143. Chapter 143 Are aliens coming again?

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  Chapter 143 Are aliens coming again?
  Talent is a limiting factor that makes many practitioners helpless, sad and angry.

  At the fourth level of true martial arts, the body can ignore the shooting of ordinary firearms and the bombardment of small-caliber artillery.

  From the third level to the fourth level, it is the first major barrier, from low level to intermediate level.

  Fortunately, as long as there are sufficient resources, even if the talent is not good, you can still pile it up by force.

  But the transition from the sixth level to the seventh level of Zhenwu really makes countless practitioners despair.

  Because here not only tests physical strength, but also tests spirit and will.

  Not everyone can master the top concepts. Even if the government does not restrict cultivation, not many can master it.

  Just like the "Nine Levels of Strength" created by Overlord, those who do not have the talent for [Physical Strengthening] can reach the third level and explode with 400% of their strength, which is the limit.

  If you want to master the ninth level and explode with 1000% power, even if it does explode, your body will explode.

  The same is true for top contemplation methods such as "Golden Crow Contemplation Method", whose learning and improvement require extremely high innate mental power.

  The strength of innate spiritual power depends on the soul.

  The strength of a person's soul is innate and difficult to increase.

  This blocks most cultivators and even extraordinary beings from the seventh level.

  Those who can learn top-level concepts have a higher probability of breaking through this barrier and condensing the true energy.

  The concentrated Gang Qi of high-level Zhenwu can not only enhance the strength and sharpness of weapons, but also turn into Gang Qi armor to protect the body.

  Conventional artillery and bombs can no longer hurt them at all.

  But most of these people will be blocked by the gate of the Imperial Realm, and even cannot cross the threshold from the Ninth Level to the Tenth Level.

  Because the strength of the soul determines the final upper limit of mental power, they have reached the upper limit, but cannot meet the requirements for another breakthrough, so the realm is stuck.

  The strength of the soul is a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

  Then why are the people of the third-level extraordinary civilization from which the Queen comes, generally promoted to the imperial realm after they reach adulthood?
  Because of the popularity of extraordinary power potions and the daily use of spiritual growth potions.

  A newborn baby can take spiritual power growth potions daily, and even without meditation or visualization, the spiritual power can naturally grow to the level of the emperor.

  The spiritual power growth potion can break through the upper limit of spiritual power derived from soul strength to a certain extent and guarantee the imperial realm!
  After the Queen announced this key information, practitioners and extraordinary beings who were stuck in various realms around the world couldn't help but burst into tears.

  As for the spiritual growth potion, you can tell at a glance that it is a "spiritual" potion that can only be popularized by second-level extraordinary civilizations.

  Right now, human beings are still only a first-level extraordinary civilization.

  And it's only the first level of elementary school, it's just starting out, and even the "physical type" extraordinary powers are not yet popular.

  However, the first-level extraordinary engine can also produce second-level "spiritual" potions.

  It just consumes more energy and extraordinary particles than the second-level extraordinary engine.

  In the face of vast demand, this "extra" consumption is not a problem.

  First produce a batch to satisfy those practitioners and extraordinary people who are stuck in their realms, and use this to charge higher premiums and taxes, which is more conducive to the overall development of mankind.

  It has been a year since the extraordinary engines in Areas 001 and 002 were built. The rate of mutation of animals and plants around the world can be obviously accelerated.

  The physical sensation is more obvious among practitioners, who generally feel that the concentration of extraordinary particles in the air has increased by 10%.

  The third and fourth extraordinary engines of mankind were also completed during the global finals of the junior competition.

  Construction of the fifth and sixth extraordinary engines has now begun.

  Each extraordinary engine can increase the concentration of extraordinary particles on this planet by 5% every year. So four of them together can double the concentration of extraordinary particles in only four to five years!
  Humanity is currently able to build two extraordinary engines per year, and is expected to build a total of twelve before the next great leap occurs.

  Because the Extraordinary Engine is very expensive and consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

  A number exceeding 12 will absorb too much money, resources and energy, hindering the overall scientific and technological development and improvement of human living standards.

  What human beings need to develop is not just the extraordinary path, but also all-round improvement.

  In particular, the development of aerospace technology requested by the Queen will also be important for humans to explore space and immigrate to alien planets.

  Another key is the biotechnology of artificially cultivating exotic animals and mass-producing exotic pigs, cattle and sheep, which has now been rolled out around the world.

  Ordinary families can often eat pork from exotic animals, which makes their bodies stronger.

  The difference between exotic animal meat and ordinary meat lies in the extraordinary particles it contains.

  After a person eats it, his body can absorb these extraordinary particles, making his body better, and those with extraordinary powers can awaken in advance.

  Therefore, in addition to daily absorption of extraordinary particles to practice and improve one's cultivation level, the most important way to improve one's abilities is to eat the meat of exotic animals.

  If you eat well enough, your cultivation level will naturally rise like a rocket.

  Fang Hao and his family ate the meat of the Beast King every day. In just two years, his Zhenwu cultivation was promoted from the beginner to the sixth level of Zhenwu.

  And the stronger the body, the stronger the ability to digest and absorb.

  When nutrients and energy are excessively replenished, the stronger the digestion and absorption ability, the faster the cultivation will grow.

  Although the higher the realm, the more cultivation is required to break through again, and the longer the stay is required.

  However, the energy and concentration of extraordinary particles in the beast king's meat were too high. The more you ate, the greater your appetite became, and your cultivation level increased faster than the upper limit of your cultivation level.

  So in two years, their family will be able to reach the king level.

  Luo Wenjing, who made the fastest breakthrough, also spent ten years from entry level to king level!

  They only need four years!
  After basically resolving past regional disputes and hatred between countries and families, and with the United Council at the center for coordination, the economy of the entire planet is developing upwards.

  This year, there are more "big buyers" buying places in the Extraordinary Academy than last year.

  Last year, more than 500 parents of teenagers purchased places for their children to enter school.

  This year, the number has exceeded one thousand, bringing revenue of over 10 billion federal coins to the Extraordinary Academy.

  Because many parents were not prepared last year and had not yet had time to save enough money. After all, 10 million federal coins is neither too much nor too little compared to the extraordinary road.

  After a king-level expert enters the deep sea to hunt, it is only a matter of time before he can collect ten million.

  But this time also caused their children and grandchildren to miss the first session.

  This year, I finally got enough.

  Compared with what they can learn in Chaofan Academy, what these parents value more is the "Chaofan Academy" platform itself.

  Talented teenagers from all over the world are gathered here, and these teenagers will be the mainstay of the future of the human race.

  Any friends you make casually in the academy will start out as kings in the future.

  There are dozens of emperor-level experts and hundreds of kings gathered here, and the most respected Emperor Xi personally serves as the dean.

  After graduation, this status will also be a top asset, and the benefits are immeasurable.

  At present, Chaoming Academy has 74 emperor-level instructors, which is close to one-third of the total number of emperor-level experts.

  There are as many as 500 king-level mentors. Without a king-level cultivation, being an assistant here would be too much, let alone a mentor.

  The number of powerful human emperors has increased significantly in the past two years, from 150 to 230, an increase of more than 70 people.

  The main reason is the mass production of [Regeneration] potions and spiritual growth potions.

  [Regeneration] Super Power Potion has allowed a large number of king-level experts without extraordinary powers to achieve a qualitative improvement in their talents.

  Extraordinary beings who can spontaneously awaken supernatural powers represent higher adaptability of their bodies, souls and extraordinary particles. This is "talent".

  Therefore, the higher the level of extraordinary powers, the easier it is for an extraordinary person to break through to the imperial realm.

  Those powerful emperor-level experts with the title of emperor often have super S-level or S-level abilities.

  The spiritual power growth potion makes up for the lack of mental power of the transcendent in the Ka realm. Combined with the [Regeneration] potion, breakthrough becomes a matter of course.

  Humanity produced the first bottle of [Regeneration] supernatural potion in February of the 2nd year of the New Era. Although it was only D grade, it did not mean that it could not produce A grade.

  It was only based on safety that we first produced D-class to accumulate experience.

  It is now able to stably mass-produce A-level [Regeneration] potions. Each extraordinary engine can produce up to 10 bottles per day. The official price is 10 million federal coins per bottle.

  The United Parliament can extract a 10% development tax from it, which is 10 million federal coins a day.

  There are four now, which is 40 million federal coins a day.

  After 12 units are built, the tax revenue will be 120 million federal dollars every day, and more than 40 billion federal dollars will be collected every year.

  In order to take care of the broader needs of the people, Chaozhou Engine will allocate its share according to orders and produce D-level [Regeneration] potions.

  A bottle of Grade A can produce 27 bottles after being reduced to Grade D. Each bottle is sold for 500,000 federal coins/3 million Yanxia coins. The total price is 35% higher than that of a bottle of Grade A.

  Because the number of families who can afford D-grade [Regeneration] potions is hundreds of times more than those who can afford A-grade potions.

  For example, wealthy families such as Lu Qianjun and Shi Zhixue are buyers.

  There are also second-generation Wus such as Gu Qiushi and Gu Qiushui. It is difficult to spend 60 million Yanxia coins to buy A-level directly, but it is much easier to use 3 million to buy a bottle of D-level first.

  For ordinary families, with a realistic "future that can be expected", it is the same as saving up money to buy supernatural medicine in the future.

  Now it is better to concentrate resources and improve the true martial arts first.

  One day you find that you are stuck in a realm, and saving money to buy supernatural potions to improve your talents is a more friendly choice for most families and people.

  The further down the road, the faster humankind develops, the cheaper these most basic "flesh-based" superpower potions will become.

  The Queen also has the "Spiritual System" superpower potion formula that is popular in the second-level extraordinary civilization, and the "Elemental System" superpower potion formula that is popular in the third-level extraordinary civilization.

  She also has the "space system" supernatural potion that is popular among fourth-level extraordinary civilizations, but not many people have the aptitude for it.

  For elemental superpower potions, a first-level extraordinary engine can barely produce D-level ones, but it will only occupy too many shares of extraordinary particles.

  But now those top powerhouses, especially those in the imperial realm, are most eager for elemental power potions.

  Because the elemental system's superpowers increase their combat power the most.

  Now hunting is mainly in the deep sea area, and the demand for D-level [water-bending] magical potions is the greatest.

  Therefore, it is also a good choice to occasionally produce a few bottles of [Water Control] potions and let these top powerhouses bid to buy them in exchange for development funds.

  Buy early and enjoy early, buy late and get discounts.

  We all know that these superpower potions will be cheaper in the future, but what about the time cost?

  What the strong ones need is time and the improvement of their fundamental strength.

  After the strength is improved, the hunting efficiency can also be improved. With this time to wait for the price reduction, the price difference has been earned back.

  In this steady construction and development, all aspects of humankind are flourishing.

  Although the gap between the top and the bottom has widened a lot as a result, the strong are getting stronger and the weak are still weak.

  But this kind of thing cannot be solved in a short time, and shortcomings can only be made up slowly.

  When humanity as a whole is improving, sooner or later those at the bottom will benefit.

  In this stable and rapid development, mankind has ushered in the fourth year of a new era.

  On April 1, 4th year of the New Era, the Jade Warship arrived at Blue Star and dropped the Joke egg that wanted to destroy humanity.

  Human satellites discovered it in time.

  It is a pity that at this time, mankind was still immersed in infrastructure construction and had not yet developed satellite weapons.

  So when this beast-shaped battleship appeared in the outer space of Blue Star without any warning, humans were horrified to find that they had nothing to do with it.

  However, Emperor Xi came forward to comfort him in time, telling everyone that the warship was not hostile, but an unmanned reconnaissance ship that had lost contact with the mothership, and that he would deal with it himself.

  He did handle it promptly.

  As soon as the Jade Beast battleship opened its belly compartment and threw the Jew Beast egg into the Blue Star Ocean, he sent the Horned Dragon clone and the Yinglong clone to wait at the landing point.

  As soon as the owl egg falls, just use [different dimension space] to put it away.

  When [Pocket of Different Dimensions] reaches Super S level, it becomes [Space of Different Dimensions], and the space increases to a cube with a side of one kilometer.

  At this time, Fang Hao's body had reached the ninth level of Zhenwu.

  It didn't matter, he had already unlocked the [Biological Force Field] ability, and then used the [Teleport] ability to continuously teleport to higher places, and soon he was near the Jade Beast Battleship.

  The hull of the Jong beast battleship is covered with fine black scales, and it is built in the shape of a Jong beast.

  The ship is about three hundred meters long and can fit into [different-dimensional space]!
  Although it won't move if you leave it here, leaving it like this will easily cause panic and worry in humans, so it's better to pretend to leave.

  Fang Hao opened the space rift, scanned the entire body of the battleship, and packed it away.

  Returning to the ground is easy, just [teleport]!
  Go back and send a clone into the [different-dimensional space] to tinker with the battleship inside. Even if there is any movement, it will be restricted inside.

  After the Jade Beast warship disappeared, humans were relieved, but they still couldn't help but worry - this is the first one, are there more to come?

  Emperor Xi said that this ship was just an unmanned reconnaissance ship and lost contact with the mother ship. What if the mother ship suddenly appeared?

  Based on this concern, the United Parliament began to increase investment in aerospace technology and space survival technology.

  Fang Hao did not stop him. After all, no matter how much he reassured humans about this kind of thing, humans would not be able to truly feel at ease.

  But what surprised all mankind was that one month later, on May 11, another warship of similar size suddenly appeared in the outer space orbit of Blue Star.

  However, this battleship is spindle-shaped, silver-white, and has an elegant and delicate shape.

   Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

    I started updating 4,000 words a day today, and it’s too much for me to write 10,000 words a day for a month. I’ll take a few days off and wait until the editor-in-chief recommends it on the 14th before I can continue to write a lot.

  (End of chapter)

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