Chapter 330 Expansion of Shipyard

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  Chapter 330: Expanding the Shipyard.

  In the eyes of his sister Miyaka, Tesla saw the expectation and desire. He hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and agreed to Arthur's request.

  Seeing that Tesla finally agreed to stay and work in Australasia, Arthur nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Mr. Tesla, welcome to the Australasian family. There are many people like you at the Royal Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. With such top experts, I believe you will have many good topics in common.” The

  Royal Australasian Institute of Physical Chemistry was established to provide a good research environment for these top physical chemistry talents from Europe and the United States.

  So far, the total number of members of the Royal Society of Physical Chemistry has exceeded one hundred. These hundreds of people are all well-known physical chemistry experts in Europe and the United States.

  These experts are Australasia’s top talent pool in physical chemistry.

  These people are conducting a variety of research, which is of extraordinary significance to Australasia.

  This is why so far, the Royal Society for Physical and Chemical Research’s annual research funding is more than 3 million Australian dollars, and the average person has research funds of nearly 30,000 Australian dollars.

  30,000 Australian dollars is definitely not a small number. According to the exchange rate, this is equivalent to 15,000 pounds and 75,000 US dollars.

  In this period when the war has not yet begun and the currencies of various countries are not depreciating so fast, the value of 15,000 pounds is equivalent to two kilograms, or a full four kilograms of gold.

  Of course, the research funding of each member of the Royal Society for Physical and Chemical Research also varies.

  Famous talents like Einstein and Tesla will naturally enjoy a higher proportion of research funds.

  Of course, the research funds for these talents are mostly provided by Arthur and are not included in the total research funds of the Royal Physical and Chemical Research Society.

  At present, the Royal Institute of Physical and Chemical Research has cooperated with many universities in Australasia, and many members of the research association have also become honorary professors and lecturers at these universities.

  Of course, as the president of the research association, an expert of Einstein's level directly became the honorary dean of the physics major at the National University of Australasia.

  While conducting research, these experts from the Research Association will occasionally go to the universities where they are employed to give lectures to cultivate future high-end talents in the physical chemistry industry in Australasia.

  At present, Australasia's talent training system has basically matured, and talents in all aspects also have the ability to independently train.

  Whether it is technical schools that are popping up everywhere or universities that specialize in mid-to-high-end talents, they have become very common in Australasia.

  If high school education was already valuable in Australasia ten years ago, then for Australasia now, the truly valuable and valued talents are those students who have graduated from technical schools and universities.

  Tesla nodded and agreed to join the Royal Society for Physical and Chemical Research in Australasia.

  There are still many top talents from Europe and America in this association, and Tesla is very much looking forward to joining such a top academic association.

  Finally, under the slightly expectant eyes of Miyaka's family, Arthur promised that someone will come to pick up Miyaka's family tomorrow. After settling in a place in Sydney, Arthur will move to a place closer to where they live. , to find jobs with relatively good salaries for them.

  Of course, it is also necessary to find a place for Tesla to live. Now that Tesla has agreed to join Australasia, he cannot be wronged to stay in a cheap hotel.

  Fortunately, the size of the city of Sydney is constantly expanding, and some vacant properties can be seen everywhere.

  It was no problem to settle Tesla and Miaka's family in, and they could even move into their new house the next day if they wanted to.

  After successfully wooing Tesla, Arthur was in a very good mood. He immediately rewarded Tesla and Miyaka's family with two thousand Australian dollars each, allowing them to buy some furniture and decorations after moving into their new house in the next two days. Start a new life well.

  As for Tesla’s two remaining sisters who are still in Serbia, Arthur promised to bring them all to Australasia within two months, and they will also enjoy the treatment of the Miaka family.

  After returning to the palace, Arthur summoned Steward Kent and asked Steward Kent to contact Steward David in Europe to take charge of bringing Tesla's two sisters and their family to Australasia.

  The Balkan War has entered a state of peace because of the signing of the contract.

  This is also a good thing for Tesla's two sisters and their family. After all, only Serbia in a peaceful state allows them to easily come to Australasia.

  Of course, even if Serbia is at war, it will not be too difficult for Arthur to get Tesla's two sisters and their family to come to Australasia.

  After all, Arthur is related by marriage to Russia, and Russia is the supporter behind the Balkan countries.

  Even for the sake of Russia, Serbia will never deprive ordinary civilians of the two families.

  After meeting the Kent steward, Arthur learned that with the support of the royal consortium and the government, the Australasian shipyard was about to begin large-scale expansion.

  Prior to this, Australasia had more than a dozen large-scale shipyards across the country.

  But except for the Royal Dockyard in Sydney, most other shipyards are products of the colonial period of Australia and New Zealand, and their main business is only building sailing ships and small fishing boats.

  The vast majority of these shipyards can build ships with a tonnage of no more than 50 tons, and are only small and medium-sized civilian ships.

  There are only three shipyards in Australasia that can build warships.

  In addition to the Royal Dockyard, the remaining two military shipyards can only build coastal defense gunships, small frigates and other warships weighing no more than a thousand tons.

  This is a huge restriction for Australasia's naval development.

  Take the current development status of the Royal Dockyard. After receiving naval orders from Russia and Chile, the Royal Dockyard has entered a state of full capacity construction. In a short period of time, it will not be able to accept orders from Australasia at all. .

  Although the construction level, technical worker level and scale of the Royal Dockyard are definitely world-class.

  But the problem is that for the shipbuilding industry in Australasia, only the Royal Dockyard serves as the front.

  This is very unhealthy for the development of the navy, and the expansion of new military shipyards is imminent.

  The Royal Dockyard is 100% controlled by the royal consortium and is a private property of the royal family.

  The two newly expanded shipyards are currently jointly operated by the government and the royal family. The royal family holds 49% of the shares and the government holds 51%. In the expansion plan given by the royal consortium, the royal consortium and the government will jointly invest 20 million Australian dollars to expand the Melbourne Shipyard and Auckland Shipyard, so that these two shipyards will have the ability to build at least 10,000-ton main ships.

  Of course, in addition to the 20 million Australian dollars, the Royal Dockyard will provide part of the shipbuilding equipment and staff support, and within a short period of time, provide some expert technical support to the two newly expanded shipyards.

  The good news is that Australasia's shipbuilding industry has received strong support from Germany and the United Kingdom, and there is no shortage of skilled workers and mid-range technical experts in the industry.

  Even as long as the European war does not break out, Australasia will be able to continuously receive technical support from the United Kingdom to keep its shipbuilding level at the top of the world.

  Before World War I breaks out, if you expand the shipyard in advance, you can also get help from the British, and the progress will be slightly accelerated.

  Even if everything goes well, judging from the time when the First World War broke out in history, Australasia should still have about two years left.

  It will take about two years for the two shipyards to have the ability to build 10,000-ton main battleships. With the help of the British Empire, it is possible to do it.

  Of course, theoretically speaking, Australasia also had good development time and opportunities in the years when World War I broke out.

  After the end of World War I, it was possible to introduce a group of military technical experts from defeated European countries to strengthen the technology of military factories and shipyards.

  If the construction goes smoothly, Australasia should be able to have three shipyards building super-dreadnoughts after World War I.

  This was helpful for the plan to expand the navy wildly after World War I and bring the strength of the army and navy to the level of the great powers.

  In line with the industrial level of Australasia, although it may not be as large-scale industrial development as that of Britain, Germany and the United States, it is still possible to make warships like dumplings.

  On October 17, 1912, as the first batch of shipyard equipment purchased from Britain had arrived, and with the approval of the cabinet government, the expansion plans of the two major shipyards, Melbourne Shipyard and Auckland Shipyard, officially began.

  Although the expansion of these two major shipyards is jointly participated by the royal family and the government, it can actually be divided into government funding and the royal family providing equipment, employees, and technology.

  The shipyard expansion plan is still relatively important. Arthur also went to inspect the Melbourne Shipyard and Auckland Shipyard, and personally attended the opening ceremonies of the expansion of the two major shipyards.

  The good news is that the British are very supportive of the development of the shipbuilding industry in Australasia, and even many shipyard equipment are sold at a lower price than the market price.

  In addition, the British government also promised to dispatch a team of more than 200 experts within three months to support the expansion plans of the two major shipyards in Australasia.

  Among the two hundred experts, in addition to experts in shipyard design and construction, there are also experts in shipbuilding, warship design, and so on.

  This is a good compensation for the two major shipyards with insufficient foundation. At least while these experts are supporting Australasia, the two major shipyards can learn a lot and be prepared to go into battle alone in the future.

  Arthur did not know that the British government had decided to strongly support Australasia to check the American plan that had already formed a climate on the other side of the Atlantic.

  But no matter what, the British's strong support for Australasia is very helpful for Australasia's current development.

  Arthur was originally worried that if the Royal Dockyard separated some equipment, technical workers and experts, although it would speed up the expansion of the Melbourne and Auckland shipyards, it would also affect the Royal Dockyard's construction of naval orders.

  But now, with the help of the British, this problem will naturally be solved.

  British equipment and technical assistance arrived much faster than expected. In mid-October, the first expert team arrived in Australasia and went to the two major shipyards to participate in the expansion of the shipyards. Under design.

  Most of the problems in the expansion of the two major shipyards were solved by the British, and Arthur was happy to relax and appropriately delegate power to British experts while letting the government and Kent stewards supervise it.

  There is also good news for the Australasian Government that the second phase of the Leonora Industrial Site is almost complete.

  The construction of the second phase of the Leonora Industrial Base began in 1910 and has been under construction for nearly three years.

  Compared with the first phase of construction, the scale of the second phase has nearly tripled.

  This also brings the construction area of ​​the second phase to more than 3,000 acres, and the construction area alone is as high as 2,000 acres.

  In addition, it also has more than two hundred acres of greening and road construction, as well as improving the sewage problems of the industrial base.

  If nothing else happens, the second phase of the industrial base will have at least two hundred standardized factory workshops and more than twenty large storage areas.

  This also means that the second phase of construction can house at least a hundred large factories and hundreds of small factories.

  In order to meet the employee needs of so many factories, the government has transferred a large number of immigrants to Western Australia in advance, and even the surrounding South Australia also has a lot of immigrants.

  In addition, there are also several technical schools that have cooperated with industrial bases.

  These technical schools can train technical workers in various aspects for the industrial base. They can not only recruit employees from other places for the industrial base, but also retrain the technical workers in the industrial base so that they have stronger technical capabilities.

  Judging from the construction situation of the second phase of the industrial base, if nothing unexpected happens, the construction of the second phase should be completely completed around November to December, and the factory can be settled and officially put into production starting next year.

  If the factory's settlement and recruitment go smoothly, the two phases of Leonora Industrial Base construction combined will already be the largest industrial base in Australasia, and it will be the most advanced and diversified, involving aspects and The most extensive comprehensive integrated industrial base in the industry.

  By that time, the Leonora industrial base could also be called the Ruhr area of ​​Australasia.

  Because according to the planning of the first and second phases of the industrial base, the construction of the two phases of the industrial base combined should be able to have hundreds of factories with at least 200,000 skilled workers.

  This will become the industrial center of Australasia, and will also be a chemical industry base, coal industry base, machinery industry base, textile industry base, etc.

  Judging from the current situation, the Leonora Industrial Base should be able to have nearly 200,000 employees and hundreds of factories before the outbreak of World War I. Australasia should be fully prepared for various productions in the war. .

   Just one update today, please take a day off

  (end of this chapter)

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