318. Chapter 315 Various Harvests (113165)

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  Chapter 315 Various Harvests (113165)

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  The last item is a scale that looks like a flame. That thing is a prop placed in the city. Its function is equivalent to that of inlay, but it is different.

  [Chaos Furnace (Blue): After being placed in the blacksmith shop, the weapons of all soldiers in the city will be updated once. The attack of all soldiers in the updated hand will be +1, and the fire attack effect will be +1.

  If you just look at this attribute, you may not feel anything.

  But a comparison shows that as long as this [Chaos Furnace] is installed in the blacksmith shop, even a farmer with a combat power of only 1 can have an attack power of 2 points, plus 1 point of fire damage.

  If you think about it this way, you will realize how good this thing is.

  If no one except Gu Xi could use it, many people might want to trade this [Chaos Furnace] with Gu Xi.

  After getting the three items he wanted, Gu Xi made way for others to choose.

  And he placed the [Blood Battlefield] in the evil coffin.

  With the placement of the [Blood Battlefield], the evil coffin burned again.

  When the flames extinguished, Gu Xi noticed that the appearance of the evil coffin had changed again. In addition to the thick iron chains, the evil coffin was also coated with a layer of blood-red paint.

  It looked like it was thrown by a debt collector, and just looking at it lowered the quality of the evil coffin.

  But the properties of the evil coffin have been improved.

  [Inlaid with blood battlefield, Evil Coffin masters new skills, blood flow drifts! Weird flash!

  【Blood Flooding Pestle: After the evil coffin stops, the coffin will automatically drip blood. After stopping for three minutes, a blood pool will be formed, and the vitality of all undead within 30 meters of the evil coffin will begin to be automatically restored. ]

  [Weird flash: The evil coffin can lock on a strange existence within a kilometer, activate the strange flash ability, and instantly appear next to this strange person. ]

  Looking at the two newly mastered skills by Xie Coffin, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that he was not very lucky.

  If I had known it earlier, I would have embedded it into the Anti-Lich.

  Gu Xi complained in his mind about the idea of ​​detaching the [Blood Battlefield] from the evil coffin.

  Although the inlaid 'gems' can be removed and reused, when they are inlaid again, the blessings received will definitely not be as good as the first time. This is information that everyone knows.

  After Gu Xi finished inlaying the [Blood Battlefield], Zuo Ya and the others had also completed the first round of selection.

  There are more than twenty various items remaining, but the blue ones are no longer available, and the rest are all green.

  Zuoya and the others are not stupid. In this case, there is no need to consider whether it has attributes or whether it is effective. They just choose blue without any thought.

  Therefore, there was not much blue equipment in the first place, but now there is no more, so the next selection must be made among green items.

  Gu Xi glanced at these items and sighed helplessly. Among the remaining items, there were few that could immediately increase Gu Xi's combat effectiveness.

  In the end, Gu Xi only picked up a red-skinned demon head.

  [Destiny Demon Head (green): Use it on the treasure chest before opening it. There is a 15% chance that the treasure chest will be upgraded by two levels. There is a 25% chance that the treasure chest will be upgraded by one level. There is a 50% chance that the treasure chest will remain unchanged. 10% The probability of dropping the treasure chest by one level.

  This is the best among all green items.

  Although this prop is relatively heavy on gambling, the success rate is quite high. Gu Xi, who often encounters treasure chests, will naturally choose this prop and take it out for a good gamble when he encounters a treasure chest.

  After getting the [Demon Head of Destiny], Gu Xi retreated.

  By the time of the third round of selection, the better items had almost disappeared.

  The rest is junk among items. But no matter how rubbish it is, this is still a green item, much better than those whiteboard items.

  Gu Xi stood in front of the last items and thought for a moment, then picked up a black lantern-like object.

  The lantern in front of me is not a secondary item like the spiritual lamp.

  And what a light.

  [Daylight (green): A lamp that can illuminate a nearby area of ​​ten meters to the effect of noon in the daytime. You don’t need to carry it in your hand, you just need to light it up.

  After getting the day lamp, Gu Xi hung the lamp on the evil coffin with his backhand .

  Although he is a necromancer, it does not mean that Gu Xi likes the night.

  The necromancer who appears during the day is so handsome.

  After the third round of selection was completed, Gu Xi once again stood in front of the last few items.

  This time there are only four items left here.

  "Brother Gu, it's okay. Just take whatever you like. Those who can't do it can share the souls and negative energy of the battlefield later. If there's nothing you want here, you can also share more negative energy later."

  After listening to Zuo Ya's words, Gu Xi was about to say that he wanted to share the negative energy, but when he glanced at the last few items, his heart suddenly moved, and he took out a green item from it.

  It was a white A4 paper.

  The properties of this thing are also very simple.

  [Recording paper (green): A white paper that records some information. It can be used to copy magic, and can also be used to make magic scrolls or books. ]

  Even though this paper is green, not many people would be willing to take it.

  But just now, Gu Xi suddenly thought that the paper he used to record information about this world when he entered this world was also such a big piece of paper. He suddenly felt that there should be a connection between these papers.

  So Gu Xi finally chose this recording paper. Anyway, for Gu Xi, he couldn't live without the negative energy.

  The negative energy on this battlefield is not as much as the negative energy given out by the Alidovi City Council every day.

  Seeing Gu Xi take away the recording paper, Zuo Ya and the others were also a little surprised.

  Because they have also seen the remaining items in the final selection.

  These things are really leftovers that no one wants.

  They all thought that Gu Xi would not want it, but at the last moment, Gu Xi chose one and left.

  "Boss, what does he mean?"

  "I'm afraid there is an enchanting table in his city. With the enchanting table, you can dismantle equipment, extract attributes and characteristics, and then enchant other equipment. He wants to collect some unspecified equipment." Rubbish equipment that people want."

  Zuo Ya expressed his guess.

  "It's possible. I really envy those who control the city of death. When can we have our own territory when we open the city of death?" "Wait a minute. After passing level

  5, you can apply for territory space tasks and complete the tasks. You have your own territory."

  "It's just territory, you can't take it with you. Look at others, I'm really envious."

  While Zuo Ya and the others were talking, they watched with envy as Gu Xi's men packed up all the things and sent them back to Alidovi City through the city gate.

  (End of chapter)

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