Chapter 153 The miserable Yamamoto Isoroshi

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  At this time, Yamamoto fifty-seven didn't know that Yasaka was chasing after him quickly. He was running away and laughed loudly: "It doesn't matter that you are the commander of Konoha, you still can't catch up with me, hahaha..." "How can you

  ? Are you sure I can't catch up with you?"

  Just as Yamamoto Isseven laughed, Yasaka's voice suddenly came to his ears.


  Yamamoto Isseven didn't turn around for a moment, and was stunned for a moment. Then he subconsciously turned his head to look at where the voice was coming from. He saw Yasaka running side by side with him, and when he saw him slashing at him, Yasaka also Smiled at him.

  "I'm going to wipe——!"

  Yamamoto Fifty-seven was startled on the spot, screamed suddenly, lost his footing, and fell directly to the ground.

  When Yamamoto fifty-seven got up, he saw Yasaka standing in front of him.

  "How did you do it! I clearly released a large area of ​​ground burrs, but you were able to catch up! What the hell!?"

  Yamamoto fifty-seven looked at Yasaka with a ghostly expression, and quickly stepped back. He knew that Yasaka He is good at close combat swordsmanship, so if he gets too close to Yasaka, he is afraid that he will be killed instantly on the spot.

  "What's this? You look like you've never seen the world. I'll let you see it today!"

  As he said that, Yasaka threw his sword at Yamamoto fifty-seven's confused expression. He jumped into the air, then stood up and jumped. Under the stunned expression of Yamamoto fifty-seven, he actually stood directly on top of his tachi that was in mid-air!

  And he did not directly press down the sword, as if his whole body was weightless, and had no impact on the sword at all.

  This scene not only made Yamamoto Isoroku hang up on the spot, but also shocked the attention of a large audience.

  "Wow! What's going on with that kid? Doesn't he have weight?" "Is

  he performing magic? Why can he stand on the sword in mid-air but not press it down?" "

  How did she do it ? ?"

  For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and even everyone in the Hokage's office fell into silence.

  Finally, it was Jiraiya who broke the silence and spoke first.

  "Is that the Super Light and Heavy Rock Jutsu? But I didn't see him forming a seal!"

  Orochimaru said with a serious expression: "Probably not. It is true that the Light and Heavy Rock Jutsu can make people fly, but it cannot do this kind of stepping. This is the case with a tachi in mid-air." At

  this time, the Third Hokage also said: "Yes, Yasaka seems to be directly controlling his own gravity. Although this is similar to the light and heavy rock jutsu, if you look closely, It's completely different."

  "That's weird, what kind of ninjutsu is this..." Jiraiya started swearing.

  At the same time, in the illusion, Yasaka jumped off his sword. At this time, the sword fell to the ground, and the tip of the sword was inserted directly. Into the soil.

  Yamamoto Fifty-seven was silent, and then he took off the bell from his neck and handed it to Yasaka in front of Yasaka.

  "I don't want to play anymore. I'll just give it to you. No one can beat this..." Yamamoto fifty-seven said with a speechless face, but it stunned Yasaka. He originally wanted to beat him. The boy paused, but to his surprise, this guy surrendered directly.

  Yamamoto fifty-seven saw Yasaka take over his bell. Although he was eliminated, he felt relieved. At least he didn't have to be beaten. Although he knew that he couldn't beat the Konoha general, he should still be able to parry a few moves. of.

  But like now, after seeing Yasaka's unbelievable operation, Yamamoto Fifty-seven gave up treatment directly, and fought to the death. Such an opponent is simply not something that humans can deal with. This is completely against the rules, okay?
  However, just when Yamamoto fifty-seven breathed a sigh of relief, felt lucky that he didn't have to be beaten, and was about to say I surrender and be teleported out, he suddenly saw an evil smile on Yasaka's face.

  "Uh? What do you want to do..."

  Yamamoto Fifty-seven subconsciously took a step back.

  "Hmph, do you think you can avoid being beaten if you hand over the bell? Haha, you are so wrong!"

  With that said, Yasaka rushed directly to Yamamoto Fifty-seven, Yamamoto Fifty-seven. Shocked, he quickly opened his mouth to call me to surrender. As long as he shouted the three words "I surrender", he would be teleported out instantly. However, as soon as he shouted the two words "I surrender", he was punched away by Yasaka.

  "Ah——!" Yamamoto Isseven screamed and flew backwards. At this time, there was only one thing in his mind, and that was to shout the words "I surrender."

  Therefore, he ignored his constant rolling after landing and shouted quickly. However, just when he shouted the words "I vote", Yasaka, who was chasing him, kicked him and flew away.

  And while Yasaka was still looking at Yamamoto fifty-seven in shock, he took out a piece of tape from nowhere at a very fast speed and stuck it on his mouth.

  In this way, Yamamoto Fifty-seven would not be able to shout the three words "I surrender" at all.

  In the next two minutes, Yamamoto fifty-seven was punched and kicked by Yasaka. The audience was speechless. Yamamoto fifty-seven was also unlucky. He was slapped on his mouth, and his hands were slapped by Yasaka. He was buckled behind his back, so for a moment he really couldn't surrender even if he wanted to.

  He felt extremely sad and angry. Why is it so difficult to surrender these days?
  Two minutes later, after Yasaka gave Yamamoto a fat beating, he calculated the time and decided not to waste time here anymore. So he took off the tape on Yamamoto's mouth and said with a smile: "Let's go, see you next time."

  "I don't want to see you again, hum! I surrender!"

  Yamamoto fifty-seven said fiercely, and then disappeared on the spot and was teleported out of the environment.

  "Fortunately, I didn't waste too much time. I went elsewhere to see if there are any other players. I have to seize the time to grab a few more bells."

  Yasaka said to himself.

  "Yes, we have to hurry up." At this time, Uchiha Obito struggled to get through the burrs that looked like the surface of a cactus.

  "I'm talking about myself, and I'm not talking about you. If I take you with me, it will slow down my speed!" At

  this time, Yasaka said to Uchiha Obito.


  Uchiha Obito almost fainted from anger on the spot.

  "Which way do you go, I'll go this way, that's it!"

  With that said, Yasaka directly activated the Great Freedom Immortal Technique, rushed out with a 'whoosh', and disappeared in the Uchiha belt in a few blinks of an eye. In Tu's sight.

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