Chapter 112 Kill the Beast King alone

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  Chapter 112:
  The fact that Fang Hao, the Beast Emperor, was killed alone and went to the Fu family was not known to more people.

  It was around three o'clock in the afternoon when Fu Junzhang was sent back to the hotel. Fu Junzhang had planned to cook some food at home and treat Fang Hao and Wen Zilong to lunch.

  But something unexpected happened, and he couldn't keep Fang Hao anymore.

  So we held a banquet in the hotel and made up for this lunch.

  The second round of competition has been completed in the morning, and all the students returned to the hotel in the afternoon.

  The seven deans wanted to ask Fang Hao to mentor the top students in their colleges. After hearing Wen Zilong say three million an hour, they all thought he was joking.

  Wen Zilong said seriously that it was not a joke and told them what happened.

  After listening to it, the seven deans all said that the story was so realistic that a book could be published.

  The title of the book is "Am I Crazy?" Or are the students I teach crazy? "Bar.

  "If you want to refuse, just refuse. We are embarrassed to always take advantage of your students." "It's

  really hard for you to make up such a story." "

  Forget it, we have done our best as deans. It is your obligation to not bother others all the time."

  "Yes, the rest should be left to the students themselves, who should pay the tuition fees."

  Wen Zilong could only respond silently.

  If he hadn't experienced it personally, he would have had the same reaction and thought it was a made-up story.

  But this is good, as it can persuade these deans to quit.

  Fang Hao has no obligation to help students from other colleges improve their combat effectiveness, and neither do those from this college.

  He is just the martial arts class representative of Class 1, Grade 1, and has some obligations to the classmates in Class 1.

  He has done his duty and done more without expecting anything in return.

  No matter which dean he is, he is not qualified to let him spend more time and energy for free.

  Fang Hao returned to the room after lunch and found that Lu Qianjun was also there, lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

  "You're not going to the training room today?"

  "I regret going yesterday." Lu Qianjun exhaled, "You're so awesome. During the game in the morning, even my opponent asked me if I could help with an introduction. I offered him 10,000 yuan for an introduction. Fee."

  "You didn't agree?" Fang Hao was speechless and went to lie down on the deck chair on the balcony and continued to bask in the sun.

  "How could I betray my brother for ten thousand yuan?" Lu Qianjun sneered.

  "You have to pay more, right?" Fang Hao chuckled and closed his eyes on the recliner.

  "It's okay to increase it to one million." Lu Qianjun was swiping his phone and suddenly stared at the screen.

  "Fang Hao, hurry up and take a look at the news on your phone! I sent it to you!"

  Fang Hao frowned and opened his eyes, took out his phone and looked at it, his frown became even tighter.

  The headline of the news is "The Queen powerfully kills the Sea Beast King Leviathan as one of the treats at the December banquet!" 》.

  This is the Queen showing her absolute strength to reduce mankind's will to resist.

  The highest level of diplomacy is to show absolute force!

  Unquestionable and despairing absolute force!

  When I clicked on the news, the first photo was of a cetacean king as big as a mountain. Its outer skin had become armored and turned gray, much like the "Kun" in the famous advertisement from a previous life.

  Here, it's named "Leviathan," after the gigantic monster from the Bible.

  A beast king in the sea was killed by the queen alone!

  This is something that humans today are absolutely unable to do, not even the Overlord.

  In the news, there is also a high-definition video of the battle between the Queen and the Sea Beast King Leviathan, which completely records her entire process from discovery to killing Leviathan.

  In order to ensure that the Imperial Realm banquet in December was carried out in the most perfect condition, she specially searched for the Sea Beast King on the sea and killed it, taking its flesh and blood as the top ingredients for entertaining the Imperial Realm powerful men!

  Leviathan's only disadvantage was that he was a cetacean and had to come up to the surface to breathe from time to time. Unfortunately, he was caught by her.

  And the news title is also marked with "one".

  It means that she wants to find a few more Sea Beast Kings, kill them, and use them as ingredients for the banquet on the 1st of next month.

  Fortunately, she probably won't dive into the deep sea.

  Because her purpose is to show her absolute strength, not to get the ingredients.

  In the dark environment of the deep sea, the video was not clear, so there was no need for her to dive into the deep sea to hunt the Sea Beast King.

  "The Queen is really too powerful, but it's a pity she's not from our side."

  Lu Qianjun came to the balcony and lay down on another lounge chair.

  "Such an opponent makes people quite desperate."

  Fang Hao watched the video of the Queen killing Leviathan and said softly: "After the Overlord ascends to the divine realm, it can be done."

  Or his animal clone grows into The Beast King, even without the Silver Moon Flying Wheel, can easily kill other Sea Beast King.

  The Queen is a level higher than the Sea Beast King. Her space abilities are comprehensive and perfect. It is not surprising to kill the Sea Beast King.

  In a few days, he will be able to gather the strange fruits he prepared for the Overlord. When the Overlord is promoted to the divine realm, he can easily kill the Sea Beast King.

  There may still be some gap between her and the Queen, but she is no longer powerless to fight back.

  Plus the heavy laser cannon of the spacecraft he retrieved.

  In the hot summer, they may not be able to defeat the Federation under the leadership of the Queen.

  "I'm afraid Overlord can't do it either." Lu Qianjun sighed.

  "I'm not trying to kill my own power, but the Queen is an alien and has many space powers. Even if the Overlord is in the same realm as her, he can't beat her." Fang Hao didn't argue with him


  He will prepare the space power for Overlord, and if necessary, give it to him in full.

  With the same superpower, can the Queen defeat the Overlord?

  Most likely not.

  But Fang Hao will not turn the Overlord into an invincible God of War right away.

  It would be enough to allow the Overlord to withstand the pressure brought by the Queen and buy himself a few years.

  Otherwise, if the Overlord is too strong and the Federation jumps over the wall, the probability of launching a war will increase infinitely.

  Since dragging on the hot summer will guarantee victory and the federation will lose, it is better to take advantage of it now.

  Therefore, it is best to maintain a balance of power, and a balance of power is the best state of peace.

  "I'm really unwilling." Lu Qianjun, who was lying on the recliner, suddenly sat up and punched fiercely.

  "Why did the Queen choose the Federation? It would be great to come to our side!"

  Fang Hao put away his phone, closed his eyes, and asked casually: "Come to our side? Then who will be in charge in the future? Let an alien rule. The fate of our country?"

  "This..." Lu Qianjun was speechless and fell into deep thought.

  After thinking about it, he lay back on the couch and sighed.

  "You are right. We cannot let an alien dictate our destiny. If a war breaks out, I will join the army. What about you?" "No." "..."


  Qianjun froze, then smiled and said, "I I also think you are not suitable for the battlefield. You are different from me. You have special talents. Your abilities should be used as an instructor to teach more and stronger soldiers in the rear." Fang Hao just smiled


  Be an instructor?
  Yes, it can indeed teach a group of more powerful soldiers.

  But ordinary soldiers can play an extremely limited role in a war of this level.

  The things he did before have already transformed Yan Xia, and the things he will do next will make Yan Xia completely different again, not far behind the improvement of a soldier.

  At the same time, the Federation was holding a meeting.

  The discussion at the meeting was about how to use and distribute the Leviathan that the Queen hunted.

  We certainly won’t be able to consume a whole one at the Emperor’s Realm banquet next month, so what should we do with the extra ones?
  Therefore, the Queen summoned all the emperor-level experts under her command, as well as some king-level experts, to discuss the matter together and encouraged them to speak freely.

  Therefore, some people say that they will be given priority to the emperor-level experts to enhance their combat power.

  Some say that the king-level experts who are about to break through should be provided to give them a better chance of entering the imperial realm and enhance the overall strength of the federation.

  Others say that they should be given priority as rewards to strong people who come to surrender, in order to attract more strong people to surrender.

  Each theory had its own truth, so the Queen adopted them all.

  This meeting itself did not really allow them to discuss distribution, because there were only a few distribution methods that could be foreseen.

  What the Queen wants to show to the world is, firstly, to accept good advice, secondly, to receive rain and dew equally, and thirdly, to give preferential treatment to those who surrender.

  After the meeting, the Queen's support in the Federation continued to rise, and her popularity in countries outside the Federation was also soaring. More and more media called her the "Queen of Humanity".

  In Yanxia, ​​there are also more and more voices of "active alliance".

  These people essentially want the authorities to surrender quickly to avoid the eventual outbreak of war.

  Some people have taken the federation’s dog food and publicized it to guide public opinion.

  Some people brought nothing but dry food, and they didn’t know why they worked so hard. Others were simply frightened by the Queen's despairing god-level combat power, causing their will to collapse.

  Affected by these public opinions, students participating in the youth competition are also discussing this global sensation.

  The Queen first killed Adam and then killed the Beast King, which had fully demonstrated her god-level strength.

  The purpose is naturally to shock all mankind and reduce obstacles to future rule.

  Many students expressed worries that war would break out.

  Some people also believe that Yanxia can gain more autonomy if they take the initiative to unite. This view is very marketable and is accepted by more and more Yanxia people.

  Killing the Sea Beast King alone, who can match this kind of combat power?
  Since they can't fight, it's better to "actively unite" in exchange for more autonomy and let Yanxia maintain more independence.

  In the afternoon and evening, a dozen more second-generation Wus came together to challenge the Gu brothers and sisters.

  Fu Xuefei was also among them.

  After the Gu brothers and sisters won thirteen games in a row, she finally came off and interrupted Gu Qiushi's winning streak with her newly mastered epee style.

  He fought with Gu Qiushui again, but was defeated by Kuai Jian due to speed issues.

  As long as the fast sword is fast enough, it will have a strong restraint effect on the epee. Continuous and rapid attacks can easily disrupt the offensive and defensive rhythm of the epee.

  This is also because Fu Xuefei has just mastered the epee style and has only fought in a few actual battles.

  Gu Qiushi and Gu Qiushui have both experienced more than twenty actual battles at the same level, but she has only experienced two.

  But in the first battle with her heavy sword, she defeated Gu Qiushi, who was restrained by her in swordsmanship.

  This shows how offensive the epee style is.

  Fu Xuefei knew that the Gu brothers and sisters were also mentored by Fang Hao, so she was very close to them, and she and Gu Qiushui soon became close friends.

  After that, the three began to compete with each other.

  After Gu Qiushi adapted to the attack of the epee style, he quickly adjusted his response strategy, and both sides won each other.

  After Fu Xuefei adapted to Gu Qiushui's fast sword attack, she also adjusted her response strategy and became more and more involved.

  The three of them are all good students trained by Fang Hao, and their actual combat abilities are at the same level.

  Along with the improvement of strength, there is also "fellowship".

  That night, Fu Xuefei even stayed in the hotel and slept on the same bed as Gu Qiushui.

  The other Wu Erdai who came with her saw that she suddenly changed her weapons and fighting style, and her strength surged to defeat Gu Qiushi. No matter how stupid she was, they knew what was going on.

  Fu Xuefei, the last member of the Fu family and always known as a flower vase, suddenly changed her weapons and fighting style and became so powerful that Wu Erdai's circle and even his parents' circle became more lively than ever.

  On the third day, November 18th, the promotion competition will be held for the third round of selection.

  In the first round of selection, you can advance if you win one of the five matches, and you will enter the seed pool if you win all five matches.

  In the second round, you have to win two games and win five consecutive games to enter the seed pool.

  Win three games in the third round.

  After three eliminations, there were only over 150 contestants left (including seeded contestants) out of more than 700, most of whom were second-generation martial artists from martial arts families.

  Half of the 19 students who came with Fang Hao fell in the second round, and half fell in the third round.

  In the end, only four people entered the finals.

  After Fang Hao's guidance, the other people's actual combat abilities were sufficient. They were eliminated mainly because their cultivation was poor and their attributes were suppressed.

  The second-generation martial arts students are generally in the third level of true martial arts, but except for the third-year seniors, the rest of this group of students are at the second level of true martial arts at most.

  "I'm not surprised that you made it to the finals. How come your sister can make it to the finals?" At

  ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Qianjun, who was eliminated in the third round, expressed his confusion to Fang Hao after returning to the hotel.

  Even if Fang Hao gave Fang Mengqi a lot of tricks, her cultivation level was only at the second level of Zhenwu. She should not be able to defeat the second generation Wu who was at the third level of Zhenwu.

  But he didn't know that Fang Mengqi usually used king-level essence and blood crystals and ate the neck meat of the overlord-level nine-headed sea snake. Her body and internal strength were no weaker than the second generation Wu of the third level of Zhenwu.

  Coupled with Fang Hao's careful guidance, it would be strange not to make it to the finals.

  Before Fang Hao could answer Lu Qianjun's question, he saw Dean Wen Zilong open the door and walk into the room, holding a stack of red greeting cards in his hand.

  "Fang Hao, more parents came to visit you today." Wen Zilong came to the balcony and put the greeting card into Fang Hao's hand with a smile.

  Fang Hao casually opened a few of them, looked at them, and returned them to Wen Zilong.

  "Just stick to the old rules."

  Wen Zilong took the invitation, nodded with a wry smile, and turned to leave.

  The dignified dean actually became an errand boy, but he was still willing and happy to do so.

  This time, if there are a few parents who are willing to sell their houses to Fang Hao, Fang Hao will definitely give him some money, maybe give it all to him.

  No, it's not for him, it's for the college.

  He is about to retire. He has worked hard for decades, so he is not greedy for money now.

  "What's the old rule?" Lu Qianjun looked at Wen Zilong's leaving figure with a confused look on his face.

  Fang Hao couldn't help laughing: "I can only say that you make too much."

  He can earn three million for one hour of coaching.

  He spent a lot of time and energy on each of these people at the same school, and everyone earned 20 to 30 million from him.

  Lu Qianjun and Shi Zhixue, who were also in the Changdao 1st Battalion, even made 40 to 50 million from him.

  Lu Qianjun didn't understand the meaning of his words, but he knew that he had taught him so much but never charged him, and he had indeed made a lot of money.

  On the first floor of the hotel, after Wen Zilong opened the bidding code, all the parents who came to visit shook their heads and left.

  Not every parent can sell a house for their children like Fu Junzhang.

  Fang Hao didn't care.

  He offered such a high price just to dissuade those parents, not really to make money.

  That night.

  The beastly clone that arrived in the new sea area didn't swim long under the sea before it smelled the breath of the Sea Beast King.

  Why can you tell it's the Sea Beast King?
  Fang Hao didn't know.

  This is a feeling, or a special induction.

  Is it the level oppression of the Sea Beast King? The mental pressure released invisibly? Or is it the Sea Beast King’s unique sense of life?
  he does not know.

  But he knew that there was a Sea Beast King in this sea area.

  Maybe this is also the benefit of having a strong soul. It can sense the existence of powerful sea beasts directly through soul induction.

  But why can't I sense the presence of the king-level sea beast?
  Although I can sense the presence of the Sea Beast King in this sea area, I can't sense where exactly it is.

  It's okay, we are here to find the wreckage of the spaceship anyway. As long as we keep looking, we will encounter it sooner or later.

  Under the deep night, a huge fish-shaped shadow was reflected on the sea surface. The fish-shaped shadow swam slowly, and a ten-meter-high vertical fin slowly crossed the sea surface.

  Another intruder broke in. The Megalodon Emperor in the shadow swung its tail and swam towards the intruder with a roar. Its huge body stirred up huge waves dozens of meters high on both sides and behind it.

  Directly ahead, Fang Hao, who was swimming on the bottom of the sea, suddenly felt a warning sign.

  It seems that after devouring the soul of the Sea Dragon King, his soul just accumulated enough quantitative changes, so a qualitative change occurred and he acquired two special sensing abilities.

  One is to sense the extraordinary life of the Beast King level, which can sense its existence but cannot yet sense its specific location.

  One is the current "crisis sensing".

  The person coming here is evil, it must be the Sea Beast King that I sensed before, and I can’t accept the challenge in the sea!

  He immediately controlled the beastly clone to swim upwards and rush straight to the sea.


  The surrounding seawater suddenly became violent, the waves roared, and rolled into a huge whirlpool.

  The beastly clone was pulled by the terrifying power of the whirlpool, and was uncontrollably swept towards the center of the whirlpool.

  Fang Hao made a prompt decision and activated [Teleport].

  The body twisted and disappeared from the whirlpool, and reappeared in the shallow sea area more than a hundred kilometers away when it first entered this sea area.

  He didn't even see what kind of sea beast king it was before he was swept up and sucked in by the violent whirlpool.

  The terror of the Sea Beast King is evident.

  Since this sea beast king has taken the initiative to attack, don't fight it in the sea where you are at a disadvantage.

  I'm not a sea beast, I can kill it even if I'm flying in the sky.

  Flying in the sky? Fang Hao suddenly felt something in his heart.

  Doesn't the second beast-incarnation have wings, and after being promoted to the king level, it also generates a "life magnetic field" and can fly in the sky?

  Then why not teleport over and join forces to fight the Sea Beast King?

  You can also test your ability to use two beastly clones to fight together!
  However, teleportation consumes too many ability points. You can save a lot of teleportation points by putting the second beastly clone in a different-dimensional pocket and then releasing it from here!

  He did what he thought of and immediately awakened his clone "Luo Hao"!
   Thanks to book friend 20210212100652287 for the point coin reward. Thanks to everyone who subscribed, voted, and recommended. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (End of chapter)

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