Chapter 166 The Second Cabinet Government

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  Chapter 166 The Second Cabinet Government

  "Very good." Butler Hunter said with a smile: "Since it takes a while to count all the forms, from now on, everyone has about half an hour to rest, and the meeting will continue in half an hour."

  The congressmen breathed a sigh of relief, but they still began to communicate with their companions after Arthur left.

  The next election is the highlight, and it will take several hours to get the final result.

  Naturally, Arthur would not just sit there and wait, so he returned to the lounge on the top floor and quietly waited for the final election results.

  Half an hour passed quickly, and as Butler Hunter opened the door of the conference room again, the conversation in the conference room stopped abruptly.

  "Everyone, after a period of counting, the number of candidates for Australia's second cabinet election has finally been completed. There are a total of ninety-three candidates in this election, including six for the position of Prime Minister, seventeen for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and People's Livelihood. There are twenty-eight ministers, twenty-one ministers of transport, sixteen ministers of finance, seven ministers of defence, twenty-nine ministers of agriculture, sixteen ministers of industry, eleven ministers of health, eighteen ministers of education, There are twenty-seven ministers of security." Butler Hunter reported.

  "Each of you will receive a detailed list of candidates and information for each position. Next, you will have an hour of thinking time. After one hour, write down your favorite candidates for each position, and Just put it into the corresponding ballot box for each position." Butler Hunter said: "Only one supported candidate is allowed to fill in for each position, and all candidates are not allowed to fill in their own names. I hope that everyone Everyone can make a decision after careful consideration. Every vote is important to any candidate." "

  No communication is allowed during the process of thinking and filling out the list. Please remain silent until the final result is announced. "

  After announcing all the rules, Butler Hunter stepped aside very wisely, leaving the council members ample time to think.

  After hearing that communication was not allowed, everyone gave up the idea of ​​communication. After all, this is also a matter related to the majesty of the country and the royal family. No one is stupid enough to break the rules, make Arthur disgusted, or even be expelled from the meeting room.

  Everyone here is a member of Congress and an important figure in the party. If they are expelled, they will lose everything, whether it is face or future.

  This also makes the choice much more difficult, especially for those MPs who work alone.

  MPs who own political parties and have their own small groups will generally fill in the information they have already discussed with their party, or who they have a good relationship with.

  These people filled it out very quickly. Even within half an hour, some people already raised their hands to let the guards take away their forms.

  After about an hour, the congressmen finished writing the recommendations for all positions and handed the forms to the soldiers.

  In order to ensure the fairness of the election, this count will be conducted by public counting of votes. As long as the candidate's name appears on the recommendation for the position, he will be called, and at the same time, the number of times he has been called after his name for a certain position will be filled in.

  This live roll-call method adds a bit of tension, and each time the candidate is called, it will make the candidates a little more psychologically excited.

  Similarly, if a candidate is not called for a long time, it is a kind of psychological torture for the candidate.

  In order to facilitate statistics, this roll call will be divided into positions and conducted in sequence.

  This also increases the time required, with each position expected to take at least the better part of an hour or even an hour to complete. After all, there are more than two hundred people here, which means that each position will have more than two hundred votes.

  The first to be called were the ministers of each department, and the prime minister, as the most important position in the cabinet government, was placed at the end.

  People are focused, some are looking forward to their names, others are looking forward to the final result.

  Among the ten cabinet minister positions, the most popular are the Minister of People's Livelihood, the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Public Security.

  These three departments are not that important compared to other departments, and they are also the choices made by many people who are holding cabinet elections for the first time after careful consideration.

  The candidate with the smallest number of candidates is the Minister of Defense. This is a unique position for Australia, and one that almost no one running for office has any confidence in.

  Everyone knows that as the Duke of Australia, Arthur attaches great importance to Australia's military power.

  Even if you gain an advantage in the election of the Minister of Defense, you may not necessarily become the real Minister of Defense.

  All this depends on Arthur's choice, so except for a few who have confidence in themselves and a few of Arthur's subordinates, others have chosen other positions very wisely.

  The roll-call session lasted from about 10 o'clock at noon to about 10 o'clock in the evening, and there were many breaks and lunch and dinner times during this period.

  The two main meals were jointly prepared by several of Arthur's personal chefs, and there were as many as a dozen desserts for each meal, not to mention the countless main courses at a glance.

  At about 10:30 in the evening, the roll call session was finally completed, and the specific list of Australia's second cabinet government was finally calculated.

  Arthur received the list almost at the same time, of course, this was also because Arthur was in the Government Building.

  The new cabinet government is not much different from the previous one. Except for the change of the Minister of Health, other positions are still the members of the previous one.

  This is also because all political parties in Australia have not been established for a long time, resulting in the low influence of all political parties.

  Except, of course, the Australian Labor Party. The Labor Party is unique among all political parties in Australia. Although it was established relatively early, the Labor Party's platform has long been completed by the Australian government. This has resulted in the Labor Party not being very popular in Australia.

  The reason why Medical Minister Bradford Dillman failed in the election is also very simple. His ability in medical care is impeccable, but his ability in government affairs is indeed much worse.

  Bradford Dillman is better suited as a specialist in the Ministry of Health, or in charge of medical affairs as a deputy minister, rather than as the Minister of Health, managing the entire Australian medical industry.

  The new health minister is Willie Watson, a member of the Independent Party. Willie Watson's resume is equally luxurious. He is a native Australian. In his early years, he went to major European universities to study, received degrees in medicine and management, and worked as an intern in the UK for a long time.

  After learning the news of Australia's successful reunification, Willie Watson was not in a hurry to return to Australia. Instead, he continued to learn a wealth of knowledge in Europe and improved his studies and abilities before returning to Australia.

  After the legalization of political parties some time ago, Willie Watson was one of the people who actively established a political party, and the Independent Party was also established with the cooperation of Willie Watson and others.

  The Independence Party's platform aims to safeguard the independence and unity of Australia and the Principality of Australia as a whole.

  In the view of the Independence Party, Australia should become a complete independent country, and even this unified scope also includes New Zealand and New Guinea.

  Although Willie Watson did not become the leader of the Independence Party, because of his rich resume and academic qualifications in Europe, he became the best choice for the Independence Party to attack the cabinet this time. With Willie Watson's successful election as Minister of Health in the second cabinet government, he also became the first cabinet minister with a partisan background in Australian history.

  After reading the list of the entire cabinet government, Arthur immediately stood up and prepared to go to the conference room to meet with his new cabinet government.

  The term of the second cabinet government has been changed to four years, which also means that this cabinet government will take office from June 1903 to June 1907.

  Compared with the first cabinet government, this cabinet government will also face more matters.

  Especially after the birth of the dreadnought ship in the future, Australia will also join the ranks of naval construction and even seek higher international status and prestige.

  This means that the recent government will receive more tasks, but the political achievements and prestige they will obtain will definitely be more.

  In the conference room, as the final cabinet government list was released, there was continuous applause and chatter in the conference room.

  This lively scene did not stop until Arthur's arrival, and then returned to quiet and formality.

  “Everyone, I am very happy to witness the birth of Australia’s second cabinet government. Of course, there are many familiar faces, and I am happy that you can continue to stay in this position. Those who did not successfully run should not be discouraged. There are still a lot of opportunities to strive for. Whether you become a cabinet member or continue as a parliamentarian or a member of a political party, you can all contribute to the development and construction of Australia and contribute to the rise of our great motherland." Arthur smiled. said.

  "Long live your highness!"

  After Arthur's enlightenment, many people actually figured it out.

  Just as Australia is young, these Australian politicians are generally young.

  Many of these congressmen are even highly educated young people, who may not be thirty years old yet.

  This age is just the beginning for politicians. Their political careers still have a long way to go, and the current short-term defeat does not mean the end.

  Moreover, as members of Australia's House of Commons, they themselves have a lot of powers and obligations.

  Although they are not able to participate in Australia's national decision-making like cabinet members, they can also change Australia in all aspects and exert their own strength.

  "In addition to becoming a cabinet member, the Australian government also has many opportunities to hold positions. Including deputy ministers of various departments and state government positions." Arthur said with a smile: "The specific government will make an announcement in the future. When the time comes, You can apply to the government for specific positions."

  In addition to the prime minister, cabinet ministers also generally have deputy positions. This also eliminates the need to worry about any department being without someone to speak to in case of an unexpected incident.

  These positions are also ideal targets that people who lose the election can compete for. Although their status is not as prominent as cabinet ministers, they can be regarded as entering the top levels of the Australian government.

  And for non-cabinet and gubernatorial positions, there are no regulations on the number of times and years of service. As long as cabinet ministers feel they are competent enough to continue in their positions, they can continue until a more suitable candidate is available or until they retire.

  Perhaps this is a better choice for some people who are not outstanding in talent or do not have such strong political ability.

  After all, higher positions are too competitive, and they often take the blame when faced with disasters and accidents.

  With the official release of the list of the second cabinet government, this election has finally come to an end.

  In general, the list of the new cabinet government is expected. After all, for an emerging country like Australia, experience really has an advantage.

  These cabinet members did a good job during their term, and Arthur didn't mind keeping them in office.

  But as time progresses, it is impossible to know what will happen in the next round of elections four years later.

  After four years of development, whether the political party can attract many people to join and gain an advantage in the House of Commons is a topic of concern.

  Whether second-term cabinet officials will gain the upper hand again in future elections is anyone's guess.

  But generally speaking, Australia's overall political situation is still developing in a good direction. As time goes by, Australia's political system is becoming more and more perfect, and Australian people have also gained more ways to promote their own interests. .

  On June 11, 1903, the day after the list of Australia's second cabinet government was officially released, the Victoria Newspaper and the Australian Daily published this news, and rushed it to print and send it to the country.

  Australians do not object much to the fact that the new cabinet is basically the same as the current cabinet members.

  After all, Australia has indeed undergone a lot of changes in the past three years, and the vast majority of these changes have been in a good direction.

  Australians are more concerned about whether these cabinet members will respect and protect their own interests than who the cabinet members are.

  At present, it seems that the previous cabinet has done a good job. The basic living conditions and income of Australians are constantly increasing. Many Australians have even escaped from poverty and no longer have to worry about hunger and cold.

  He did not continue to focus on the candidates for deputy cabinet ministers or other political parties. As time goes by, most of the army weapons and equipment originally ordered by the island country in Australia have been manufactured and will be shipped to the island country.

  It is worth mentioning that the weapons and equipment of the island countries have also begun to be manufactured as well as equipment belonging to the Tsarist Russian Empire, and they will be transported to different countries at different times.

  Although the destinations and departure times are different, Arthur has a high probability that these two batches of weapons and equipment may eventually be used in the same war, and this war will soon determine the hegemony of the Far East.

  Australia currently does not have the strength to directly participate in this war, and can only act as an arms dealer behind the scenes, indirectly balancing the strength of both sides in the war, and also generating revenue for Australia's arms industry.

  Also worth noting is news from as far away as the United States. Just in June this year, Ford was officially established and has begun developing cars.

  Although it is impossible for Ford to compete with Benz Automobile Factory in a short period of time, people have to pay attention to Ford's great achievements in history.

   Two chapters in one of 4,300 words, please support!

  (End of chapter)

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