Chapter 39: Major Events in Westminster (please follow up)

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  Chapter 39: Major Events in Westminster (seeking follow-up reading)

  In front of Westminster Abbey, Hart also returned to his team.

  In this team composed entirely of Paladins, an old Paladin with white hair patted Hart on the shoulder and said.

  "Why, are you being a good person again?"

  "Captain, I tried him, that stupid and cute newcomer that even the Necromancer Guild doesn't know about. He

  's not a cultist attracted by weirdness."

  "Okay, as long as he doesn't Just stay close to Westminster Abbey. Just pay more attention. You won't have to be so nervous when the transfer of defense is over in the past few days." "

  Yeah, I know. I'll arrange for the little guy to get out first."

  Hart said As he spoke, he summoned a young man dressed as a priest in front of his captain.

  "This is my token. I can't leave now. Please help me go to the library's database to find the "1742 Knights of the Round Table Relics Translocation Record." "Oh, okay!" the little priest took it

  . After getting the token, he quickly ran into Westminster Abbey.

  At this time, Gu Xi, who was in the alley near the main square, happened to discover something different.

  Because he knew he would have to wait for a long time, Gu Xi simply found a place to sit down and planned to have a drink.

  But for some reason, Gu Xi was stared at after just ordering a cup of wheat juice.

  The two men who happened to be passing by him suddenly accelerated and bumped into Gu Xi one after another, knocking him against the wall of the tavern.

  Just as Gu Xi was about to ask what was going on, the two men grabbed Gu Xi's arms smoothly, and one of them reached out to press Gu Xi's nose.

  Their movements were quite fast, and the two of them used their bodies to block the eyes of others, so no one noticed what was happening here.

  But they were faster, and Gu Xi reacted faster. When the two grabbed his arms, Gu Xi's fingertips popped out a pair of foot-long bone spurs.

  Because these two people were relatively close, the bone spurs pierced their necks on the spot.

  This can be regarded as Gu Xi's stress reaction.

  He didn't care what kind of environment he was in now. If someone attacked him, he would definitely fight back with deadly force.

  [You use bone spurs successfully, and you gain 1 bone spur experience point. ]

  [If you use the bone spur successfully, you will gain 1 bone spur experience point. ]

  [Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 10 experience points. ]

  [Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 11 experience points.


  Gu Xi couldn't help but yelled as he looked at the message that popped up.

  He never expected that just by his jump, all the people passing by who were eating and drinking would jump up.

  Some people drew their weapons and shouted: "What cultists, where are the cultists?"

  Others silently drew their weapons and rushed towards Westminster Abbey.

  Gu Xi also noticed when they moved like this.

  Something happened at Westminster Abbey today.

  This should be what Hart said about the relocation of Knight Bowes.

  It seemed that the cultists were planning to rob something in Westminster Abbey, but Gu Xi was a little curious as to why these cultists would attack him.

  In fact, there were many things that Gu Xi didn't understand. That was because Gu Xi knew too little. Burials are being moved at Westminster Abbey, but they are not moving them as Hart said. There are too many corpses of the same level.

  But there is another reason. As a relatively famous church in Britain, many famous people in Britain are actually buried here.

  At the same time, the holy bones or relics of some powerful men were also buried.

  They buried these things here not to prevent the necromancers from stealing the bodies of these powerful men and making them powerful undead.

  Instead, they use the power left by these strong men to suppress some strange or uncontrollable things.

  The situation in Westminster Abbey has been a bit unusual these days, because for some reason, the level of a monster they suppressed suddenly increased by one level, and its properties also changed.

  The original plan to suppress this strange thing became ineffective. Westminster Abbey had to temporarily replace several relics and bones that originally belonged to Paladins or stronger knights, and replaced them with The legal system or the relics and remains of strong people.

  Use this to adapt to the changes that have occurred in this strange thing.

  However, the defense force of Westminster Abbey received a message that this strange object was exactly what a certain cult force hidden in Victoria City wanted to obtain.

  They wanted to take advantage of Westminster Abbey's defense change to attack Westminster Abbey and steal this artifact that was equivalent to an artifact for them.

  This time they have been lurking outside Westminster Abbey, looking for suitable opportunities.

  The defense forces of Westminster Abbey were also aware of this situation, but they had no way of judging who was a cultist, so they could only arrange some personnel near the main square to keep an eye on the tourists coming and going.

  Otherwise, how could he have been discovered by a paladin in the first place.

  Gu Xihui was attacked by cultists entirely because of an accident.

  Gu Xi was noticed by many people because he was sent to the edge of the square by Hart, and one of the cultists who attacked Gu Xi recognized Gu Xi.

  Because Gu Xi was a living sacrifice imprisoned in the underground cell of the cultist.

  In fact, Gu Xi's body has left the unique mark of the cultists.

  Now Gu Xi appeared here blatantly.

  The cultists naturally couldn't stand it. They wanted to take Gu Xi away secretly, or at least ask how Gu Xi escaped.

  It turned out that these two cultists overestimated their own strength.

  As soon as he grabbed Gu Xi's arm, he was killed on the spot.

  The reminder from the system also startled the reactions of the cultists lurking nearby. They thought their ambush had been discovered, so they jumped out immediately.

  So the alley that was originally quiet and peaceful suddenly became chaotic.

  Seeing this, Gu Xi immediately threw the two corpses out.

  Several cultists who rushed towards Gu Xi were knocked back by the corpse. At the same time, Gu Xi pointed at a corpse.

  "Bone shield!"

  [You use the secondary bone shield successfully, and the secondary bone shield has 1 experience point. ]

  As Gu Xi cast his spell, a corpse exploded on the spot, and a gray-white bone shield appeared next to Gu Xi.

  Then Gu Xi stretched out his hands, and took out the broken bone club and the strange head. He leaned his back against the wall and stared at everyone in front of him.

  Now Gu Xi is not sure who is the good guy and who is the bad guy among these people.

  He only has one idea now, to save his own life and not get involved in the matter in front of him.

  (End of chapter)

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