Chapter 494 Marine Protection Convention

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  Chapter 494: Marine Conservation Convention
  There was originally a small town near the Gold Coast. Given the popularity of the Gold Coast in the world and its beautiful scenery, it would be a good choice to build this town into a city.

  Being an internationally famous attraction is generally a good thing, but it also comes with expected bad things.

  Among them, the one that Arthur attaches most importance to is the protection of the beach environment.

  The Gold Coast is famous entirely because of its beautiful scenery and a little bit of artificial publicity from the Australasian government.

  Even without this artificial publicity, the Gold Coast will be well-known to everyone in a few years and will still become that internationally famous tourist attraction.

  Most of the beautiful tourist attractions in Australasia are basically offshore beaches and islands, and they are inseparable from the word ocean.

  Therefore, when Arthur visited the Gold Coast, he repeatedly requested the Queensland government to strictly protect the coastal environment and protect the property owned by Australasia.

  Arthur not only requested the Queensland government, but also asked the cabinet government to enact laws to protect the marine environment. Any act that damages the marine environment will violate the law and be severely punished by the government.

  At Arthur's request, the Australasian Marine Environment Protection Act was newly enacted and implemented immediately.

  The fleet patrolling the waters near Australasia has also added a new mission, which is to monitor the coast and deal with acts that damage the marine environment.

  The protection of the marine environment is very weak relying on one person or one country alone. It must rely on the efforts of all countries in the world.

  But it is obvious that some countries cannot listen to what others say, and some countries wantonly indulge in it for their own interests.

  Arthur doesn't want to see any problems in his descendants due to the pollution of the marine environment.

  What's more, Australasia is a purely maritime country. The large and small islands and archipelagos owned by Australasia determine that no interest in Australasia can be separated from the ocean.

  Therefore, Arthur does not want to see, and will never see, the marine environment being severely polluted.

  The way to avoid pollution of the marine environment is very simple, which is to deal with any individuals or countries that may cause pollution to the marine environment.

  For this reason, Arthur deliberately communicated with the British Empire and supported any actions of the British Empire in the Kingdom of Hungary in exchange for the British Empire's nod and agreement to sign the "Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment."

  At the regular meeting of the World Alliance in June, the Australasian representative expressed his views impassionedly:
  "Ladies and gentlemen! The ocean is the common property of all mankind and a precious asset that cannot be separated from any human activities. The exchanges between countries around the world and the daily lives of people around the world cannot be separated from the ocean. I propose that an agreement should be signed

  to jointly protect our marine resources. Whether it is

  offshore or high seas, they should be within the scope of protection of the agreement. Every country that has signed the treaty should work together to impose sanctions on any behavior that damages the marine environment.

  Sanctions are all-encompassing, and we must use force when necessary to protect our environment. Instead of solving

  the problem of marine pollution, we should solve the problem of marine pollution. Individuals or countries that pollute.

  This world can be without any country, but it cannot be without the marine environment that we rely on for survival.

  Ladies and gentlemen, for our beautiful ocean and the environment that human beings rely on for survival, let us use Use all means and at all costs to protect the ocean and this beautiful, blue scenery!"

  Bang Bang Bang!
  There was an ear-splitting sound immediately in the conference room. As for why representatives from various countries applauded so enthusiastically, you have to look at who took the lead in applauding first.

  When the British Empire stood up and applauded first, it was impossible for its other countries to ignore it.

  This is not what later generations would call a civilized society. If they offend the British Empire, these small and medium-sized countries will have no good fruits at all.

  Driven by Australasia and the British Empire, the Marine Environment Protection Convention was quickly signed and implemented as a formal document of the World Alliance.

  In fact, Arthur did not expect that relying on such a treaty would be able to limit environmental pollution in various countries. Such a treaty would also be an excuse for Arthur's future actions, a reason to impose sanctions or even launch a war against a country.

  There is no need to protest if you are truly uncomfortable with something. In Arthur's view, if it is troublesome to resolve a matter peacefully, then the best way is to decisively deal with the person who caused the problem. This theory is placed in the national are equally suitable.

  After the convention was officially implemented, this matter came to an end for the time being.

  After all, this world will definitely not develop as it did in history. It is hard to say whether there will be island countries on earth in the 21st century, let alone some major events that will shock the world.

  As time progressed, the plan to build a colony in Australasia was officially launched.

  Different from the previous colonial construction, the greater purpose of this construction is to cultivate a market belonging to Australasia to increase Australasia's ability to withstand risks and economic crises. Looking at all the colonies and territories in Australasia, most of them have considerable development potential and are suitable for increased investment to become key areas for further development.

  Needless to say about the Persian Gulf territory, the rich oil resources in the Persian Gulf are enough to make Australasia one of the countries with the largest oil reserves in the world.

  These oil resources alone are enough to make Australasia a developed country.

  If Arthur just wants to eat and wait to die, the mineral resources currently owned by Australasia are enough to feed the Australasian government for hundreds of years.

  In addition to New Guinea, other Southeast Asian islands and colonies also have considerable development potential.

  Including Australian Timor, which was occupied relatively early, it should be the most developed among all the colonies currently, and already has the conditions for localization.

  It can be said that Australian Timor only lacks population, and the rest is no different from the mainland of Australasia.

  "Approximately what is the current population of Timor?" Arthur looked at Philip, the Minister of People's Livelihood, and asked.

  "As of the census at the end of last year, the total population of Timor was 97,700, and the population of Dili City was 72,100." Minister of People's Livelihood Philip blurted out Timor's population data without any hesitation.

  Arthur nodded with satisfaction and asked: "How is the development of Timor? If we want to expand Timor's market, is there any feasible way?" It is necessary to expand the market

  in the colonies, even the Dutch East Indies in Arthur's In the eyes, it is just an overseas market that can be controlled at any time.

  As long as Arthur was willing, no foreign goods could enter the Dutch East Indies. This was also the confidence for the Australasian Navy to completely crush the Dutch East Indies Navy.

  "Your Majesty, Timor's land area exceeds 30,000 square kilometers. Currently, its main economic source is agriculture, animal husbandry, and some mining. Timor's per capita cultivated land area can reach more than five acres, and its total grain output exceeds 77,000 tons, approximately It can feed 150,000 people.

  Theoretically, we only need to immigrate more than 200,000 people to Timor within ten years before we can completely control this land and bring it under the Australasian market. ” replied Philip, Minister of People’s Livelihood.

  Timor is one of the earliest colonies in Australasia. Because it is very close to the mainland of Australasia, it can also be used as the first step in the localization of the colony. More

  importantly, Timor Compared with other colonies, the land area is not too large, and the manpower and material resources required for localization are not too much.

  Taking the lead in localizing Timor will not only take the first step in the localization of Australasian colonies, but also It can set an example and example for other colonies. Other colonies only need to copy the work. Philip, the

  Minister of People's Livelihood, is also very in favor of the localization of the colonies. Especially when the colonies in Australasia have generally expelled the indigenous people, localization is a must. Yes, it must be done.

  The colonial system is not reliable, especially with the increasing nationalism in various countries and regions. The colonial governance system built by Britain and France is already in danger. As the saying goes, one is only strong when one is strong

  . Strong, if Australasia can localize all the colonies in Southeast Asia, the improvement it will bring to the local area will definitely be unmatched by the colonies.

  Arthur nodded. The method of 200,000 immigrants in ten years mentioned by Minister Philip is completely acceptable. , after all, only about 20,000 people immigrate every year.

  If Timor can be fully localized in ten years, it will definitely bring long-term benefits to Australasia. Not to

  mention the long-term peace period after the end of World War I. Far more than ten years later, this is the opportunity given by God to Australasia to localize these colonies.

  “In this case, let’s take the first step of localizing the colonies in Timor. Arthur said: "Sending a large number of immigrants to Timor, before the administrative division reform, I hope to see the emergence of a direct state of Timor." "

  Compared to Timor's population, Timor still has a large amount of land area waiting to be developed, which also allows Timor to withstand more immigrants.

  If Timor is successfully localized, this will be beneficial to the nearby royal territory, New Guinea The impact on colonies such as the Solomon Islands and Sulawesi is far-reaching.

  If Australasia successfully localized all its colonies before World War II and established direct states one by one, the impact of liberal democracy formed by the United States and the Soviet Union in the future It will never affect Australasia.

  As a result, Britain, whose colonial system has been impacted, will only rely more and more on Australasia's help.

  This will have adverse effects on Australasia's future takeover of the Straits Settlements and Middle East colonies. Small help is also the direction of development that Arthur is happy to see.

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  (End of this chapter)

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