Chapter 126: Kirabi, the broken jar

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  This is because the shape of mice is relatively small and detailed, and it has very high requirements for the ability to control lightning.

  Kirabi's ability to control the form of thunder and lightning is not as good as that of the teak man, so he didn't get the mouse form after working for a long time. Instead, he took a long time to get a form that looked very much like a husky.

  So in the end, Kirabi just smashed the jar and took the form of a thunder and lightning husky.

  And just like the Teak Man's Fire Rat Jade, Kirabi's Thunder Husky can also release more than twenty at once.

  The fire rat jade of the teak people refers to the group of rats. Because rats are social animals and often travel in large groups, the fire rat jade also appears in a large group when released.

  And Qilabi copied the teak man's fire rat jade, so it can naturally release a large group of huskies.

  But at this time, because he felt that the opponent was not strong, there was no need to release so many Huskies, so Kirabi only released one Thunder Husky.

  After Yasaka saw Kirabi's Thunder Husky move, he immediately became very interested and wanted to learn such a move.

  Therefore, this became Yasaka's classic move, Thunder Release: Ten Thousand Pig Arch Tower Technique.

  Therefore, Yasaka decided to find time to study how to use this move.

  At the same time, the thunder husky was seen rushing towards Kishimoto Masashi like a hungry wolf, even leaving the smell of burnt arcs wherever it passed. His body was bright white, Sometimes there will be some blue and white electric sparks shining, which look very powerful and have a violent aesthetic.

  Seeing this ferocious thunder and lightning husky, Kishimoto Masashi was a little panicked. He quickly made seals and then shouted: "Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet Technique!" Then he saw his two cheeks bulging like toads

  . He stood up, and next to him, a dragon head made of earth with a big mouth suddenly burst out of the earth.

  Then, he shouted: "Hit!"

  The next moment, a ball of light suddenly appeared from the mouth of the earthy dragon head, and then from the ball of light, countless earthen cannonballs began to be sprayed out. Like a machine gun, it kept shooting out at the thunder husky.

  But the lightning husky was very agile. It rushed left and right, dodged left and right, and actually shuttled between countless earthen cannonballs like a hail of bullets. It was not hit by the earthen cannonballs. Instead, it kept moving towards Kishimoto Masashi. near.

  Seeing this scene, Masashi Kishimoto became even more panicked. He started to form seals again, then slammed his hands on the ground in front of him, and shouted: "Earth Release: Earth Spear Stabs!" Then the next moment

  , I saw countless one-meter-long sharp spear-like earth thorns suddenly appearing on the ground, constantly breaking out of the ground at the feet of the thunder husky, in front of it and around its body.

  However, due to the lightning husky's high agility, it would run left and right for a while, causing those ground burrs to be almost half a beat slower than the thunder husky. Often, the moment the thunder husky ran out, he would be in his original position. The burrs appear just below the body.

  Kishimoto Masashi wanted to predict the Thunder Husky's movement, and stabbed out the ground burrs in advance, hoping that the Thunder Husky would hit him head-on. However, the irregular movement of the Thunder Husky made Kishimoto completely unsure and his prediction was inaccurate.

  This resulted in the earth dragon bombs on one side constantly spraying earth cannonballs, and the ground on the other side constantly piercing burrs. However, the Thunder Husky was like a flexible ghost, shuttling between the hail of bullets, and then kept getting closer and closer to Kishimoto. historical distance.

  Finally, the thunder husky had rushed only five meters away from Masashi Kishimoto.

  At this distance, the burrs can no longer keep up with the speed of the Thunder Husky, and the earth dragon bullets are basically unable to hit such a close target. And this five-meter distance is really a blink of an eye for the speed of the Thunder Husky. .

  So Kirabi sneered, and under the horrified gaze of Masashi Kishimoto, the Thunderbolt Husky pounced at Kishimoto Masashi, biting Kishimoto Masashi's neck, and then with a 'bang' sound, he was instantly There was a violent explosion!

  The violent explosion immediately produced a powerful shock wave, which swept away in all directions like a strong wind, and also brought up the gravel and soil on the ground, making everyone present unable to open their eyes for a while.

  Fortunately, Yasaka could see even without opening his eyes. Therefore, through the ability to control airflow, Yasaka closed his eyes and saw the violent explosion, which directly blew Kishimoto Masashi to pieces on the spot. But seeing this scene, Yasaka But he smiled slightly.

  Because he saw that Kishimoto Masashi was not his true body, and what was blown to pieces was just a clay clone of Kishimoto Masashi.

  After a few seconds passed, the power of the explosion gradually disappeared, leaving a large crater two meters in diameter and thirty centimeters deep where Kishimoto Masashi originally stood, but Kishimoto Masashi had disappeared.

  "Ah! Wasn't that kid killed on the spot by the explosion? There was no trace of his body!" "

  No way, someone was killed right away!"

  "It's over, it's over, the game hasn't even started yet, and someone has already died. Wow, this is too cruel."

  "That kid died so tragically, not even a body was left behind."

  "The explosion power of Kirabi's Thunder Husky is not bad, but my Fire Rat Jade It's still a bit worse in comparison."

  The teak man looked at the big hole in the ground and thought to himself.

  "Hey, Kirabi, you won't really blow up someone to death, will you?"

  Darui asked with a look of horror.

  "I don't know either. I thought he could dodge it, but who knew he was so weak that he couldn't dodge it."

  Kirabi scratched his head and said.

  At this moment, the ground beneath his feet suddenly moved, and a figure suddenly burst out of the ground under Kirabi's feet. The kunai in his hand went straight to Kirabi's chin. If he was hit, Kirabi's head was about to be pierced directly from the chin to the brain by the kunai on the spot.

  At the critical moment, Qilabi's whole body suddenly inflated like a balloon. This scene shocked everyone present, and they all retreated backwards, because those people in Yunyin Village knew that Qilabi was at this moment. One of Rabbi's signature abilities, Thunder Escape·Self-destruction Clone!
  The moment Yasaka saw Nakirabi's body beginning to swell, he had already stepped back, because he could guess from the sight that this was definitely an explosive move.

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