Chapter 175 The battle between the two

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  "Hmph! I expected you to split the water elemental person apart! But my water elemental person is specially designed to deal with situations like yours!" Momochi Zabuza snorted coldly, clasped his hands together in a seal, and just See the water element split in half by Yasaka. The person, in the next second, had two halves of his body left and right. It liquefies into water, merges together, and becomes a complete water element again. people.

  At the same time, the three water elements are left. The people had also rushed in front of Yasaka, and one of them turned his arms into two sharp thorns and stabbed at Yasaka fiercely.

  Another one turned his hand into a super sword and slashed at Yasaka.

  The last one turned one hand into a huge scissor and cut it towards Yasaka's neck, while the other hand turned into a huge spiked mace and swept it from Yasaka's back. .

  Plus the newly restored water element above Yasaka's head. The man struck Yasaka head-on with a big ax again. For a moment, Yasaka was besieged on all sides and surrounded by various attacks.

  Seeing this scene, the audience outside the venue became nervous again. After all, he was directly surrounded by various attacks. He was facing powerful attacks from front to back, left, right, and bottom. Yasaka, who seemed to be thin and defenseless, could not make the audience feel that he could resist. attack.

  And Yasaka only has one knife. How to deal with so many attacks at the same time? This is what worries the audience.

  However, due to their previous experience, the audience did not feel that Yasaka was really cool. Instead, they cheered for Yasaka one after another.

  "Come on! Withstand this wave of attacks——!"

  "Go! Let them see the power of our Konoha——!"

  "Come on Yasaka! Bring out the momentum of our Konoha!"

  "Do it. Kill him! Yasaka!" Come on -!"

  For a moment, the audience was filled with deafening cheers, and in the illusion, Yasaka seemed to hear these cheers and encouragements. He only saw the corner of his mouth curling up, showing a confident smile, and violently turning the sword in his hand. He stood up and instantly brought up a silver-white misty wind. Countless sword lights pulled out a series of gorgeous sword shadows. He only heard him whisper: "Steel Cutting Flash, fully open!" The next moment, I saw

  four water elements being attacked. The place surrounded by people suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and then, the white light expanded violently, like a dazzling shock wave, sweeping away in an instant, and the four water elements. The human attacks collided fiercely.

  "What! It's Kaitian!?" In the stands, Hinata Hizashi stood up and shouted with shock on his face!
  "No! It's not Kaiten! It's the body that rotates at high speed while releasing countless sword lights, forming an attack with the same effect as Kaiten!" Nara Shikaku next to Hinata Hiashi shouted in surprise!
  "What! How is it possible!" Hinata Hizu was shocked and said in a voiceless voice, "He actually imitated Kaiten's mode and released the sword light!" This was

  simply unheard of for him. It was the first time he had seen such an operation in such a long time. He really gave it to him. Bringing unparalleled spiritual shock!
  On the other side, Uchiha Fugaku stared at the big screen with a serious face, looking at the white light of the rumors in the big screen that was like returning to heaven, and said without looking back: "Sakumo..." Hatake

  Sakumo also stared at the big screen. The screen had a serious look on his face. He did not turn his head. Instead, he stared at the big screen and nodded. He said in a shocking voice: "Well, I know..., he... actually used this method to bloom the sword light. It really shocked me." His heartbeat has accelerated a lot!"

  At this time, Uchiha Fugaku changed his previous lazy and peaceful demeanor, with a serious face, frowning and staring at the big screen. If anyone looked into his eyes at this time, they would be able to see His pupils have turned into the Mangekyō Sharingan state!
  At this time, in his sight, the hemispherical energy wave that seemed to be returning to heaven was magnified countless times by the Sharingan. Therefore, what appeared in his eyes was a sharp, sharp energy wave composed of countless dazzling white lights. The sword lights overlap one after another, layer after layer, forming an airtight hemispherical shock wave!
  This scene shocked Uchiha Fugaku no less than the scene when Yasaka split the huge water dragon with his sword when he used the Mangekyō Sharingan to predict the future, and it was even more shocking.

  So much so that a word suddenly flashed across Uchiha Fugaku's mind: Ten thousand swords returning to the clan?

  At the same time, tens of thousands of eyes in the audience were staring at the energy ball that was like returning to heaven.

  In the environment, there is the hemispherical dazzling energy ball and four water elements. The human attack hit him head-on, and in an instant, he saw the four water elements. The moment the person's attack hit the white light, it dissipated into a handful of water vapor with a crash. The big ax that struck the head was crushed by the white light and turned into a large puddle of water.

  And there are three water elements left. The same goes for human attacks.

  Before Momochi Zabuza could react, he heard a sound coming from the hemisphere of white light: "Open!"

  The next second, he saw the hemisphere of white light that was like returning to heaven, as if it suddenly exploded. Generally, it spreads outward violently, instantly turning into a shock wave and rushing around, so that the large white mist is directly rendered into a dazzling bright white by the diffused white light, so that the entire Kirigakure Jutsu is completely It turned into a large dazzling white light, illuminating an area of ​​several kilometers!
  Momochi Zabuzaya, who was in the Kirigakure Jutsu, screamed "Ah" and couldn't open his eyes due to the flash of white light.

  Seeing this exaggerated scene, the audience outside the venue suddenly burst into screams. This scene, which directly illuminated the area for several kilometers, was as dazzling as a science fiction blockbuster, making everyone present stare.

  Even the commentator who was supposed to be giving the commentary forgot to speak at this time. He seemed to have turned into a statue, staring straight at the big screen motionless.

  In the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage and others were also staring at the crystal ball in stunned silence. If they split the water dragon before, they split the water element. People, even the scene of splitting the lightning shock wave, can still keep big guys like the Third Hokage calm.

  So now, Yasaka's direct move illuminated the entire fog into a dazzling light, which directly made the Third Hokage and others freeze on the spot.

  Even those of them who have experienced great ninja wars and seen countless Kage-level warriors were so shocked that they were speechless when they saw such a spectacular scene.

  In a ramen restaurant not far from the stadium, an uncle looked surprised at first, then laughed and said to himself: "This little guy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve..."

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