Chapter 74 Laboratory Construction and Bank Plan

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  Chapter 74 Laboratory Construction and Bank Plan
  The industrial sector’s ability to complete its development plan was something Arthur had already anticipated. After all, Australia's industrial development plan also starts with basic industries. As long as it has industrial equipment and enough workers, it is natural for Australia, which is rich in mineral resources, to rapidly increase its steel production.

  "We are doing well, but we need to continue to work hard. Whether it is industrial development or various constructions, we need to use enough steel materials. When we carry out railway construction plans in the future, we will also need a lot of steel. In the UK and Germany With help, I hope our steel production can quickly reach a satisfactory figure." Arthur ordered.

  Steel production is one of the factors that measure a country's industrial development, and it is also an important material needed for national construction and development.

  Therefore, Australia must not be satisfied with meeting the standards, but must set its goals in the future and prepare for various future constructions.

  "Yes, Your Highness!" Minister Pierre replied solemnly.

  After Minister Pierre finished his report, the year-end summary of the cabinet government came to an end.

  Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Defense have not yet reported, these departments have not experienced major changes and do not need to make separate reports.

  Arthur also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "In general, all departments performed well last year. Although you have only been in charge of each department for only half a year, you have already initially completed the development plan. I hope that in the new year, everyone can continue to work hard and work together towards the great goal of making Australia rise!" After the

  cabinet meeting, Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief and was able to take a few temporary breaks. sky.

  But what made Arthur dumbfounded was that Benz and Diesel came to visit the next day and asked Arthur to immediately start supporting them in building research laboratories and factories.

  February 1, in the manor.

  Arthur was listening to Butler Hunter's report on the royal property when he heard the news of the guards coming to report the visit of Benz and Diesel.

  Arthur didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he quickly asked the guards to invite the two talents in.

  After the two came in, they first said hello to Arthur and Butler Hunter, and then asked impatiently: "Your Highness, when will the construction of the laboratory and factory start? Those workers can't wait." Said to be

  workers I can't wait, but in fact it's these two who can't wait anymore.

  For a scientific geek, any time not devoted to research is a waste of life.

  "You make a plan first. You still need to decide on the specific construction needs of the research room. Once you have the specific plans and design drawings, you can start construction at any time." Arthur said with a smile.

  "Already here, Your Highness."

  After hearing what Arthur said, the two of them handed over a document directly and explained: "With nothing to do in the past two days, we will discuss the specific needs and construction plans of the laboratory. I took a look at it and have written it all in this document. It includes multiple facilities including automotive laboratories, engine laboratories, automobile factories and engine factories, and we have integrated existing engine research materials , in the future, Mercedes-Benz will not need an engine laboratory, but will directly transfer its business to Mr. Diesel."

  Arthur did not expect that these two guys were so well prepared and were so eager to build a laboratory.

  "Now that you all have a plan, the construction of laboratories and factories can start at any time. Butler Hunter is responsible for managing the royal family's property. You can also contact him if you have any financial problems." Arthur said.

  It would not hurt Arthur to build laboratories and factories early, so he naturally would not refuse the proposal of the two talents. "Including research funds, I will give each of you two million pounds. Since we are going to build a laboratory, we must have the best equipment for all kinds of equipment. If you have any questions, you can come to me or to Heng. Butler, I have only one request for you, which is to see the results of the experiment as soon as possible." Arthur said with a smile.

  "No problem, Your Highness!" The two responded one after another.

  Despite the relative scarcity of funds, the results of both men in their respective industries are very gratifying. Now that the two have enough research funds, it is not impossible to create greater results through cooperation with each other.

  Therefore, Arthur's request seems to the two to be absolutely achievable and must be achieved.

  After sending the two people away, Arthur continued to look at Butler Hunter and asked with a smile: "Continue now, Butler Hunter. How much money and property does the royal family have now?" Butler Hunter replied respectfully

  . : "Your Highness, in terms of property, we currently have two small steel plants with an annual steel output of 3,000 tons, a military factory and a shipyard. In addition, our newly built wine estate will soon be put into use. As for funds, , we have 150 million pounds borrowed by the Australian government, and now we have 130 million pounds. At present, the total value of all our assets has exceeded 300 million pounds, but because we owe 30 million pounds to the Bank of London Due to the pound funding, the actual assets are only about 280 million pounds."

  Arthur nodded with satisfaction.

  Even after lending the government £100 million interest-free, Arthur still had more than £130 million in funds.

  This is a huge amount of money. Even if it is used to build an extremely expensive navy, it can create a navy that is among the top three in the world.

  "Steward Hunter, get ready to build a bank. It's time for Australia to have a bank of its own. I plan to use the new bank to develop low-interest loan business throughout Australia. With the increase of this huge amount of funds, Invest, and I believe Australia's economy will usher in better development." Arthur thought for a while and said to Butler Hunter.

  "Yes, Your Highness." Butler Hunter nodded.

  The Australian industry is currently in a state of untapped potential, which also means there are many opportunities lurking within it.

  But in fact, the vast majority of Australians are in the lower income bracket compared to European countries.

  It’s not easy to support yourself and your family, and it’s almost impossible to come up with extra funds.

  Under such a premise, if Arthur can open a bank with credibility and liberalize a large number of loans across Australia, many people who are suffering from no funds can seize the opportunity, and even go up against the wind and strive to achieve results.

  This is also extremely effective for the development of all walks of life in Australia, and is a win-win situation for Australia and Australians.

  The only problem is loan recovery, but that's not a problem for Australian owner Arthur.

  And based on the people's support and righteousness, I'm afraid no one would dare to be a scumbag in front of Arthur, otherwise Arthur wouldn't mind letting him know how steel is made.

   Second update, please support!

  (End of chapter)

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