Chapter 105: The wreckage of the spaceship, the biggest piece!

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  Chapter 105: The wreckage of the spaceship, the biggest piece!

  Fang Hao did not deliberately purchase spiritual fruits.

  Because his parents were more anxious than him, they would pack a box back every day when they came home.

  He just took a few randomly from the box and brought them to his room. After a week, he had enough for one box.

  The extraordinary powers that the Overlord needs must be in the space system, and secondly, you can add something else.

  The Overlord's own awakened power is super S-level [Physical Strengthening]. After the imperial realm, the body is comparable to that of a strange beast, so in Zhenwu, he can develop explosive skills such as "Nine Layers of Extreme Strength" that can easily damage the body. , and use it freely.

  Ten times the explosive power, coupled with the three times increase in basic strength brought by the super S-level [Physical Strengthening], allows him to punch with an effect comparable to that of a nuclear explosion.

  If you want to fight against the Queen, you must first ban her ability to control the power of space.

  Therefore, [Space Confinement] is the most cost-effective, and you can use this ability to directly ban the Queen's space-based killing ability.

  But the level gap is still there, and you may not be able to help it, and you still need a [spatial perception] to react in time.

  Just reacting is not enough, you also need to be able to dodge. There is another [space folding], which is "shrinking the ground into an inch", and you can dodge instantly with one step.

  With these three space abilities, the Overlord should be able to compete with the Queen.

  Even if we can't win, there is no problem with strategic retreat.

  As for the lethal space-based abilities, Overlord's attack power is sufficient and unnecessary.

  Add another [Immortality] and it will be perfect.

  The Overlord ate the fruit and found that the ones that had awakened were all equipped with abilities to deal with the Queen. He must have guessed that he had specially prepared them.

  Just guess it, Fang Hao doesn't care.

  I have been here my whole life, and of course I will not let this country be annexed by the Federation and be ruled and exploited by Western devils.

  Even if humanity wants to be unified, this side must take the lead.

  Otherwise, things should be separated, and you can play with yours, and I can play with mine, and the distinction can be made clear.

  Each of the four super S-level abilities requires 50,000 ability points, a total of 200,000.

  The second and third phases of the mirror project have been completed and put into use. The light-gathering range has been expanded to 500 meters in diameter, and the light-gathering efficiency has soared again.

  Now the ability points can be increased by 20,000 to 30,000 points a day. Before, there were more than 60,000 points, which can be collected in a week.

  But now he has to float two to three hundred meters above the ground to achieve the highest absorption efficiency.

  Then why can't we use the second beast-like clone that has reached the king level and is hundreds of meters tall but is idle?

  Because the entire body of the second animal clone is covered with hard bone armor, these armor not only block damage, but also block light.

  The horned dragon clone is covered in black scales, which doesn't work either.

  November 15th.

  The registration period for the junior competition is closed.

  This year, because you can receive a first-level blood essence crystal by signing up for the competition, there is basically no one who doesn’t sign up.

  It's just that most students don't actually go to the ring because they know how much they weigh.

  As of today, Zhenwu academies across the country have basically completed their preliminary rounds to compete for the 20 most powerful students from each academy.

  These 20 students will go to the capital cities of each province today to prepare for tomorrow's promotion competition.

  At this time, even if it is an "official" event, there will be special venues, arenas, sponsors, news media reporters, TV and online broadcasts, and audiences.

  There are about thirty or forty Zhenwu academies in a province, with 20 people in each academy, and a total of six to seven hundred contestants.

  The top 100 will get the opportunity to choose a top method to practice.

  In the past, only the top twenty could get such an opportunity.

  Directly expanding the number of people to five times shows that the upper management intends to increase military power, and increasing the combat power of civilian reserves is only one of the manifestations.

  Could it be that the higher-ups already knew about the Queen’s existence and her purpose?

  Of course Emperor Yan and the others didn't know that the Queen's early awakening was a complete accident.

  No one would blame Fang Hao for releasing the queen.

  Since it is a spaceship, it is expected that there will be equipment such as sleeping cabins. As long as you look for and dig out, there is a possibility of activating the sleeping cabins. This is a risk that must be taken.

  It's just that the Queen woke up too suddenly and too early, catching the whole world off guard.

  But even without her, Yan Xia will expand the extraordinary power of the military and civilians, striving for the early unification of all mankind.

  Fang Hao and others, led by Dean Wen Zilong, checked into a hotel.

  Most of the current residents of this hotel are elite students from the Zhenwu Academy, and there is a dedicated training room.

  When students from different colleges come together, the training room becomes a competition arena.

  They are all young people, young and vigorous, full of vigor and vitality.

  And there are quite a few handsome or beautiful people of the opposite sex watching from the side, which makes it easy for the blood to surge up.

  After returning to the room after lunch, Lu Qianjun took Fang Hao to the training room after a short rest, saying he wanted to meet elite students from other colleges.

  But Fang Hao didn't go.

  "You really don't want to go?"

  "Wouldn't it be better for you to save your energy for tomorrow?"

  "Let's go and take a look first. I don't have to force you to end up."

  "It's not up to you if you go." Fang Hao was speechless, "Look I'm so handsome, there must be people who can't stand me if I go there and ask me to compete, don't you think?" "

  You're so arrogant..." Lu Qianjun looked at Fang Hao with a twisted face and clenched his teeth for a moment.


  The fist is hard!

  Could you please give me a little face?

  When others say you are handsome, they are complimenting you, but you have to be humble!
  However, Fang Hao was indeed recognized as handsome, and his strength was first-rate, so he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to.

  After killing the senior S-class senior with a single blow a few days ago, the arena was empty and no one dared to challenge him.

  As a result, both popularity and strength reached the top, and he quickly became number one on the school's grassroots list.

  "You can just go, why do you have to drag me along?" Fang Hao took out his cell phone, took a pillow and lay down on the bed.

  "Aren't you afraid that you will be beaten for crying and no one will help you to stand up for you?"

  Lu Qianjun was so angry that he turned around and strode out of the room, covering his heart.

  Just next door, Shi Zhixue and Fang Mengqi also opened the door and walked out.

  "Go to the training room?" Lu Qianjun asked.

  "Yes, where is Fang Hao?"

  "He won't go."

  "Then let's go."

  The three called the senior and senior students, and gathered a dozen people to go to the training room together. It can be seen that most students still want to see and interact with each other. A friend or a discussion.

  There is more than one training room, and a group of young students have gathered in each one.

  Most of them are handsome men and beautiful women, there are not even a few ordinary-looking ones, and there are even no ugly ones.

  One white mask covers all ugliness, and with strong qi and blood, every cultivator is tall and fit. Whether the face is good-looking or not is another matter, but the figure is definitely super good.

  "You are from Maple City, right?"

  "Yes, what about you?"

  "You are from Qingjiang City next door."

  Students from the next city are naturally closer to each other.

  Students from several nearby cities gathered together and had more fun chatting.

  Lu Qianjun watched the two people fighting in the field, listened to the cheers and comments of the people around him, and was eager to try.

  "Lu Qianjun, do you want to play?"

  "I think so. It's hard to come here."

  "You go first then. Even if you lose, the first-year students won't be ashamed."

  "What's wrong with the first-year students? Let's go first. One fight?"

  "Okay, let's start the trading!!"

  The boys and girls nearby immediately dispersed and formed a circle.

  The two of them each took the weapons they were good at from the weapon racks next to them.

  Lu Qianjun was a heavy swordsman, so he took a long sword with a handle that was almost two meters long.

  Another senior was from the Kyodo style, and he had a one-meter-long straight-spine sword with a wide blade and a thick back.

  The weapons placed here are not sharpened and are only used for training and sparring.

  The two stood six or seven meters apart. The entire venue was a circular area of ​​14 to 15 meters in diameter, which was enough for them to slash and fight.

  "Please enlighten me." The two of them clasped their fists, then raised their knives and struck each other.

  Heavy swords have a distance advantage, but they are slow to change moves and are more likely to be caught. It requires extremely high distance control and combat awareness.

  Lu Qianjun happened to be the one with a keen sense of combat. After half a month of training, he had initially mastered the control of distance and sword draw.

  The two of them were making moves, and their strong strength and exciting duel attracted more and more viewers.

  In the end, the two ended up tied.

  After all, if you are from an academy, you don’t have to fight to win or lose, it’s almost enough.

  But students from other colleges didn't have this worry and all showed their true strength. Even if each college selects 20 people, there will still be a gap in combat power among these 20 people, and some colleges will be more obvious.

  Not every academy can gather 20 S-level students.

  It is actually very rare for Zhenwu Academy in Maplewood City to have twenty or so S-level students as freshmen.

  But the really scary thing is not these S-class students.

  But those second-generation martial artists who came from martial arts families.

  Most of Wu Erdai's homes are in provincial capital cities. They don't need to stay in hotels, and they don't bother to fight with these "country bumpkins" now.

  However, there are still some who do not live in the provincial capital. Some king-level experts are nostalgic and like to live in their hometowns. This is not something incomprehensible.

  There were two such students in this hotel, and they were brother and sister, and they came to the training room together.

  After watching the other people's discussions, both of them shook their heads slightly.

  In their opinion, who have been training since childhood, the people on the field are too young and have many flaws.

  The gap is obvious. None of the people present are their opponents.

  However, they are not here to compete with others, but to provide special training to contestants from the same college. The method of special training is to watch them compete with others to see what their shortcomings are.

  When playing against people from the same school, it may be difficult to find problems due to factors such as the same instructor, familiar environment, and lack of urgency.

  But when fighting elite students from other colleges, neither side will hold back, and problems that were not known before will be exposed.

  "Is your name Lu Qianjun? I heard that you are still a freshman?"


  "For being able to compete as a freshman, I would like to call you a genius!" "

  Haha, thank you for the compliment. We have more than one person from our college. I'm a freshman, but there are four of them!"

  "Damn it, you guys were too good in the last two years, weren't you?"

  These words made the seniors who came with Lu Qianjun next to him want to fuck him.

  Is it our food?
  Why don't you go meet Fang Hao?
  Don't cry when he chops you down.

  It’s really not the last two batches of students from Fenglin City’s Zhenwu Academy, but Fang Hao’s current batch that’s a bit abnormal.

  When we first entered the school, there were three third-level S students and more than a dozen S-level students, which was more than the previous two classes combined.

  There is no need to be surprised that there are four qualifying teams.

  But when people from other colleges heard these words, they would inevitably look down on them without knowing the real situation.

  Is your Zhenwu Academy in Maplewood City doing this?

  If I don't step on it and make myself look ugly, I feel a little sorry for having worked so hard for so many years.

  So everyone thought that the students in Maplewood City were easy to bully, so they all came up to challenge them.

  One by one, even Fang Mengqi, who didn't want to fight with anyone, was pulled out.

  The results were of course tragic.

  Fifteen people from Maplewood City ended up, twelve people defeated the challengers, and only three people lost.

  This somewhat terrifying result immediately caused quite a stir.

  So more and more challenges came, one after another.

  Fortunately, the cultivators have sufficient physical strength, and it is not a life-or-death battle. Most challengers will give in and retreat as soon as they lose.

  Otherwise, it really won’t last long.

  The brother and sister, who came from a martial arts family, watched their rounds of martial arts competitions and exchanged words in low voices.

  "If nothing else goes wrong, four or five of these people in Maplewood City will be in the top 100. Those three first-year freshmen will have a chance next year." "Well, especially the one

  named Fang Mengqi, his talent and intuition are a bit strong, but his temperament is a bit fierce. Not enough."

  "Is there another freshman?"

  "He's not here. He's playing with his mobile phone in the room. He is said to be the most powerful of the four freshmen." "


  Gu Qiushi thought to herself that this is too ambitious. You are a freshman. Ah, shouldn’t we seize the time to improve ourselves?
  Coming here to practice with others is not better than playing on your mobile phone?
  Gu Qiushui thought the same thing, and at the same time he was still thinking - I heard that the freshman was still number one on the school's grassroots list over there, so why didn't the cat come out of the room?

  How cool is it to be ranked first in the school rankings as a first-year freshman?

  You can't be on the school beauty list just by having a good face. You must have strength, otherwise you will only be laughed at for being a mere superficial person and a mere idiot.

  In a place like Zhenwu Academy that values ​​force, your appearance may be slightly worse than others, but your strength must be strong.

  Between a boy who is strong and handsome, and a boy who is less powerful but more handsome, the former must be more popular and can be ranked first.

  Normally speaking, Fang Hao, as a freshman, would not be better than the seniors in the upper grades. If he can take first place, he must be a level higher in handsomeness.

  But she didn't know that Fang Hao had both good looks and strength to reach the top spot as a freshman.

  His strength is so strong that no one dares to fight him.

  But they all like to spar with him and draw nourishment from him.

  After selecting 20 people, Fang Hao gave special training to the remaining 19 people. He stopped attending cultural classes in the morning and gave them special training throughout the day.

  A soul that is dozens of times more powerful than ordinary people makes his combat intuition and grasp of flaws terrifyingly accurate.

  If he can accurately discover the flaws of these people, he can conduct targeted training for each person so that their flaws are no longer so obvious.

  Even the instructors cannot master this teaching method, because the instructors' souls only have the strength of ordinary people, and they can only rely on experience to discover the students' flaws.

  But experience needs to be accumulated over the years, and guidance from famous teachers is required.

  Talent is natural.

  The reason why these people from Fenglin City’s Zhenwu Academy are so powerful is because their shortcomings and flaws have been targeted and trained by Fang Hao, and they have become very few.

  If they are small, it will be difficult for others to catch their flaws, and they will be invincible by nature.

  When the difference in strength is not large, whoever makes fewer mistakes will have a higher winning rate.

  Fang Hao is their error detector. With such a error detector to help them find errors and then help them correct them, their combat effectiveness will naturally increase.

  Gu Qiushi and Gu Qiushui were also helping those in their academy find mistakes to improve their strength.

  It's just that the two siblings' ability to find and correct mistakes is not as perverted as Fang Hao's.

  It's almost evening and it's time to have dinner.

  Many students from different colleges became friends during the afternoon discussions and conversations, and gathered together to enjoy dinner.

  There are also conflicts and anger, but they will be pulled away in time by the people around them.

  The official competition will be tomorrow, there is no need to get really angry today.

  They are all elite students and they will restrain themselves to avoid being laughed at by people from other colleges.

  "Fang Hao, the dean has asked us to have dinner!"

  In the room, Lu Qianjun, who was changing clothes after taking a bath, patted Fang Hao, who was "sleeping" on the bed.

  "You guys go ahead, I have something else to do here." Fang Hao replied casually with his eyes closed.

  "Are you still playing with your phone?" Lu Qianjun was speechless, but he didn't force it.

  "Then I'll go first. You come down quickly. The food won't taste good when it's cold."


  Fang Hao still closed his eyes. When he heard Lu Qianjun's door closing, all his consciousness shifted to the animal clone in the deep sea.

  On the dark bottom of the deep sea, a hundred-meter-long animal clone used [psychopower] to slowly move away a steel sunken ship, revealing the silver-white wreckage of the spacecraft below.

  After searching in the deep sea for more than a month, he finally found the largest spacecraft wreckage.

  He deviated too far and cost him a lot of time.

  This piece of spacecraft debris seems to be part of the main structure, an area such as the spacecraft's main control room.

  About one-third of a circle, it stands more than sixty meters high, about twenty meters wide, and two meters thick. It has a multi-layered material structure.

  One of the layers was obviously silver star iron, about two centimeters thick.

  Two centimeters thick, such a big piece!
  He could make his Silver Moon Flywheel bigger, or make a set of twelve pieces.

  In the Queen's civilization, Silver Star Iron is obviously not used as a weapon, but as a medium to transmit information and integrate spiritual power to control the entire spacecraft.

  This is a technical material, soft, not a combat material.

  But humans are currently unable to smelt other hard metals in the spacecraft shell, and can only bully this "soft metal".

  Its characteristics in line with mental power, as well as its hardness and sharpness that are sufficient on this planet, make it more suitable as a weapon for [psychokinetic] extraordinary people.

  On the inner surface of the wreckage, there are several square electronic screens of different sizes and buttons of various colors, all of which are currently powered off.

  I don’t know if it has been damaged by soaking in sea water for more than a hundred years.

  I hope there will be components such as databases and memories. Knowledge is power, and the value of this information is priceless.

  Fang Hao opened the extra-dimensional pocket and stuffed the entire wreckage of the spacecraft into it.

  I searched around again to avoid missing small items such as small fragments and components.

  But after searching for a few minutes, I couldn't find it, so I simply stopped looking.

  It's too much trouble.

  The animal clone sat down and transferred its consciousness to the "Luo Hao" clone.

  First hand over the wreckage to the military.

   Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (End of chapter)

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