135. What did the pangolin say in Chapter 135?

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  Chapter 135 What did the pangolin say?
  After devouring the soul of the beast, Fang Hao's soul power was greatly improved.

  It should now have the intensity of a fifth-level extraordinary life.

  At the same time, he also gained all the memories of the beast.

  This is a sixth-level extraordinary life that has spanned the universe for thousands of years and devoured life on dozens of living planets.

  Not only humans, but all flesh and blood creatures are its food. However, it likes to eat humans the most, so it will stare at the living planets of the human race in the starry sky and wander around to devour them.

  During this period, it was killed several times, but was resurrected with the use of soul jars, and then became even worse.

  Fang Hao learned the cause of its death from its memory, and also knew the reason why it could resurrect and rise every time it was killed.

  Because the cunning rabbit has three burrows, it has prepared many secret lairs for itself.

  There are many extraordinary resources hidden in those nests, such as its own blood essence crystals, which can help it quickly restore its strength.

  In order to avoid being discovered, it cannot place extraordinary life forms for resurrection in its lair.

  Because extraordinary life forms have their own life magnetic field, they cannot be hidden in an unconscious state and are easily detected by passing spacecraft, battleships, and detectors.

  That is to say, there are only dead objects in the nest, and dead objects can avoid the risk of being detected.

  After using the soul jar to possess the soul and seize the body and revive it, it can use the soul jar to send out a signal to let the scattered and hidden warships pick it up and go to the nests where resources are stored to quickly recover.

  As for the body, it leaves some unhatched roe eggs in several of its nests, which can be hatched to give itself a new body.

  It is not just the Blue Star soul jar, but there are dozens of them, scattered throughout the universe. When resurrected, just choose one to complete the soul possession.

  This time because there was a little problem here, he was very annoyed.

  Considering that a sub-ship has been dispatched to this fledgling life planet, and it also carries a oyster egg, of course it chooses to be resurrected here so that it can recover as quickly as possible.

  It was very well prepared and close to perfection.

  If it hadn't met Fang Hao, it would have successfully resurrected this time and eaten up all the humans and beasts on the planet.

  Unfortunately, it encountered Fang Hao, its nemesis.

  Now not only the soul has been swallowed by Fang Hao, but the memory has also been obtained by Fang Hao. Of course, the location of the lair and the method of entry are also known to Fang Hao.

  This means that the extraordinary resources and battleships it prepared for itself now belong to Fang Hao - if those nests were not discovered before he took them over.

  There are twenty-two nests in total, and each nest contains piles of extraordinary resources!

  Potions, essence and blood crystals, precious metals, battleships, etc. are all collected by the beasts when they eat the life on the living planet.

  These resources are of little use to the sixth-level oyster, but they are indispensable to the newly resurrected oyster and can help it quickly recover to level 6.

  Now it's dead.

  These resources all belong to Fang Hao.

  What does "sacrifice oneself for others" mean?

  In addition to these, Fang Hao also obtained a secret technique inherited from the beast - [Flesh Incarnation]!
  [Flesh Incarnation] is the innate skill of the beast. It can use its own flesh and blood to create an incarnation with its own will.

  Compared with the [Clone] in extraordinary powers, the flesh-and-blood incarnation is the manifestation of self-will, has independent consciousness, and can complete tasks independently without additional control.

  It can be understood that this is another copy of yourself.

  This kind of flesh-and-blood incarnation knows that it will return to the main body and will not resist the return under normal circumstances.

  Problems may occur under abnormal circumstances, such as being separated from the subject for too long, being hit by a special attack, or the subject dying or weakening.

  After the death of the main body, it cannot be resurrected directly with the help of the clone/flesh incarnation like [Clone], but there is an extra step - first resurrect with the soul, and then merge with the incarnation.

  Because the incarnation has an independent will.

  The body that has died and only has its soul left cannot directly replace the will of the incarnation.

  You can only resurrect and have a new body first, and then merge with the incarnation.

  But at this point, it’s hard to say who is the subject.

  After the death of the subject, the incarnation is relieved of its constraints and restrictions and becomes a "new life" with the memory and will of the subject.

  For example, this time the main body of the beast was killed by someone, and the flesh and blood incarnation placed in the small battleship would not have any idea of ​​replacing it until it knew that the main body was dead.

  But if you know that the subject is dead, you will have the feeling that "you are free."

  Or maybe after seeing how weak the soul-resurrected subject becomes, the thought of "he can replace it" arises, and he takes action to devour the subject in turn.

  So even if Fang Hao didn't kill the newly resurrected beast, it might be replaced by a copy of himself.

  The Jong beast is still the same Jong beast, but its "core" has changed. The original one has completely died and been replaced by a copy of itself.

  Of course, the flesh and blood incarnation has not hatched yet, so this possibility is extremely low. It will be difficult to say when it hatches and becomes stronger.

  Extraordinary powers [clones] do not have these defects, and correspondingly, they do not have autonomous consciousness.

  After using [Soul Devouring] to give birth to a new soul, it only reduced the difficulty of Fang Hao's multi-line control and the consumption of mental power. It did not give birth to a new consciousness or copy the consciousness of the original body.

  Therefore, [Flesh Incarnation] is more suitable for "long-distance" missions, and [Clone] is more suitable for "short-distance" missions.

  The length and shortness here depend on the realm and level. The higher the realm level, the farther the distance between the [clones] can be.

  After devouring the soul of the beast, it can no longer be resurrected.

  Because the beast soul in the soul jar is just an introduction, if it can be resurrected without the intervention of the main soul, everything will be in chaos.

  So this beast is really dead.

  After Fang Hao swallowed the soul of the beast, he let his body recover the second clone.

  Afterwards, the main body split into the second clone again.

  The second clone inherited the cultivation of the original body, reaching the fourth level of Zhenwu, which is close to perfection.

  But Fang Hao fell into thinking about whether to let clone number two give birth to a new soul.

  If you are infertile, you will lose the keen combat intuition brought by your powerful soul, and your strength will be greatly reduced in the competition.

  But if a new soul is conceived, in the presence of the Queen, it is difficult to ensure that she will not notice that "the breath of life is mixed, similar to Emperor Xi".

  The Queen doesn't know yet that he has a doppelgänger, but she may have guessed it, but she didn't say it explicitly.

  But the identity of "Fang Hao" is too involved, and it is not suitable for her to know yet.

  After thinking for a long time, Fang Hao decided to change his mind.

  Is it possible to make clone No. 2 both powerful in soul and pure in life?
  The answer is, yes!

  [Ability Seal] The initial level is C, which can seal the abilities and special abilities of the person being contacted. The duration is related to the level of the ability and the difference between the basic attributes of both parties.

  Fang Hao unlocked it directly.

  [Unlock ability seal, C level]

  Upgrade to super S level directly!

  There are now millions of ability points, but he won't unlock them easily when there is no demand.

  [Ability Points-5000]

  [Extraordinary Power [Ability Seal] upgraded to Level B]

  [Ability Points-10000]

  [Extraordinary Power [Ability Seal] upgraded to Level A]

  [Ability Points-20000]

  [Extraordinary Power [Ability Seal] Seal] upgraded to S level]

  [Ability Points -50000]

  [Extraordinary power [Ability Seal] upgraded to super S level, upgraded to [Ability Elimination]]

  Fang Hao looked at the effect of the upgraded power.

  [Ability Elimination] Super S level, which can eliminate the abilities and special abilities of the person in contact (not exceeding super S level). You can choose to eliminate them temporarily or completely. The success rate is affected by many factors.

  A bit outrageous.

  It can actually completely eliminate other people's super S-level abilities. What kind of ability is this?
  A first-level extraordinary civilization popularizes physical abilities.

  The second level is the spiritual system.

  The third level is the elemental system.

  The fourth level is the space system.

  The fifth level is the soul system.

  Level six is ​​the material system.

  The seventh-level extraordinary civilization began to study the rules-based abilities of the universe. Isn't this [Ability Elimination] a rule-based ability?

  Under the super S level, all living beings are equal!

  You are an extraordinary being, but you will be reduced to a mortal in front of me!
  And not only abilities, this [Ability Elimination] can also eliminate "special abilities". As for what abilities are considered special abilities, it may depend on imagination.

  For example, motor ability, learning ability, language ability, and even thinking ability may be considered "special abilities."

  It's a bit scary.

  After that, Fang Hao asked the horned dragon clone to go to the sea to fight some high-level sea beasts, and asked the second clone to devour the souls.

  Since it can temporarily eliminate many of the abilities inherited from the main body of the second clone, the soul breath should be as "pure" as others.

  If the Queen still sees it, just admit it. It doesn't matter if she knows it now.

  The next morning, a couple found the hotel where Fang Hao was staying.

  Fang Hao and Fang Mengqi went downstairs to greet him.

  Because this couple is Fang Yuwen and Su Rou.

  After the hug, Fang Hao took the two back to the room, and Fang Mengqi also walked into his hotel room for the first time.

  Lu Qianjun and Shi Zhixue went to play in the second knockout round and were not in the hotel.

  "We were still thinking about watching you two play, but the people next to us told us that you two will enter the qualifying match directly and won't play for the past two days!" "There's no need to compete. Why didn't you two say anything?


  "You didn't say you wanted to come to watch the game." "Isn't this a surprise for you?" "

  Teacher Li Chao and your Uncle Ai also came with their families and stayed in a hotel with us." "

  Then why don't you come together? ?"

  "It's not good to say that there are too many people. After all, they are a big family. Let's have dinner together in the evening?" "

  Okay. Have

  you booked a restaurant?" "Not yet. Let's book one now."

  Fang Hao and Fang Yuwen asked I took out my mobile phone to compare, found a five-star hotel, and booked two tables of the most luxurious meals.

  Don't worry about the exact amount, Fang Hao already has enough money.

  Fang Hao's family of four, Li Chao's family of four, the Ai family and his wife, and Lin Yuzhen also came with Li Chao's wife, a total of 11 people.

  Fang Hao plans to invite Dean Wen Zilong and students from the same college to join him. There are 5 other people here.

  16 people, exactly 8 people per table.

  Forget about other students and deans from the same province.

  People like Gu Qiushi, Gu Qiushui, and Fu Xuefei didn't know these parents, and they had nothing to say when they met, so there was no need to invite them over.

  On a rare trip to the imperial capital, the family of four went shopping together.

  Fang Yuwen and Su Rou still don't know about Fang Hao being recognized as his brother by Emperor Ming, but even if they know, they won't have much psychological fluctuations.

  Emperor Xi is both a good brother to his own son. How does Emperor Ming compare to Emperor Xi?

  Obviously weaker.

  Since it is weaker, there is nothing to be surprised about.

  At noon, Fang, Ai and Li met in a restaurant and had hot pot together first.

  It’s quite cold in the Imperial City in December, so it’s a good time to warm up with hot pot.

  Although they are all extraordinary people with strong bodies, the cold does not matter, but what they eat is a pleasant atmosphere.

  "Uncle Ai, how are Xiaoya and Xiaodong over there?"

  "Haha, thanks to you, the senior brothers and sisters take good care of them." Ai Hongqing laughed heartily while rinsing the mutton.

  "Xiaodong is surrounded by a lot of fans now, and they all miss home."

  "What about the youth competition?" Fang Hao asked with a smile, "Have you entered the finals there?"

  Ai's mother said with a smile, "Xiaodong Ya has entered, but Xiaodong has not. After all, he is a freshman. It depends on next year." "

  You and Xiaoya should be able to meet in the global finals." Ai Hongqing also smiled.

  The two siblings did not just study under the Sword King in the West, but also entered an academy - only it was not called Zhenwu Academy, but "Fighter Academy".

  In the first month of this year, Fang Hao and Fang Mengqi went to Ai Xiaoya's Sword King Master and stayed there for half a month.

  Ai Xiaodong also asked for leave and went together.

  Study tours are generally organized by the government, because if you go privately, you may not be able to get in or find anyone.

  Fang Hao also relied on Ai Xiaoya's relationship with the Sword King's grandson Hudson to directly meet the Sword King and start a discussion with the Sword King's disciples.

  The result was, of course, a smooth attack, defeating all the disciples of the same age under the Sword King's sect.

  Even Hudson, the "eldest disciple" of this generation and the eldest grandson of the Sword King, was on the field, but he could not stop Fang Hao's ferocious momentum.

  Of course, Fang Hao went on a study tour, not to offend anyone.

  Therefore, they did not lose face with one blow, but defeated them after dozens of moves.

  The King of Swordsman did not die in person, but he exchanged a lot of swordsmanship experience with Fang Hao.

  The two chatted happily and became close friends.

  Everyone else at the table was happy, but Li Dingfang was unhappy.

  He didn't expect that he went to another college and avoided Fang Hao. This decision turned out to be the biggest mistake in his life.

  Looking at Fang Hao now, his teaching and guidance ability has been praised as a "great master" in the family circle.

  Guidance fee of 3 million per hour!
  His dad earns 1,000 yuan an hour and is already the best personal trainer in Maplewood City.

  The difference is three thousand times!

  He even knew from his classmates who came from aristocratic families that Emperor Ming recognized Fang Hao as his younger brother.

  Isn’t the younger brother of Emperor Ming also the younger brother of Overlord?

  He is also the brother-in-law of Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan and Overlord!

  Now he really regrets that he avoided Fang Hao because of his pride.

  If only he could be broader-minded and be able to accept that others are better than him, more powerful than him, and more talented than himself.

  His life will never be as gloomy as it is now.

  Under Fang Hao's guidance and training, Li Xiaoya was able to easily defeat him.

  And they were born the same, had the same start, had the same resources, and had the same teachings from their parents.

  There was no obvious difference in strength before entering school, and there were wins and losses during sparring.

  But Li Xiaoya can easily defeat him now. It's just that there have been too many S-class students at Fenglin City Zhenwu Academy in the past few years, so she didn't even get a spot in the provincial finals.

  Although he made it to the provincial finals, he was quickly eliminated.

  If this spot is given to Li Xiaoya, she can go further.

  Now the people who are close to Fang Hao are all prosperous and powerful. Even Ai Xiaodong is thriving under the Sword King's sect, surrounded by a group of fans and fans.

  What about him?

  No one cares about him.

  Because I had been away from home for a year and a half, even the contact with my parents had faded.

  That decision that seemed right but was actually extremely wrong caused him to completely lose his future.

  "What are you doing?" Li Xiaoya next to him poked his armpit and snickered: "As long as you put down your airs and sincerely ask Fang Hao for advice, he will guide you for the sake of my parents and me. Yes!"

  Li Dingfang remained silent.

  Li Xiaoya knew that he needed time to accept it, so she did not persuade him.

  She knew Fang Hao's personality and knew that Fang Hao was good to people around him.

  Basically, anyone in the class or college who has some connections and is willing to ask him for advice can get his attentive guidance.

  And his guidance has further widened the gap in strength between S-level students and non-S-level students.

  As a result, during this year's junior competition, she felt like she could do it!
  After taking the stage, I realized that I couldn't even beat him!

  There is no way, who makes her unable to afford the high-level essence and blood crystals.

  If the physique cannot keep up, the basic attributes will not be as good as those of S-level students. No matter how good the actual combat skills are, they will be crushed by the attributes.

  Just have to wait until next year.

  Next year, the eight seniors who chose to repeat their studies this year will be over 18 years old, and there is no way they can compete with her for a spot.

  8 places!

  There should be one of her next year, right?
  After eating hot pot, the three families dispersed again, but the staffing changed.

  Su Rou, Lin Yuzhen, as well as Mama Li and Mama Ai, the four women walked together.

  Fang Yuwen, Li Chao, and Ai Hongqing, three grown men who didn't like shopping, said they had made an appointment with Dean Wen Zilong to play mahjong.

  The remaining four teenagers, Fang Hao, Fang Mengqi, Li Xiaoya and Li Dingfang, also split up.

  Li Xiaoya took the opportunity to propose that she want to test the strength of her younger brother Li Dingfang to see how good he is. In fact, Fang Hao and the other three knew her true purpose.

  I just want Fang Hao to guide Li Dingfang.

  "Then go." Fang Hao nodded.

  Li Dingfang has a strong self-esteem, so if he says this himself, he may never say this in his life.

  With some close relationship, Fang Hao is ready to guide this one.

  So the four of them found a paid training room, and Fang Hao gave Li Dingfang a comprehensive assessment and supporting guidance.

  After the instruction, Li Dingfang couldn't help but turn away and shed tears of regret.

  "I'm sorry, it was my villain's heart that hurt you."

  Obviously as long as he puts aside his ridiculous self-esteem and be more casual, he can become very good friends with Fang Hao.

  But because of his narrow-mindedness and ignorance, he turned himself into a clown.

  "We have never had any grudges." Fang Hao patted him on the shoulder.

  "Be relaxed. We are all still young and there is still a long way to go." "


  Li Dingfang wiped away his tears and secretly determined to change himself.

  That night, several families had a sumptuous dinner at the five-star hotel.

  Two more days passed.

  The qualifying competition for the national finals has begun.

  The Queen's research on the bottle of potion also produced preliminary results, and asked Fang Hao to quickly visit the Western Hemisphere.

   Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

    I wish everyone a happy National Day holiday and good physical and mental comfort~
  (End of this chapter)

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