Chapter 250 Bustling Sydney Streets

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  Chapter 250 The Bustling Streets of Sydney

  It was January 10, 1908, and Australasia’s National Day activities officially began.

  Since the establishment of the Kingdom, Australasia's National Day celebrations have become more grand.

  Although the military parade is not held every year, there are still many celebrations. At this moment, a large number of civilians will gather to commemorate the birth of the country.

  Thanks to Arthur's repeated propaganda, the patriotic sentiment among Australasian folk is still relatively strong. People pay more attention to National Day and celebrations, and you can often see Australasians coming from all over the world.

  This has also promoted Australasia's GDP to a certain extent. After all, since Australasia's per capita income has gradually increased, people's living standards have also experienced explosive growth.

  Although in the eyes of Europeans it has not yet reached the level of "nouveau riche" wealth like the United States, Australasia is no longer a barren land, at least people's disposable income is rising steadily.

  This has also led to a gradual increase in people's travel expenses. Everything in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation for a trip is promoting economic development.

  Even when there is no military parade, Sydney will have hundreds of thousands of new out-of-city tourists on National Day. Coupled with the travel of Sydney citizens, Sydney looks more prosperous during this period.

  The previous Australian cities were led by Melbourne, followed by Sydney, followed by state capitals and large cities such as Auckland and Wellington.

  After eight years of development, of all the cities in Australasia, Sydney is definitely the most important in terms of economy, population, or importance to Australasia. Cities, even Melbourne, the original largest city, are far behind.

  As of now, Sydney has a total population of more than 976,700, making it the most populous and economically developed city in Australasia.

  Currently, Sydney not only assumes the political center of Australasia, but also the economic center, cultural center and industrial center of Australasia.

  Arthur's plan to establish a comprehensive industrial base in Western Australia is actually to build another industrial center to reduce Sydney's urban functions.

  Judging from the current population of less than one million, Sydney is completely unqualified to build such a multi-center, diversified, comprehensive and all-round city.

  The best way is to move the industrial center and the economic and cultural center, at least two of them, so that Sydney will have better development prospects.

  In Arthur's plan, in addition to building an industrial center city in Western Australia, he also tried to develop Melbourne into a sub-economic center in Australasia to reduce the burden on Sydney.

  As the most prosperous city in Australasia, Sydney's current per capita income has exceeded 47.1 Australian dollars, which is higher than the 46.3 Australian dollars in Melbourne, the second city with per capita income. It is currently the highest per capita annual income and the highest per capita disposable income in Australasia. City.

  Of course, the per capita annual income does not include the royal family's property, otherwise Sydney's per capita annual income would be higher.

  You know, the Australasian royal family currently only has four members, but the royal family's annual income is as high as more than 10 million pounds, which is more than 30 million Australian dollars.

  If this income is included, Sydney's per capita annual income directly exceeds 75 Australian dollars, which is enough to rival the level of the major powers.

  It is precisely because of Sydney's economic growth that Sydney has shown a prosperous side, at least that's what Arthur thought while walking on the streets of Sydney.

  After the National Day activities, Arthur took the guards and Kent Butler around Sydney to have fun, and by the way, he could actually feel the current development and changes in Sydney.

  At least from Arthur's perspective, Sydney's city size had more than doubled before he arrived, and Sydney's central streets had become more prosperous.

  The main road from Sydney City to the Government House to Sydney Palace is surrounded by many shops and shops.

  After all, this road is the main road connecting the core of national government affairs and the city center of Sydney. Even during normal times, it is busy with traffic, let alone major national holidays such as National Day.

  Fortunately, there are wide enough pedestrian paths and subsidiary roads on both sides of this road, so there is no need to worry about the crowds and dense stalls affecting the traffic on the main road.

  The changes that Arthur can actually feel can actually be felt on King Street, the busiest street in Sydney.

  As the name suggests, King Street is a bustling street named after Arthur. Its predecessor was an ordinary street located around the New South Wales State House (colonial government building). However, when Arthur first came to Australia, he moved from here. The street leads into the government building, hence its name.

  In more than seven years of development, this street has become one of the most prosperous streets in Sydney, with hundreds of shops of various types and a daily passenger flow of more than 100,000 people.

  Because the former Australian Government Building can be clearly seen from this street, in addition to people who come here for shopping and fun, there are also many people who want to see the former Australian Government Building with their own eyes. Thanks to Arthur. . As they walked, Arthur also came to this street. Although it only lasted less than eight years, this street had already changed a lot for Arthur.

  If the accompanying Kent steward hadn't introduced the origin of this street's name and its current development, Arthur would not have known that this was a street he often visited.

  In fact, this is normal. Because the country's core institutions have been relocated to the outskirts of Sydney, Arthur's visits to downtown Sydney have become less and less, and he only comes once every year or two.

  Mothers, Princess Louise and Queen Mary, come often, but their purpose is usually for shopping and entertainment, and naturally they don't care about the name and history of a street.

  On this trip, Arthur not only took Queen Mary with him, but also the current Princess Louise and sister Patricia.

  Looking at the slightly hopeful eyes of several people, Arthur naturally would not refuse, and smiled and asked them to take a look.

  Although the life of the Australasian royal family is very luxurious, the cost of a simple meal for any royal member may be the annual income of the Australasian family.

  But this kind of life also brings them many troubles, such as not being able to travel freely like ordinary people, and having to maintain dignity, etc.

  Although Arthur's requirements for Queen Mary and his sisters were not so strict, his mother, Princess Louise, had a good aristocratic education and had very strict requirements for his two sisters.

  Basically, Margery and Patricia didn't have many opportunities to go out before, which is why they were very happy every time they went out.

  With the protection of the guards and the fact that his mother, Princess Louise, was watching from the side, Arthur naturally did not have to worry about their safety.

  Even though it was just a low-key trip today, the entire royal family used thousands of security forces when going out. In addition to the guards who protected the royal family members at close range, there were also guards, Royal Security Bureau, etc. who were camouflaged a little further away.

  They will carefully observe every move of anyone who is close to the royal family, and if there is any abnormality, they will take action immediately.

  At least there are currently no opposition forces or revolutionaries in Australasia.

  Arthur has achieved great success in all his work in Australasia. Even New Zealand, which has newly joined Australasia, has made considerable progress in the past two years.

  This also makes the Australasians very satisfied with Arthur. On the premise that everyone can have enough food and clothing, and even have enough food surplus, no one is willing to give up their current wealthy life to oppose the country.

  Let’s not talk about the advantages and disadvantages of doing this. I am afraid that as soon as I have this idea, I will receive the contemptuous eyes of my family and friends.

  After all, most people know who brought such huge changes to Australasia. Arthur has brought huge benefits to the current workers and people of Australasia, and even all people from all walks of life are accepting it. preferential policies enacted by Arthur.

  If anything happens to Arthur, doesn't it also mean that Australasia's welfare policies will also disappear?
  Not to mention the current official citizens of Australasia, even immigrants who have just immigrated to Australasia and have not yet obtained citizenship are not allowed to do this.

  After all, one of the reasons why they can come to Australasia is the welfare policy of Australasia. If the policy is cancelled, not only will their trip be in vain, they will not even be able to raise enough money to travel back.

  After all, most of the people who can immigrate in this era are people who cannot survive in their original country.

  It is not easy for these people to raise enough money to pay for their immigration. Their hope is a better life in their new hometown.

  Walking on the street named after him, Arthur was quickly recognized by a large number of Australasians.

  Although there were guards and guards blocking the way and the crowd could not get close, people still shouted enthusiastically and excitedly: "Your Majesty!" "Long live Your Majesty!" "Thank you Your Majesty!" and so on.

  Arthur smiled and waved, but he also understood that his status could not allow him to stay on the street for much longer, so he motioned to Kent Butler to leave first.

  Butler Kent understood immediately, walked to the end of the street with Arthur, got in the car and left.

  In the car, Arthur chuckled and shook his head, and said to Butler Kent: "Sometimes being too popular is not a good thing, at least there is no private space for shopping."

  Butler Kent also smiled and consoled him. : "Your Majesty, this is not a good thing for ordinary people, but it is the greatest good thing for you. After all, a well-supported ruler is better than a ruler who no one cares about, isn't it? Your Majesty can Australasia gaining such a high degree of support is good for your own rule and the status of the royal family."

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  (End of chapter)

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