Chapter 147 Obito’s choice

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  Therefore, it can be said that these broken stones at this time also pose a fatal threat to Uchiha Obito.

  But compared with the original huge stone falling down, although it is a fatal threat, if the huge stone falls down, if it is crushed. If it falls, it is basically certain death.

  But if the broken stones are shooting everywhere, even if you are hit, you will most likely be killed, but if you can block the shooting of broken stones, then there is hope of survival.

  Therefore, in the end, Uchiha Obito chose to use the fire escape ninjutsu of fire escape and explosive flame bomb to break this huge hill-like stone.

  Then use other methods to block the bursts of gravel.

  Therefore, at this moment, he saw Uchiha Obito directly forming a seal, using the earth escape and earth flow wall technique, and raised an arc-shaped earth wall in front of him, so the stones that scattered in all directions became It was blocked by the earth wall in front of Uchiha Obito.

  But the power of those stones was also very powerful, so much so that when they hit the earth wall, they made a "pah-pah-pah" sound, and even cracked the earth wall. It didn't matter whether it was Uchiha Obito on the other side of the earth wall. Even the spectators outside the venue were frightened.

  If the earthen wall was broken, Uchiha Obito would probably be seriously injured at least.

  Fortunately, Uchiha Obito's Earth Release and Earthflow Wall Jutsu's earth wall was not a shoddy construction, so it successfully withstood the impact of these gravel blocks.

  But even so, it is also covered with large cracks, giving people a feeling of being shaky and about to collapse.

  But no matter what, Obito Uchiha successfully survived this wave, and he also survived by relying on the classic ninjutsu Earth Release and Earthflow Wall of later generations Hatake Kakashi.

  However, although Uchiha Obito withstood this wave, he also fell into a passive situation and fell into the opponent's rhythm. Being led by the opponent, he could only be tired of dealing with it and defend passively. The situation is very unfavorable for Uchiha Obito.

  After all, there is an old saying that goes like this: if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Just like backgammon, if you blindly defend, you will lose in the end, because the best defense is to attack.

  Seeing this scene, Mikami Hideji outside the court was also anxious, because Uchiha Obito had made one mistake every step since he mistakenly entered the opponent's detonating talisman trap, and he had been led by the opponent. The other party takes the initiative to attack.

  "We must find opportunities to reverse the situation, otherwise we will lose if we keep doing this!"

  Hideji Mikami frowned and said to himself. Although there are also defensive counterattack tactics, that kind of defensive counterattack is based on stable defense. Under the circumstances, that is to say, you can take advantage of the situation calmly, pay attention to the details of the opponent, seize the flaws exposed by the opponent, and then successfully counterattack.

  But now Uchiha Obito's situation is that his will is tired of coping, and he is in a very dangerous situation. It is already good to be able to defend, but there is no chance to seize the opponent's flaws and counterattack.

  Therefore, in this case, we must find conditions to seize the loopholes and counterattack to reverse the situation. Even if there are no conditions, we must create conditions. And this is what Hideji Mikami tells students like Uchiha Obito when he is in class. Passed.

  After all, Hideji Mikami participated in the Second Ninja War. Although he did not have any significant achievements, he was rich in experience. Judging from the fact that he was able to participate in the Second Ninja War and survive as a teenager. , is a person who has the ability, because if you don’t have some ability, you won’t be able to survive now.

  At this time, Uchiha Obito also remembered the practical experience that Mikami Hideji told them during class.

  When you are being bombarded by the enemy indiscriminately, you must find an opportunity to counterattack. Otherwise, unless the opponent's chakra is exhausted, if you continue to be beaten passively, sooner or later there will be a flaw, and then you will be beaten. Kill the opponent.

  Therefore, it is very important to create conditions to counterattack even if there are no conditions, so Uchiha Obito rolled directly on the spot and rolled to the side.

  At this time, the effect of the Earth Wave Technique has disappeared, so the ground has become normal, and it is no longer the constant ups and downs that made people unable to stand as before.

  Therefore, Uchiha Obito quickly analyzed the situation, observed the enemy's dynamics, and then looked for opportunities to counterattack.

  At this time, the ninja on the opposite side has completed the seal and is ready to release the next ninjutsu. This person's attacks are like waves, one after another, without stopping, and the pressure of Uchiha Obito is breathless. Come.

  But Uchiha Obito is also very tenacious and has not been defeated by the opponent until now. This is also thanks to the fact that he is often beaten by Yasaka, so he is very resistant to beatings.

  At this time, the opponent is actually a little impatient. After all, releasing so many ninjutsu requires a lot of chakra. If he is unable to kill Uchiha Obito, his chakra will be exhausted by then.

  So while the man was anxious, he continued to release the ninjutsu: "Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet Jutsu!"

  Then a dragon head with a bloody mouth suddenly rose on the ground, and then began to shoot towards him from the bloody mouth. As Uchiha Obito kept spraying rocks like cannonballs.

  Uchiha Obito also became ruthless. If he allowed that person to keep attacking, he would be passively beaten sooner or later, and he would be defeated sooner or later, so he simply rolled over.

  After dodging the first wave of earth dragon bomb attacks, he quickly formed seals and sprayed a huge fireball towards the man. That was the classic ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan, the Fire Release and Hao Fireball Jutsu.

  So the next moment, a huge fireball was seen blasting towards the man, and the man controlled the dragon head of the earth dragon bullet technique and turned the direction, spraying the stone in the mouth of the dragon head towards Uchiha Obito's fire ball A huge fireball.

  Then one earth and one fire collided violently, and there was a violent impact. Although the fireball was composed of flames and had no entity, it had huge inertia, so it intercepted all the stones for a while.

  "Good opportunity!"

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uchiha Obito quickly moved, because at this time, Uchiha Obito finally formed a balanced state of attacking each other, instead of being beaten unilaterally.

  So this was the opportunity that Uchiha forcibly created. Taking advantage of this time, Uchiha Obito quickly rushed towards that person.

  At the same time, the audience outside the stadium was also watching Uchiha Obito launch a counterattack, and all of them suddenly widened their eyes, ready to watch the show.

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