Chapter 211 Zombie Rising Victoria (63155)

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  Chapter 211 Zombies Siege Victoria (63155)

  Under Gu Xi’s inquiry, Luna quickly explained the situation in Victoria City.

  It turned out that the incident at Westminster Abbey last time added the final fuel to Victoria's already precarious situation.

  The powder keg of Victoria was detonated.

  The seventh urban transformation has begun early.

  For the nobles in Victoria, this was an opportunity and carnival.

  But for Aridovi City, this is a big trouble, because in this mirror world, a new Aridovi City will appear again.

  This will make the already chaotic mirror space even more chaotic.

  If this is just good, at most it means that there are more cities that can be captured in the mirror world where Alidovi is.

  But this chaos temporarily cut off the connection between Alidovi City and Victoria City.

  The two cities became inseparable, and Luna and Saya were trapped in Victoria City and could not return.

  If the owl sent by Gu Xi hadn't desperately delivered the letter to Luna, maybe Luna would have planned to take Shaya to the mirror underground palace again.

  As soon as Luna explained the situation, Gu Xi turned to look at Shaya.

  At this time, Gu Xi noticed that there were several undead beings following Sha Ya.

  Except for the leader of the skeleton mage, several of these undead looked like something Gu Xi had never seen before.

  Their skin looked like it had been burned through mud shells, and there were lines of flames on the surface of the skin.

  "Who are these?"

  Gu Xi pointed at the undead and asked.

  "They are the housekeeper I invited to take care of the small building, the Sheriff of Greenwich Street, and the girl from the neighbor's house. But something happened and their situation may not be good," Shaya explained

  . The origins of these undead.

  Gu Xi glanced at them and thought that their situation was not very good. They had already become undead. How could they be better?

  However, Gu Xi did not complain about these people, but asked: "What's the situation in Victoria now?" "

  What else could it be? Cinder riots."

  Sha Ya curled her lips.

  "Cinder? It's the steam power behind the small building? Why are they rioting? Are they rioting because there is a lack of this in the city?"

  Gu Xi became even more confused as he listened.

  "No, sir, in fact, their current situation is that of incomplete combustion of cinders."

  "Them? Cinders?"

  Gu Xi looked at the several undead in front of him in surprise. He could not tell at all that these few What direct connection does the undead have with cinders?

  Perhaps seeing that Gu Xi was unclear about the relationship, Shaya quickly explained.

  "Actually, cinder disease first appeared in steam factories. According to the church, those workers were constantly exposed to the power of steam, and their bodies slowly carbonized. This carbonization is irreversible and can only be achieved by taking away the breath of other people

  . To resist.

  However, people who are sucked out of the human breath by the carbonizer, even if they are not workers in the steam factory, will also get this carbonization disease.

  They have to breathe in the human breath of other people.

  In addition, someone discovered that because The corpses of workers who died from carbonization are the best fuel, so workers who are sick are generally not taken for treatment. Instead, they are kept in the factory until they die. Even if there are a few patients with carbonization who die from

  steam Even if you escape from the factory, you can't escape the pursuit of the factory owner."

  "Oh my God, even the bones of this worker were sold." Listening to Sha Ya's explanation, Gu Xi couldn't help but be stunned. Even if he He is a necromancer, and he also thinks that those factory owners in Victoria City have gone too far.

  "It was nothing serious this time. Many people in the entire city of Victoria knew about this situation, but everyone had to fight to survive. The

  cinder riots were actually caused by many factors. The most important thing is that someone We plan to rebuild Victoria City.

  Your Excellency, do you still remember the land increase in Camden District?"


  Gu Xi must have remembered this incident. It was precisely because of this incident that he and Sha Ya became attached.

  "This is actually because some nobles heard the news and were hoarding land.

  As a result, something happened at Westminster Abbey. The church, military, and royal family in Victoria City focused their attention on this, and some nobles made up their minds. .

  They chose to forcibly demolish some buildings.

  For example, they burned a certain block, and then considered that the block could not be rebuilt after it was burned, so they took it back to the country for management.

  I have been staying in Victoria, actually to deal with this trouble."

  "They are playing Real flowers."

  Gu Xi somewhat disdained the methods used by those nobles.

  "But they messed up and set a fire without the ability to put it out. The fire burned near the Isis River. As a result, someone was transporting a large number of poor people there, preparing to send them to the steam factory for them to work. Most of these poor

  people They all had carbonized disease, and not many people knew about it because they had been locked up, but this fire set them free.

  These poor people relied on their survival instincts to run around the city of Victoria, absorbing food crazily. It's like a human being, and carbonization disease spreads from one to two, and then to four, and more and more.

  In the end, the whole of Victoria is like walking cinders."

  Gu Xi understood as soon as he heard this, Victoria was trying to kill herself.

  The current situation is clearly a carbonized version of Resident Evil.

  "Then how will Victoria's situation be when you come back?"

  "I'm afraid it's not too optimistic. The church and the royal family are all focusing on Westminster Abbey, and there is simply no spare time.

  The army has no orders . , unable to enter the city, and the private soldiers of the nobles could not withstand the attack and could only defend their territory.

  Therefore, the current Victoria City is probably on its

  last legs. Rebuilding after being razed to the ground by fire is already the best outcome. ."

  After hearing this, Gu Xi understood why Alidovi City decided that Victoria City was undergoing its seventh change.

  It seems that this city is no longer undergoing earth-shaking changes, but is about to be wiped out and rebuilt.

  "Then my small building over there?"

  "The small building was still there when we came here, but we can't say whether it can be preserved."

  Hearing this, Gu Xi also became a little silent.

  He had already heard that the situation in Victoria City was quite complicated, and it would be of little use to invest as little troops as he could.

  But when Gu Xi was about to give up Victoria City, he saw Luna.

  Gu Xi understood that Luna and Alidovi City were closely connected.

  Even though he can now expand Alidovi City through other means, he cannot cut off the connection between Alidovi City and Victoria City.

  If we forcibly abandon Victoria City now and try to connect to it later, it will be difficult.

  (End of chapter)

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