Chapter 43 The Dragon Club is gone

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  Chapter 43 The Dragon Club is gone.

  More than an hour has passed in the flashback, but only more than a minute has passed in reality.

  Fang Hao opened his eyes, smiled and nodded to Song Yuanzheng, who looked a little nervous.

  "I found it, but I only saw the face. Prepare the photos of that department and I will point them out for you."

  Song Yuanzheng was happy, but he couldn't help but frown when he heard this request.

  Fang Hao smiled and said: "You can mix in many photos of unrelated people, and I only need to see the photos, and you don't need to give me other information."

  Song Yuanzheng's old face twitched, and he hurriedly smiled: "Thank you for understanding, this kind of confidential information I can't make the decision alone, give me a day."

  Fang Hao's suggestion was very good, and he could understand the respect behind Fang Hao's suggestion.

  He also knew that if Fang Hao really wanted to know Yan Xia's secrets, it would be impossible for them to hide it.

  Fang Hao didn't pry into Yan Xia's secret simply because it was unnecessary and it was a waste of energy.

  "If there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

  "Okay, come back tomorrow night."

  "Okay." Fang Hao nodded, picked up the document bag containing his documents and certificates, stood up and left.

  Song Yuanzheng watched Fang Hao walk out of the office and left with Luo Wenjing, showing a wry smile.

  He did not inform other Emperor Realm experts of Fang Hao's "true identity" to avoid causing complications.

  But now he relies on Fang Hao's "supernatural power" to catch the traitor. The more times he does it, the more he does it, it will definitely attract the attention of others.

  Every time he catches me so accurately, others are not fools, so they will definitely come and ask.

  Publicly or privately, he should not conceal Fang Hao's existence from his superiors, but this was only from Yan Xia's perspective, what if it was from Fang Hao's perspective?

  Does Fang Hao want to get in touch with other top people in Yanxia?
  He could not guarantee that every Emperor Realm expert in Yanxia would be able to coexist peacefully with Fang Hao like him.

  After thinking about it, he decided to only tell Emperor Yan about Fang Hao in advance.

  Emperor Yan has a gentle temperament and will not engage in any extreme behavior, which can also pave the way for future cooperation.

  The other emperor-level powerful men in power should take it slow and take their time.

  Fang Hao will not leave this world so soon, and they still have a lot of time to communicate with this "god".

  Moreover, if Emperor Yan is not told, he will not be able to get information about the nuclear explosion in time, which will easily cause Fang Hao to miss it, and the cooperative relationship will also have problems by then.

  This required him to go back to the capital in person and communicate with Emperor Yan in person.

  So he picked up the red microphone on the table.

  "Pick up Emperor Yan."

  After receiving Emperor Yan's permission, he picked up the black microphone on the table.

  "Ask Li Shuhao to come to my office."

  Soon after, a military plane flew out of the military camp and headed northeast.

  Early next morning.

  The two clones in the military camp and at home were basking in the sun as always, while Fang Hao's real body appeared in Zhao Dalong's landscape villa.

  After three days of sorting out, Lin Yuzhen had prepared the industry information of Youlonghui and took him over to check it out.

  Zhao Dalong and the two key people he met a few days ago were also present.

  The middle-aged man is the financial manager, named Qi Jiade, and has been with Zhao Dalong for 12 years.

  The young man's name is Xiang Ning. He has a wide network of contacts and is responsible for various liaisons and negotiations, and sells some things that are not easy to sell.

  Those victims who have been harmed by Youlonghui, and those who are currently harmed by Youlonghui, have received multiple compensations, which can be regarded as atonement from Youlonghui.

  Those informal industries were also divested by Lin Yuzhen.

  Sell ​​those that can be sold, close those that cannot be sold, and then sell the land later.

  After Youlonghui divested himself of the illegal industry, although his muscles and bones were not damaged, his vitality was also severely damaged.

  At present, the main business is wine and hotels, and nightclubs, discos and other industries have been sold.

  The latter two industries were not unscrupulous, but they were too easy to become unscrupulous. Lin Yuzhen was too lazy to rectify them, so he simply sold them and concentrated on the wine and hotel business from now on.

  Without nightclubs and discos, and no more lending, the gang of young men maintained by Youlonghui will have no use for them. Lin Yuzhen selected a dozen who had not committed any crime and kept them to form a security department, and dismissed all the others.

  Finally, there is the "Youlong Club" itself.

  Now that we are going ashore, we can no longer bear this name.

  Otherwise, no matter how big the business is in the future, it will still not have a good impression in the eyes of others.

  Therefore, Lin Yuzhen hopes that Fang Hao can completely dissolve Youlonghui, use the existing assets of Youlonghui to create a group company, and only do serious business in the future.

  After collective deliberation, Fang Hao finally made the decision and agreed to Lin Yuzhen's request.

  The dissolution of the Youlong Club can be announced to the outside world through various channels.

  The asset allocation is Lin Yuzhen 55%, Zhao Dalong 10%, Zhao Dakui 5%, leaving 30% for investment.

  Fang Haoming does not hold shares on the surface, but the shares of Lin Yuzhen and the Zhao brothers can be said to be his. It just depends on whether he wants to take them.

  Zhao Dalong originally thought that he would not get a hair, but he did not expect to get 10% of the shares. He couldn't help but sigh.

  Fang Hao could obviously take them all.

  He actually gave him 10%, which is almost 100 million, and it will appreciate in value in the future, which is worthy of him.

  After all, he and Zhao Dakui had thought about killing Fang Hao and the Fang family, and Fang Hao had no problem using them as slaves.

  It really surprised him to get 10% of the shares now.

  Neither Liu Hong nor the other two key members received any shares.

  But Liu Hong became the head of the group's security department and received 15 million in support from Zhao Dalong, making a lot of money.

  He was going to spend 10 million to invest in it and get some shares. After all, it was only a matter of time before this group developed.

  Qi Jiade still manages finance and is hired as the group's financial director.

  Xiang Ning became the sales director of the wine industry because of his wide connections, wild approach, and eloquence.

  The two of them also secretly decided to pool their money to be the first to buy shares, keeping some thoughts in mind.

  The group company was finally named "Haoran". This righteous name represented their complete separation from the past of Youlonghui.

  After the meeting ended, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  After cleaning up, you can travel lightly, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

  Of course, if someone finds out about their dark history, they may still go to jail. This depends on whether they have done a good enough job in dealing with the aftermath.

  "Where is Zhao Dakui?" Fang Hao asked.

  Lin Yuzhen narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "I went to see Zhao Zhijie with his ex-wife."

  Fang Hao's heart tightened.

  Anyway, that's a mother who lost her only child.

  But he will not feel guilty or blame himself for this, because Zhao Zhijie is completely seeking his own death.

  If Zhao Zhijie hadn't been so mean-mouthed and stabbed him, he wouldn't have been the first to go to hell.

  If he hadn't paid back, or hadn't become so strong, what Zhao Zhijie said would have come true.

  His mother and sister will become the playthings of the Youlong Club, and their lives will be worse than death.

  If Zhao Dalong hadn't recognized the situation, surrendered in time, and came to sue for peace early the next morning, the rest of the Youlong Club would have been buried in the same body as Zhao Zhijie.

  "His ex-wife is also a cultivator?"

  Lin Yuzhen looked at Zhao Dalong.

  Zhao Dalong shook his head hurriedly: "No, she is just a bad-tempered shrew."

  A cold light flashed in his eyes.

  In order to prevent the former sister-in-law from taking revenge and harming Fang Hao and his family in the future, it is better for her and Zhao Zhijie to reunite mother and son in the underworld.

  Let's do it tonight!
  Together with his brother Zhao Dakui, he brought arms and explosives, enough to send her on the road!
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  (End of this chapter)

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