Chapter 23 Cabinet Government

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  Chapter 23 Cabinet Government
  June 23, 1900, Australian State House.

  It was Arthur's third day back from the Isle of Wight and the day of the planned final election of a cabinet government.

  This is an extremely important day for Australia. Australia is about to have its first formal cabinet government, and Australia's reform from a colony to a duchy will also usher in a phased success.

  For Arthur, this is also a very important day. After determining the formal members of the cabinet government, you can start to build the entire government, formulate plans for Australia's next development and put them into action.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, the vast majority of MPs had already arrived at the door of the Government Affairs Building, waiting quietly for the door to open.

  For the lucky ones among the MPs who are selected as candidates, this day is definitely a day worth looking forward to.

  Once they continue to have good luck and succeed in the next vote, they will really reach the top of Australian politics.

  Even those members who failed in the first round of voting looked very expectant.

  Although they are not eligible to stand for election this time, they will be able to brag to the outside world that they voted for this cabinet government one by one.

  As the wooden door of the Government Affairs Building made a clear sound, this century-old building was about to begin its day's work.

  There were no guards to guide the way this time, but these congressmen were already familiar with the road and walked quietly to the conference room on the top floor.

  Some officials are currently working in this government affairs building, but because the core cabinet of the government has not yet been formally appointed, the current government's responsibility is only to maintain public security and stability, and there are not many development plans.

  As all the members were seated, Arthur walked in under the escort of several guards and sat in the center.

  "Everyone, I know you are all looking forward to the official members of the cabinet government, and I am looking forward to it too. Now, let us officially start the election of cabinet members." Arthur looked around and found that everyone had some expressions on their faces. After the anticipation and excitement, he said with a smile.

  "You now have a list of cabinet positions in your hands. After each position, fill in the name of the candidate you think is the most suitable. After filling in all the names, just hand the list to the guards around you." Se explains the rules.

  "But I have to remind you that the election of the cabinet is very important to Australia. I hope you can follow your heart instead of following your interests." After Arthur's last warning, the cabinet vote officially began.

  In order to prevent unexpected situations, Arthur chose to continue to supervise on the spot, instead of leaving some members' private space as in the first meeting.

  This also caused some members who originally wanted to exchange ideas to give up their thoughts in an instant and frowned bitterly as they looked at the list on their desk.

  Because Australia has just been established, the Australian political scene is far less chaotic than those in European countries.

  This has also led to the fact that most of Australia's elections are very pure and are based on one's own innermost thoughts rather than being influenced by the outside world.

  But this is also the most difficult thing for some congressmen, because they are ordinary people. When they face such a relatively important decision, they often lose judgment or become confused due to nervousness.

  But for most of the congressmen, they had already decided on the people they wanted to support before today, and now they naturally wrote the list on the table quickly.

  The voting rules for the first round are that you cannot fill in your own name, while the voting rules for the second round are based on the fact that you can only fill in the name of the candidate, with the added rule that the candidate cannot fill in your own name. This stipulation is actually to avoid confusion in voting. After all, if they are unfamiliar with each other, if they can support themselves, I believe a large number of people will choose this option.

  About half an hour passed. Arthur looked at everyone who had basically stopped writing, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's been half an hour, and I believe everyone has almost filled it out. I'll give it to you again. In the last few minutes, check that the list you filled in is correct, and then hand it over to the guards. The statistics will also take a long time. We must determine the final candidates for the cabinet before noon." Arthur said

  this , some congressmen who had not yet decided on the candidates quickly started writing furiously. Regardless of other things, they selected the candidates who seemed more pleasing to their eyes and wrote them down.

  A few minutes passed by, and the guards began to collect the names next to each other.

  The following statistical process is relatively simple, but also more troublesome. The Guardsmen need to count the people with the highest number of votes for each position and then announce them as the final candidates for the cabinet positions.

  Australia has preset ten departments: Finance, Defense, People's Livelihood, Foreign Affairs, Public Security, Education, Health, Transport, Industry, and Agriculture. There are a total of thirty candidates, one hundred and ninety Eight voters.

  After painstakingly counting for more than an hour, the guards finally tallied up the final results and handed them over to Arthur.

  This list surprised Arthur. Not only did it contain the names of many acquaintances, but there were also several very unfamiliar names. Even before this, Arthur had never heard of this name.

  This does mean that this election is very random. It does not mean that someone who is in a high position or is well-known in the political arena can be successfully elected.

  Taking the list, Arthur did not hesitate and announced: "Everyone, now it's time to announce the list. The winner of the Australian Cabinet Government's Minister of Agriculture is-Henry Skerrit!" Yes, it was the man who once chatted with Arthur

  . Damn Henrys. Arthur was also a little surprised when he saw this name.

  Unexpectedly, this small official in the city government was able to break through the siege all the way. Not only did he enter the House of Commons, he was also successfully elected as the Minister of Agriculture in the first cabinet government.

  "The Minister of Industry in the Australian Cabinet Government is Pierre Silvio Berlusconi!" Arthur continued to announce.

  Pierre Silvio Berlusconi is the governor of Western Australia and one of the most prestigious people in Australia.

  Arthur is also relieved that he serves as the Minister of Industry, which is relatively important to Australia.

  "The Minister of Transportation is Conlet Deano."

  This is also a familiar name. He was the first man to chat with Arthur in the State House.

   First update, please vote, recommend, and collect!


  (End of chapter)

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