Chapter 264 The Royal Rewards Are Super Generous (Please Subscribe)

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  Chapter 264 The Royal Rewards Are Super Generous (Please subscribe)
  "Okay, we have finished our work. Take a look for yourselves. Find a safe place to hide. Don't fight out from the most dangerous place and die at the end. At this critical moment, that's not a good thing."

  Said to the soldiers who were still kneeling on the ground, Gu Xi took Sha Ya and other troops, turned around and headed out.

  "Shaya, I'll leave Victoria City to you. You can take the hearthstone with you. We'll come back when Victoria City is rebuilt." As

  Gu Xi spoke, he was still playing with the furnace whistle he had just obtained.

  In fact, when holding the Melting Furnace Whistle, Gu Xi had some thoughts of staying.

  But in the end, thinking about it, Gu Xi still gave up this opportunity.

  The person behind this thing is not simple.

  You don’t need to be afraid of Gu Xi at level 10 or so, but what about level 15 and level 20?

  Gu Xi's current level is still stuck at level 4. His incarnation of death has not grown, and he is not sure about facing the masters.

  So Gu Xi planned to find a way to complete the prerequisites for talent activation after returning this time, and prepare to hit level 5.

  As for the Westminster Abbey matter, he still has four chances, and it won’t be too late to come back next time.

  Just when Gu Xi and his men turned around to leave, the crows that had brought Princess Anna back just now flew back.

  Several crows landed in front of Gu Xi, the leader of which held a medal with a ribbon in its mouth.

  Before Gu Xi could react, a piece of parchment was stuffed in front of Gu Xi.

  [You get a knighthood order (white). ]

  [Cenomination order (white): A certificate that proves that you have been knighted by a certain country. With this certificate, your status will be improved in all future games. Your current title is Palace Baron. ]

  Gu Xi received the news immediately after taking the parchment.

  At the same time, Gu Xi also saw two lines of small letters below.

  [Your battle flag is affected by the title and will have an extra star as a symbol. ]

  [Title Star: Represents the title of court baron. Under the battle flag, the morale of all soldiers is +1.

  Gu Xi was speechless for the new title star.

  It's true that Victoria City is a human city, but you don't discriminate against necromancers. How can you give a title to increase morale?

  What's the use of morale as a necromancer like me.

  Then the crow sent the ribbon medal to Gu Xi.

  Gu Xi took it and took a look, and the attributes popped up quickly.

  [You get the Medal of Volunteer Medal Ribbon (blue treasure).

  【Medal of Volunteer Medal Ribbon (blue treasure): External equipment, which can be worn outside clothes. The effect is equivalent to fashion. After equipped, it can have four more decorative columns. The wearer's morale +1 and diplomacy +1.

  Another morale-boosting piece of equipment.

  Gu Xi was also speechless. What was the situation with diplomacy?

  Does Victoria City really give you things based on your mood?

  But fortunately, when this ribbon is worn on the body, there are four more decorative slots, unlike other players who only have two ring slots and two decorative slots.

  Now Gu Xi can equip four more pieces of equipment than others, which can be regarded as a gain.

  Thinking of this, Gu Xi didn't dislike it and directly put volunteer Zhang Shou on his shoulders.

  Then two more crows came to Gu Xi. One crow had a book in its mouth, and the other crow had something like a black mist in its mouth.

  Seeing the two crows crowding in front of him, Gu Xi didn't know which one to take first. He could only stretch out his hands and remove the thing from the crow's mouth.

  [You get "The Road to the Underworld" (blue)]

  [You get the breath of the spiritual tomb (blue)]

  [The Road to the Underworld (blue): records the passage information of the underworld in the northern part of the conquered New World, but in the New World, Nowadays, the official underworld can no longer be found. Reading this book can improve the level of knowledge about the underworld, the control of the undead, the strengthening of the undead, the whispers of the soul, and other related information. ]

  [Breathe of the Tomb (Blue): A complete set of design drawings about a series of buildings in the Tomb, starting from the basic Tomb, to ghost mounds, abandoned towers, haunted towers, etc., in addition to ghost-related auxiliary buildings They are also fully documented, including ghost converters, ghost power towers, wailing wall stacks, etc.

  Looking at these two rewards, Gu Xi finally understood the gap between himself and the official country.

  He is still working on a large-scale architectural design, but the reward is a complete set of design drawings for a system.

  It can be said that with this spiritual tomb aura, Gu Xi's ghost troops don't have to worry.

  No matter what kind of ghost he wanted, he could find a solution.

  The one who cares about the interest rate difference now is that there are not many pieces of land in Aridovi.

  As for the "Road to the Underworld", there is not so much experience to burn now, and there is no protection from the Griffin Book of the Dead. Gu Xi dare not read it directly here.

  He planned to go to the reading library, find time to read slowly, and slowly improve his skill level.

  After Gu Xi took away these two things, the last crow came to Gu Xi.

  He glanced at Gu Xi and gave Gu Xi nothing, just pecked Gu Xi on the forehead.

  [You are blessed by the crow, your intelligence is +3, and two random professional skill levels are +1. ]

  [The level of your tendrils of the dead is increased to level 2, and the range of influence is increased by 30 meters. ]

  [Your bone spur level has been increased to level 2, and you can release two bone spurs at the same time.

  Before Gu Xi could react, several crows flew up just as they had come.

  Gu Xi wanted to keep them for a while, but these crows didn't take a fancy to Gu Xi at all.

  After all the crows flew away, Gu Xi turned his head again, but this time he had nothing to explain.

  Gu Xi left Shaya and her troops behind, and all the other troops were withdrawn through the city gate to Alidovi City.

  Looking at the Victoria Tower again, Gu Xi said secretly in his heart: Prepare your troops when you go back this time, and find a time to defeat the Alidovita Tower. When I have a castle like this, I'll see how arrogant you can be.

  With this thought, Gu Xi entered the gate of Alidovi City.

  The moment he stepped into the city gate, the furnace whistle that had been on Gu Xi's side suddenly screamed.

  Gu Xi was a little confused, but in the next moment, similar sounds sounded from all directions in Victoria City.

  Gu Xi realized now that his guess was right, the furnace whistle was a complete set.

  The people behind Victoria are planning a big plan.

  If Gu Xi took the Melting Furnace Whistle out of Victoria City, it would be like missing a link in the opponent's plan.

  So this melting furnace whistle is reminding the enemy of the location of things.

  Gu Xi, who wanted to understand this, laughed instead.

  "You are awesome. I just like to see you angry but unable to hit me. If you have the ability, just come to Alidovi City after you." (

  End of Chapter)

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