306. Chapter 303 Encountering a battle on the road (107163)

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  Chapter 303 Battle on the Road (107163)

  was ordered at 1631. It has increased so much in one day. I must work hard to update it. Thank you everyone for your support!


  Starting from the ruins of the castle tower, Gu Xi found that the number of monsters that came to trouble him along the way had decreased.

  Many demons would immediately turn around and leave when they saw Gu Xi's team, and some nearby castle towers also raised lanterns of different colors in advance.

  Although Gu Xi didn't know what these lanterns meant, it was obvious that they didn't want to fight.

  Gu Xi wanted to pick a castle tower at random and kill it directly.

  But think about the homestay you rented, it might look like this at night.

  The other party didn't offend him, so Gu Xizhen didn't need to go directly to someone else's house.

  Gu Xi will only appear if the opponent takes the initiative to attack.

  But judging from the current situation, there are very few people who would take the initiative to attack Gu Xi's team.

  This is not good news.

  Gu Xi also hoped to take this opportunity to bring back more undead soldiers.

  Thinking about this situation, Gu Xi's eyes couldn't help but turn around. The red dragon in the sky seemed to have no morale, hovering there silently, without any of its previous momentum.

  At this moment, Gu Xi suddenly heard a sharp wailing sound.

  The sound was long and harsh, as if coming from the end of the street thousands of meters away.

  "The Banshee Wails?"

  Gu Xi was also stunned. This is a skill of the Necromancer. Gu Xi himself has never learned it, but Luna knows this skill. When Gu Xi was still relatively weak, Luna personally helped her. Take care of your interest.

  It seems that there are necromancers fighting in front.

  Normally, Gu Xi would not think too much about it, but it was different now.

  Gu Xi is also idle when he is idle.

  All the monsters ran away when they saw Gu Xi, making him not participate in the battle for a while.

  Gu Xi couldn't help but join in the fun.

  "Turn and go!"

  Under Gu Xi's order, the undead troops quickly turned in a different direction.

  After rushing some distance, Gu Xi saw a tall battle flag erected on the spot.

  There is a ichthyosaur jumping out of the water on the battle formation, but this ichthyosaur is in the shape of a white bone.

  Upon entering the area affected by the battle flag, Gu Xi felt a wave of cold air and water vapor coming towards his face.

  Gu Xi immediately knew the origin of the necromancer fighting here.

  They came from the first guild in Bailian City, Corpse Fish Dragon.

  Looking over there from a distance, Gu Xi found that it was already a melee.

  There are nine players on the side of the Necromancer. They gather around a man wearing a white bone shirt, commanding the troops to fight against demons and monsters.

  On the battlefield, these nine necromancers cooperated well with each other. There were actually two necromancers specifically responsible for summoning souls, and the remaining necromancers also had their own tasks.

  The number of undead troops under their command was about 2,500, and most of them were between level 3 and level 5. Gu Xi even saw a group of vampires starting from level 6 next to the necromancer.

  It seems that the first guild is the first guild. Even ordinary players have so many powerful units at their disposal.

  However, the number of troops besieging them was obviously larger. There were nearly twenty demon warlocks from Hanye City.

  The number of demon troops they brought was more than 4,000.

  In addition, there are demon troops who joined for unknown reasons.

  It was obvious that all the nearby demons were attracted. There are more than 4,000 of these monsters, which adds up to more than 8,000 people fighting 2,500 people.

  The Necromancer can withstand such an attack and even counterattack, which seems pretty good.

  But at this time they were obviously a little weak.

  The undead themselves are not known for their combat effectiveness. Their biggest feature is their large number.

  At present, the Bone Sea has not yet formed, but is being suppressed by other troops with numbers, which makes Gu Xi feel speechless for a while.

  After taking a look at the situation on the battlefield, Gu Xi made a decision in his mind.

  Call over.

  Gu Xi opened the main city gate behind him, and Arroyo walked out of the city gate with the Black Spear Battalion.

  "Kill all the way to the necromancers."

  Arroyo glanced at the monsters and devils on the way, and a smile appeared on his metal face.

  Such crowded battlefields are his favorite battlefields. Only on such battlefields can Arroyo show others what teamwork means.

  With this thought in mind, Arroyo raised his battle ax and took a step forward.

  Behind him, all the spearmen raised their spears.

  As soon as they moved like this, all the nearby demons turned their heads and looked over.

  But they didn't know what was going on. The troops that rushed out were shrouded in black dust, and they couldn't see how many people there were. The only thing they could see clearly was the cold light flashing on the skin of these soldiers.

  "Be careful, it's the iron man mutation of the tower. It has high defense and magic resistance, and slow movement speed. Get ready to fly a kite."

  Before the Black Spear Battalion rushed to the battlefield, Gu Xi heard someone in the demon group roar.

  Following the direction of the sound, Gu Xi discovered that among the demons, there was actually an order mage mixed in.

  This order mage has unleashed his own strange nature. His face is covered with red, purple, and black palm prints, and there is an eye blinking in each palm print.

  This weird ability allows him to see the battlefield clearly from all angles.

  It was precisely because of this ability that he was sent to patrol nearby battlefields in order to prevent outsiders from sabotaging their operation this time.

  Now that this guy was being targeted by Gu Xi, there was no way Gu Xi would let this guy go.

  "The troops move forward, prepare to attack with all their strength!"

  The cannon fodder undead who followed Gu Xi all the way listened to Gu Xi's words and rushed towards these monsters regardless of what happened.

  The monster nearby was something like a human centipede. Even though it was long, it moved very quickly on the ground.

  Seeing the undead troops rushing over, hundreds of these human centipedes jumped out and fought with the cannon fodder undead.

  These cannon fodder undead come from all types of arms, and there is no coordination among them.

  However, Gu Xi's main city gate was released and his battle flag was raised high.

  The undead souls under Gu Xi have all received corresponding blessings.

  Even if there is no formation of miscellaneous soldiers, their attributes have also been improved.

  In addition, the number was not bad, so they started fighting with these human centipedes.

  Gu Xi was still commanding his undead troops as before, placing the defensive troops at the front according to the original routine, with the skeleton shooters and skeleton mages shooting from behind.

  He himself focused all his attention on soul-calling.

  Following Gu Xi's move, the undead mages surrounded in the center also felt happy.

  Finally someone came.

  (End of chapter)

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