Chapter 70 Summary at the end of 1900

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  Chapter 70 Summary of the End of 1900 On
  January 30, 1901, after a month-long voyage, the fleet finally arrived at the Port of Sydney, Australia.

  Prime Minister Evan prepared a grand welcome ceremony for this, and Sydney Harbor was once again filled with crowds.

  Three months have passed since I left for Europe. Everyone in the visiting delegation and Arthur have begun to miss Australia.

  Because the aid treaties signed with the United Kingdom and Germany are good news for Australia and Australians, Arthur will not miss such a good opportunity to win over the people and gave a small speech at the port, which angered everyone. The people cheered wildly.

  After that, it’s time to return to the manor, and there’s not much else involved. There was no other reason. After a long month of boring and bumpy journey at sea, Arthur just wanted to lie down on the big bed in his manor and have a good rest.

  The task of settling Diesel, Benz and those workers was left to Prime Minister Evan.

  Fortunately, several residential buildings vacated by the Australian National University during its recruitment are still vacant and can be put to good use.

  As for Diesel and Benz, Arthur also fulfilled his promise and chose a relatively good two-story independent building in the center of Sydney for them and their families to live.

  January 31, 1901, the day after returning to Australia.

  He rested from the afternoon until noon the next day, and after eating another hearty meal, Arthur felt that he was gradually recovering.

  Putting on a custom-made suit, Arthur led the guards to the Government Building.

  When Arthur arrived, all cabinet members were already present and sat quietly in their seats waiting.

  "Your Highness!"

  Seeing Arthur walking in, everyone stood up and saluted respectfully.

  "Long time no see, everyone. It has been three months since I last left Australia. I can also see the changes you have made in Australia in these three months. Although it is already a new year, now we are going to It’s not too late for the annual meeting of the previous year. Let’s talk about what plans your departments made in the previous year, what they completed, and what is ongoing. How many tasks has the government completed? Let’s give a brief summary. Let’s report!” Arthur sat on the main seat and said to everyone with a smile.

  The annual meeting is a time for the government to test the work of the year. Whether there are political achievements depends on the achievements of the department this year.

  It was obvious that most of the ministers were well prepared. Even the three ministers who followed Arthur to Europe had read and compiled a large amount of information in more than a day.

  "Prime Minister Evan, let's hear the government's achievements first! Are you ready for your summary report?" Arthur looked at Prime Minister Evan and asked.

  "Yes, Your Highness."

  Prime Minister Evan stood up, came to the steps in the center of the conference table, placed his information on the podium, and then said: "Your Highness, everyone. 1900 was a great year for Australia. , we finally gained independent status, and we also have a great monarch. Under your leadership, all walks of life in Australia have begun to flourish, and the country is prosperous." Prime Minister Evan also knew that Arthur did not like to flatter like this very much

  . After a relatively brief nonsense, he started to get to the point: "Over the last year, Australia has experienced tremendous development. According to the government's rough statistics, our population has increased from 1899 to 1900. Approximately 3,788,100 people have grown to the current 3,867,100 people, an increase of approximately 2%." "Among them, more than 36,000 were born and died. There are more than 23,000 people, and there are 66,000 foreign immigrants. Excluding military families and special immigrants from the army, our real immigrants are about 40,000, of which the Irish and British account for more than half." Prime Minister Evan introduced arrive.

  The population growth rate in 1900 was faster than that in the previous two years, but this was also because Queen Victoria gave Arthur more than 20,000 troops and military dependents.

  After deducting these special immigrants, the increase in the total number of immigrants in Australia last year was not much and remained at the same level as in previous years.

  "After signing immigration treaties with the United Kingdom and Germany, our immigration should increase to a certain extent, right? The government must also be prepared to invest a certain amount of money in the United Kingdom and Germany to promote Australia and attract more immigrants." Se nodded calmly and said.

  Because there is no immigration treaty, and Australia's infrastructure construction starts in the middle of the year, it is understandable that there was no increase in immigration in the previous year.

  With the implementation of the immigration treaties with the United Kingdom and Germany, coupled with Australia's own vigorous publicity, I believe that the immigration situation will improve in the new year.

  "Yes, Your Highness." Prime Minister Evan nodded hurriedly.

  "How is the country's economy? How is our financial situation currently?" Arthur asked.

  After receiving aid from Germany, Australia has completely solved its funding problem. At least for the next few years, it no longer has to worry about funding issues.

  "Your Highness, the government currently has a total of more than 110 million pounds of available funds. If you include the German loan that has not been received, our available funds have exceeded 160 million pounds." Speaking of funding issues, Evan The Prime Minister couldn't help but smile and said slightly excitedly.

  The Australian government has a huge amount of money. Even though it has spent more than 16 million pounds on various constructions, the government's finances have not been reduced at all, but have increased by millions of pounds.

  Arthur nodded, not surprised by the huge amount of more than 100 million pounds, but continued to ask: "What about the annual income of our residents? Has it increased in this year?" The government is not short of money

  . This is good news for Australia, but whether the people are short of money is the fundamental factor that determines whether Australia can survive.

  The high-level people enjoy prosperity while the low-level people have no food and clothing, so no matter how much money the government has, it will be in vain.

  "Your Highness, the construction of our various industries has created a large number of jobs and created a large number of employment opportunities for Australians. In order to ensure the interests of the people, we specifically require that each position must not be exploited or deducted. Currently, our industrial zones already have Thousands of workers have contributed to the construction of industrial zones and the production of factories. According to our estimates, the per capita annual income in Australia at the beginning of last year was about eight pounds, and it has now increased to more than nine pounds. Especially in industrial zones, it has More than 2,000 jobs with an annual income of more than ten pounds have been created, and with the study of workers and the expansion of industrial areas, there will be more and more jobs with higher incomes in the future, which will also drive the increase in Australia's per capita annual income." Prime Minister Evan said with a smile.

  Construction is bound to stimulate the economy, and it will also stimulate the economy very effectively. Australia's various huge construction projects have also created many jobs, and most of them are jobs with a per capita annual income above.

  This has also made sufficient contributions to Australia's economic development and increase in per capita annual income, and will continue to do so.

   Second update, please support! Let me tell you some news. After communicating with the editor, this book will be on the shelves on New Year's Day. It's a bit ahead of schedule compared to my plan, but it's really a helpless choice. The mid-January I planned was too close to the Chinese New Year. Firstly, there were few people watching because everyone was out having fun. Secondly, it might also mean that I had less time to code and everyone was not enjoying themselves. Anyway, it was released on New Year’s Day, which was a bit sudden, so I’m sorry. In order to express my apology, I will update five times on the day of listing, and try to update three times a day after that. Please support!

  (End of chapter)

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