation grandson of Emperor Shi. He has no reason to treason. He must have been controlled by his mind." "Probably." Fang Hao nodded


  Shihuang is the third emperor-level expert in Yanxia.

  It is no exaggeration to say that he has made great contributions to the development and spread of Zhenwu Taoism.

  Because the Stone King's extraordinary power is [Earth God] (Earth Control is upgraded to Super S to become Earth God), he used the power to develop and create a large number of "visualization stone carvings".

  Moreover, the manufacturing technology is disclosed for free, allowing various extraordinary sects around the world to develop rapidly.

  The function of visualizing the stone carvings is the same as Luo Wenjing's spiritual connection with him, allowing him to quickly learn the "Golden Crow Concept", which greatly reduces the difficulty and cost for ordinary people to get started.

  Therefore, the Stone Emperor is a great contributor to the entire Yanxia, ​​and even the entire world.

  But his great-grandson turned out to be a traitor?
  And you have been rebelling for ten years?

  You kid had better be controlled by your mind, otherwise Stone Emperor's old face will be completely disgraced by you.

  From the perspective of the upper level, no matter whether the great-grandson of the Stone Emperor is mind-controlled or not, he can only be mind-controlled.

  Because neither the upper class nor the people can bear the bad impact of this incident.

  Of course, this kind of matter would be handled secretly and would not be widely spread.

  How to reduce the negative impact as much as possible depends on how the upper-level officials like Song Yuanzheng operate.

  For example, ask the parents and relatives to call the kid home, and then seize, imprison and interrogate him at home or on the road. This way, the fewest people will know that this guy is treasonous, and the negative impact will be minimized.

  Fang Hao told Song Yuanzheng some details, such as the location of the community, room number, human skin mask, etc., which gave him a clear idea.

  With this "extra" information, the kid's psychological defenses can be broken through more quickly during interrogation.

  After all, he is a descendant of the Stone Emperor, and he doesn't respect the Stone Emperor enough by using his [telepathy] ability as soon as he comes up.

  At least we must first have real evidence before we can silence the Shi family.

  "Thank you for your help to Yan Xia."

  "I'll go back if I have nothing else to do."

  Song Yuanzheng closed his eyes and nodded slowly, showing the visible fatigue on his slightly old face.

  Regardless of whether Shi Youzhi was mind-controlled or not, the leaks and damage caused are an established fact.

  The country will never be able to use him again in the future, and the only thing waiting for him is to lose his cultivation and be imprisoned for life.

  Because the influence of "mind control" is elusive and elusive, and he knows too many secrets, it is impossible to let him return to the Shi family for retirement. If his relevant memories are deleted, it may have an irreversible impact on his personality and spirit, turning a normal person into a madman.

  Moreover, letting him go would easily expose and spread the idea that he was a traitor, and discredit the Stone Emperor.

  Therefore, the only option is to imprison him for the rest of his life.

  What if, instead of being mind-controlled, he actively committed treason?
  That would be a shame to the entire Stone Royal family.

  Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing left the headquarters together and returned to the courtyard.

  "Teach me actual combat." Fang Hao said.

  "Is it too early?" Luo Wenjing frowned.

  Fang Hao smiled and said: "There is no need for special powers. Practice unarmed combat first to lay a solid foundation."

  Unarmed combat is still very important, it is the last insurance.

  Although with his many powers, it is not easy to fall into a dilemma that requires bare-handed combat, but he is prepared.

  Basically, all extraordinary people (including practitioners) start from practicing with bare hands.

  When you have almost mastered it, you can choose a weapon that is handy and practice weapon martial arts.

  The specific kind of weapon depends on whether it is used against humans or strange animals.

  Extraordinaries like those in the army and police mainly target people, so they mainly use light and medium-sized weapons and pay more attention to speed and reaction.

  When dealing with alien beasts, because alien beasts are generally larger than humans, and beast kings are as tall as mountains, they mainly use heavy weapons and piercing weapons, and pay more attention to the lethality of a single attack.

  Regardless of whether you are fighting against humans or strange beasts, you must first master the skills of unarmed combat.

  Luo Wenjing taught him actual combat, such as grappling, boxing moves, etc., while sparring with him to help him familiarize himself with routines and techniques.

  With such a devoted king-level expert giving one-on-one guidance, and with his own high level of understanding and mental strength, he naturally learned quickly.

  For the next few days, nothing special happened on either side.

  So, ten days passed.

  My parents closed the small restaurant in the suburbs and used gold bars in exchange for more than 8 million to open a mid-range restaurant in the city center.

  The two-story hall totals more than 200 square meters. Exquisite and elegant wooden screens are used to separate semi-private dining spaces, which is suitable for couples to date and dinner parties of less than four people.

  The dishes served are not just home-cooked dishes, but more exquisite side dishes and desserts. The portions are not large, but absolutely elegant.

  It's easy to lose money if you open a traditional home-cooked restaurant in the city center.

  Because white-collar workers in the city center usually eat takeout, not many people eat in stores anymore. The takeaway platform will take away profits. If you want to make money, you can only reduce costs and use pre-made dishes and semi-finished dishes.

  This pressure is no different from other takeout restaurants. The competition is fierce and it is easy to be squeezed out. It is better to continue to open your own small restaurant.

  Since they had more than 8 million yuan in capital and Fang Hao was not short of money, the couple decided to let go and move into the high end.

  Fang Hao's suggestion is to open a high-end restaurant directly, with high-end wine and high-end ingredients. Anyway, there is no shortage of money.

  However, the couple felt that they lacked experience in business management, so it would be better to accumulate some experience in the mid-range business before moving on to the high-end business.

  Therefore, the two chose to start from this kind of petty bourgeoisie restaurant that "focuses on dining atmosphere" to attract couples, lovers and white-collar workers to dine in the restaurant.

  This mid-range restaurant is six or seven times larger than the original small restaurant, and it looks much taller.

  They don't know much about business.

  But they understand diners.

  Once the atmosphere of the restaurant is improved and the ingredients and cooking skills are improved, I believe the business will get better and better.

  In a few days, when Zhenwu Academy starts school, the restaurant will be decorated and enough people will be recruited to officially open it.

  (End of chapter)

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