Chapter 163 Electoral Law, Political Party Law

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  Chapter 163 Electoral Law, Political Party Law On

  April 3, 1903, a piece of news from the Australian government completely detonated the entire Australian political arena.

  Since the establishment of Australia, political parties have basically not been mentioned in Australia, and the legitimacy of political parties has never been determined.

  This has resulted in most Australian elections involving individuals, and the power of political parties has basically disappeared.

  But with the announcement of an announcement by the Australian government on elections and political parties, the word political party has once again entered everyone's sight.

  According to the new regulations of the Australian government, political parties will be officially included in the scope of legal elections in Australia from now on. In other words, Australia officially recognizes the legitimacy of political parties.

  But one thing is that political parties must be approved by the House of Lords before they can be established and must be subject to supervision by the House of Lords.

  Once a political party is found to have engaged in malpractice or violated the law during an election, the House of Lords has the power to punish the political party or even report it to Arthur to directly declare the political party illegal and forcibly disband a political party.

  The reason why we agree that political parties are legal is because European political parties are already very common and well-recognized. Australia, which has a large number of European immigrants, is naturally not immune. Political parties are also one of the needs of many Australians.

  However, on the premise of giving citizens the right to legally participate in political parties and government activities, Arthur also retained the final trump card, that is, political parties are subject to the supervision of the House of Lords and must be reviewed by the House of Lords before they can be formally established and become a legal entity in Australia. political party.

  The election of the House of Lords is basically in the hands of Arthur. Except for the current cabinet members, other members of the House of Lords are nominated and appointed by Arthur.

  Moreover, cabinet members ultimately need to be reviewed by Arthur and the House of Lords before they can be successfully appointed.

  By controlling the House of Lords, Arthur actually controls the lifeblood of the political party and is not worried that political parties will have a subversive impact on Australia's political situation.

  The legalization of political parties has brought great changes to the current situation in Australian politics, and has also made one party ecstatic, that is, the Australian Labor Party, which has been established for more than ten years.

  The establishment of the Australian Labor Party can even be traced back to the Australian colonial period. It is a party united by workers. Its original purpose was to promote the union of Australia, and now it has evolved into forming a trade union to protect the interests of workers.

  The Australian Labor Party is a party that has been established since the colonial period. However, due to the successful establishment of the Principality of Australia, the Australian Labor Party disappeared for a period of time and disappeared from the Australian political arena.

  People don't even dare to claim that they are from the Australian Labor Party. Before Arthur declares the party legal, any party will be hostile to Australians who are fanatical about Arthur.

  Now, due to the large influx of immigrants into Australia, political parties have to be legalized and given the right to participate in elections.

  This led to the previously established Australian Labor Party also seeing hope of entering the Australian political arena. After all, in terms of elections, the advantages of political parties are far greater than those of individuals.

  Arthur is not surprised by this and has no objection to Australians joining political parties.

  However, it is also very necessary to add restrictions to political parties. In addition to political parties being subject to review and supervision by the House of Lords, corruption, bribery, favoritism and malpractice such as political donations are not allowed in any election. In order to put an end to the collusion between political parties and capitalists that has been common in European countries, Australia has even introduced election laws and political party laws. No political party is allowed to accept political donations privately, otherwise it is equivalent to fraud in the election.

  This law actually protects the interests of small political parties and the poor. In a future world police election, those who can hold large-scale speeches to canvass votes across the country are often politicians with the support of many capitalists behind them.

  Politicians without the support of capitalists do not even have the funds to support a speech and cannot use their speeches to canvass votes for themselves. Who would know these poor and ambitious politicians?

  Such an election directly puts the rich and the poor in two situations. The rich have inherent advantages and can naturally talk a lot.

  The poor people need to spend a lot of money to even hold a speech, and there are not many people who can really persist until the end of the election.

  In a so-called liberal democratic country, most of the people who can participate in elections are capitalists with a small amount of money, or puppets pushed by capitalists.

  Whether it is the House of Commons or cabinet officials, Arthur will never allow capitalists to interfere wantonly.

  The royal family can indeed cede some power to the people, but the people refer to all ordinary people in Australia, not the capitalists.

  There is only one way for Australian political parties to obtain activity funds, and that is to call on their supporters to donate to the Electoral Federation established and supervised by the House of Commons. The Electoral Federation will allocate 100% of these funds based on the proportion of seats in the House of Commons occupied by the political parties. Seventy percent.

  The remaining 30% will be equally distributed to all legal political parties registered in Australia, so that political parties of all sizes can taste the benefits and not be left without any development funds.

  The amount of funds that political parties can obtain depends on the proportion of seats in the House of Commons they occupy, which depends on the real talents of party members to fight and campaign.

  Because the members of the electoral federation are composed of the royal family, the cabinet government, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons, and are ultimately responsible to the royal family and supervised by the upper and lower houses, this is currently the most reassuring method for people.

  After all, it is jointly supervised by Australia's three most powerful agencies and the royal family, which has eliminated corruption and injustice to the greatest extent.

  In order to show the royal family's support for political parties and fair elections, the royal family specifically stated that it will donate 10,000 pounds to the electoral federation every year to support all political parties and people participating in political parties.

  This move also allowed the royal family to gain enthusiastic support from the only political party in Australia, the Australian Labor Party, and also promoted the development of Australian political parties in disguise.

  According to statistics from the House of Lords, in just over two months since the announcement on the legality of political parties and the promulgation of the electoral law and the Political Parties Law in April, the House of Lords has reviewed the applications for the establishment of nearly twenty political parties.

  Although more than half of the political party applications have not been approved, the reason is that the programs and goals of their establishment are not beneficial to Australia's people's livelihood and development, and even just some whims sometimes make some people have The urge to form a political party.

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  (End of chapter)

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