Chapter 451 Fight to the Death (Part 1)

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  "Damn it!"

  "Jiu Shiro, what are you doing!"

  Tochiyo's sudden outburst was something that Qiu Shiro, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade Hime, the four shadow-level powerhouses, never expected. Therefore, when Toshiro suddenly appeared next to Cross Country, on the one hand, Cross Country wanted to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to use the Uzumaki clan's secret technique, King Kong Blockade, to restrict Yukito and Kirabi's movements. , on the other hand, because the cross-country consumes a lot of money, there is really no way to pay attention to the sudden attack of Toshiro, so the cross-country was injured by Toshiyo's sneak attack.

  To be honest, no matter who is injured, it will inevitably cause ripples when casting ninjutsu or secret techniques.

  What's more, Yukio fought first with the Raikage and then with Yukito. His performance was so outstanding. He had already consumed a lot of chakra and a lot of mental energy.

  It is also because of this that Cross Country cannot use King Kong blockade to restrict Kirabi, and Yumu Ren's actions are understandable. Like Orochimaru, like Tsunade Hime, when they saw Kirabi and Yukito escaping from trouble, their first reaction was to pay attention to the safety of the cross-country and see if Toshiro was really seriously injured in the cross-country.

  Then, seeing that the cross-country injuries were not very serious, just external injuries, Orochimaru and Tsunade Hime's eyes fell on Toshiro. Immediately, Orochimaru suddenly took action and directly killed Toshiro who had regained his consciousness, rewriting history so that Toshiro would no longer be able to appear in the four battles that would happen in the future.

  Tsunade-hime and Tsunade-hime came to Yuki's side at the moment of Toshiro's death. A bright green light began to emerge from his palms, and he began to treat the injuries on Yuki's shoulder.

  Only Jiraiya.

  Jiraiya, who should be the closest to the cross-country, looked at Kirabi and Yukito suddenly getting out of trouble. His first reaction was to criticize the cross-country. It seemed that he did not restrain Kirabi and Yukito. It was the mistake of the cross-country. generally!
  And when Jiraiya's harsh voice came, what were the thoughts of going off-road?
  Going cross-country, I feel like my heart is getting cold!

  It can be seen from the original plot of Naruto that Jiraiya is the one who truly inherited the will of fire from the third generation of Hokage. It can be said that the tasks that Jiraiya does are all based on the interests of the Leaf Village. Therefore, if under normal circumstances, Jiraiya would be the first to criticize himself, but Cross Country would be able to accept it a little bit, but he couldn't be as heartbroken as he is now. However, it was clear that Cross Country's mistake was not that big, and he was obviously injured by the enemy's sneak attack. Jiraiya still had this attitude. How could you keep Cross Country calm?
  Look at Orochimaru and Tsunade Hime, they all know that when they are injured, they need to take care of themselves a little.

  Only you, Jiraiya, who has the closest relationship with me, didn't care when you saw me being attacked or injured?

  Don't forget, I am your disciple, the disciple of the Fourth Hokage!

  A bit of disappointment flashed in his eyes at first, but he quickly adjusted his mentality. Without even looking at Jiraiya, he was ready to use the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan to suppress Kirabi and Yukito again. When facing the enemy off-road, Jiraiya also had a flash of guilt in his eyes. Obviously he knew that what he had done before was a bit too much.


  In the end, Jiraiya chose dignity and the interests of Konoha Village, and still did not go to express condolences to Cross Country.

  At this point, a deep rift developed between Cross Country and Jiraiya, and even the seeds of the break between the next four generations of Hokage and Jiraiya were planted at this time.

  The book returns to its true story.

  Let’s continue talking about the shadow-level battle before us!

  The death of Toshiro was something that the Raikage did not expect, because when Toshiro rebelled before, the Raikage only seriously injured Toshiro and did not really kill him. Now, seeing Toshiro dead in the hands of Orochimaru, Raikage's first thought was to go off-road and fight the Sannin to avenge his beloved subordinate.

  However, just when the Raikage was about to break out and go to find trouble for the Cross Country and Sannin, the voices of Kirabi and Yukito echoed in the Raikage's ears!

  "Brother, run away!"

  "Lord Raikage, I'll cut off the rear!"

  Run away?
  After the break?

  Listening to Kirabi and Yukito's words, the Raikage showed an expression of disbelief at first. The meaning was obvious, wasn't he talking about when I, the mighty Raikage, need to escape, and when do I need someone else to cut off the rear?
  However, thinking about the previous battle, Raikage fell silent.

  He knew that he had to escape and leave some seeds for Yun Ninja Village.

  Therefore, as soon as Kirabi and Yumu Ren finished speaking, Leiying took a deep look at Kirabi and Yumu Ren. There was still some concern about Toshiro's death in his expression. The Raikage looked at Toshiro for a long time before gritting his teeth and preparing to escape. Who would have thought that just when the Raikage was about to escape, Jiraiya's figure suddenly appeared in front of the Raikage in front of me!
  "Raikage, it's not that easy to escape!"


  appeared instantly.

  Jiraiya is worthy of being the master of the Fourth Hokage. He is very impressive in terms of speed. He appeared in front of the Raikage in an instant and used the Rasengan in his right hand to push towards the Raikage's abdomen.

  At this time, if the Raikage was hit by Jiraiya's Rasengan, coupled with the previous injuries on Raikage's body, I am afraid that Raikage will really lose his combat ability and will not be able to escape in front of the three ninjas. . As one of the three ninjas, Jiraiya is obviously able to understand the direction of the battle, so he feels that he must "reward" the Raikage with this Rasengan. It's just that Jiraiya's idea is good, but But he underestimated Kirabi and Yukito's determination to protect the Raikage.

  Just as Jiraiya's Rasengan was about to land on Raikage's chest, there was a sudden "bang"!
  Also using the teleportation technique, Kirabi's figure suddenly stood in front of the Raikage, helping the Raikage resist Jiraiya's Rasengan.

  The Raikage looked shocked when he saw Kirabi appear, let alone use the Rasengan to hit Kirabi's Rasengan. However, after understanding the meaning in Kirabi's eyes, Raikage used the Thunder Release Chakra without any hesitation and continued to prepare to escape. On the contrary, Jiraiya, after taking a deep look at Kirabi, was about to drop Kirabi in front of him and go after the Raikage.

  However, for underestimating Kirabi's will to fight to the death, Jiraiya among the three ninjas...

  must pay the price!
  "Hey! Hachi, let's fight for big brother!"

  "Jiraiya, you bastard, idiot, die!"

  Kirabi had just finished speaking. Originally, Jiraiya didn't take it seriously.

  I was thinking that with Orochimaru and Tsunade-hime by my side, no matter how powerful Kirabi was, what could he do?

  Can he still break through Orochimaru and Tsunade Hime's protection and kill himself?

  But it was Jiraiya's naive thoughts that put him in a very dangerous situation. Because, almost as soon as Kirabi finished speaking, Kirabi's body suddenly began to expand, and in just a few seconds it became the size of a tailed beast. Immediately, when Cross Country and the others looked at Kirabi again, Kirabi in front of Jiraiya suddenly turned into the appearance of the eight-tailed ogre!

  The secret technique used by Kirabi...

  was to completely transform into a tailed beast!
  "Xiaoba, my body..."

  "I'll leave it to you to control!"

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