Chapter 228 Copy Mission (please subscribe)

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  Chapter 228 Dungeon Quest (please subscribe)

  Gu Xi, who walked out of the No. 19 bus station carrying the Cold Wind Staff, was quickly surrounded by people before he could see the situation around him clearly.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi was also shocked. What was going on? Could it be that the dungeon was about to fight just now?

  This is a little too fast.

  Doesn't this copy give people time to prepare?
  While Gu Xi was thinking, he raised the Cold Wind Staff, preparing to strike at the enemy in front of him.

  But the other person said first: "Who are you? Don't you know that Westminster Abbey is now a forbidden area? Get back quickly."

  After hearing this, Gu Xi put away the cold wind staff and Understand that this is the soldiers in the copy preventing him from approaching Westminster Abbey.

  Gu Xi looked around, and then saw the old man cooking something in a big pot not far away. He shouted loudly: "Sir, Sir, it's me, it's me who brought the black flower." Coming out of Westminster Abbey.

  I'm here to help Anna."

  After hearing Gu Xi's words, the old man who was studying the liquid in the pot carefully raised his head, and he glanced at Gu Xi, asked with some confusion.

  "You seem to have become much stronger."

  Gu Xi also knew that his current level was completely different from his original level.

  At the same time, the equipment on his body is obviously different, especially the cold wind staff, the spiritual lamp in his hand, and the reverse lich on his shoulder, which are not accessible to ordinary people.

  "Necromancers always have some ability to improve themselves." The

  great knight didn't say anything to Gu Xi's words. He had seen many sudden increases in strength.

  There is no noble in the city of Victoria who does not have such ability.

  He was just a little curious as to what Gu Xi was doing running in at this time.

  "Okay, you all get out of the way. I know this man, and so does the eldest princess. I'll talk to him."

  Upon hearing this, the nearby soldiers quickly backed away.

  Gu Xi noticed that the soldiers did not retreat very far. They were patrolling nearby. At the same time, Victoria seemed to have transported the battlefield defense line here. Sandbags, roadblocks, horse barriers, and barbed wire were arranged in circles on the road.

  Along these defense lines, there are also war machines such as catapults and ballistae.

  It seems that the time point in this copy is not when Gu Xi left.

  While Gu Xi was still observing the situation of the copy, the great knight had already arrived in front of Gu Xi.

  "Although I don't know how you became like this in one day, but now the eldest princess has entered Westminster Abbey, we can't delay it to three days just because the eldest princess said three days. You can come here, I'm

  sure I came here for the eldest princess. Now I need your help."

  "I can come here, so naturally I come for the eldest princess. Tell me where I should attack." "

  No, no, I don't need you to attack Weiss now. Minster Abbey, the British soldiers are not dead yet, how can we let the civilian righteous take action, but you have also seen that now we are defending against the strange impact on the outside world. There are many small

  things that cannot be done with human hands, you Do you still remember the black flowers you brought before?

  Those are the flowers of that weird apple tree. Now I have used up the flowers in my hand. This is the key to unlocking the secret of the apple tree. Can you help me find some more apple trees? I don’t want more flowers

  , just ten, no, twenty.

  You are a mage, right? As long as you help me find them, I will give you some tips on magic."

  [Ding! You communicate with the Great Sir in the dungeon and learn about the Great Sir's needs. You activate a dungeon mission! ] [Dungeon task: Black Apple Blossoms]

  [Task Description: Find a sufficient number of apple blossoms and give them to the Great Sir for research. ]

  [Task requirement: Find 20 apple blossoms (0/20)]

  [Task reward: A skill level +1. ]

  [Note 1: The place with the most apple flowers is naturally on the apple tree. If you can't get close to the apple tree, you can also go to the nearby alleys to have a look. ]

  [Note 2: Please note that Apple Blossom is quite dangerous. Please be prepared for battle when facing it.

  There was a mission as soon as I arrived.

  Gu Xi felt happy now. This mission was pretty good. One skill level was +1, which was better than the long-term mission in the Wisdom Tree.

  The long-term mission of the Wisdom Tree is for professional skills. This mission clearly means that all skills can be improved. ,
  that is to say, Gu Xi's undead knowledge, magic knowledge, and undead control that can affect spiritualism, which have not been improved, are all within the scope of upgrade.

  This is a good thing for Gu Xi.

  You must know that among the prerequisites for activating talents, knowledge of the undead and magic knowledge must reach level 6, and eight professional skills must reach level 4.

  Professional skills can also be improved through various means. Undead knowledge and magic knowledge must be learned by oneself, or improved by luck.

  The reward for this task in front of him was pretty good for Gu Xi.

  So Gu Xi immediately took over the task.

  After Gu Xi took over the task, the Great Sir gave Gu Xi a pass, allowing him to freely enter and exit the vicinity of Westminster Abbey.

  As long as he doesn't get close to the line of defense formed by the Paladins, he can go wherever he wants.

  Gu Xi looked at the map where he could go, including the streets and alleys outside Westminster Abbey.

  You can get close to half of the large square in front of Westminster Abbey, but you can't go any further, because further ahead is the defense line formed by the Paladins, and anyone who comes close will be attacked as an enemy.

  In addition to the Paladin's defense line, there are several defense lines outside Westminster Abbey.

  According to the map, the largest one is the Royal Guard from the British royal family, and the rest are the Church's Holy Light Priests, the Merlin Sirens, which are mainly mages, and the Highlanders Legion, which is mainly warriors.

  There are about a hundred griffons circling in the sky.

  Although among these forces, there are no existences above level 20.

  But Gu Xi didn't think that they didn't have such strength, but because of the upper limit of the dungeon, the level 20 legendary boss battlefield was not here.

  For this reason, Gu Xi was not in a hurry to contact him. He planned to complete the [Black Apple Blossom] dungeon mission first.

  But before going out to find the black apple blossom, Gu Xi had one more thing to do.

  He turned and walked towards the No. 19 bus stop. The moment he stepped into the bus stop, a line of text popped up in front of him.

  [It is found that the copy is exported. Do you want to exit the copy? ]

  [Please note that there is a choice in the exit direction. Should you return the same way or enter Victoria City?

  (End of this chapter)

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