Chapter 338 Reserve Military Service System

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  Chapter 338

  The year 1912, just after the Reserve Military Service System, was full of crises, but there were no dangers.

  In this year, the Italian-Turkish War, the Balkan War, a more intense naval arms race, etc., as well as a small Strait crisis, made the situation in Europe more complicated and confusing.

  Although people don't know when the European war will come, Europe is already filled with smoke.

  The National Day in 1913 was very ordinary compared to before, but after all, free food and meat were distributed, so the streets and alleys of Australasia were very lively.

  Just after the National Day holiday, Arthur summoned Prime Minister Kent and Defense Minister Raul to inquire about the military preparations in Australasia.

  The military expansion of European countries is very rapid. Not only are they massively expanding their army's standing army, they are also revising various laws to increase the number of army reserves.

  Although Australasia is far away in Oceania, the future battle is also very important for Australasia. It is not only the real start of the country's rise, but also the best opportunity to truly control the entire Oceania.

  In order for Australasia to gain more international voice after World War I, it was necessary to become a victor in World War I.

  Although strictly observing neutrality can achieve better development, a neutral country is destined not to have much say.

  As for the two major military groups in Europe, if Arthur had to choose one to surrender to, it would definitely be the Allied Powers, which seemed stronger on paper.

  Both emotionally and rationally, the Allies were Arthur's better choice.

  First of all, Australasia and the British Empire have a closer blood relationship. The two countries come from the same blood, so there are naturally reasons to be closer.

  Secondly, Arthur has experience from later generations and naturally understands which side will have the last laugh in this war.

  The Allies had a wider range of colonies and populations, and although Russia withdrew from the war midway, they won the final victory.

  Theoretically, as long as Australasia participates in World War I and declares war on the Allied countries from the perspective of the Allied Powers, it can logically take over German New Guinea, merge the colonies in the New Guinea region into one, and even directly westward. In order to move forward, New Guinea, which was originally divided into three parts of the world, was merged into one piece to establish a larger direct colony.

  Theoretically, it is also possible to exchange troops for some concessions from the British and French colonies in Oceania by sending troops to participate in the war.

  In this way, Australasia can control the entire Oceania and become a true intercontinental hegemon.

  In the conference room of Sydney Palace, Arthur summoned Prime Minister Kent and Minister Raul to discuss Australasia's military preparations.

  "Minister Raul, what is our military preparedness? If a European war breaks out in the future, how many troops can we mobilize to participate in a European war at most?" Arthur asked solemnly.

  Arthur's original plan was to be a walleye in the early stage and sell arms to both parties. Wait for the war situation to become clearer before joining the side with the advantage.

  But after thinking about it, this kind of behavior is too embarrassing. What's more, after the end of World War I, Britain and France were still the world's top powers. If the United States tried to prevent the United States from sucking the blood of Europe during World War I, the United States would not be able to say anything after World War I. The world would still belong to Europe.

  This is also good for Australasia, because if Germany is defeated, the country that has a direct competitive relationship with Britain will become the United States.

  If Australasia wants to rise and gain hegemony in the Pacific, the enemy it faces is the United States.

  From this point of view, Australasia could not only cooperate with Britain and France in World War I, but also become an ally of Britain and France in World War II.

  As the saying goes, no pain means no gain. Compared with the previous attitude of sitting back and watching, Australasia can gain more say by actually contributing to the victory.

  Of course, end comes, and Arthur was not stupid enough to shed his own blood to contribute to Britain and France.

  Anyway, Australasia has a large indigenous population, and these people can just form an indigenous army to die on behalf of the Australasians.

  "Your Majesty, we currently have a standing army of 220,000. Because our reserve system is not mature enough, if we want more soldiers, we must undergo at least half a year of training. Judging from our domestic enthusiasm for joining the army, we The total number of troops is about 1 million." Minister Raul thought carefully for a while before answering cautiously.

  "Reserves?" Arthur nodded, looked at Prime Minister Kent, and asked: "Do we have the conditions to formulate laws on reserve and military resource systems? If compulsory military service is implemented in Australasia, what will happen? How many potential soldiers can we obtain?"

  "Your Majesty, according to normal conditions, if we implement compulsory military service in Australasia, we should be able to obtain nearly one million reserves. Judging from Your Majesty's prestige among the people, I am afraid this number is still It can be improved even more," Prime Minister Kent said with a smile.

  One advantage of a monarch with high prestige and high popular support is that any policy will be supported by the people.

  There is basically no shortage of soldiers in Australasia. As long as Arthur raises his arms, there may be millions of people willing to sign up to join the army.

  Of course, although Australasia, with a population of 12 million, can recruit millions of troops, the losses to the country's development are too huge, and Arthur cannot bear it.

  "There is no need to be so exaggerated, Prime Minister Kent. But in any case, increasing the number of our reserves is something that must be done. Although I don't know when the European war will start, in order to allow Australasia to purchase further, maybe we have to Participate in this avoidable war." Arthur quickly stopped Prime Minister Kent's exaggerated statement and explained with a smile.

  Although Australasia may have to surrender to one of the two major military groups, there is no need to fight to the death.

  Just because Australasia is geographically far away from Europe, it is destined that the mainland of Australasia will not be threatened.

  Under such circumstances, how could Arthur exhaust Australasia's potential for the sake of Britain and France?
  "If this is the case, Your Majesty, I suggest that we only need to require some adult male citizens who are over 18 years old and under 30 years old to participate in military training once a year, and they can become good reserve forces." Prime Minister Kent Said: "If we do not have the idea of ​​sending a large-scale army, then I think 220,000 regular troops and 300,000 reserve troops are enough to ensure that we can ensure the security of our homeland at any time." Arthur

  points He nodded and said in agreement: "Let's set the scope to adult male citizens in non-important positions. Military training will be held every six months or every year, and the training time will be at least half a month. During the training period, these people can be provided with Funds valued at per capita income will be used as remuneration for their participation in militarized training."

  If they can still get paid for participating in militarized training, then presumably no one will refuse. Anyway, becoming a reserve force only requires training once or twice a year, which basically does not delay normal work and life.

  "Have all the experts the British promised us arrived? If I remember correctly, their diplomatic team should be arriving soon, right?" After deciding on the reserve matter, Arthur smiled and looked at Prime Minister Kent and asked .

  When selling airship technology to the UK before, the two parties made an appointment to dispatch experts.

  The British government has also reached an agreement with Australasia. The British government will send a diplomatic team to visit Australasia and reach an agreement on further cooperation between the two countries.

  This actually represents that Australasia has once again taken a step closer to the UK. If the German aid that Australasia received before was much greater than the British aid, then since George V came to power, Australasia has been closer to the British, and the British aid to Australasia has gradually increased. exceeds the size of German aid.

  Even now, the scale of British aid is far greater than that of German aid. Australasia and the United Kingdom have good exchanges in terms of warships, military industry, industry, chemical industry, education, medical care, talents, food, etc.

  It is no exaggeration to say that Australasia is an important strategic partner of the British Empire, providing the British Empire with various mineral resources, food, meat and other materials.

  In fact, it can be seen from the map that the geographical location of Australasia is very important to the British Empire.

  Australasia is located in Oceania, and to the north it can effectively protect the Strait of Malacca under the control of the British Empire, which is the main thoroughfare for exchanges between East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and even Europe.

  Australasia and India are separated by the Indian Ocean. India is the core of the British Empire's colonies and the region that the British Empire cannot afford to lose.

  The security issue in India alone is enough for the British to pay enough attention to Australasia.

  Even across the Indian Ocean, Australasia poses a certain threat to eastern and southern Africa.

  This also greatly increased the importance of Australasia, a geographical location that could threaten the colonial core of the British Empire.

  In addition, since the last meeting, the British government has established its core policy of abandoning island countries and supporting Australasia. It also hopes to get closer to Australasia and jointly fight against the hidden enemy of the United States.

  Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the UK sends a diplomatic team.

  "Your Majesty, the experts promised to us by the British have basically arrived, and the last batch should arrive with the British diplomatic team. Thanks to these British experts, the expansion of our two major shipyards has been very rapid. It is going smoothly, and the Melbourne Shipyard is even expected to start production in the middle of next year." Prime Minister Kent nodded and said with a smile.

  The British have made great efforts to expand the two shipyards in Australasia.

  From the shipyard's expansion design, to the shipyard's various equipment and machinery, as well as the shipyard's various technical experts, the British are all present.

  Under the guidance of these British experts, the expansion of the Melbourne Shipyard and Auckland Shipyard is also progressing smoothly. The Melbourne Shipyard is expected to complete the expansion in mid-1914, and the Auckland Shipyard is expected to complete the expansion from the end of 1914 to early 1915.

  This also means that around 1915, Australasia will have one shipyard capable of building 30,000-ton warships, and two shipyards capable of building 20,000-ton warships.

  Coupled with the help of British experts, even the most advanced Hope-class battleship in Australasia can be built at the Melbourne and Auckland shipyards.

  Of course, there are still at least two years to go before that period, which also means that within two years, the Australasian Navy will not expand significantly.

  Arthur is actually also waiting for arsenals and shipyards to develop a 381 mm caliber main gun.

  With the technology of a 343 mm caliber main gun and the help of many British military experts, I believe that the 381 mm main gun will be born sooner or later.

  "We must pay attention to the specifications for welcoming the British visiting team. The British are our most important partners, and we have the closest relationship with the British." Arthur instructed.

  If you want to continue to expand in the islands of Southeast Asia and Oceania, it is necessary to gain the support of the British.

  What's more, if Australasia wants to take over the German colonies in Oceania, it must obtain the consent of Britain and France.

  "I understand, Your Majesty. I will receive the British delegation according to the highest standards. The most luxurious hotel in Sydney has packed up the best rooms and is waiting for our guests to move in." Prime Minister Kent nodded.

  After all, the British are still the most powerful country in the world. Their diplomatic missions will receive the highest reception wherever they go.

  What's more, Australasia has the same roots as the United Kingdom. Even if Arthur doesn't order it, Prime Minister Kent will prepare the highest reception etiquette for the British mission.

  "Minister Raul, I hope that the Ministry of Defense can come up with a plan report on expanding the number of colonial divisions as soon as possible. I hope that before 1915, we can have at least 15 colonial divisions and give them a certain combat capability." After giving instructions to Prime Minister Kent, Arthur looked at Minister Raul again and said.

  There are nearly 20,000 soldiers in one colonial division, and 15 colonial divisions represent nearly 300,000 soldiers.

  But this is actually not much. After all, Australasia currently has millions of indigenous people. There is no problem in recruiting 300,000 adult indigenous people to form 15 colonial divisions.

  The 300,000 troops composed of these 15 colonial divisions, if nothing unexpected happens, will become the Australasian expeditionary force, replacing the regular Australasian troops in the war.

  Of course, regular troops also have to be dispatched, but not so many. For Arthur, it doesn't hurt even if the indigenous divisions die, but once the regular divisions face serious casualties, Arthur will really feel pain.

   Just one update today.

    Sad news, my father-in-law is not in good health and can't breathe. The author bought a ticket for the day after tomorrow, and there may only be one or two updates from the day after tomorrow (aim for 5,000 words, at least 4,000 words). I’ll compensate you all after I’ve been busy for a while!
  (End of chapter)

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