Chapter 371 Geographical Survey Report

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  Chapter 371 Geographical Survey Report
  In addition to the distribution of military and profit aspects, this association meeting also has another benefit for Australasia, which is to affirm the production of Australasian food materials.

  According to the agreement between the four major powers of the Allied Powers, after the outbreak of war, the Allied Powers will open the Sydney-Vladivostok and Sydney-Marseille transportation lines within the Allied Powers, and ensure the safety of these two transportation lines.

  Australasia will transport a large amount of grain, beef and mutton, livestock, weapons and equipment, ammunition and medical supplies, industrial products, living supplies, etc. to the Far East and Marseille, and then transport them from these two regions to the three major powers of Britain, France and Russia. in hand.

  It is also meaningful to choose these two transportation routes. Needless to say, from Australasia to the Far East, apart from island countries and the United States, there is no country that can pose a threat to this transportation route.

  It is unlikely that these two countries would dare to directly oppose the Allies. In particular, the island countries were still under the assistance of the British Empire before, so it was unlikely that they would jump out and join the Allies.

  As for the United States, the Americans chose to retreat from the previous war between Argentina and Chile, which also means that at least until there is a clear situation in the European war, the Americans will not end directly.

  Marseille is the third largest city in France and is located on the Mediterranean coast in southern France. It is far away from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy, so in theory it is relatively safe.

  If the Allied Powers' plan goes smoothly, it is entirely possible for the four Allied Powers to control the entire Mediterranean after the war breaks out.

  As long as the German submarines cannot enter, the route from the Indian Ocean, Suez Canal to the Mediterranean is the safest, definitely much safer than the Atlantic Ocean.

  You know, most of the foreign merchant ships sunk by Germany in World War I were in the Atlantic waters.

  Although it was more convenient to transport supplies to London, the threat of German submarines could exact a heavy price on Australasia.

  Although transporting to Marseille is a bit troublesome, whether it is subsequent land transport or sea transport, the safety is much greater than transporting to London.

  Therefore, Britain, France and Russia had no objections, and this agreement on the development of transportation routes was affirmed.

  This treaty is not harmful to the four countries. The three major European powers can obtain food supplies from Australasia during the war, and Australasia also has sufficient dumping grounds for supplies, enough for them to obtain food supplies in this war. enough interest.

  On February 27, 1914, the week-long Allied Powers Conference officially ended. The four major powers made a clear preliminary division of their respective obligations and interests.

  This conference greatly strengthened the ties between the four major powers of the agreement and improved the relations between the four countries.

  The four countries have made a detailed division of matters before, during and after the war, which is enough to show the current confidence and strength of the Allied Powers.

  It can be seen from the cordial laughter of the four heads of state at the end of the meeting that the four major powers of the Allied Powers have become firm allies so far. At least until the end of the war, no incident or accident can destroy the relationship between the Allied Powers.

  After the meeting, the French representatives left first. After all, France still had a lot of domestic affairs to deal with.

  As for the British, George V temporarily chose to stay for a few days. After all, starting from his term, the power of the British King has been greatly reduced, and George V is not able to participate in many political affairs.

  As for Arthur, at the invitation of Nicholas II, he also chose to stay in St. Petersburg for a few days.

  If the previous week was a more formal meeting between the four countries, then the next few days would be a relaxing and enjoyable time for the royal family of the Three Kingdoms.

  In St. Petersburg at the end of February, the temperature was terrifyingly cold. But for Arthur, there is something new about living in Australia, which is warm and comfortable.

  It is summer in Australasia, but in Russia in the far north, it is a land of ice and snow.

  There are so many fireplaces in St. Petersburg, which creates a clear difference between the temperature inside the room and the ice and snow outside.

  Food, drinks, singing and dancing, and maids were the daily routine of Nicholas II, George V and Arthur in these days.

  For the European royal families whose power and status are very stable at present, there is nothing that the royal family cannot enjoy.

  Although monogamy is currently generally practiced in European countries, behind the scenes of monogamy, for European royal nobles, mistresses and maids are normal and extremely normal things.

  It was even popular in Europe to compare the attractiveness of monarchs and nobles by the number of mistresses. The more mistresses, the more powerful the nobles were.

  Arthur, Nicholas II and George V should be one of the most powerful and high-status people in the world.

  Nicholas II and Arthur had real power, and although George V's power was not that great, he was still the monarch of the British Empire and had an innate reputation bonus.

  At any banquet, the three Arthurs definitely occupied the majority of the attention.

  In addition, Nicholas II took the initiative to entertain George V and Arthur. Therefore, George V and Arthur were often invited to dance by noble ladies at several banquets in the past few days.

  Among them, Arthur, who has the highest real power as a monarch and whose royal property is no weaker than that of the British and Russian royal families, has attracted more people's attention.

  It is no exaggeration to say that if Arthur is willing, most noble ladies in Russia can choose at will in these few days.

  However, after all, this is Russia, and Arthur is related by marriage to Russia, which is equivalent to Queen Mary's natal family, and Arthur is not so unscrupulous. But inaction is also a mistake. For the current Europe, the absence of mistresses and maids is an alternative in the eyes of most European nobles.

  If he refuses all advances, Arthur may even run the risk of being suspected of his sexual orientation.

  In order to avoid losing his reputation, Arthur reluctantly selected two beautiful ladies and maids among the ladies and maids in the past few days, and formed a romantic relationship with them.

  That lady was the wife of a small local noble in Russia. This kind of romantic relationship was a tacit understanding among European nobles, and there was nothing to say about it.

  As for the maid who looked like Xiaojiabiyu, Arthur asked her to come over and act as his personal maid in recent days.

  Arthur was originally related to George V and Nicholas II. This time, coupled with the fact that they had carried guns together, the three of them became obviously more familiar with each other.

  In addition, the three of them are all peers, and even subsequent communications are addressed by the relationship between them, rather than by name.

  Unfortunately, the good days are short-lived after all. After staying in Russia for a few days, Arthur and George V finally returned to their respective countries.

  In order to catch up with this Allied Powers meeting, Arthur took an airship and successfully arrived in St. Petersburg.

  But this time back to Australasia, Arthur did not plan to take the airship again because he was not in such a hurry.

  After all, current airships still have certain risks. Although the probability of an accident is not that high, there may be only one accident in thousands of voyages.

  But who can guarantee that the accident will not happen to him? As the monarch of a country, the fewer such risky behaviors, the better.

  Arthur specially borrowed a battlecruiser from King George V as a means of transportation back to Australasia.

  If we wait for Australasia's own warships, we will waste at least half a month.

  Anyway, Australasia and Britain are now allies, and coupled with the comradeship cultivated with George V in recent days, it is no problem to just borrow a battlecruiser.

  Anyway, after arriving in Australasia, the borrowed warship can be returned, which is nothing more than spending more gas money.

  King George V was very generous and immediately agreed to Arthur's request to borrow a battlecruiser to return.

  The battlecruisers of the British Empire were pretty good in terms of speed. The two battlecruisers brought by George V were both able to exceed 26 knots.

  This speed has far surpassed that of a super battleship and is currently the fastest warship.

  Generally speaking, it only takes a little over a month to return to Australasia on such a battlecruiser.

  After all, this is starting from Russia, and the journey is quite a circuit compared to starting from London.

  After bidding farewell to Grand Duke Sergei and his wife and Nicholas II and his wife, Arthur took a British battlecruiser and embarked on a journey back to Australasia.

  It was already April when he returned to Sydney. Arthur spent a total of one month and four days at sea, and then he returned to Sydney in early April.

  Although this trip to Europe took nearly two months, compared with the results achieved, it was undoubtedly worth it.

  For Australasia, this Allied Powers Talk not only consolidated the alliance with Britain, France and Russia, but also found a good dumping ground for Australasia's arms equipment, food, materials, etc.

  Needless to say, Britain and France, these two old colonial empires have never been short of money, and Australasia will definitely not suffer from trade with them.

  Although Russia's financial situation is not that good, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Coupled with the support from Britain and France, the Russians will not be short of money.

  In the original history, the current situation of the Russians was that they had no money but could not buy any weapons and equipment.

  This is not a problem for Australasia. As long as Britain, France and Russia have enough funds, no matter how much weapons, equipment and supplies they need, Australasia can produce them.

  More than a month has passed before departure, and there are many things accumulated in Australasia waiting for Arthur to deal with.

  The first to bear the brunt was the geographical survey team that Arthur sent to the Murray River Basin two and a half months ago.

  After two and a half months of geographical survey, the team also had a preliminary understanding of the geographical environment of this area and wrote a report to Arthur.

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  (End of chapter)

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