Chapter 473 The truth comes true in times of crisis

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  Chapter 473 The truth is revealed

  in times of crisis. In a corner that Nick and the buying crowd didn't pay attention to, there were two customers who looked like just ordinary old people writing and drawing in the corner. From time to time, they picked up some vegetables and selected them. They seemed to be just ordinary customers.

  But the constant communication and frequent nodding between the two made people feel that they were not like ordinary customers.

  As time slowly came to mid-June, European countries also discovered that something was wrong.

  Although there are no large number of deaths caused by influenza at home and abroad, the number of people diagnosed with colds is increasing at a crazy rate.

  The first case appeared in France in April, and the number only increased to hundreds throughout April. But since the end of May and June, hundreds of soldiers and civilians have been experiencing such symptoms every day, not only accompanied by low-grade fever and sore throat, but also severe headaches and loss of appetite.

  Although these symptoms may appear to be just a common cold, the problem is that common colds do not appear to be as contagious.

  By the time it reached mid-June, basically all major cities in France were affected by the disease, and many European countries were not spared. Only then did people begin to believe the influenza information released by Australasia.

  It was also from this time that Arthur issued several more regulations to supplement the current preventive measures across the country.

  First, all public places across the country must be disinfected every day. Number of times of disinfection. Depending on the number of people accommodated in public places every day, at least two disinfection operations in the morning and evening are required.

  Secondly, cities are completely closed to each other. Except for convoys transporting supplies and other special tasks, no idlers are allowed to pass.

  Furthermore, factories, enterprises and schools must be closed for management, and symptoms must be sent to isolation points immediately. Concealing, failing to report, and under-reporting are not allowed.

  All public entertainment venues such as cinemas are temporarily closed, and Arthur also asked all Australasians not to go out unless there is an emergency, not only for themselves, but also for the sake of others.

  This is the first time that the Australasian government has responded to a global influenza pandemic since its establishment. Because it has no experience, it is naturally very strict in its implementation.

  Although the stricter preventive measures have caused huge losses to many people's lives and even the country's economy.

  But there is nothing that can be done about it, and it is better than suffering high casualties.

  People's lives are far more important than the country's property, which Arthur emphasized many times in cabinet meetings.

  To lead by example, the entire Sydney Palace is also on lockdown. In addition to transporting supplies, no one is allowed to enter or leave the palace, and Arthur is naturally included.

  Even the cabinet meeting, which was originally held once a week, was temporarily canceled by Arthur. It wasn't just a matter of getting the latest flu news in Arthur's hands on paper every other week.

  The government is under the control of Prime Minister Kent, and Arthur is very relieved. The most important thing at the moment is domestic influenza prevention and control, and other things can be done later.

  Arthur attaches great importance to the safety of royal members. Every place in the palace must be disinfected at least three times a day.

  Everyone in the palace, including maids and servants, even eats alone and must be tested every day. If symptoms appear, they will be forced to take leave and be transferred to an isolation point.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the importance of the flu in the palace is much higher than outside the palace.

  Especially since Margery and Patricia have already bid, only Princess Louise, Arthur, Queen Mary and three little guys are left in the palace.

  Arthur did not allow any damage to occur in the palace, which is why the palace was disinfected so frequently.

  Although the palace is often filled with a pungent smell of disinfectant, it is still better than contracting this flu.

  It is precisely because of such crazy policies inside and outside Australasia that the Australasian government has almost become a laughing stock abroad.

  If Arthur's prestige was not too high in Australasia, I am afraid that there would be different voices among the people.

  To say that the busiest department and institution in recent times is probably the School of Biology under the Royal Australasian Academy of Sciences.

  Australasia's top biologists are concentrated here, including many world-renowned biological experts.

  They currently have a common important task, which is to try their best to develop treatment drugs for this influenza. However, there are no specific drugs, and they must also develop drugs that can suppress symptoms.

  However, the current progress in developing drugs is still very slow. Firstly, not many people in Australasia have symptoms. Secondly, the symptoms are still mild and not the highly fatal situation that Arthur mentioned. For Naturally, there is no way to start research on highly dense virus drugs.

  In July 1918, Europeans had not been happy for a few months when many people discovered something was wrong.

  Since June, the number of people around me with colds has increased rapidly. Although most people's symptoms are not serious, no cold has spread so quickly that it can catch an entire town in a day.

  Especially in the United States, where the disease first appeared, influenza has already ravaged most areas. Only then did the U.S. government realize the seriousness of this influenza.

  However, the lethality has not yet been reflected, which has also made the progress of the U.S. Congress in approving the budget for drug development very slow, which can even be described as slow. In late July and early August, an influenza outbreak also occurred on a British ship that had just left Sierra Leone in West Africa.

  Before the ship arrived in the UK, more than half of the crew had been infected, and nearly 10% of the crew had died.

  Coincidentally, almost at the same time, many ships also experienced this situation, and the lethality of influenza was initially reflected.

  But for some reason, the dead British ship did not report the situation to the country. This also allowed the ship to dock at the British port smoothly, and a large number of crew members returned to their families.

  In early August, influenza spread again in the UK. In late August, the flu returned to the United States and spread among dockworkers in Boston.

  At almost the same time, a second wave of influenza also broke out in Brest, France. The second round of influenza spread rapidly among Britain, France, and the United States, and soon spread from these countries to more parts of Europe and the United States, and even the world.

  It is called the second round of influenza because the symptoms of this round of influenza are almost the same as the second round of influenza, but the fatality rate is surprisingly high.

  What's even more terrible is that the mortality rate of the second wave of influenza is almost concentrated in young adults aged 20 to 35, which is also the age group most severely affected by the world war.

  The young and middle-aged people in various countries have already suffered huge casualties in the war, and now they are facing the danger of influenza, causing all countries to mourn instantly.

  Even more unprepared is that the symptoms of the second round of influenza appear very quickly. Many people look normal in the morning, start to have symptoms at noon, start vomiting blood and turning blue in the afternoon, and die in the evening.

  Only then did Europeans begin to restrict people from going to public places and other areas, and even followed the example of Australasia in conducting quarantines.

  But it is already too late. According to incomplete statistics from various governments, as of the end of August, this round of influenza has infected millions of people in Europe and the United States, and it is obvious that it cannot be stopped.

  No one knew whether the people around them would have the flu, and Europeans panicked and did not even dare to go out.

  What's even more terrible is that some countries even lack supplies because they have not prepared in advance.

  Even countries that do not lack supplies lack enough manpower to distribute supplies to the people.

  The current situation is that no one dares to go out, and it is even impossible to find people willing to distribute supplies to the people.

  In the first week of September alone, more than 300,000 Europeans died, and countless people were infected.

  European newspapers no longer have the smiles of the past, and even European newspapers and media have only one line of eye-catching characters in their newspapers, that is, "The flu is coming!" A large number of Europeans are now

  thinking of Australasia's preventive policies in advance, and even Australia The government of Greater Latin America has also promised to provide free treatment to the people.

  Looking at our own country, not only does it not have any prevention policies, but it cannot even guarantee the most basic supply of materials.

  Suddenly, many people wanted to go to Australasia. But unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Australasia had already announced that it would not accept immigrants and tourists. The reason was for the sake of domestic stability in Australasia.

  Although this action will cost Australasia millions of immigrants, it also allows Arthur to gain more support.

  Immigration is important, but having the support of real Australasians is even more important. The most fundamental Australasian talent is the foundation of Arthur's rule, which must not be ignored or abandoned.

  Of course, Arthur did not forget to build Australasia's reputation internationally. Starting in September, Arthur publicly announced that he would donate millions of masks and 500,000 tons of food to Europe and the United States.

  Although the total amount of these materials is not large, the value is not high. But under the premise that European and American countries can't even take care of themselves, Australasia is considered the first one, and it can win the favor of the European people.

  Of course, Arthur will not forget the supplies distributed to the domestic people. After all, external donations can only be made if the domestic people have enough supplies.

  If domestic supplies are insufficient and people are trying to make a fool of themselves, then Arthur will inevitably be questioned by the domestic people.

  Since the outbreak of the flu, all supplies for isolation and the cost of medical treatment for people with symptoms have been borne by the royal family and the government. This is also the biggest difference between Australasia and European and American countries.

  Because this not only reflects Arthur's characteristics of loving the people, but also shows the gap between Australasia and other countries.

  When this flu is over, Arthur can proudly announce that Australasia will be one of the most popular areas for immigrants within a few years.

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  (End of chapter)

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