Chapter 2 Unlock the power: predict the future!

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  Chapter 2 Unlock the power: predict the future!
  Liu Hong opened the courtyard door and walked in. He was a big man over two meters tall with an extremely majestic build.

  How majestic is it?
  His arms are as thick as Fang Hao's waist, and he has the aura of a Taishan giant.

  This is a "cultivator".

  They are those people who have not awakened their natural supernatural abilities, but have mastered the extraordinary power through practicing true martial arts.

  Although the bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

  But in the early stages of true martial arts (level one to level three), the size advantage is still very large, and weight can be converted into strength.

  It's just that in the later stages of Zhenwu (seventh level and above), being too large becomes a flaw. Because Zhenwu practitioners at that time were generally strong enough and focused more on speed and explosive power. Those with bulky bodies could easily keep up with their reactions, but their bodies could not keep up.

  "I heard that you went out to travel?" Liu Hong came to Fang Hao and frowned.

  "Are you awake?"

  When we met last month, Fang Hao was still a skinny monkey less than 1.6 meters tall.

  But after only one month, Fang Hao turned into a super sportsman who is over 1.8 meters tall, strong but well-proportioned.

  There could be no other reason other than awakening the supernatural power of the physical strengthening system.

  "Who did you listen to?" Fang Hao put his hands behind his head and lay back on the grass.

  "Move to the side, blocking me from the sun."

  Liu Hong took two steps to the side and sat down in the upper right corner of Fang Hao.

  "What power have you awakened? What level?"

  Extraordinary powers are divided into strengths and levels.

  Starting from the weakest and most useless level F, there are eight levels in total: E, D, C, B, A, S, and Super S.

  Fang Hao frowned and did not answer.

  You, a thug who helps a tyrant, ask me these questions. Do you want me to be a thug with you?
  "This is the last year." Liu Hong looked at him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "I'm doing it for your own good and want to give you a good way out.

  If your family can't afford the two million principal, your mother, your sister, and yourself will all be in trouble."

  Fang Hao has a big image . He was so handsome that he couldn't help but be jealous.

  There are quite a few rich women who like this model - no, it should be said that they are the most.

  Fang Hao closed his eyes, took a deep breath slowly, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

  It's okay, no disaster.

  The worst case scenario is to expose yourself to the authorities and turn yourself in. Let’s see who of you still dares to touch my family.

  Maybe the officials will directly take the blame for your Dragon Club because of me.

  "You want to pretend to be a good person in front of me?"

  He finally spoke, but he still didn't open his eyes and just sneered.

  "Save it, my family has repaid almost four million in the past ten years, and still owes two million in principal.

  How do you think you are related to good people?"

  Liu Hong was silent for a moment, but smiled and said:
  "This These are the rules of this world.

  Your parents want you to live, but the bank refuses to lend them money, so they can only borrow money from us, Youlonghui.

  From the perspective of priceless life, the money we loaned allowed you to survive. , your family should pay whatever amount you deserve."

  Fang Hao is only 14 years old this year, but he is an adult inside and will not be affected by this fallacy.

  "You only lent money to make more money, not to save my life.

  You can deceive others with your excuses, but don't deceive yourself."

  Liu Hong's face darkened, but he could not refute.

  Doing the same thing with different intentions will indeed make a qualitative difference.

  If they were to save Fang Hao's life, they would not be able to lend two million, but they would have to ask Fang Hao's family to pay back six to seven million.

  "If you are willing to join, the repayment can be postponed for a few more years." He simply stopped pretending and said directly: "The level of your awakened power should be quite high. Our boss will appreciate you very much. You will perform well in the future. , maybe we will directly forgive you this debt."

  From his point of view, Fang Hao has undergone such a big change in just one month, and he can confirm two pieces of information.

  One is the extraordinary power of the physical strengthening system.

  The second is, at least B level.

  Although B-level supernatural powers are still far from the top of the pyramid, they are still considered to be on the second or third level.

  Of course, this refers to the grown-up B-class transcendent.

  In this world, genius is worthless.

  Because there is still a long way to go between "genius" and "strong".

  A genius who dies on the way is worthless.

  If you want to truly stand at the top of the pyramid, talent, resources, background, wisdom, and even luck are all indispensable.

  Now he is providing "resources" and "background" to Fang Hao, who has "talent".

  He hoped that Fang Hao would have the "wisdom" to accept his proposal.

  Otherwise, Fang Hao would probably die due to "luck".

  A genius who dies on the way is worthless. Youlonghui is not a vegetarian. If the debts are not repaid, they will use people to pay them, and if the people are gone, they will sell their bodies.

  Now that Fang Hao has awakened extraordinary powers, the president, Zhao Dalong, is even less likely to miss it and will definitely try his best to use it for his own purposes.

  Just like how I conquered him in the first place.

  Not convinced?
  Youlonghui is not a vegetarian.

  "For the sake of saving my life with your money, I will pay you back."

  Fang Hao still said lightly without opening his eyes.

  "Now, please get out of my house."

  Liu Hong frowned.

  He gritted his teeth, stood up, and snorted coldly.

  "I hope you can still be so tough when the deadline comes."

  He has seen too many tough guys.

  But hard bones without strength will only be broken into countless broken bones.

  Fang Hao ignored him.

  Now that I am still young, there is no point in speaking harshly and will only anger these villains.

  Being able to scold someone with the word "go away" is already the limit.

  Liu Hong turned around and walked out of the courtyard, closing the door behind him.

  He stood outside the courtyard gate and looked at Fang Hao in the courtyard, his eyes a little complicated, as if he saw himself in the past.

  "If you change your mind, you can contact me at any time."

  He took out a white business card from his pocket, fluttered it in, and inserted it on the grass next to Fang Hao's ear.

  "As someone who has been through this, I admire your courage, but the reality is extremely cruel.

  Don't wait until your family is humiliated to realize that you are incapable of fighting against those you can't afford to offend.

  If you regret it by then, it will be too late. "

  Fang Hao opened his eyes slightly and glanced at him one last time.

  "I don't have any ability, and I don't want to cause trouble.

  After paying back the money, I hope you will never appear in front of me and my family. "

  Otherwise, I don't mind giving you a ride!
  Liu Hong just thought that he was a proud young man and turned away without getting angry.

  Fang Hao didn't get angry either and continued to search for suitable extraordinary powers.

  This is a person who can be extraordinary . world.

  What about the mortals who are transcended?
  The extraordinary ones have everything, but what about the other way around?

  Doesn’t it mean that mortals can easily have everything taken away by the extraordinary ones?
  Even though Yanxia officials have always maintained a high-pressure attitude towards extraordinary people who do evil and involve themselves in gangs, but you, an ordinary person , do you dare to fight to the death with an extraordinary person?

  This is a very real question.

  When the extraordinary person who bullies you stands in front of you, looking at you with a smile.

  The police also stand in front of you, looking at you seriously .

  Do you dare to argue your case?
  Not many people dare. This is the reality.

  Because a transcendent person may - and can - kill your whole family at any time!

  Even if he is brought to justice in the end and sentenced to death.

  What about you? ? Where

  is your family?
  Can they survive?
  Killing is just the most crude and mindless gangster method.

  The more advanced method is to coerce and induce, forcing your whole family to give in under heavy pressure and use your body and organs to earn money for him. To make money, he sold everything he could to pay off his debts.

  If it hadn't been for that illness, his family would never have to deal with those extraordinary people lending money in his life.

  But when he got sick, his parents took out a loan to save him, and they agreed to pay it off in ten years. .

  This year is the last year.

  After browsing, Fang Hao finally selected a supernatural power.

  [Predict the future]!
  Special power, no level, can consume 1000 ability points to predict, and can specify approximate goals or events.

  It takes 10,000 ability points to unlock, which is enough. It is better

  to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

  Unlock this precognition ability first so that you can know where there will be nuclear explosions in the future, and then go for it.

  And use it in other situations in the future. It’s a good place.

  [Unlock Future Prediction]

  There are more than 3,000 ability points left. Do you want to predict the future first?
  Give it a try.

  He closed his eyes and imagined the scene of a nuclear explosion mushroom cloud.

  (End of this chapter)

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