Chapter 200 Asma’s shock

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  Sarutobi Asuma was trembling slightly. The news that Yasaka had killed Kirabi, Yuzuki, and Momochi Zabuza alone was too shocking for Sarutobi Asuma.

  You must know that these three people are not rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs. They are real masters, even the dark horses of this competition, and strong contenders for the championship of this competition.

  Killing any one of them can be said to be very impressive, but Yasaka killed all three of them by himself.

  What does this mean? It means super strength.

  Sarutobi Asuma had never even dared to think about it before this, especially that two jinchūriki were killed by the same person. This was simply outrageous, and the decapitating sword of Zabuza Momochi was actually chopped into pieces by Yasaka. Three times.

  Do you want to be so violent, so fierce...

  This is simply like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, like entering an uninhabited land. It is really not an exaggeration to say that the gods are blocking the gods and the Buddhas are killing the Buddhas...

  Thinking of this, Sarutobi Asuma said to himself: "Yasaka, this guy is so fierce, so violent..."

  However, thinking that Yasaka's violence was all inflicted on players from other countries, Sarutobi Asuma felt guilty. Inexplicably fast. It feels like a rising tide lifts all boats. It’s the feeling that although I’m pretty good, my teammates are awesome, so I’m very proud of it.

  At this time, Sarutobi Asuma noticed that Mochi Zabuza, Kirabi, and Yuzuki were not among the people present, so he asked: "Why didn't those three people see their figures?" Uchiha

  Obito Hehehe said with a smile: "Those three people were miserable. The Yuzuki man was in a coma when he came out. It is said that he was mentally shocked." Hearing that the Yuzuki man was mentally shocked, Sarutobi

  Asuma suddenly remembered that he was When he was fighting against Yasaka, when Yasaka slashed at him with a sword, the sight of the sword that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared in his mental world, which was a mental shock.

  So Sarutobi Asuma immediately understood the Yuzuki man's situation.

  Because you have to know that when Sarutobi Asuma faced Yasaka, even though Yasaka also released a mental shock attack on Sarutobi Asuma.

  But that was just a discussion, so Yasaka also controlled the intensity.

  But despite this, Asuma Sarutobi fainted directly at that time and stayed in the hospital for several days before he recovered.

  Now when Yasaka unleashes his mental shock on Yuzuka, it is during a competition, and he attacks non-natives. Naturally, the intensity of his mental shock is definitely much higher than when he was sparring with Sarutobi Asuma. .

  Therefore Sarutobi Asuma could understand Yuzuki's fainting situation.

  Sarutobi Asuma nodded and motioned for Uchiha Obito to continue.

  "Khilabi was using the eight-tailed bee sword technique with all his strength, that is, when all eight swords came out at once, he was chopped away by Yasaka in the air. Then he received such a blow that his whole body withered."

  " As for Momochi Zabuza, he was very powerful. He held the sword with both hands and struck with all his strength against Yasaka, who held the sword with one hand. As a result, Yasaka cut the decapitating sword into two pieces with one strike. Then he did not believe in evil and rushed forward again. The result The remaining half of the decapitating sword was cut off by Yasaka. In the end, the three-meter-long decapitating sword only had a 30-centimetre-long handle left, hahaha!" At this point,

  Uchiha Obito couldn't bear it. Zumi burst out laughing, which immediately caused several people in Kirigakure not far away to glare at him.

  Sarutobi Asuma smiled helplessly. He had recovered from the initial shock, and he felt very emotional in his heart: "Yasaka is really too strong. If nothing else, just his hand, This is the pride of our Leaf Village."

  Uchiha Obito nodded, indeed, in front of tens of thousands of spectators, especially in front of many spectators from other countries, he punched and kicked Zabuza Kirabi could chop the teak man away from the air. This move definitely shocked people from other countries.

  One of the main purposes of Konoha hosting this competition this time is to show the future strength of Konoha Village, and Yasaka accomplished this goal very well, even overfulfilling the task, and instantly made other countries' People were shocked. The strength of the genin of Konoha Village was probably stronger than that of some jounin.

  While the two were discussing Yasaka, Yasaka activated the Great Freedom Sage Technique and chased Inikisaki Kisame.

  Although Kisame Kisame's water escape technique was very smooth, his escape speed was not that great. In addition, he was carrying two people on his back, so he was quickly chased by Yasaka.

  Seeing Yasaka chasing after him, Inikisaki Kisame stopped and looked at Yasaka warily.

  "What do you want to do?" Kisame Kisame asked knowingly.

  Yasaka laughed and pulled out the tachi from his waist: "You already know, why are you asking?"

  Hearing this, Mikigaki Kisame smiled helplessly and said: "Then there is no other way, it seems that we can only fight today. "

  As he said that, without saying a word, Kisame Kisaki formed a seal and roared: "Water Release! Exploding water!" The

  next moment, he puffed up his cheeks and suddenly sprayed out a large amount of water on the ground. In a few breaths, the surrounding area turned into a small lake and became his home court.

  Yasaka watched Momochi Zabuza spit out water indifferently, and stood on the water to stretch his muscles. He felt that the type of Kisame Kisame was easy for him to fight, so he didn't take it too seriously and simply let the opponent A large amount of water was produced, which convinced him that he would lose easily when the time came.

  Otherwise, if he really wanted to fight, Yasaka would directly activate the Great Freedom Free Spell when Kisame uses Water Release and Explosive Water to rush and spit water, and rush forward with a sword to kill Kisame in seconds.

  "Have you finished vomiting? I'm going to attack after vomiting!" Yasaka asked stabbingly.

  Kisame Kisame smiled and said, "Come on! Let Kisame Kisame teach you the sword skills of Konoha's general!"

  As he said that, Kisame took out the scroll and channeled Samehada from inside.

  "Ah? What is that? Such a big... stick?"

  Seeing Kisame Kisame take out Samehada, Yasaka, who had never seen Samehada before, was dumbfounded. What is this thing? There are a bunch of things wrapped around it. The bandage has no edges and corners. It looks like an enlarged popsicle shape. I really can’t think of any use for this thing.

  "This is called Samehada, and it's a ninja sword owned by one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen." Inikisaki Kisame introduced.

  In fact, he himself knew that using Samehada to compete with Yasaka in slicing techniques was simply seeking death. After all, Samehada itself was not a sword. The reason why Samehada was taken out was actually to be used as a shield...

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