Chapter 365 Battleship Hope

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  Chapter 365 Battleship Hope
  This era is different from later generations in that private education has not become popular among the general public.

  Although there were already many private schools in Europe at this time, Australasia also had private schools of all sizes.

  These private schools generally carry the name of aristocrats. Those who can attend these private schools are either aristocrats or capitalists with a lot of money.

  Even in some more traditional aristocratic schools, even top capitalists with millions or even tens of millions do not have the right to study in such schools.

  Such schools are generally only open to the descendants of high-ranking aristocrats, and are dedicated to cultivating outstanding descendants for the aristocratic class.

  Such schools not only provide top-notch education, but also provide excellent connections for the descendants of nobles.

  You must know that in such a top traditional aristocratic school, every student's parents and family are powerful aristocrats with considerable power.

  The nobles are connected in this way, which also makes the entire noble class more united.

  This actually means that it is difficult for ordinary people to receive other forms of education other than public education established by the state.

  The content taught in public schools is actually decided by the Australasian government.

  Australasia's unified language policy was implemented a few years ago when Archbishop Steed first came to Australasia. It not only clarified the status of English in major schools, but also established the Victorian Language School among the private sector. .

  In the mainland of Australasia, all public schools currently only teach English as a language. Only when you go to university and enter the corresponding literature department can you take other languages ​​as electives.

  This also means that all Australasian students are now able to communicate effectively in English.

  These students include a large number of British people, as well as Germans, Russians, Italians, etc.

  For a country like Australasia, which is made up mostly of immigrants, the importance of a unified language is unparalleled.

  "Minister Stefan, tell us about the current situation of our English popularity!" Arthur looked at Education Minister Stefan and asked with a smile.

  Although the Victoria Language School is jointly established by the Australasian Government and the Church of Australasia, the main funder is the education department.

  There is no other way. The current strength of the Australasian Church simply cannot afford to spread language schools across Australasia.

  Moreover, because of the importance of popularizing English, most language schools are free of charge, and the education department and churches cannot make any profit from them.

  Therefore, the way to establish a language school in Victoria has always been that the Ministry of Education provides funds, and the church and the education department jointly provide talents.

  The reason why Bishop Steed took the risk of losing money to establish the Victoria Language School was actually to use the opportunity of popularizing English to gain more missionary opportunities among the vast number of non-English speaking immigrants.

  After all, only when more people believe in Protestantism can the Protestant church and Archbishop Steed himself gain higher status and benefits. Therefore, the new version of the Victoria Language School is a win-win for the Australasian government and the church.

  "Yes, Your Majesty." Minister Stefan stood up after hearing this and responded with some respect.

  "Your Majesty, Victoria Language School has spent nearly five years since its establishment. Considering the importance of popularizing English, it has been our goal to popularize Victoria Language School in many places during these five years. .So

  far, there are more than 100 Victorian language schools in eight states and territories in Australia and New Zealand, training a total of nearly 700,000 short-term trainees and nearly 200,000 long-term trainees. Our next

  goal , is to strive to train at least 300,000 people every year, so that more immigrants can communicate proficiently in English.

  Because it is for the public, Victoria Language School is divided into half-year and one-year courses, corresponding to short-term training and long-term training respectively. Training.

  Generally speaking, after half a year of studying in a language school, you will be able to communicate in most simple English, which will no longer hinder your life in Australasia.

  Currently, the training method chosen by most non-English speaking immigrants is half a year. short-term study for the master.

  In fact, the cabinet government has also proposed a way to quickly increase the popularity of English, that is, to set up a requirement for major factories and high-paying jobs to be able to speak English. If this is done, it will be easy for those who do not know English

  to Dissatisfaction with immigrants is not a good thing for the stability of the country.

  You must know that Australasia currently has a large population of Russians and Germans. If such restrictions are blindly increased, it is easy to make these people dissatisfied. Therefore,

  in all kinds of ways, After thinking about it, Arthur chose a milder approach, which was to open free English education schools like the Victoria Language School in the private sector.

  These immigrants always go there in order to make a living and live a better life in Australasia. Contact, learn and understand English. At present, Australasian language schools can teach more than 200,000 immigrants every year, and the popularity of English in Australasia has also increased widely. Regarding the popularization of English, Arthur

  is Very supportive. After giving enough funds to the education department, Arthur also set a new goal, which is to increase the number of people receiving English training every year to more than 500,000 within three years. In addition to giving the Ministry of Education tasks

  , Arthur also assigned specific tasks to each department, covering all aspects of Australasia.

  Time is about to enter a new year, and no one can guarantee whether the next year will be peace or war.

  Under such circumstances , Australasia must be prepared to face war at any time, and major factories and enterprises should also be mobilized for this. At the

  cabinet meeting, Arthur vetoed the proposal of some cabinet ministers to request a naval and land military parade.

  1 There are still about ten days before the National Day, and there is definitely no time for temporary preparations.

  Secondly, the military parade held with great fanfare in Australasia will inevitably have a certain impact on the current tense situation in Europe.

  Even if the Germans will not misunderstand, What would the Austro-Hungarian Empire think? As a member of the Allied Powers, Australasia's large-scale military parade at this time will inevitably be provocative in the eyes of others. However,

  the National Day activities are still indispensable. This may be It was the last peaceful National Day event for Australasians before the First World War. Arthur planned to give a speech to stabilize the mood at home and at the same time vaccinate all citizens. Australasia might be involved in a huge war at any time. of European war.

  After the cabinet meeting ended, time quietly came to January 1, 1914.

  On New Year's Day, Australasia also received good news, that is, the construction of two Hope-class battleships, Hope and Dream, will soon begin.

  Because of their experience in building Hope-class battleships for the Chileans, the Hope and Dream battleships have also undergone certain modifications and their performance has become more advanced.

  The main improvements are in armor and power. Australasia's two Hope-class battleships are stronger in terms of armor, which also allows the two Hope-class battleships to have a standard displacement of 23,000 tons and a full-load displacement of 27,100 tons.

  In order to match the increased weight, two more mixed-fired water boilers were added to the power system, bringing the power of the Hope-class battleship to about 35,000 horsepower, and the speed is expected to exceed 21.5 knots.

  Of course, the improvements in artillery were not significant. Because the Hope-class battleship is expected to be equipped with a 45-fold MK V-type 13.5-inch caliber main gun, which is currently the most advanced, largest-caliber, and most powerful main naval gun in the British Empire.

  As for the more powerful 15-inch main gun, not to mention Australasia, the British Empire is under intense research.

  But the good news is that the construction period of the battleships Hope and Dream is about one year, and the first time in the history of the British Empire that the British Empire was equipped with 15-inch main guns was in 1915.

  This also means that the two battleships are expected to be equipped with 15-inch main guns. As long as either the British Empire or Australasia develops a stable 15-inch main gun, they can be replaced immediately.

  Even if it is not equipped with a 15-inch main gun, the former British Empire's 45-caliber 13.5-inch main gun is definitely one of the most powerful main naval guns in the world.

  In particular, the two upgraded Hope-class battleships will represent the highest level of Australasian shipbuilding and also symbolize the strength of Australasia.

  Arthur attached great importance to the start of construction of the battleships Hope and Dream, and on January 1, the second day of the cabinet meeting, he personally attended the groundbreaking ceremony of these two battleships and delivered an important speech.

  In his speech, Arthur compared the Hope and Dream to the bridge for the rise of Australasia, an important trump card for Australasia to protect itself and its people's security and safeguard its own and its people's interests.

  The entire naval construction plan in 1914 was dominated by these two Hope-class battleships. If the construction goes smoothly, the two Hope-class battleships are expected to be completed in early 1915 and enter sea navigation testing, and officially enter service from the end of 1915 to the beginning of 1916.

  I have to admit, the Hope-class battleship. As one of the most powerful battleship designs in the world, it is also very expensive to build.

  Even if the price offered by the Royal Dockyard to the Ministry of Defense is only slightly higher than the cost price, the cost of each Hope-class battleship is nearly 4.6 million Australian dollars.

  This also means that this year has just begun, and the Ministry of National Defense's financial budget has already spent nearly 10 million. The result is only these two battleships, which will not be commissioned until the end of next year.

  From this aspect, we can also see how exaggeratedly the current naval arms race in Europe consumes funds.

  Australasia has only built two super-dreadnoughts, and the cost alone has cost one-tenth of the government's annual fiscal revenue.

  If you include the cost of follow-up testing, training and maintenance, Australasia's finances cannot afford too many super-dreadnoughts.

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  (End of chapter)

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