Chapter 306 Masked Man

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  Through the plot of the original work, Cross Country naturally knows the secret technique of the Nara clan. To put it bluntly, it is one of the secret techniques of escape.

  However, when Cross Country who had just traveled through time was practicing the secret techniques of the Nara clan, was he really practicing the secret techniques of escape?

  Definitely not!

  The cross-country practice of the Nara clan's secret techniques is based on the records in the secret technique scrolls. It is basically no different from the practice of ordinary Nara clan members.

  Generally speaking, if members of the Nara clan want to master the secret arts of the Nara clan, there is only one channel.

  That is to convert the chakra in one's own body into Yin Escape Chakra through the alternative nature of chakra.

  By borrowing the effect of the Yin Escape Chakra, the Nara clan can rely on their own shadows to perform many of the Nara clan's secret techniques. Even the new Nara clan's secret techniques developed by cross-country using APP, such as the hand of shadow. , shadow clone technique and other secret techniques are all performed through this method.

  In other words, in the absence of chakra, although the Nara clan's secret technique is a type of Yin Escape secret technique, the Nara clan members still cannot directly use the Nara clan's secret technique by using spiritual energy. .

  When condensing chakra and changing its nature into Yin Escape Chakra, every member of the Nara clan must consume a certain amount of chakra in the process of changing the nature of chakra, even if they are off-road. Shikaku, the leader of the Nara clan, is no exception.

  However, relying on the Yin Escape inheritance of the Uzumaki clan, Cross Country further enhanced his "qualitative" spiritual energy and condensed it into the Yin Escape Brand. What is the first benefit of condensing the Yin Escape Brand?
  Naturally, it is to use the Yin Escape Brand to cast spiritual energy, and then use the spiritual energy to cast the secret technique of the Nara clan, or the secret technique of Shadow Escape that Cross Country has mastered!

  Let’s not talk about how much chakra loss can be reduced in the process of using the Yin Escape Brand and using spiritual energy to cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape!

  It is said that through the Yin Escape Brand, the power of using spiritual energy to directly cast the Shadow Escape Secret Technique is much stronger than the Shadow Escape Secret Technique cast using conventional methods!

  Let’s use shadow imitation as an example!
  The Shadow Imitation Technique is the primary secret technique of the Nara clan. Off-road combines its own use methods. Although the improved Shadow Imitation Technique has become the secret technique of the Shadow Escape style, the effect is still somewhat unsatisfactory. If it is aimed at Used by ninjas below the jounin level, the confinement effect is quite good.

  However, as long as it is used against ninjas at or above the jounin level, the imprisoned object has a very high possibility of breaking free from the shackles of the shadow imitation technique with its own chakra burst!
  However, what if you want to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to directly cast the Shadow Imitation Technique?

  Not to mention ordinary jounin-level ninjas, even elite jounin-level ninjas and even half-step quasi-shadow level experts can easily use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand to directly cast the shadow imitation technique. Confining the other party in front of you, there is no need to fear that the other party will break free in some special way!
  Therefore, the power of the ordinary Nara clan's secret technique is 1, the power of the cross-country improved Shadow Escape secret technique is 2, and the power of the Shadow Escape secret technique directly cast using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand is 5. How terrifying is this? Power increase?

  Moreover, using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to directly cast the Shadow Escape Secret Technique also has the wonderful effect of saving cross-country chakra consumption?
  With the Yin Escape Brand, whenever you use the secret technique of Shadow Escape off-road, you can rely entirely on your own huge spiritual energy.

  The remaining chakra can be used to use the secret techniques taught by the Fourth Hokage, and to use the secret techniques of the blast flow developed by itself. Doesn't it mean that the combat durability of the cross-country is enhanced from the side?
  Moreover, the benefits of condensing the Yin Escape Brand don't stop there.

  At this stage, the Yin Escape brand of Cross Country is only initially formed. Only one percent of the Nara clan emblem hidden in the center of Cross Country's eyebrows is stained with black, which represents the "amount" of spiritual energy held by Cross Country. !
  And in Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand, when there is only 1% of the spiritual energy, the speed at which Cross Country is used to accumulate spiritual energy is ten times as much as the previous practice of the Whirlpool Clan's spiritual mystical arts!
  How terrifying is it to accumulate spiritual energy at such an alarming rate?
  What's more, as the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand increases, can the speed of accumulating spiritual energy in cross-country be accelerated?
  "The Yin Escape Brand has been condensed, which brings too many benefits!"

  "Being able to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to directly cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape, which makes up for my lack of chakra, is the first One benefit."

  "The speed of spiritual energy cultivation is the second benefit!" "

  The third benefit is something I never thought of before condensing the Yin Escape Brand." "

  Who would have thought that the Yin Escape Brand Condensed, with the magical effect of the Yin Release Brand, I can actually use all the chakra in my body again?" "Some time ago, I used the

  Uzumaki clan's spiritual magic to recover and practice, and it only restored the chakra's cultivation function. It only has the function of using a small part of chakra." "

  Now that the Yin Escape Brand has been condensed, I have regained half of my quasi-shadow level strength. What an unexpected surprise!" "It can

  also be regarded as the Yin Escape Brand condensed. The third benefit!"

  "As for the fourth benefit of the condensed Yin Escape Brand, it should be that the Yin Escape Brand can assist me in practicing that secret technique!" "The

  perception-based secret technique in the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape Secret Technique. ..."

  "It's really exciting!"

  He secretly thought to himself, truly regaining the strength of his peak period, and even making a little progress compared to his peak period. After passing the weak period of cross-country, he finally felt a sense of joy. smile.

  In the next month, Cross Country feels that as long as he can adapt to the current power, coupled with his long-term plan, he wants to help the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina avoid the tragedy of the Nine-Tails Battle. One hundred percent sure.


  While Cross Country was secretly planning the Nine-Tails War, others were also plotting for the Nine-Tails War.

  Therefore, in the process of preparing for the cross-country war, it seems that the cross-country team has complete assurance, but in fact, under the circumstances of other people's planning, there are still flaws in the cross-country plan, which is bound to happen.

  Because of this, although Cross Country is already full of confidence at this time, in order to avoid some accidents, Cross Country is still preparing to practice hard and deploy carefully in the next month.

  However, during the step-by-step training and preparation of Cross-country, the battle of Nine Tails was about to begin. An enemy that Cross-country had never thought about suddenly became a variable in Cross-country's plan!
  And that enemy that even off-road had never thought about was not the minions hiding BOSS Madara, but the ninjas within Konoha Village!
  That person is the current leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, who is as ambitious as Danzo Shimura!
  Ten days before the Nine-Tails War, within the Uchiha clan.

  As night fell, Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, returned home early. He first paid attention to the training progress of God Itachi, and then looked at the baby boy in his wife's arms, which is the Uchiha in the original plot. The second pillar, a faint smile appeared on Uchiha Fugaku's face.

  But the smile did not last long. Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in Uchiha Fugaku's perception, causing Uchiha Fugaku's smile to suddenly disappear there.

  Discovering something strange about his father, Itachi God frowned and was about to go ask his father what happened.

  Who would have thought that just when Itachi God walked up to Uchiha Fugaku and was about to ask, Uchiha Fugaku pretended to smile casually and said directly to Itachi God beside him: "Itachi, you look
  good Big."

  "Something big may happen in the village recently. Remember to protect your mother and your disciple Sasuke, you know?" "Yes, father!" The frown on


  's face deepened. God was very confused as to why his father knew something big was going to happen in the village.

  However, without giving God Itachi a chance to continue speaking, Uchiha Fugaku disappeared in front of God Itachi.

  When Uchiha Fugaku returned to Itachi God, Itachi God's attention was no longer on his father.

  Because, at that time, God Itachi's attention was entirely focused on a dark shadow that was leaving.

  Vaguely, God Weasel vaguely saw that the mysterious black figure was covered with a black robe, and only the white mask worn by the mask was particularly conspicuous!
  "The masked man who was having a secret conversation with Father..."

  "Who is it?"

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