Chapter 497 Philippines

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  Chapter 497 Philippines

  If you look closely at the map of Australasia, you will find that the Philippines is like a nail in Southeast Asia, becoming the United States' outpost on the west coast of the Pacific, threatening East Asia and Australia.

  How could a couch lying on its side allow others to sleep soundly? Arthur deeply understood that one mountain could not tolerate two tigers, and naturally he would not allow the United States to have an outpost in Southeast Asia to check and balance Australasia.

  To put it lightly, the Philippines is a transit station and supply point for U.S. warships, as well as a springboard for the United States on the west coast of the Pacific.

  To put it more seriously, when the United States has more powerful aircraft in the future, they can even take off from the Philippines and threaten the colonies and mainland of Australasia.

  If all countries have mastered missiles in the future, the United States will only need to deploy medium-range missiles in the Philippines to easily threaten Australasia. This is something Arthur does not want to see.

  The good news is that the current American control of the Philippines is not very stable. Long before the Spanish-American War, the Filipinos themselves formed the First Republic of the Philippines. However, it was forcibly annexed by the United States due to the Spanish-American War, and the republic also collapsed.

  But this does not mean that the Filipino dream of independence will be shattered. On August 29, 1916, the U.S. Congress passed the Philippine Autonomy Act, making the Philippines a slave state with the right to self-government.

  The Philippines also held elections during this period, established the Philippine Senate, and gradually gained some rights.

  As the reputation of Americans during the flu gradually deteriorated, the U.S. government at the time even prepared for war, which led to a further reduction in U.S. control in the Philippines and gave the Philippine Senate hope for independence.

  In February this year, Philippine representatives went to the United States to lobby in an attempt to get the United States to agree to Philippine independence, but were rejected by the U.S. Congress.

  Although the peaceful path to independence has been rejected, this does not mean that Filipinos will accept their fate.

  In fact, according to intelligence personnel already stationed in the Philippines, the Philippine Senate is even ready for independence. However, the arrogance of starting a war with the powerful United States has made the Philippine government hesitant and does not dare to provoke a war for independence. end.

  Judging from the current situation, this should be the best opportunity to provoke Philippine independence. If the power support of Britain and France can be obtained, the independence of the Philippines will be inevitable, and the Americans will be unable to stop it.

  After independence, the Philippines is closest to Australasia, and it is still easy for Australasia to fully penetrate the country.

  Although Arthur has no good opinion of the Filipinos, it is not unacceptable if they are cultivated as a risk-resistant backup market and servant country.

  If a war breaks out with the island countries in the future, Filipinos can be used as cannon fodder and serve as the front line against the island countries. If they exchange their lives with the island countries, it can be regarded as a bastard beating a turtle grandson, and no one will lose.

  Under Arthur's order, a large number of intelligence personnel from the Royal Security Intelligence Service went to the Philippines, preparing to cause some trouble for the Americans.

  Philippines, Manila, in a luxurious villa.

  This is a luxurious villa built recently. It is basically inhabited by high-level dignitaries from the Philippines. It is also the center of this autonomous country and a gathering area for members of the Senate.

  Boom, boom, boom!
  At nine o'clock in the evening, just as all the ordinary people were having dinner and preparing to rest, there was a sudden knock on the door in a villa area, which seemed very dull in the silent night.

  Without any hesitation, Manuel Quezon stood up and went to open the door.

  If your guess is correct, it should be other members of the Senate at this time. After the United States openly rejected the Philippines' request for independence, the Philippine Senate held large meetings almost every once in a while, and private gatherings between members of various parties became even more frequent.

  "Who are you?" Manuel Quezon was just about to say hello, but found that the people outside the door did not recognize him at all. They were all dressed in black, and they seemed to feel that they were coming with bad intentions.

  Without any greeting, the visitor took out a pistol and gently pressed it against Manuel's forehead, saying softly: "Go in and talk."

  As the door was closed, Manuel's heart beat suddenly. This means that in the silence of the night, his encounters will hardly be noticed by anyone, unless he is willing to risk his life and shout loudly, but the enemy's muzzle is not a vegetarian either.

  There may be a faint glimmer of hope, but at this moment Manuel wishes there was no such glimmer of hope, because that glimmer of hope is his wife and daughter in the bedroom on the second floor.

  Seeing Manuel looking towards the second floor with worried eyes from time to time, the intelligence officer was almost amused by Manuel's disguise.

  With a signal, several intelligence officers rushed forward with guns, obviously already knowing something about Manuel's family situation.

  "No, you can't do this." Seeing the two intelligence officers running toward the second floor with guns, Manuel's face turned pale at this time, regretting that he had inadvertently exposed his flaws.

  "Is this Mr. Manuel Quezon?" The intelligence officer carefully examined Manuel's appearance and made sure there was nothing wrong before he asked.

  "I am. If you are sent by the Americans, please let my wife and daughter go. I am willing to pay any price." Manuel nodded with a pale face, having lost any hope of survival.

  "You misunderstood, Mr. Manuel. We are not sent by the Americans, and we will never harm you and your family." Watching his men bring Manuel's family downstairs, the leader's intelligence The officer nodded with satisfaction, released the pistol from Manuel's head, and explained as if nothing happened.

  "Is this a joke?" Manuel's forehead was still cold, and a drop of cold sweat slid down the corner of his eyes. Looking at his wife and daughter next to him who still had pistols pressed against their foreheads, Manuel felt that these Americans were joking with him, provoking and teasing him who was about to die.

  "If you promise not to say anything, of course we are willing to sit down and have a good talk." The intelligence officer looked at Manuel and his family. After they all nodded dully, they motioned for their men to take it. Fire weapons.

  "That's right! Mr. Manuel." The leading intelligence officer smiled and stretched out his hand. Seeing that Manuel had no intention of shaking hands, he didn't care at all. He continued: "Let me introduce myself. I am from In the CSIRO, you can call me Sam, or whatever you want."

  "Australasia? CSI? OD? I don't understand, you guys Why did you find me?" Manuel asked murmuringly.

  Logically speaking, the Philippines and Australasia are incompatible with each other. The Philippines is still under the control of the United States. Before the United States, it was also a Spanish colony and has no relationship with Australasia.

  "According to our intelligence, you seem to want to lobby the Washington government to agree to let the Philippines become independent, but it seems that your lobbying failed." The intelligence officer who called himself Sam did not answer Manuel's question, but was minding his own business. Said.

  The news about the Philippine delegation to the United States was not kept strictly confidential, and it was normal for the Australasian intelligence agency to learn about it.

  However, the dispute between the Philippines and the United States does not seem to have anything to do with Australasia, right?
  Or has Australasia decided to reach out to the Philippines? Isn’t Australasia afraid of American counterattack?

  Almost instantly, Manuel thought of many questions. But then, Manuel suddenly realized that Australasia had already become a great power and had established a very good relationship with the British Empire. In theory, it was not afraid of the United States at all.

  All in all, this may be a dispute between two great powers. Manuel has decided to give up resistance and save himself and his family's lives first.

  "Yes, the Americans do not agree with Philippine independence. Although we have initially obtained the support of President Wilson, the attitude of the US Congress is also very firm." Manuel, who had already looked away, also decided not to hold back. Whatever is asked, he answers.

  Seeing that Manuel was very cooperative, the intelligence officer nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask: "According to our understanding, you seem to have made various preparations for independence. If independence can only be achieved by force, are you willing to cooperate with us?" Is the United States going to fight?" "Everyone in the Philippines wants independence. It is obvious that the Philippines' strength alone cannot compare with the United States. If the U.S. Congress does not relent, it is impossible for the Senate to agree to the plan for independence by force." Manu El shook his head with a wry smile and explained.

  In this era, weak countries have no right to choose their own destiny. Even the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which still retained its status as a great power after the war, had no right to choose when faced with Hungary's independence.

  Not to mention the Philippines, which is nothing. Faced with pressure from the powerful Americans, the possibility of the Philippine Senate provoking armed independence is almost zero.

  "I don't think your worries are necessary, Mr. Senate President." Sam smiled slightly and then started the formal topic: "If you need it, Australasia can help you. Of course, it's not just Australia. Australasia, we can also win the support of Britain and France to help you achieve independence."

  According to the current situation of the United States, the Philippines with the support of Australasia is enough to cause a headache for the US government.

  If coupled with the support of Britain and France, even if the Americans are unwilling, the independence of the Philippines will be certain.

  Manuel was very moved by Sam's proposal, but then he forced himself to calm down and asked tentatively: "Mr. Sam, your country's help should not be free, right? I don't know what price the Philippines can provide. In exchange for the support of your country and Britain and France for Philippine independence?"

  "Hahaha!" Sam did not answer in a hurry, but smiled and patted Manuel on the shoulder, and said with a little meaning: "I believe Mr. Senate President He is also a smart man and knows that this world is ultimately dominated by the law of the jungle. Without our help, even if the Philippines becomes independent, it will be doomed to be controlled by the United States or other countries. Our request is very simple. We hope to form a permanent alliance with the Philippines. Conduct close military and economic exchanges."

  "If the independent Philippine government is willing, we can also send experts to help your country better form a government, improve its judicial and administrative system, and at the same time strengthen your country's military strength to prevent the United States from Revenge."

  It seems that Sam did not make any demands, but was willing to provide a series of help to the post-independence Philippine government.

  But if we change our thinking and look at Sam’s words, Manuel feels that Australasia’s appetite is greater than that of the United States.

  The first is close military and economic exchanges.

  The newly formed Philippine country is in a state of exhaustion in all aspects and is also easily influenced by other countries.

  The formation of the army will definitely not be completed in a short time. The help of the Australasians also means that the Philippine army will be extremely biased towards Australasia.

  The same is true for the economy. The independent Philippines' economy was destined to be fragile and needed help from other countries.

  If Australasia penetrates the Philippine economy too deeply, it will be impossible for the Philippines to get rid of Australasia economically.

  The military and economy are both controlled by Australasia. Even if the Philippine government becomes independent, the consequences will still be the same as now, and it will have to obey Australasia.

  As for what Sam finally said, to help the Philippines establish a judicial and administrative system, that is to completely control the Philippines.

  Needless to say, the judicial and administrative systems are the most fundamental powers of the national government and are also the basis for determining whether a national government has autonomy.

  Can the Philippines be said to be an independent country when its military, economy, judiciary and politics are all controlled by others? The answer is obvious, of course not, and the situation is even worse than the current Philippines. At least the current Philippines has administrative autonomy, but it just has to be a dog for the Americans.

  "Mr. Sam, are you really kidding me? The military, economy, justice and politics are all controlled by others. This is not the independence the Philippines wants, and it is absolutely impossible for the Senate to agree to it." Manuel looked at him in disbelief. Sam, he completely underestimated the appetite and bottom line of Australasians.

  "No, Mr. Senate President, I believe the Senate will support it." Sam shook his head and said with a smile: "As far as I know, as the Senate President, you seem to have a high reputation in the Philippines. As long as Mr. Senate President can Overcoming all opinions and with our support, there is no problem in getting the Senate to agree." "

  I believe Mr. Senate President is a smart man, and we will only cooperate with smart people. The independent Philippines needs a qualified rule "I think the President of the Senate is very suitable for this position with his reputation in the Philippines. I hope we can maintain long-term cooperation, and I don't want to lose Mr. President of the Senate. This is a friend I just made." Sam looked at him thoughtfully. Manuel said, half coaxing and half threatening.

  Manuel's full name is Manuel Luis Quezon, and he is also a famous figure in the Philippines.

  Manuel, who was born in 1878, became the President of the Philippine Senate at the age of only 41. He has extremely high prestige and support in the Philippines.

  Looking carefully at Manuel's resume, although he is a civilian, he looks very luxurious.

  After graduating from college, Manuel worked as a lecturer at the University of Santo Tomas and studied law.

  Later, he joined Emilio's revolutionary war team against Spain. With his heroic and fearless fighting style, he gained a lot of reputation in the revolutionary team and made Manuel's name known to more Filipinos.

  Unfortunately, the Philippine revolutionary team did not recognize the sovereignty of the United States over the Philippines after the Spanish-American War. This also led to Manuel, an important member of the revolutionary team, being handed over to the Americans and imprisoned for six months.

  After that, Manuel passed the bar exam and gradually entered the political arena.

  With a lot of prestige accumulated due to the revolution, Manuel, who was only 28 years old, was selected as a high-ranking official, which strengthened Manuel's prestige in Philippine politics.

  With the Jones Act drafted and enacted by Manuel a few years ago, Manuel quickly became a hero in the Philippines, and quickly entered the Senate and became the President of the Senate.

  This promotion resume has almost no setbacks. He is simply the pride of the Philippines, and he has also successfully become the first president of the Republic of the Philippines in history.

  However, Manuel's fate in this era is destined to change, and the fate of the Philippines will also undergo tremendous changes.

  As one of the most educated people in the Philippines, Manuel, who has been in politics for a long time, naturally understands the solicitation and threats in Sam's words, and is also well aware of the current situation of himself and his family.

  Facing Sam's threat, Manuel had no strength to resist. Even if it rises to the national level, even if the Philippines achieves independence, it will not have any ability to resist in the face of the current Australasia.

  "I hope to ensure the safety of my family first, and I will try my best to cooperate with you." Manuel's throat rolled several times before he sighed and said.

  "Hahaha, sure enough, I believe that Mr. Senate President will be a smart man. Don't worry, as long as you cooperate with our actions, your family will be very safe, and our intelligence personnel will protect them personally." Sam laughed again He smiled, patted Manuel on the shoulder and said.

  In fact, although it also has the purpose of protection, it also has the meaning of surveillance. After all, the Philippines is so big. If Manuel wants to hide, the Royal Security Intelligence Service may not be able to find his family in a short time.

  Rather than doing this, it would be better to directly monitor him personally, and be able to do it once and for all, and protect Manuel's family at the same time.

  Understanding that he had no right to choose, Manuel nodded helplessly and asked: "Then what should I do?"

   This is the update today, 5,000 words. I'm back late, sorry. Please vote for me and support me!

  (End of chapter)

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