Chapter 160 Concept of Truck

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  Chapter 160 The idea of ​​a truck.

  It has been a week since the last global launch of Benz One. Both the partners of the British Empire and the German Empire, as well as Benz, Diesel and Arthur, have already expressed their thoughts on Benz One. Actual sales are highly anticipated.

  Although everyone understands that the first week of sales is more about opening up the market. Only after the first batch of people who buy cars taste the sweetness will more people take action.

  But after all, this is also a simultaneous sales on a global scale, and the main sales areas are the most developed and prosperous regions like the United States and Europe.

  This also gives people certain expectations for the sales volume of Benz One. At least when performance and price have certain advantages, the sales share of Benz One may not necessarily be low.

  You know, at that time, the three-wheeled "bicycle" invented by Benz had sales of more than 2,000 units in Germany alone.

  This kind of bicycle is actually a reduced version of the performance of the car he invented before, and because it is still produced by hand, the price has not been reduced much.

  Such an expensive car can sell two to three thousand units. The Benz One with further upgraded performance and lower price is naturally more anticipated.

  February 25, 1903, Benz Automobile Factory, Sydney, Australia.

  After a day-long reporting and statistics, all sales points finally transmitted the previous week's sales data back to the headquarters, which is the Benz Automobile Factory in Australia.

  At this time, in the car factory, Arthur, Benz and Diesel were already looking forward to it. While visiting Benz and Diesel's new inventions, they were patiently waiting for the final statistical results.

  After a long time, the employees of the automobile factory finally interrupted the conversation of the three. This also meant that the sales data of the first week of Benz One was finally summarized.

  Arthur was the first to get the data, and he naturally started flipping through it without hesitation.

  This time, Benz One's global simultaneous sales include nine sales points in the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Australia, with a total of 32,000 pre-production cars.

  The sales situation at the nine sales points was mixed, but overall it was pretty good.

  The point of sale with the highest number of cars sold in the previous week was the point of sale located in New York, USA.

  This point of sale is also the one with the largest number of pre-production cars. Most of the cars produced at Australia's Benz Automobile Plant are shipped to the United States and sold at U.S. points of sale.

  The sales point in New York, USA, also lived up to expectations, achieving good results of 630 units in the first week.

  The second largest sales point is the London point of sale in the British Empire. The number of cars sold in the British Empire is almost the same as that in the United States, reaching just over 600 cars.

  Next is the sales point in Berlin, the capital of the German Empire. The Germans contributed 520 Benz Ones.

  France followed closely behind, with sales of nearly 400 units.

  The remaining sales in Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia and Spain are not very high, and the combined sales share of these countries only just exceeds that of the United States.

  Globally, the sales volume of Benz One reached 2,700 units in the first week, making it one of the most sold automobile models.

  Yes, the sales volume of only 2,700 is enough to make the Benz One one of the models with the largest sales volume. This was also the biggest dilemma and problem faced by the automobile market before.

  "Your Highness, we succeeded!" Benz and Diesel also saw the completed statistical information and said to Arthur with a look of joy on their faces.

  The reason why they are willing to travel thousands of miles from Germany to Australia is that they want to rely on the large amount of research funds Arthur promised them, put their own efforts into the automobile and engine industry, and make their mark on the entire industry. From the current point of view, they have succeeded in the first step. Benz One has already made a name for itself in the automobile market, and it is just around the corner to become the highest-selling car in the world.

  "Well, well done, Mr. Benz, Mr. Diesel. The first week is just about opening up the market for Benz One and the entire automobile industry. I believe our car sales will be higher and higher. I will fulfill my promise Promise, 10% of the income from the automobile factory and engine factory belongs to you this time." Arthur nodded and said with a smile.

  Although the sales volume in the first week does not seem to be that much, it is actually a lot of revenue.

  Judging from the current production costs of major factories, the profit of a car is about forty to fifty pounds.

  Although it is not yet possible to control production costs and profits at around 1:1 like Australian factories, that is already a very exaggerated number.

  The sales volume of 2,700 in the first week represents a net profit of at least 120,000 pounds. Although this profit needs to be shared with partners in the UK and Germany, Benz's car factory can also earn at least five to six Ten thousand pounds of net profit.

  The profit in a week reaches 50,000 to 60,000 pounds, the profit in a month is at least 200,000 pounds, and the profit in a year reaches a terrifying more than 2.4 million pounds.

  This is not a small number, it is even enough to launch two Braunschweig-class battleships.

  What's more, the number of sales in the first week must be smaller than in the future, because there are a large number of people who have been interested in the car and are still waiting to hear from those who have already purchased the car.

  If they get good feedback, they will turn their excitement into action and become users of Benz One.

  The length of this time varies, but it will take at least several weeks or even months.

  This also means that in the automotive industry, there are still a large number of markets waiting for Benz One to explore, and the market and sales volume revealed now are just the tip of the iceberg.

  "Thank you, Your Highness!" Benz and Diesel quickly saluted and thanked them.

  One-tenth of the share is also a large amount of income for them, and the accumulation of this money is enough to make them world-class rich people.

  Although research is more important than anything else in their eyes, who would refuse free income as long as it does not hinder research?

  "Since the sales of Benz One meet expectations, it is time to develop a new series of cars." Arthur smiled mysteriously, took a drawing from the guard, and handed it to the two of them.

  "Your Highness, what is this?" The two took the drawing and were immediately attracted by the shape of the car drawn on the drawing.

  This is a completely different design from current cars. The rear half of the body is a huge compartment, which also means that the purpose of the new series of cars is to carry cargo rather than people.

  "This is a fantastic idea of ​​mine. Horse-drawn carriages can carry both people and things, so why can't our cars? This drawing is my idea. Let's see if there is any hope of realizing it, and take a preliminary step. Produced." Arthur said with a smile.

  Today's cars are only small passenger vehicles, and large cargo vehicles have not yet been born.

  Of course, this is also because the current automobile engines and automobile technologies are immature.

  Even small passenger vehicles cannot be fully commercialized, let alone large and more stable cargo vehicles.

   Second update, please support!

  (End of chapter)

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