Chapter 475: Convicted

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  Chapter 475: Confirm the Crime
  This Flu has brought not only human deaths to the world, but also various economic losses, which are even immeasurable.

  In just over six months since the confirmed influenza outbreak in March, at least tens of millions of people have been infected and millions of people have died, which is comparable to experiencing another world war.

  And this influenza is a fatal blow to the world's economy. Because of the flu, people were afraid to go out, and a large number of factories closed down because they could not sell their goods.

  The closure of small and medium-sized enterprises has led to a continuous reduction in the production of goods. With supply exceeding demand, the price of goods has increased wildly, and people have become increasingly unable to afford daily necessities.

  This caused the originally balanced economic system to collapse instantly. The economies of various countries were experiencing the Great Depression, which was more severe than the war. Countless people jumped from buildings due to bankruptcy, and even exceeded the number of deaths from the flu in a short period of time.

  According to a report from an American media, the highest number of people jumping from buildings in a single day in the United States has exceeded 2,000, exceeding the 1,900 deaths due to influenza that day.

  The U.S. government urgently invested a batch of supplies to save the people, but the supplies were quickly snatched away by middle- and high-income people. Low-income people could not grab much supplies at all, and they also contracted the flu because they went out to buy supplies.

  It is not that the US government has not tried to use the military to distribute supplies to the people, but the problem is that no one is willing to risk their lives to transport supplies to the people.

  Americans are used to talking about freedom, and most of them are thinking about themselves at this time. Among the more than 100,000 U.S. troops, less than 10,000 are willing to take on the task of transporting supplies.

  Due to the lack of supplies, zero-dollar purchases are happening in every state in the United States. The low-income class, headed by black people, went crazy in major shopping malls and department stores in the United States and stole a large number of goods.

  Although the U.S. government dispatched emergency police to expel these people, the situation was too chaotic and no good progress was made.

  Even more serious conflicts between whites and blacks broke out in the United States because an unnamed white policeman accidentally shot and killed a leading black man in panic.

  Although the conflict was eventually suppressed by the U.S. government, approximately thousands of black people were shot, arousing widespread anger among black Americans.

  It can be expected that even if the U.S. government survives the flu, it will still face a more serious conflict between white and black.

  Black people have forgotten that a few decades ago they were lowly manor slaves. There is already a very large group of black people who want to fight for more rights in the United States.

  October 1, 1918, the White House, United States.

  President Wilson looked pale and was listening carefully to his subordinates' report.

  So far, at least 3 million people in the United States have been infected with the flu, and more than 700,000 people have died, which is 10 times the number of deaths in the United States during World War I.

  Currently, some protest groups and opposition parties in the United States are clamoring for the impeachment of President Wilson, claiming that it was President Wilson's carelessness that led to the outbreak of influenza that spread throughout the world.

  "Ronnie, is there any good solution now?" President Wilson looked at his friend and confidant with a tired look and asked.

  "It is too difficult to contain the flu at the moment, Mr. President. The only way to avoid being impeached may be to shift the responsibility for this flu to other countries." Ronnie shook his head and said with regret. .

  There are at least 3 million people infected with influenza in the United States, and there is no exact list of these 3 million people.

  How else to contain the flu? We can't follow the Australasian approach and impose a nationwide quarantine.

  Let’s not talk about whether this is effective. If President Wilson really gave the order, the people would definitely erupt in a larger demonstration to oppose President Wilson’s restriction of their freedom.

  "Damn it!" President Wilson cursed secretly, no longer as high-spirited as before at the Paris Peace Conference. Gently rubbing his eye sockets, President Wilson asked: "Who can you blame? Now that the whole world knows that the epidemic broke out in the United States, I'm afraid no one will believe what we say." "Mr. President, don't you think so

  ? Have you forgotten that before the second round of influenza came, Australasia had announced the influenza to the world many months in advance? Although we admire the importance Australasia takes influenza, but when the influenza just broke out, there was no fatal disease. At that time, Australasians knew how deadly the flu really was, which makes people feel a little suspicious." Ronny said with some profound meaning.

  "Huh?" President Wilson was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood Ronny's intention. Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered: "I'll leave this matter to you, Ronny. I hope to see relevant reports as soon as possible, To alleviate the pressure currently faced by the government."

  Ronnie nodded, without any hesitation. As President Wilson's subordinate, his relationship with President Wilson was both prosperous and destructive.

  If President Wilson were impeached and removed from office, the power he currently possesses would disappear in an instant.

  Therefore, preserving the status of President Wilson is the goal of all officials in President Wilson's current circle.

  Ronnie acted quickly. Starting from October 4, some media in the United States began to report news about the flu, claiming that Australasia was the culprit of the flu because they were the only country to prepare for the flu in advance. , which also means that Australasia is likely to be the real culprit behind the flu.

  Some news newspapers also exaggeratedly stated that Australasia had secretly researched biochemical weapons, and influenza was one of Australasia's biochemical weapons.

  The reason why Australasia promises free flu treatment is because they have corresponding antidotes for this biochemical weapon to prevent Australasians from dying from the flu.

  President Wilson spent a lot of money this time. In just two days, hundreds of American media published these reports.

  The focus of the domestic demonstrations in the United States also changed directly, from expressing dissatisfaction with the government and President Wilson to demanding that the government investigate the truth and give Australasia the punishment it deserved.

  Seeing that the blame-shifting operation was very successful, President Wilson finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least his position has been stabilized in a short period of time. As long as the domestic material supply and medical conditions are ensured, impeachment by the opposition party is not a problem.

  At this time, Europe and Australasia naturally also learned about reports and situations from the United States.

  Arthur has already responded to this. After all, no one can bear the responsibility for the epidemic of influenza. This will not only cause anyone to lose their current status and reputation, but will even directly become a sinner of all mankind, in an extremely negative way. Fame is remembered by all mankind.

  Arthur had reservations about the previous news reports, and now he just used them as a trump card to deal a fatal blow to the Americans and President Wilson.

  On October 8, 1918, most media outlets in Australasia and Europe published a report at the same time. In the report, there was a photo that was leaked from a chemical plant in Kansas blocked by the US military.

  What’s terrible is that the situation in the photo happened just before March. It was just over a month after the chemical plant leak that an influenza outbreak broke out in a Kansas military camp, spreading the disease around the world. There is very little text in the report. It just introduces the place and time when this picture took place, and at the same time uses an eye-catching title to hit back at the United States: "Wilson, please give an explanation!" This is good, this picture is completely real

  . . In this era when photography technology is not developed, there is no so-called PS technology.

  This also means that 100% of the photos recorded are true, and the influenza virus most likely flowed from the American chemical factory.

  Suddenly, European people and countries had a place to release their depression caused by the flu. A unique large-scale epidemic broke out in Europe, and the title of the march was unified: "Sanctions on the United States!" What happened after the leak of the chemical

  plant Influenza, even thinking about this chemical plant with your toes is inseparable.

  When this report was sent back to the United States, the U.S. government had no time to suppress it, because the world alliance headed by the Allied Powers was already condemning the United States.

  The World Alliance's public condemnation undoubtedly directly confirmed the Americans' guilt. News reports may be wrong, but the world alliance with dozens of countries united will not target you alone, the United States, right?

  It was also after the World Alliance spoke out that the European people's demonstrations demanding sanctions against the United States have turned into declaring war on the United States, and demanding compensation from the United States has turned into eliminating the scourge of the United States.

  Although American scientists immediately stood up to refute the rumors, saying that what the chemical plant in Kansas was researching had nothing to do with influenza, and the United States had no responsibility in this influenza.

  But the European people who have been overwhelmed by anger will not believe the words of these American scientists.

  Not long after the chemical plant was exposed, influenza broke out in Kansas. The first person to show flu symptoms was the soldier who blocked the chemical plant at that time. Who would believe that there is no relationship between the two?
  Not only the European people, but also the American people could not be fooled by the statements of these scientists.

  Only then did the American people realize that the previous reports were false and that the responsibility for the influenza really lay with them.

  Suddenly, a large number of American people took to the streets and began to condemn the government and President Wilson.

  Under the alliance of Britain and France, public opinion gave the United States the final fatal blow.

  The British research laboratory responsible for researching drugs disclosed a set of data to European media, stating that the earliest influenza strain was different from all viruses found in nature and might be a new type of artificially cultivated virus.

  This is not over yet. The French research laboratory has also disclosed a set of data, indicating that it is impossible for virus strains in nature to change so frequently. The current influenza strain has thousands of variations, most likely the result of artificial breeding.

  Although the finger is not directly pointed at the United States, there is no doubt that the biggest suspect is the Kansas Chemical Plant in the United States.

  The statements from these two research laboratories also directly confirmed the suspicion that the United States used chemical plants to research biological weapons. The United States has become a street rat in Europe and is spurned by most European civilians.

  You know, the current death toll from influenza in European countries is not small, and the economic losses can only be described as immeasurable.

  According to the death figures reported by various countries, Russia currently has the largest death toll from this flu, with an incalculable number of infections and at least 800,000+ deaths.

  There is nothing we can do about this. After all, Russia is relatively backward among European countries in terms of medical conditions compared to Western and Central European countries.

  In addition, there are a large number of low-income farmers in Russia. These people have no good way to face the flu and do not have enough funds for treatment.

  After Russia, France has the second highest number of deaths, with at least 3 million infections and more than 400,000 deaths.

  The data in the UK are almost the same as those in France. The number of people is also more than 3 million, and the number of deaths is also around 400,000 (local).

  The next death tolls were 370,000 in Austria-Hungary, 350,000 in Germany, 320,000 in Italy, 200,000 in Spain, 100,000 in Serbia, 80,000 in Romania, 50,000 in Belgium, 50,000 in Portugal, and the Netherlands. 50,000
  people died from the flu in all European countries. Neutral countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands also lost at least tens of thousands of people due to the impact of the flu.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the impact of this influenza on the European population was huge. Unlike the last war, the impact of influenza is fair to all countries, and no country can escape.

  This is only the death toll in European countries. If you count the deaths in colonial countries such as Africa and Asia, it is definitely a horrific number.

  However, the death of colonies will not be taken seriously by other countries and will never be reported. After all, deaths in the colonies usually start at least in the millions. This will not only increase the public's panic about the flu, but also increase the government's responsibility in the flu.

  After all, hundreds of thousands of casualties are really different from millions of casualties, and the responsibilities they bear are even more different.

  The losses of the Americans this time are absolutely huge. It is definitely not only European countries that hate the United States, but also the vast indigenous countries in Asia.

  Although Arthur did not know the death toll in Asian countries, the situation in the Dutch East Indies was not good either.

  After the influenza spread to the Dutch East Indies, the Dutch East Indies became a chaotic situation. Even Arthur did not know the specific death toll in the Dutch East Indies, but a conservative estimate would have been at least over 5 million.

  With such huge casualties in European and other countries around the world, it is impossible not to find a sufficient culprit to take the blame.

  Not to mention that the United States does have a huge responsibility at present. Even if the United States does not have any responsibility, as long as the United States is splashed with dirty water, European countries will definitely push it.

  Take this counterattack against the Americans as an example. Arthur just took out the photo, and the rest were led by Britain and France.

  The result was also very smooth. This flu was officially named the American Flu, and European countries placed all responsibilities on the Americans. The World Alliance was already discussing how to sanction the United States.

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  (End of chapter)

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