Chapter 103 Devouring Fusion, Control and Granting

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  Chapter 103: Swallowing Fusion, Control Granted

  Jialuo did not stay in Maplewood City for long, and returned to the capital of Yanxia the next day.

  The Lord of the Southern Kingdom, the only emperor-level expert in the Southern Kingdom, knew that she had left and who she was looking for, so he would naturally ask.

  But Jialuo just asked: "Since everyone guessed that the monster was transformed from a human, what's so strange about him having friends when he was still a human? Do you want to attack his former friends?" The Lord of the Southern Kingdom said, those

  two A ninja killer, probably hired by that monster.

  Jia Luo asked again: "Where is the evidence?"

  The Lord of the Southern Kingdom was silent.

  Yeah, where's the evidence?

  Emperor Yan had already checked the owner of the number for him, and only told him that he was a law-abiding Yanxia citizen with no bad record.

  The meaning of this sentence is obvious.

  You can't just rely on a number to say what this person is like. You want me to help you arrest the person and investigate the case.

  And it wasn't going to happen.

  How could he have died if it wasn't for the fact that the Northern King was so obsessed with it that he wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail Yan Xia and threaten Jialuo's family?
  This matter is not suitable to be pursued in any case.

  Because that monster was promoted to the king level in just over half a month, and would definitely become the Beast King in a few months.

  The Beast King.

  Isn't killing him the same as killing a chicken?
  If he continues to pursue and endanger the monster's friends, he may be assassinated Mingming like his childhood friend.

  Therefore, the Lord of the Southern Kingdom finally gave up the pursuit.

  I can't catch you.

  He is also afraid of death.

  The involvement of the humanoid monster wandering and hunting in the sea was also the main reason why he was willing to shelve the case with the Kamikaze Kingdom.

  But was that monster sent by Yanxia officials?

  Yandi denied it and gave an impeccable reason: If the monster was sent by Yanxia officials, no one would know about it, let alone take a picture of it.

  The imperial realms from various countries who came to participate in the talks thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

  The monster's actions were too random to be official.

  However, it is also possible that Yan Xia has lost control of it, causing it to act without any scruples.

  After all, Emperor Yan didn't explain why Yan Xia's entire army ate sea beasts - and no one dared to ask.

  There is no evidence, how can you ask?
  This thing is not like the monster, which was captured on video and photographed.

  Besides, there is no point in asking this now. The Queen and the Federation are the issues that need to be resolved urgently.

  They came here to discuss this matter, not to ask whether Yanxia's army ate sea beasts.

  At night.

  Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing took a military plane and landed at the military airport in the capital.

  Then he changed to a black car and headed to a biotechnology research institute.

  He also brought two boxes with him this time. The boxes contained fresh pieces of meat frozen in ice, cut from different parts of the two animal clones.

  The last time the second beast clone devoured it, he cut a piece of meat from the clone's palm and gave it to Song Yuanzheng for study.

  Ten days later, the results finally came.

  Song Yuanzheng gave it a try, saying that the result was quite explosive and asked him to go to the capital to see it in person and meet Emperor Yan by the way.

  When I came to the capital this time, I no longer had to take a plane to come here. I could be teleported directly, which would be much more convenient.

  As a third-level researcher, he will go to the biotechnology research institute to communicate face-to-face with the researchers.

  He also wanted to figure out how the [Flesh Devouring] ability took effect.

  Is it simply "fusion of blood and flesh cells" or "fusion at the genetic level"?
  After entering the capital, there were so many people and so many people that Luo Wenjing could no longer act as a soldier, so she also arranged to be a third-level researcher.

  Because they had said hello in advance, this highly confidential research institute knew that they were coming, and the gray-haired director Wang Jingyu was waiting at the gate.

  But he was the only one, and no one else from the institute came.

  After confirming their identities, he brought them to the research room.

  There are many rooms in the white and bright research room, and in each room there are some researchers in white uniforms working.

  "The tissue sample you sent last time is of immeasurable value." Wang Jingyu explained to Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing as he walked, looking excited.

  "Are these new samples in this box?"

  He looked at the two black boxes held by Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing and rubbed his hands.

  "Yes, it's a new sample." Fang Hao nodded, "Take us to store it." "

  Okay, please come with me."

  Wang Jingyu led the two of them to the door of the freezing room, swiped his card, swiped his face, and fingerprinted , opened the alloy door of the freezer room.

  After entering, a chill hit my face.

  Wang Jingyu walked to the alloy cabinet, opened the cabinet door, and put both boxes in.

  In response, Fang Hao twitched the corner of his mouth.

  "Director Wang, if you need to do research, just do it. If you don't have enough samples, just say it. There is no need to offer them as treasures." "

  Ah? Are there so many samples?"

  After Wang Jingyu was shocked, he was immediately overjoyed and turned around suddenly to grab Fang Hao. shoulders.

  "Did you catch a living person? Are there any living samples?"

  "Director Wang, don't get excited." Luo Wenjing's eyes darkened, and she immediately raised her hands to hold his wrists.

  "Just stand and say what you want."

  Wang Jingyu felt the irresistible power of her hands and hurriedly took his hands off Fang Hao's shoulders.

  He also immediately understood that the identity of the young man in front of him was very important, and the military specially arranged for a king-level strongman to serve as a guard.

  "Sorry, I'm too excited." He took a step back, farther away from Fang Hao, and asked expectantly: "So do you have living samples?" "Yes." Fang Hao nodded, "If you

  do If you can get the permission, you can get close contact."

  Wang Jingyu smiled happily and said seriously: "Okay, I will apply to my superiors."

  His superiors are already very close to Emperor Yan.

  "Then I will send the contents from these two boxes directly?" He took out the box that had just been put into the freezer and looked at Fang Hao and asked.

  "Is it no problem?"

  "No." Fang Hao smiled, "There are supporting documents in the box, remember to read it first." "

  Okay." Wang Jingyu carried two more boxes and walked out of the freezing room.

  "Please come to my office with me."

  After closing the door of the freezing room, he carried the box and returned to his office with Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing.

  Putting the two boxes aside, he took out a test report from the drawer of his desk and handed it to Fang Hao.

  "Please sit down. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

  Fang Hao opened the test report. A bunch of academic terms and alphabetical units made him dizzy, so he simply turned to the conclusion page.

  "Are you sure it's a fusion at the genetic level?"

  "Yes." Wang Jingyu smiled and nodded, "If we can figure out how it achieves genetic fusion without losing control, it will trigger a big change in the field of biotechnology!"

  Fang Hao After reading the final conclusion of the report, he closed it and handed it to Luo Wenjing who was aside, closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

  Fusion at the genetic level.

  This ability is too outrageous.

  Returning to the essence of the power, how does this power work?

  Is it from a genetic level?

  But a superpower can change his genes?
  So with so many superpowers, haven't his genes become so bloated that he no longer looks like a human?
  Or has something been added to his genes?
  Or maybe it’s not added, but it can affect genes?
  Extraordinary particles can awaken different powers to different people, but the genes of these people do not change.

  That should be that superpowers can act on the genetic level and even change genes, but the existence of superpowers itself will not affect genes.

  This shows that studying superpowers does not require moving genes. Superpowers are systems that work independently of genes.

  Human beings are currently unable to grasp the laws, and do not even know where the "superpowers" exist.

  And advanced civilization seems to have developed black technology that allows ordinary people to obtain a full set of superpowers?

  The Queen's space-based abilities are complete and comprehensive, with more than a dozen.

  Judging from the situation of human beings awakening supernatural powers, she should not have awakened so many powers naturally, but acquired them through acquired means.

  Add to.


  He can constantly unlock new abilities through ability points.

  Unlocking, to put it another way, can't be understood as - adding? master?

  He can add new powers to himself.

  Or give yourself new powers.

  If this is the "black technology" hidden in his body.

  Then, can he use this black technology to give others new powers?

  As soon as the idea came to him, he felt like he couldn't continue. Too dangerous.

  What he needs now is not a violently changing environment, but a stable and peaceful environment.

  He does not yet have the power to take control of the situation.

  Even if it can really give others powers, it cannot be displayed.

  Neither can my family.

  Otherwise, if the Federation and the Queen know, they will definitely target him at all costs and strive to eliminate him completely.

  Of course, he is alive and has a brain.

  There are many extraordinary plant fruits that can give humans extraordinary powers, but such fruits are hard to come by and cannot be bought with money.

  Then, what if, he meant what if, what if he found the fruits of some extraordinary plants, gave these fruits extraordinary powers, and then gave them to people to eat, would it have the same effect?

  If you can, you won't draw the fire directly to yourself.

  If it doesn't work, just put it on hold for now. Even if you can directly grant extraordinary powers to others, it's not the right time to do it now.

  He opened his eyes, looked at Luo Wenjing next to him, and shook his head secretly.

  Luo Wenjing already has the [Psychic Power] power, and it is up to A level, so she does not need other powers for the time being.

  Let’s try it on her parents and Fang Mengqi first.

  Starting with the [Regeneration] ability, this ability is the most practical for low-level lives, and it cannot be seen without being injured.

  If it works, slowly add other needed abilities.

  If it doesn't work, just leave it alone.

  "Don't you have anything to ask?" Wang Jingyu finally spoke after seeing Fang Hao open his eyes.

  Fang Hao then asked: "The big change you just mentioned, do you mean integrating the genetic fragments of alien beasts into the human body?" "

  Yes." Wang Jingyu nodded, lowered his head and took out a photo from the drawer. It was Fang Hao's horned dragon clone. Photo.

  "Look at this monster. I now have sufficient evidence to prove that this is the monster that a person turns into after fusing the genes of an alien beast!"

  Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing looked at the photo with stiff expressions.

  Guess whose cell tissue is in the box?

  Seeing the air freeze, Wang Jingyu immediately deduced something from the expressions of the two people.

  He looked at the two black boxes placed next to him, and then looked at Fang Hao with a questioning expression.

  Fang Hao nodded.

  Wang Jingyu understood, put the photo back in the drawer, calmed down for a moment, and then solemnly nodded and said: "Thank you for the trust of the organization." "

  These are two." Fang Hao warned, "The two monsters are fused with different alien beasts. , have now grown to the king level, remember to divide into two groups for research."

  Wang Jingyu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and nodded: "Don't worry, our research institute will definitely produce results!"

  Fang Hao has nothing to ask, because The rest were highly specialized questions that a layman couldn't understand, and he didn't want to understand.

  "Do you still want to watch?" He looked at Luo Wenjing standing aside.

  Luo Wenjing shook her head.

  She doesn't understand any of this either.

  "Then we'll say goodbye." Fang Hao stood up and saluted Wang Jingyu with a military salute.

  Luo Wenjing also stood up and saluted, and then warned: "Keep it confidential. Researchers may guess it during the research process, but you can't say it out of your mouth." "Okay,

  I know the rules." Wang Jingyu stood up hurriedly.

  After sending the two people out of the research room and out the door, and watching them drive away, he let out a long sigh of relief.

  Two monsters have been created, but they still cannot be popularized?

  It seems that what they need to research and solve is the problem of gene fusion.

  Integrating the characteristics of multiple alien beasts into humans will undoubtedly be a very difficult path, and there may be no breakthrough progress after decades of research.

  But now there are people who are taking the lead as pioneers, proving that this path is feasible.

  Not only is it feasible, but it can also create a "king-level monster" within a month.

  Wang Jingyu didn't just immerse himself in research. He could also guess that the two monsters used special methods, such as superpowers, to achieve the effect of "merging the genes of alien beasts and acquiring the characteristics of alien beasts."

  Others do not have the same powers and cannot replicate such a miracle.

  What they want to solve now is this problem, so that people without this power can also integrate the genes of alien beasts and become powerful and extraordinary!
  Fang Hao has already helped humans screen the gene fragments of alien beasts they need.

  What the research wants to study is how to embed these gene fragments into human genetic sequences, and the difficulty has been greatly reduced.

  The black car drove onto the main road. After driving for a while, several police motorcycles suddenly came in front, honking their horns to clear the way.

  The vehicles encountered along the way heard the sirens behind them and pulled over one after another to give way to the middle roadway.

  They are used to this situation.

  It's already good that there are no road closures.

  As for who was sitting in the black car behind the police motorcycle, no one cared.

  Under the guidance of the police motorcycle, the car quickly passed a stone bridge, passed through a stone archway, and entered a deserted long street.

  " Emperor Yan lives so far away?" Fang Hao looked outside through the car window and frowned.

  The driver smiled and said, "Do you want to meet him in the office area? There are many Imperial Realm experts over there now." "

  Yes." Fang Hao smiled, "It's scary."

  The Imperial Realm experts from the surrounding small countries, I have been in the capital for more than ten days, and I seem to have plans to stay here permanently.


  Facing the power of the Queen and the Federation, we need to respond immediately, so we can only put an emperor-level powerhouse here.

  Because you can't be the master in the imperial realm, it's useless to put it here.

  It's just that those small countries with only one emperor-level strongman in charge, such as the Southern Kingdom, are a little uncomfortable.

  As a leader, you say you will never surrender, but you are abroad. If the Federation comes, what should we do at home?
  So this is quite embarrassing.

  It wouldn't be courageous to let them stay alone in the capital of the country.

  Otherwise, once the war starts, four or five federation imperial realms will suddenly fly over. Isn’t this waiting for death?
  Since you don't want to surrender to the Queen, it's better not to go alone.

  As long as the country's imperial-level experts are still alive, even if the land is invaded and the citizens are enslaved, it will not be considered subjugation.

  But if all the powerful emperors in a country die, the country's subjugation is certain, because there is no possibility of turning over.

  Therefore, it is better to come to Yanxia to have a group than to stay alone in the country.

  Those who have multiple imperial realm powerhouses have more choices. Just send one, and the rest can calm the people at home, mobilize supplies, and prepare for war.

  The car passed through the deserted long street and drove onto a remote mountain road, but the police motorcycle did not follow.

  Soon after, the car finally stopped, and Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing got out of the car.

  "This is the Martyrs' Tomb?"

  "Yes, the Bailie Tomb." The driver nodded, "Emperor Yan occasionally comes to pay his respects. It won't be strange for him to come here at this time. I hope you don't mind him meeting you here."

  "No." Fang Hao shook his head slightly and looked at the tombstone erected on the dim hillside.

  Bailie Mausoleum is a very special place. Those buried here are the one hundred talented young people who were selected together with Emperor Yan, Emperor Ba, Emperor Shi, Emperor Ming, etc.

  The teachers who protected and taught them back then were also buried here together.

  There are still seven empty graves now, because people like Emperor Yan are not dead yet.

  More than half of the tombs are also empty.

  There are empty monuments in the tomb, but no bones.

  In this hot summer when the country is once again facing the danger of national subjugation, Emperor Yan comes here to pay homage to his former comrades, which will not attract anyone's attention.

  "Go over there." Luo Wen said quietly, looking at the two figures standing on the mountainside.

  Because it was night and there were no lights, I couldn't see their faces clearly.

  But a man and a woman should be Emperor Yan and Emperor Ming.

  Fang Hao stepped forward and climbed up the steps.

  As the distance got closer, the faces of Emperor Yan and Emperor Ming became clearer.

  Neither of them are senile, but look middle-aged, with warm eyes and gentle faces.

  Fang Hao walked up to the two of them and gave a military salute.

  But for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

  Good evening?
  Emperor Yan smiled and said, "I see you here out of helplessness. I hope you won't blame me."

  "It doesn't matter." Fang Hao smiled and looked at the tombstones.

  "I have always been full of respect for this kind of people."

  "There is nothing special about this meeting. I just want to thank you in person."

  Emperor Yan said with a smile and bowed deeply to Fang Hao.

  "You have done so many things for Yan Xia, but you have never asked for anything in return. Without you, we would not have been able to strengthen our determination to fight to the death this time."

  Emperor Ming also bowed to express his thanks.

   Thank you to the boss 159951xxx for the point coin reward. Thank you to the bosses for subscribing, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (End of chapter)

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