Chapter 57 William II’s Conditions

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  Chapter 57 William II’s Conditions

  For William II, he wanted to see Australia tilt towards Germany. Even if it could not directly participate in future wars, it would at least pose a considerable threat to France’s colonies in eastern Africa and Asia. .

  But if Australia forms a close cooperation with the closer Britain, relying on Britain's strong strength and closer blood relationship, it will be easier to win over Australia.

  By then, I am afraid that Australia will not only not become a surprise soldier in the war, but will also become a logistics supply station for Britain and France, and may even threaten Germany's overseas colonies.

  This is something William II does not want to see. The extent of Britain's assistance to Australia is also likely to change Australia's stance on future wars.

  If it were a frontal war, William II was confident that the German army was not weaker than anyone else, and could even have a huge advantage against any army.

  But this does not mean that William II has lost all his sanity. If Germany is blocked and all sea transportation lines are blocked, and France and Russia have huge territories and colonies to support them, then no matter how brave the German army is, they will not be able to withstand the enemy. Endless logistical supplies.

  Win over Australia and allow Australia to cause certain damage to France's colonies and maritime transportation lines during the war. It does not require complete destruction, but as long as it can cause partial damage, William II will be confident that he will completely defeat France in the war, or even directly solve the problem. this war.

  This is why William II was so concerned about British aid to Australia. Compared with Germany, which is far away and has no relationship, Britain has a significantly more important position in the hearts of Australians.

  "The real negotiations have not started, but it is estimated that the annual aid will not be too much. It should be around the five million pounds stipulated by grandma." Arthur pretended to sigh, shook his head and said helplessly.

  Arthur also knew what William II wanted to know, so he didn't mind making William II happy.

  In any case, William II would definitely be happy to see Britain reduce support to Australia. Keeping it at five million pounds is the best answer.

  Is five million pounds too much? If you look at this figure alone, it is actually quite a lot. It is the total annual income of more than 10,000 outstanding workers.

  However, this number seems a bit small and weak when placed in the context of the country's industrial development.

  Under the premise of being supported by huge industrial equipment, Australia's annual industrial development investment is as high as four million pounds per year, and it is only a small-scale development plan.

  For countries with strong industries like Britain and Germany, five million pounds is only the cost of two main battleships.

  "Haha, I thought it was too much, Arthur. It's true that Uncle Edward, Australia's development is so poor, he is not willing to spend more money to help Australia develop. Before my grandmother left, she specifically asked to take care of you, Arthur, but she didn't expect that it would end It only got five million pounds." Sure enough, William II laughed when he heard the five million pounds, and his words were full of disparagement of Edward. "It's okay. After all, Uncle Edward doesn't have the final say in England alone. Five million pounds is enough for Australia. At least it can make Australia's industry take off." Arthur continued to pretend to be miserable, also By the way, I am waiting for the next words from William II.

  "Okay, Arthur. As your cousin, I feel it is necessary for me to help you and Australia at such a difficult time. Although the German Empire is not as rich as the British Empire, it can afford the assistance. You can still get it." William II patted Arthur's shoulder with his right hand, stood up and said righteously.

  "The low-interest loan of 500 million marks we agreed on before is invalid. I have made the decision and will give the 500 million marks directly to you as a start-up capital for your industrial development. At the same time, I will mobilize the major German banks to jointly contribute funds. Provide you with a low-interest loan of at least one billion marks. You can use this mark to purchase the industrial equipment and resources you want in any region of Germany. I think, both from the perspective of interests and from the blood relationship between us Judging from the relationship, Germany and Australia are both friends, right?" William II waved his hand and directly gave Arthur the 500 million marks he had promised.

  Judging from the exchange rate between the mark and the pound, the funds provided by William II are approximately 25 million pounds in sponsorship and 50 million pounds in low-interest loans. No matter which country it is, it is considered a large sum of money. .

  "Really? Cousin William, thank you so much. On behalf of Australia and all Australians, I would like to thank His Majesty and all Germans for their assistance to Australia. May the friendship between Australia and Germany last forever." Arthur was stunned. For a moment, I didn't expect William II to be so generous. Fortunately, he responded quickly and immediately started complimenting William II.

  Arthur wouldn't suffer even if he complimented others a few times, let alone under the premise that William II spent a lot of money.

  Even the aid and loan funds include 75 million pounds, which is absolutely a huge amount of money for Australia's development.

  "This is not over yet, Arthur. As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. Germany will send a team of industrial experts to actually contribute to Australia's industrial development. As long as it does not involve particularly important strategic technologies, Germany will It can be sold to Australia at market price. We hope that Australia can develop and become the overlord of the South Pacific and provide important help to Germany in the future. We will not regard Australia as our subordinate or weak, but as an extremely important Ally, Arthur." After William II said all the conditions, he looked at Arthur and asked with a smile: "How about it, Arthur, are you willing to lead Australia and become an important right-hand man of Germany?"

  " If Australia can develop smoothly, then we will help Germany in future wars. If the maritime transportation lines are not cut off, Australia can also export various mineral resources and other materials to Germany to help Germany win this war. ." Arthur did not answer directly in the affirmative, but in a more tactful way.

  But in William II's view, Arthur actually agreed. After all, not every lord of Arthur's age can withstand such temptation.

  In William II's view, even though Arthur has great ideas, his heart is actually no different from other people of this age group. They are all more impulsive and idealistic.

  I believe that once Germany offers such conditions, even if Arthur is not immediately tempted, he will change his position to Germany's side after William II fulfills the conditions promised one by one.

  It's just that William II didn't expect that Arthur was not a person who would be affected by external factors. What's more, Arthur is a time traveler. With his advanced ideas and experiences in his mind, Arthur will only choose the one that is most beneficial to himself and Australia based on various conditions.

   First update, please support! My family is pregnant, I am pregnant, and my throat is not feeling well today. If I really get tricked, I will try my best to keep it updated and beg for support!

    In addition, it is on the new book list. Everyone, please work hard to see if you can push forward. If it is not serious, I will try my best to save the manuscript in the past two days, at least to keep updating it every day. Begging for support!
  (End of chapter)

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