Chapter 26 Hidden Weapon Training

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  "Three months?"

  "No problem!"

  After receiving the scroll from the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country's expression finally turned "cloudy to sunny". The reason must be because of the scroll written by the Fourth Hokage himself!
  With the help of APP, even if he doesn't take the teachings of the Fourth Hokage to heart, as long as it comes to ninjutsu scrolls, he will not refuse anyone who comes, the more the merrier!

  Mastering more ninjutsu and secret techniques is equivalent to enriching one's arsenal of weapons.

  With proficiency in more "weapons", the goal of becoming an all-round cross-country ninja is undoubtedly a step closer.

  Therefore, even the things that the Fourth Hokage could not teach him were put aside. Off-road enthusiastically put away the scroll and put it in his ninja tool bag. It seemed that it was not entirely a bad thing to become a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, and then he prepared to seek deer. I need long-term help, find a quiet place to practice with concentration, and strive to make a breakthrough as soon as possible.

  And Lu Jiu had known the purpose of cross-country for a long time, and he was unambiguous.

  First, he obtained the Shadow Shuriken and the training method of the Shadow Hand from Cross Country. Lu Jiu carefully placed the scrolls recording the secrets of the two families close to his body, then rubbed Cross Country's head and said with a smile: "Xiao Cross Country , after you become Minato's disciple, no matter who it is for Minato's sake, it's impossible for him to challenge you again." "

  However, in order to avoid the Uchiha clan causing trouble, you just moved into my house. Just in time, you come up You have handed over two secret techniques and made a contribution to the family, and the family will definitely reward you. With so many cultivation resources, it is not safe to leave them at your home. They just happen to be placed here with me. You can use them at any time!"

  "Thank you, Uncle Shikaku!"

  With Shikaku's protection, Cross Country smiled and nodded. Under the leadership of the servants of the Nara clan, he found a relatively remote small yard at Shikaku's house. Now that he had a new home, Cross Country Landed.

  Of course, Cross Country did not forget to return home and take away the secret scrolls left by his parents, as well as the scrolls given to him by Ding Zuo.

  All the scrolls on his body were placed in his new home. According to Shikaku's instructions, people came to deliver meals and vegetables to Cross Country every day. If Cross Country needs anything, he only needs to mention it to the servant. After a while, the servant will send him what Cross Country needs. Finally, after making Cross Country understand the burden of carrying the name of genius, he understands the burden of carrying the name of genius. benefit.

  On this day, he first defeated countless challengers and became a disciple of the Fourth Hokage. Apart from completing his daily chakra training, Cross Country did no other training.

  As for practicing chakra, Cross Country naturally did not forget to take the secret medicine of the Nara clan.

  After moving to Shikaku's mansion, Yukoku can even take the secret medicine of the Nara clan at will, which shows that his status in the family has improved.

  It's a pity that after taking Nara's secret medicine again, apart from feeling that the speed of chakra training has accelerated, the APP did not give any further prompts, which made Cross Country sigh secretly.

  But at that time, Cross Country also understood that the efficacy of the secret medicine of the Nara clan is very magical, but I am afraid that the magical effect of the APP can only be stimulated when you take it for the first time. So he just sighed secretly, and then picked up the scrolls handed to him by Uchiha Fugaku and the Fourth Hokage respectively, and thought to himself: "Before
  formal training, I must plan the direction of training."

  "Don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills. It's a good thing, but you have to understand the truth of biting off more than you can chew. Now I mainly use the secret techniques of the Nara clan as the basis to assist in the cultivation of chakra, so I started to practice the secret techniques of the Fourth Hokage, which is likely to affect my For the basics, it would be better to master the Uchiha clan's hidden weapon throwing technique first, solidify the foundation, and increase the offensive methods at the same time." "So, I will put the Fourth Hokage's scroll aside for now, and now I still practice the Uchiha clan's hidden weapon throwing technique

  . Better!"

  He secretly thought to himself, then opened the scroll sent by Uchiha Fugaku and read the contents carefully.

  Before, Cross Country originally thought that the Uchiha clan's hidden weapon training method was nothing more than the hidden weapon training method that Itachi had mastered long ago.

  Who would have thought that after actually browsing through the hidden weapon scrolls of the Uchiha clan, he would discover that a small hidden weapon training was far from as simple as he imagined!
  According to the records on the scroll, Cross Country probably knows that the Uchiha clan's hidden weapon training is divided into three stages.

  In the first stage, there are no false starts.

  Even members of the Uchiha clan, as long as they master the first stage of hidden weapon training, can enjoy the title of hidden weapon master in the ninja world!
  Regardless of the strength, angle, method, and technique of throwing a hidden weapon, it is equivalent to being completely included in the first stage of hidden weapon training. It is no exaggeration to say that if Cross Country masters this stage of training, the power of the shadow shuriken will be increased by at least twice, and the effect on the battlefield will be enhanced by ten times!
  Therefore, when he understood the effects of the first stage of the Uchiha clan's hidden weapon training, Cross Country couldn't help but get excited. It was right for Xin Dao to start training in hidden weapons first.

  As for the next two stages of hidden weapon training, they are the arc throwing method and the multi-shuriken throwing method.

  To put it simply, the arc throwing method is to change the trajectory of the concealed weapon throwing after completing the first stage of practice. The larger the arc when throwing a concealed weapon and ensuring that there are no missed shots, it will undoubtedly increase the hit probability of the concealed weapon and make the enemy feel unprepared.

  As for the multi-shuriken throwing method, it is the essence of the Uchiha clan's hidden weapon training!

  In the original plot, when Erzhuzi watched the Itachi God practice, wasn't there a scene where the Weasel God practiced a hidden weapon?

  No matter where the target is, as long as he masters the multi-shuriken throwing method and uses the collision of hidden weapons, Itachi can successfully hit the target. Moreover, combined with the undefeated and arc throwing method, the multi-shuriken throwing method can completely block the enemy's hiding space, making the hidden weapon a terrifying weapon that cannot be defended.

  When fighting off-road, Itachi used the multi-shuriken throwing method.

  However, the current Itachi God has not reached the height in the original work, so his hidden weapons are far less difficult to guard against than in the original work.

  At this time, it is undoubtedly difficult for Cross Country to complete the next two stages of training.

  So early the next morning, Yue Chuang ordered his servants to bring all kinds of hidden weapons, preparing to carry out the first stage of training in hidden weapons.

  In this way, the tedious and boring training began. The value of the hidden weapons that were damaged during cross-country trips every day was enough to buy several properties in Konoha Village.

  Even if the hidden weapon is damaged, it can be reused after being carefully polished, or it can be remade. Off-roading can't help but feel a little distressed about the loss of hidden weapons, and it also makes you understand why so many people are reluctant to practice hidden weapons. Without the financial conditions, it is impossible to have certain attainments in concealed weapons!

  However, despite the loss of hidden weapons, cross-country hidden weapon training went very smoothly.

  Especially when using the art of multiple shadow clones and practicing with "plug-ins", it took only half a month for Cross Country to master the first stage of hidden weapon training. Then, feeling that the second stage of hidden weapon training was not possible in his own yard, he went to the training ground in Konoha Village and deliberately found a relatively remote training ground to prepare for the next two stages of hidden weapon training.

  However, at that time, Cross Country never thought that in the remote training ground he deliberately found, there would already be a figure practicing diligently there!
  "Who is practicing there at 5 o'clock in the morning? He's working so hard!" "

  Eh? That person... isn't that person Kaihuang?!"

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