119. Chapter 119 Why don’t we cooperate?

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  Chapter 119 Why don’t we cooperate?

  The Queen did not talk to Fang Hao during lunch.

  Just after lunch, after saying what should be said to the powerful emperors present, Fang Hao and himself were asked to go to the courtyard.

  Naturally, everyone is curious and afraid of this.

  "I didn't expect that the biggest gain of this banquet would be you."

  The Queen was walking on the tree-lined path in the courtyard, having already taken off her crown, and the golden ring on her forehead was shining.

  She said this in Yanxia dialect.

  Idenas followed three or four meters behind him. He could understand the language of the East. Hearing these words, he naturally gritted his teeth secretly and was filled with resentment.

  In front of him, Fang Hao, who was walking behind the Queen, didn't know what to say, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

  The Queen turned back slightly, half-smiling.

  "You came here, didn't you also want to see me?"

  "I don't quite understand." Fang Hao smiled, "I'm flattered by this treatment. I hope I can go home alive."

  The Queen stopped when she saw him pretending to be stupid. Turning around, he went straight to the point and said,
  "Since you are living on this planet like me, why don't you cooperate?
  " You will lead that side, and I will control this side. As long as we join forces, we can unite the humans on this planet. "

  Fang Hao possesses many extraordinary powers and is obviously an "alien" like her.

  "Then what? "Fang Hao was noncommittal.

  The queen did not answer the question, turned around and walked towards the small white table under the tree.

  She was wondering whether to tell Fang Hao her purpose.

  Although many people had guessed it, she said it herself. It is equivalent to a bright card, which will make you lose some negotiation advantages.

  "I don't mind cooperation. "She walked to the small white table under the shade of the tree and sat down, looking at Fang Hao.

  "Please sit down. "

  Fang Hao sat down opposite her.

  Ednas, who was already shocked by what he heard, forced himself to calm down, took the gold teacup and teapot from the tea cart pushed by the maid behind him, and gave them to the two with trembling hands. Someone poured hot tea.

  It turns out that there is more than one alien on this planet!

  It's just that Fang Hao doesn't have the ambition of the Queen, so he has been unknown to everyone!
  "How to cooperate? "Fang Hao picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then looked at the Queen.

  "Isn't that what you said there," the Queen chuckled, "Our journey is to the stars and the sea! Human beings will eventually leave this planet and fly into the universe. I will help the humans on this planet develop technology, upgrade their extraordinary level, and find my own people along the way. Fang

  Hao thought about it carefully and said, "I have no clan members anymore, and your purpose is meaningless to me." "

  The queen thought he was an alien, and he was indeed an alien. She might as well pretend to be an alien whose home planet was destroyed and only she escaped. If you

  have no desires and desires, you will have no weaknesses, so you can let yourself Master the greatest advantage in conversation.

  If you ask for something, the Queen can gain the advantage of conversation based on his "request".

  "How long have you been on this planet? "The Queen picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

  "Being able to come here as a representative should have a close relationship with the officials over there, right?

  Fang Hao nodded: "It's been more than ten years. "

  "More than ten years, nothing has been done? " "The queen was a little confused and frowned.

  "No. "Fang Hao shook his head and took a sip of tea.

  "I don't need to do anything. They have their own development path and there is no need for me, an alien, to interfere. "

  The Queen's expression dimmed and she put down the teacup.

  "I don't want to interfere, but I can only do this. I can't afford to wait. "

  Understood. " Fang Hao nodded, "But I can't decide what's going on over there." If you want to talk, I'll ask them to send someone over to talk to you in detail. "

  The queen couldn't help but be startled, and she was a little unpredictable about Fang Hao's thoughts: "What about you?

  "I'm just a bystander, I don't care. " Fang Hao smiled and said, "It would be best if you can agree on something. If not, let's talk about it later." "

  The queen looked at Fang Hao, thought for a moment, and nodded gently.

  "Thank you. "

  It's best for her if Fang Hao doesn't stop her.

  From this point of view, as long as Fang Hao is used as a link and she offers conditions that satisfy Emperor Yan and other high-level officials, there is no possibility of a successful alliance. "You're welcome

  . Fang Hao smiled and said, "As long as you can be impartial, respect the humans on this planet, and achieve mutual benefit, the success rate of this matter is still very high." "

  Hmm." "The queen nodded lightly, "If you can, please help contact there. "

  Okay." "Fang Hao smiled and nodded.

  No one expected that this banquet would take a wonderful turn in this way.

  Two aliens, drinking tea at this small tea table, changed the whole world with a few words. The fate of mankind.

  "You raised those two flesh-devouring monsters, right? "


  "It seems you still want to do something for there. "

  "After all, I have lived there for more than ten years, and I still have feelings for it to some extent. " "

  Fang Hao stayed here until the evening, chatting with the Queen about many things, from astronomy to geography, from the home planets of both parties (made up) to their respective powers. Until the evening, Fang Hao couldn't stop talking

  . If you leave, there will be rumors.

  Song Yuanzheng and the female translator also waited in the lounge from noon until evening.

  Most of the other emperor-level experts returned to their respective embassies long ago, and a few with good relationships stayed. They came down and chatted with Song Yuanzheng in the lounge.

  But whether they left or not, they were all paying attention to the meeting between the Queen and "that young man".

  After listening to the whole conversation between the two, Idenas couldn't help but sigh. .

  After all, I was overthinking it.

  Now there is an alien who is equal to the Queen and is also living on this planet. He is also extremely mysterious and a young man of the opposite sex with strong combat power. How can it be his turn to dream

  ? ?

  After knowing that the two humanoid monsters that easily hunted the Megalodon Emperor were raised by Fang Hao, he could no longer feel jealous. The "

  alien" who could raise such monsters could be him, who was in the emperor Can the person at the bottom of the realm be comparable?

  The Fang Hao in front of him now looks weak, and he must have just hidden his aura. If he wanted to kill him, he would only be able to kill him with the same effort as the Queen. "Can you give it up

  ? "

  Fang Hao came to the lounge, and Song Yuanzheng stood up and asked with a smile.

  "We have drank several pots of tea and eaten too much cakes. "

  The other emperor-level experts in the lounge also smiled and showed their kindness to Fang Hao.

  "The result is pretty good." Fang Hao said with a smile, "The Queen hopes to talk to you about the alliance, and will respect you and respect humanity." Song Yuanzheng's eyes lit up, he nodded and smiled: "Okay, let's start

  with Let's spread this news back to China."

  "Yes." Fang Hao smiled and nodded.

  The other Imperial Realm experts nodded after the translator around them translated the conversation between the two.

  This was not what the Queen said after lunch before.

  After chatting with Fang Hao for an entire afternoon, their attitudes changed for the better, making them all relieved.

  Cooperation is the best.

  Respect them, respect humanity, that's even better.

  They had a rebellious mentality before, because they did not want to be inferior to others and become the queen's cash machine.

  Now the Queen has changed her attitude and said that she will respect everyone and that the situation will develop for the better, which will be a good thing for everyone outside the Federation.

  Hank Potter and other emperor-level experts also found out about this from Idenas' mouth, or obtained the conversation records from the clerk who accompanied him in charge of recording.

  Two aliens, evenly matched.

  It's just that someone who is too low-key and has no desire for power will remain unknown.

  However, the combat power of the two humanoid monsters he raised surpassed that of the Sea Beast Emperor. He must be on the same level as the Queen in order to be qualified to be "equal" with the Queen.

  This creates a wonderful balance that puts everyone at ease.

  Fang Hao does not hold power, but he can threaten the Queen, so the Queen will not mess around and respect human beings.

  As long as the Queen doesn't mess around, Fang Hao will stand by her side. The two great gods joining forces are enough to form a terrifying deterrent to all the powerful emperors.

  This is a "generally" balanced trend that is good for everyone.

  It can not only promote the great unity of mankind, concentrate resources to rush into the universe, and enhance the extraordinary level.

  No one’s obvious interests will be harmed.

  After the news was sent back to China, Yan Emperor Yan Yiming immediately summoned other senior personnel to discuss together.

  They did not expect that Fang Hao would reach such a good agreement with the Queen after visiting the Federation.

  No matter who wants to fight, it is of course the best choice to develop and grow together.

  As for respecting the Queen, this is a nominal issue, no big deal.

  Just because I call you "Your Majesty the Queen" doesn't mean that everyone will listen to you.

  What they were afraid of before was that "everyone must listen to the Queen", which is why they were so resistant and resistant.

  Since you don't have to listen to everything now, and you can discuss it if you're not satisfied, that's also a good thing for this side. A banquet of imperial realm powerhouses with hidden dangers suddenly turned into a great situation because of the participation of a "young man".

  The Queen's faction and the local faction, who were still engaging in passionate spats and even real-life PKs before, have mostly settled their differences now.

  Now that both sides are on the same side, what is there to fight for?
  The vast majority of people are not against the great alliance of mankind, they just don't want their destiny to be dominated by others.

  This result now satisfies most people.

  Those who are not satisfied cannot resist the current trend.

  Under the suppression of the two great gods, the situation has been set and it will be difficult to reverse it.

  Fang Hao and Song Yuanzheng soon returned to China, and their photos and part of the information were released through official channels with his permission.

  As an alien who can confront the Queen and stand on the side of mankind, his public appearance can stabilize people's hearts to the greatest extent and reduce the obstacles to unity.

  Because he has been on this planet for more than ten years and has never interfered in human affairs. It was only at this time that he stepped forward and promoted this great alliance.

  So everyone believed that he could do a good job as a "supervisor"!

  If the Queen dares to act recklessly against humans, she will become a flag and the hope in the hearts of those who resist.

  With him as a check and balance, people's hearts can be stabilized and they can safely accept the reasonable demands and conditions put forward by the Queen.

  Instead of trying his best to resist the Queen because he was worried that he would be used as a cash machine.

  Five days later, on December 6, key officials from each country gathered in the federal capital again to discuss joint matters.

  Fang Hao was invited to be the host of the meeting, coordinating the meeting process, and acting as a god-level powerhouse to intimidate the venue, so that the emperor-level powerhouses participating in the meeting could discuss "calmly".

  After nearly a month of rounds of discussions, witnessed by the whole world, the Queen announced the formation of a joint parliament on New Year's Day, January 1 of the following year.

  All human beings who are powerful in the Imperial Realm automatically become councilors (can be absent and do nothing).

  Under the Imperial Realm, those "regions" with few or no Imperial Realm strong men can elect their own representatives. Regardless of their level, they can have the same power as the Imperial Realm MPs.

  This article naturally takes care of the "weak", and therefore it has won the support of small and weak countries.

  After the formation of the Joint Parliament was completed, the whole world celebrated.

  People all over the world are decorating with lights and celebrating the arrival of the new era with various festive activities.

  After forming the Joint Parliament, the members began to formulate the "Human Charter" and wrote down the future integration plan.

  For example, if the world is changed into a digital-based administrative region, it will first become a whole in form, and then detailed and specific system construction will be developed depending on the situation.

  After the "Human Charter" was formulated, it represented that the entire planet and all people were included in the legal jurisdiction of the Parliament.

  In the future, the United Council will send people to manage the areas that were previously unattended and the weak people who suffered, send troops to garrison, and send administrative officials to establish an administrative system.

  At least for the weak, these people are "magic soldiers descended from heaven", ending their suffering that lasted for generations.

  Fang Hao does not hold any position in the parliament.

  Although he was the most suitable speaker, all members tacitly agreed not to nominate him.

  Just make a good start and continue living your leisurely life.

  Once he is allowed to take power, taste the wonderful taste of power, and then unite with the Queen, and even marry and form a family, then mankind will really be "sent" with a capital capital.

  But Fang Hao didn't care about this.

  Why did the Queen become the Queen?
  Because she's called that?

  of course not.

  It's because she has the terrifying combat power to instantly kill the powerful Emperor Realm warriors.

  In such an extraordinary plane, power is never given by anyone, but is obtained by strength.

  Even if he is nominated as a speaker candidate and is successfully elected.

  He won't do it either.

  There was so much trouble and trouble that didn't improve him at all, so why did he do such a waste of energy?

  Are you too full?

  What he yearned for was never on this planet.

  So he never cared much about these things.

  He no longer appeared after humans formed the United Council, and his presence not only reassured the powerful emperors, but also worried them.

  Rest assured, his presence can keep the Queen restrained and not dare to act recklessly.

  What he was worried about was that if he got too close to the Queen, fell in love with her, and became a family, the joke would be too big.

  So he had better go back and live his own life with peace of mind, and have less contact with the Queen, and it is best not to have any contact at all.

  Maplewood City.

  At noon on January 2, Fang Hao and Fang Mengqi returned home by car.

  After the crisis was resolved, there was no need to continue the Tinder Project, so they were naturally sent back.

  Their parents knew they were coming back today, so they deliberately didn't go to the martial arts gym and waited for them to come home at home.

  "Dad, Mom."

  "Uncle, Auntie."

  "Haha, come in quickly!"

  "I've made a table of dishes. They're all set. Come in and eat."

  The four of them moved their luggage together and returned it all in a few seconds. into the house.

  "Master, the food is ready, why don't we come in and eat together?"

  "No, I have to go back to recover. Thank you."

  Return to life? Fang Yuwen stood at the entrance of the courtyard, watching the black car go away, and frowned.

  This word is not something that ordinary people can use.

  But both Fang Hao and Fang Mengqi came back safely, so he didn't think much about the problem and turned back to the house.

  "Come on, come on, wash your face and hands, catch the wind and wash away the dust!"

  Mother Su Rou brought out a plate of water, and then brought a brand new towel and put it into the basin.

  "Mom, we're not going to jail."

  "Pfft." Fang Mengqi couldn't help laughing.

  "What are you talking about? Bad luck!" Su Rou patted Fang Hao, "Wash quickly, the dishes are getting cold!" "Okay

  ." Fang Hao put his hands into the basin and washed his hands and face.

  Fang Yuwen walked into the hall and asked: "Haohao, why didn't the biological son you mentioned come? I've been looking forward to it for a month, but I didn't see a shadow of him!" "He has something to do and can't come." Fang Hao put the towel

  on He put it back in the basin and replied with a smile.

  Who would have thought that they could reach an agreement with the Queen the first time they met.

  Now that the crisis was over, he didn't let the clone come here again to avoid any complications.

  Her mother, Su Rou, took the basin back to the kitchen and emptied it out, then brought out a new basin of water. She also put on a new towel and washed Fang Mengqi's hands and face.

  "It's a shame I waited so long." Fang Yuwen was speechless and walked towards the dining table.

  "Sit down, let's eat."

  A family of four sat around the table and ate their lunch happily.

  After lunch, Fang Hao and Fang Mengqi rode their bicycles and went to Zhenwu Academy to continue their classes.

  No matter what happens to the world, life will always go on.

  I am very lucky to be able to enjoy the peace and tranquility I have now and live peacefully with my family.

  When they arrived at the academy, they did not go to the second-year Qianlian Changdao Camp, but returned to the first-year Changdao Camp 1 of Liu Zhongze.

  Lu Qianjun and Shi Zhixue also returned here with a tacit understanding.

  They originally jumped up a level, but now that the junior competition is over, they should come back here to lay a solid foundation.

  Now that the clouds hanging over the world have dissipated, they have more time to improve themselves.

  As soon as Fang Hao and Fang Mengqi appeared, they were surrounded by their classmates.

  "Fang Hao, I heard from the teacher that you guys went to special training, why are you back?"

  "Special training, a month isn't special enough?" "

  I heard that you can charge 3 million for one hour of teaching, is it true? ?"

  "I've heard about it too, but it seems that only three people have taken your class, and they have all reached the top 10 in the finals, right?" "Three

  million is probably a rumor, I think it should be 30,000 yuan, and the king level is also There is no 3 million an hour."

  "Yes, but 30,000 yuan is too expensive. We have been taught so much and we have made a lot of money!"

  Faced with a series of questions, Fang Hao just smiled: "Teacher Liu is here. Everyone, please stand, don't crowd around me."

  "Is that 3 million real or fake?"

  "Really, but this price is just a random word I made to reject those who asked for guidance."

  The students heard this answer , all breathed a sigh of relief.

  If Fang Hao could really collect 3 million an hour, they would be embarrassed to ask him for advice again.

   Thanks to Mr. Zhou Tianhanche for the coin reward.

    (The editor-in-chief Penglai said that this book had too many political references and it would be easy to close the book. He came to him every once in a while for review. Yesterday, the review finally couldn’t bear it anymore and banned my chapter 065. I deleted almost 2,000 words in that chapter and added a paragraph about the protagonist showing off. The plot of the follow-up plot can only be changed to the outline and shortened, so the plot line of the Queen is in place in one step. Fortunately, the plot does not seem to be inconsistent.)
  (End of this chapter)

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