Chapter 85 Scorpion’s Human Puppet

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  Now, although Scorpio doesn't have a real human puppet yet.

  It's because Xie hasn't found a corpse that he thinks is more suitable for making human puppets.

  If you want to make an adult puppet, theoretically it can be a corpse.

  But if you want to meet the standards of a scorpion, you don't have to have a corpse.

  Generally speaking, Scorpios have two standards.

  Because the human puppet can retain the ninjutsu and abilities of the person in life.

  Therefore, the corpse that Scorpion wants is the one with better or special abilities.

  For example, this corpse was a user of the Blood Succession Limit during his lifetime. In this case, this person's corpse would meet the requirements of Scorpion.

  Because in this way, his puppet will be able to use the Blood Succession Limit.

  This is one of them.

  The second is that although this person's corpse does not possess blood inheritance limits or other special ninjutsu.

  But if this person's body has some better characteristics, then it can also meet the requirements of Scorpion.

  For example, if this person has a very large body, then he meets the requirements of a scorpion. For example, because his body is very large, many mechanisms can be installed in his body.

  In this way, it is in line with Scorpio's requirements.

  So far, Scorpion has not found such a corpse.

  There are quite a few living people who meet Scorpion's requirements. There are many people in Sand Hidden Village alone who would meet Scorpion's requirements if they were dead.

  But so far, Scorpion can't kill these people and make puppets.

  After all, if you really do it, it will be easily exposed. After all, most of these living people who meet the requirements of Scorpion have some special abilities.

  And those with these special abilities are all very good ninjas, and naturally they hold some important positions.

  Therefore, even if Scorpion could kill them, there was no guarantee that he would not be exposed.

  Therefore, regarding this matter, Scorpion still has to take a long-term approach and make complete preparations before going for the assassination.

  The Third Kazekage is a material that Scorpion is very optimistic about for making human puppets.

  But now Scorpion's strength is not enough to kill the Third Kazekage, let alone assassinate the Third Kazekage.

  After all, there are many guards around the Third Kazekage. It is not easy to assassinate the Third Kazekage quietly.

  However, Scorpion still has this idea. As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. He believes that he will definitely turn these people into adult puppets and turn them into his works of art.

  When Scorpion saw the scene of Yasaka cutting off the fruit with one knife, he immediately made up his mind to turn Yasaka into his human puppet in the future and directly record Yasaka on the death list in his mind.

  Because Yasaka's cutting skills are so amazing, and in addition to long-range attacks such as placing hidden weapons, the puppet also has outstanding melee capabilities.

  Yasaka's melee combat ability is obviously very powerful, so Scorpion immediately took a liking to Yasaka's body.

  At this time, after Yasaka cut off the fourth-to-last fruit with a single blow, he felt that his physical fatigue was getting worse.

  He even started to pant. Rested.

  After all, this kind of high-intensity exercise seems to only last for a short period of time, and only a dozen times in total.

  But it is actually very difficult to complete this level of high-intensity exercise.

  After all, you have to distinguish between fruit and interference in two seconds, and then you have to quickly swing the knife a dozen times.

  This is not only a great test of mental strength, but also a great test of physical strength.

  It's like a person sprinting with all his strength for ten seconds, then resting for five seconds, then sprinting for ten seconds again, and then repeating this cycle a dozen times.

  A normal person would probably collapse to the ground by repeating this cycle five times.

  And to repeat it more than ten times, it is really not something that ordinary people can do.

  Therefore, this is where Yasaka is great, and this is where he is tired.

  This kind of ultra-high-speed sword swing in a short period of time is really very intense.

  So when Yasaka was on the fourteenth wave, he could clearly feel some pain in his arm.

  Then I persisted all the way to the current nineteenth wave, which is quite difficult.

  This is also thanks to the blessing of the Great Freedom Immortal Technique on his sword swing, which has allowed him to hold on until now.

  The effect of reducing air resistance may not seem to have much effect.

  But when you actually use it, you will unconsciously find that it takes a lot less effort than before.

  Even the speed of swinging the knife is about 20% to 25% faster than the speed of swinging the knife without this effect of reducing air resistance.

  Therefore, from another direction, if you think about it in reverse, you can achieve the same effect as the previous swing speed by using about 75% of the force of the previous swing. In other words, you can indirectly save about every time. About 25% of the power of swinging a sword.

  In situations like this where the sword is swung at high speed more than ten times in a short period of time, the power consumption can be reduced by about 25% each time. When accumulated, it is also a considerable labor saving.

  Coupled with the effect of the wind dragging the arms, it further achieves a secondary labor-saving effect.

  Therefore, it can be said that when using the Great Freedom Immortal Technique, it can save 40% of the power when not using the Great Freedom Immortal Technique.

  This is already a very scary number.

  It directly saves nearly half of the power consumption, which in turn increases the endurance by 40%.

  This is very powerful.

  However, even so, Yasaka still feels that he is about to reach his limit.

  After all, although he saved a lot of energy, his muscular development limited the upper limit of his endurance.

  Therefore, he only has so much endurance, and no matter how much he saves, there is a limit. Therefore, Yasaka estimates that he will give up directly after completing this nineteenth wave.

  After all, during the twentieth wave, he thought he would die unless he couldn't hold on. Otherwise, judging from the current situation, he would definitely not be able to survive it.

  Therefore, after Yasaka cut off the fourth fruit from the bottom, he focused on the third fruit from the bottom.

  And the size of this so-called third to last fruit is also quite large.

  In the three-dimensional rendering of Yasaka's airflow perception.

  You can see that the surface of this fruit has many uneven protrusions, which look like small pyramid-like spikes.

  So Yasaka speculated that the fruit should be a durian.

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