Chapter 272 Aircraft Carrier

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  Chapter 272:
  In terms of aircraft carrier fighter jets, the Yehu-3 fighter jet is a huge improvement compared to the previous generation of fighter jets.

  Last time, Arthur secretly complained that the most useless of the three military aircraft was the fighter jet. This time the situation has completely changed.

  The current Yehu-3 fighter jet can reach an average flight speed of 210 kilometers per hour and a maximum flight speed of 240 kilometers per hour, which is only a little behind the Eagle-3 reconnaissance aircraft.

  Of course, the reason why it lags behind in flight speed is that the Yehu-3 fighter jet is not only equipped with two MA-107 Maxim heavy machine guns, but also has a certain improvement in the fighter's armor protection.

  And the amount of ammunition for machine guns has also been increased a lot. The previous fighter jets only had 1,500 rounds of ammunition. After shooting, they either had to rely on the weapons carried by the pilots themselves, or they had to return home to replace the ammunition.

  The Yehu-3 fighter jet directly doubled the amount of bullets available to 3,000 rounds, which greatly improved the fighter's continuous combat capability and firepower output capabilities.

  The current fighter jets can be considered to have a certain role. The Yehu-3 fighter jets with enhanced protection, firepower output and speed may be able to do more than a dozen against aircraft from other countries.

  However, the range of the Yehu-3 fighter is not as exaggerated as that of the reconnaissance aircraft. The maximum range of the Yehu-3 fighter is 570 kilometers without carrying auxiliary fuel tanks. When carrying two auxiliary fuel tanks, the maximum range can be increased to 890 kilometers.

  Such performance data is not to mention significantly higher than that of aircraft from other countries at the same time. It is even ahead of the performance of aircraft from various countries during the First World War in history.

  It is no exaggeration to say that even if the current Australasian aircraft were placed in the original World War I, they would still be famous models and could create many aerial myths.

  At present, Arthur believes that the most practical military aircraft is naturally the Phantom-3 bomber.

  The last time we were able to quickly eliminate the Portuguese army, the role of bombers was definitely not small.

  At present, countries in the world do not have much ability to defend against air power, and various air defense weapons have not been born.

  Perhaps all they can try is to use their rifles and machine guns to masturbate.

  But the three types of military aircraft in Australasia are not crude goods like other countries. They not only fly fast, but also have good armor protection capabilities.

  It is indeed possible to shoot down an aircraft with rifles and machine guns, but this possibility may not be as high as the possibility of one's own backward aircraft destroying the opponent's advanced aircraft.

  The Phantom-3 bomber is currently the slowest flying aircraft among the three military aircraft, with an average flying speed of only 195 kilometers per hour and a maximum flying speed of only 215 kilometers per hour.

  This is because bombers carry a large number of various types of bombs. Currently, there are three types of bombs available for bombers, namely 45-pound small anti-personnel bombs, 75-pound small and medium-sized anti-personnel bombs and 120-pound explosive bombs.

  The bomb loads of these three types of bombs are 42, 24, and 12 respectively.

  The launch method adopts two bombs in one round. Pressing the launch button once will release two bombs.

  This also leads to the current firepower of bombers having a characteristic. The frequency of bombing depends on the hand speed of the pilot.

  Of course, if the hand speed is too fast, it may also cause the launch system to malfunction. However, this possibility is relatively small. After all, pilots will not press the buttons blindly and crazily.

  The increase in bomb load and bomb power have greatly increased the lethality of current bombers.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the effect of a Phantom-3 bomber is definitely more than ten GA1906 semi-automatic artillery.

  Before anti-aircraft weapons and aircraft from other countries were developed, Arthur was even confident that he could protect the security of Australasia with the current Australasian aircraft.

  However, looking at the bomber in front of him, Arthur suddenly remembered something particularly important.

  Although countries around the world are currently vigorously developing navies and battleships, Arthur understands that the elimination of battleships is not far away.

  What really made battleships gradually become obsolete was, to put it bluntly, not the birth of other powerful warships, but the birth and rise of aircraft.

  The armor protection capability of the battleship depends on the study of other naval gun parabolas. However, aircraft bombing does not pay attention to parabolas, and basically goes straight downward.

  This also made aircraft carriers equipped with aircraft the nemesis of various powerful battleships. The powerful battleships that eventually dominated the late 19th and early 20th centuries were replaced by aircraft carriers.

  But in the final analysis, although aircraft carriers were also born during World War I, compared with later generations, this kind of aircraft carrier can only be said to be as crude as possible.

  What is needed for aircraft carrier research? The first is airplanes. Without airplanes, aircraft carriers are nothing.

  The second is the level of shipbuilding. At present, Australasia has mastered the technology of building dreadnoughts, and the level of shipbuilding is definitely capable of building a simple aircraft carrier.

  Now that we can build aircraft carriers, why not just build aircraft carriers?

  Arthur suddenly woke up and said solemnly to Teodor, the head of the aviation laboratory: "Director Teodor, what is the current shortest takeoff distance of our aircraft?" Teodor replied: " Your Majesty, currently our fastest reconnaissance aircraft has a shortest takeoff distance of about 1,400 meters."

  Arthur nodded. This level is close to the take-off distance of aircraft during World War II, which also proves that the researchers at the Aeronautical Laboratory have indeed worked hard.

  But this is clearly not enough. If you want to equip aircraft on maritime warships such as aircraft carriers, you must understand that even the largest warships currently are only one or two hundred meters long.

  This also means that the take-off distance of aircraft on an aircraft carrier is only two hundred meters at most, which is very demanding for the construction technology of aircraft and aircraft carriers.

  What are the methods of taking off aircraft carrier aircraft in later generations? Arthur thought carefully for a long time, but still couldn't think of a reason.

  He only remembered that the plane seemed to have ejection takeoff and vertical takeoff, but Arthur did not remember the specific appearance or principle at all.

  After shaking his head slightly, Arthur decided to leave professional matters to professionals.

  Looking at Director Teodor who looked expectant, Arthur smiled and said: "Director Teodor, your efforts are very good. I am very satisfied with the research and development of these three military aircraft, and I represent The military has promised to equip at least 500 aircraft within three years."

  Teodor smiled and replied respectfully: "It's all because of His Majesty's support, otherwise we would still be just a research and development assistant for airships."

  "The improvement of the third-generation aircraft and the research and development of the fourth-generation aircraft cannot be left behind. At the same time, there is also a more important task for you and all researchers." Arthur continued.

  "Your Majesty, just ask." Teodor listened respectfully.

  "I heard a suggestion before, asking whether aircraft can be equipped on warships so that the aircraft can take off at will in the ocean and expand the attack distance and combat range of our aircraft. Director Theodor, what do you think about this? Did you see it?" Arthur nodded and asked.

  "Your Majesty, I wonder which expert's idea is this?" Teodor asked cautiously.

  We really can't blame Theodor for being cautious. The people around Arthur who are qualified to give suggestions and ideas to Arthur must be ministers or subordinates that Arthur trusts.

  Under such circumstances, no matter how unrealistic the suggestions and ideas were, Teodor did not dare to refute them!

  After all, this is an autocratic monarchy. If the minister who made the suggestion was dissatisfied with Theodor and found an opportunity to suggest to Arthur that Theodor be dismissed, then he would be in bad luck.

  Arthur smiled and naturally saw Teodor's inner thoughts, and said: "Speak freely if you have any ideas. Don't worry. In terms of aviation, the advice of experts like you is more important." With Arthur's assurance

  , Teodor then boldly said: "Your Majesty, I think this idea is very bold. From an imaginative point of view, if we can equip aircraft on warships, we can indeed greatly improve the aircraft's combat capabilities and Combat radius. But the shortest takeoff distance of our current aircraft is also 1,400 meters. We can’t build a warship longer than 1,400 meters!” Even

  in later generations, the largest ship in the world, the famous Sea Giant, was only 485 meters long. rice.

  But such a super huge warship has a full load displacement of 820,000 tons, dozens of times that of the largest battleship currently available.

  Let’s not talk about whether the technology support for building such a warship is sufficient. The cost of building such a huge warship is probably enough to bring down a less powerful country.

  Arthur smiled and explained: "What if a special take-off method is used? For example, applying an extra power to the aircraft so that it has enough speed to take off just after it starts. Or changing the amplitude of the warship deck and bending it upward slightly, Let the aircraft have a better take-off range. Can this reduce a certain take-off distance and make it possible for the aircraft to be mounted on a warship?" The birth of

  aircraft carriers in World War I proves that there were already ways to significantly reduce the take-off distance of aircraft during the First World War. technology and means.

  Australasia's current aircraft are already a big step ahead of other countries in the world. Arthur does not believe that the development of aircraft carriers can be stuck in taking off small aircraft.

  By concentrating the country's scientific research strength and taking a few years, Arthur does not think that Australasia's aircraft carrier research and development process will lag behind other countries.

  After hearing Arthur's explanation, Teodor thought carefully for a while, and then replied cautiously: "Your Majesty, it is not impossible to say this. But don't talk about us. Countries around the world are currently conducting research on offshore take-off platforms. Equivalent to zero. Even if this idea can become a reality, I am afraid it will not be developed in a short time."

  Arthur nodded and said with a smile: "This is not in a hurry, Director Teodor. You can Consider it an important but not urgent task, at least within three years. Our main task is still to equip a large number of aircraft to build a real air force and build a large number of warships to build a powerful navy. This kind of The idea may become the main goal of Australasia's future naval construction, but it will take several years at the earliest to realize it. If you have time, you can communicate carefully with the experts at the shipyard. I will give you three years, as long as If there is progress in this area, it will be a small success."

  The aircraft carrier will have to wait until World War II to truly play a key role. Arthur's inner expectation for the research and development of the Australasian aircraft carrier is three to five years.

  As long as a functional aircraft carrier can be built within this period of time, it is considered to be progressing smoothly.

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  (End of chapter)

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