Chapter 61 Rescue

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  "Is that Asuma's?"

  Yuhihi Kurenai and Deiwahi couldn't help but exclaimed in shock as Yuhihi Kurenai and Deiwahi held the strange weapon engraved with Konoha's mark.

  Because Yuhi Kurenai obviously recognized that strange weapon!

  She even knew that the weapon called the Kenblade was tailor-made by the Third Hokage for his son Sarutobi Asuma!

  The whole body is made of special metal that can conduct chakra. Just a fist blade carried in the off-road hand has a value that ordinary people cannot imagine.

  As for the reason?

  That's easy!
  Just like the chakra test I started shortly before cross-country, special metals that can conduct chakra are also valuable but not marketable in the ninja world. Except for some great ninja villages and wealthy families who can get it, ordinary people who want to own metal that conducts chakra really need a certain amount of adventure.

  And Sarutobi Asuma, who did not follow Cross Country and others to break out, will undoubtedly become the adventure of Kirito Shoji, the Jonin of the Mist!
  Therefore, the moment he takes away the fist blade from Ghost Shoji, Cross Country will face a difficult choice!

  That is, during the breakout, choose whether to go to rescue Sarutobi Asuma!
  However, when Cross Country was thinking hard about this multiple-choice question, he found that there was something wrong with Yuhi Hong and Die Iwashi's state. When Cross Country frowned slightly, he quickly turned to Yuhi Hong and Die Iwashi and said: " Kurenai, Vashi, you don’t have to worry for the time being. If I’m not wrong, Asuma should be in no danger.” “

  Even the Mist Ninja must have needed a source of information, and Asma is the carrier of the information. , I should be a guest in the Mist Ninja camp now, and there is no danger of life in a short period of time." "

  Oh? Is that really the case? Kid, your inference may not be correct!"

  Cross Country's comfort has just taken effect. , Yuhi Hong and Die Iwashi's condition has obviously improved a lot. Who wants to "resurrection" Ghost Shoji used just one sentence to make Yuhi Hong and Die Iwashi panic.

  To be honest, Dieyiwahi's condition is still considered good.

  As an ANBU, Iwashi was used to seeing the life and death of his companions. If it weren't for Sarutobi Asuma's special status, whether he could feel panic would be a problem.

  What really makes off-roading feel awkward is still Yuhihong.

  It was obvious that Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi had a deep friendship, and because the two had known each other for a long time, the person who was most worried about Asuma Sarutobi among everyone present was probably Kurenai Yuhi.

  Then, feeling that Gui Deng Zhengji was likely to cause more trouble, Yuexiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and successfully put Gui Deng Zhengji to sleep with a blow of his hand. Then, the troublesome person fell asleep, and Cross Country took a deep breath. He was finally able to talk to Yuhi Kurenai and Iwashi about Sarutobi Asuma.

  "Red, Vashi, if I'm not wrong, I'm afraid Asuma left the camp before we gathered and prepared to break out alone." "

  But Kage, why? Is there any benefit to Asma breaking out alone? "

  Listening to Cross Country's words, Dieyiwaxi couldn't help but ask.

  However, as soon as Iwahi's voice fell, Yuhi Hong sighed deeply and said apologetically to Cross Country: "Kage, Wasi, I know some reasons." "Because Asma and I

  both Some people don't believe in Ying's strength, and they don't even believe that Ying can lead us to break through successfully, so we have already thought about competing with Ying." "But... I really didn't expect that Asuma would be stupid enough to be alone

  . Go and break out!"

  As she said that, Yuhi Hong tightly grabbed the sleeves of the cross-country and begged: "Kage, for the sake of your companions, you must save Asuma! In fact, Asuma is very good. The only thing we get along with is that we have a little temper occasionally!"

  "Yes!" "

  As the son of the Third Hokage, it is normal for Asuma to have a temper. After all, he is a "noble son"!"

  Kurenai Yuhi said. Begging, undoubtedly pushing the off-road to the edge of the crater.

  You know, the breakout mission carried out by Cross Country and others is about the life and death of Konoha's medical force!
  Under such circumstances, not to mention Sarutobi Asuma, even if it was for the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country and others, during the mission, breaking through the encirclement and delivering intelligence would be their top priority. Otherwise, the worst result would be for a medical team to die in the encirclement of the Mist Ninja, instead of a ninja dying tragically at the hands of the Mist Ninja.

  But now, what can be done about off-roading?

  If they don't save Sarutobi Asuma, not only Yuhi Kurenai but also Iwahi will be disappointed, causing the team that has just been united in cross-country collapse in an instant. As far as the Third Hokage is concerned, he is a sensible person and knows that his son's life is far inferior to that of a medical team, but blood is thicker than blood. Can the Third Hokage settle the score after the fall? That is what Cross Country can know?

  What's more, the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans, as the families that protect the Hokage in this era, have the obligation to save the Hokage's bloodline.

  So, with a deep sigh, Cross Country glanced at the fallen ghost lamp Masaji, and replied with a bitter heart: "Hong, Vashi, since Asuma is our companion, then we must go to rescue him." For a moment. However, while rescuing Asuma, we must first complete the mission. Therefore, we must record code words around us so that ninjas in the same village can know the situation of our troops when they happen to pass by. And while recording After finishing the code word, half of our mission is completed. Do you think we can save Asuma again?" "

  No problem, Kage, I listen to you!"

  "Kage, I thank you on behalf of Asma!"

  " If you thank me, there's no need. Let's hurry up! While Asuma's life is not in danger, we must hurry up!"

  Facing Yuhi Kurenai, Iwahi waved his hand, and took out a kunai. First, he got rid of the sleeping Ghost Shoji at his feet, and then took care of the corpse of the Mist Ninja here. Taking Yuhi Kurenai, who has a stronger sense of teamwork, Iwahi went to the outside to record some code words, and then prepared to rescue the injured. Sarutobi Asuma captured by the Mist Ninja.

  However, not long after Cross Country and others left, a trivial sound suddenly sounded from the location where Cross Country and others had previously encountered the Mist Ninja.

  Then, looking along the place where the trivial sound came from, you could see a pair of hands slowly digging up the buried soil under the soil that had just been buried.

  Then, when the surrounding soil was completely excavated, if either Yuhihi Kurenai or Tie Iwashi were here, they would definitely not be able to help but scream again when they saw the sound slowly climbing up from the pit. A cry of surprise. Because the person who crawled out from the mud was surprisingly the Mist Ninja Jonin Kito Shoji who had died several times but never truly died!
  Moreover, when Gui Deng Zhenger slowly climbed out of the soil, stood up and stretched his muscles, his eyes showed a ferocious look. When Gui Deng Zhenger saw the traces of the cross-country and others leaving in front of him, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

  "The son of the Third Hokage?"

  "You kid Anbu, you really gave me good news!"

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