Chapter 11 The Queen Leaves

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  Chapter 11 The Queen's departure
  "Our cabinet government is elected by the House of Commons. After approval by the House of Lords, it is appointed by me and takes office for a period of three years. In theory, each cabinet official can serve a maximum of two terms and a maximum of five terms. .The cabinet government has executive power and is accountable to me. Our country’s military, except for the Guards, is all managed by the Ministry of Defense. On these basis, I, as the ruler of the country, have the highest rights, including the highest military power . If the cabinet government does nothing, I can dissolve the cabinet government and ask for re-election in the House of Commons. What do you think?" Arthur smiled and said, but the words he said made several prime ministers shiver.

  The idea of ​​several prime ministers is simple, that is, to build a federal country based on their original colonial rights.

  Even if Arthur will take away some of his rights, they can still rely on their original colonial foundation to become the top leaders of the new principality.

  But according to the implementation of Arthur's plan, apart from their original advantages in governing experience and status, they will have to compete with all Australians in everything else.

  In other words, all their privileges will be taken away. If they want to enter Australia's top management, they can only rely on their own abilities and reputation in the hearts of Australians.

  "Your Highness, according to your proposal, is the power of our country's monarch too high? Of course, I am not doubting your ability. But when the next ruler, or the next ruler, once someone with mediocre abilities appears, Monarch, our country is also very likely to fall into a trough." Prime Minister Evan said tentatively.

  It is now obvious that Arthur wants to establish a full-time principality with a dual monarchy, but what several prime ministers want is an autonomous federal union, which are two completely opposite concepts.

  "This is not something we should consider now. Besides, if the monarch is not capable enough in the future, he can also hand over his power to the House of Lords for exercise. I believe that with the help of the House of Lords, the country will not be plunged into crisis." Arthur said with a smile, directly rejecting Prime Minister Evan's temptation.

  The country's political system and its own rights are Arthur's bottom line. Australia is Arthur's biggest base now and in the future. Arthur will never allow anyone to dare to threaten his status.

  What's more, now is the easiest time for Australia to establish high monarchy. If Arthur gives in now, it will not be easy to improve monarchy in the future.

  Seeing that Arthur was so determined, the prime ministers had no good solution for a while, so they could only remain silent, frowning secretly and thinking of countermeasures.

  "The last thing is the change of the states. Australia's largest administrative division is the state. We will have a total of six states, which is the current six colonies. The position of governor is very important for both the states and the government. Therefore. , the selection of governors in each state must be careful. The governor is elected by the state assembly, and formally takes office after being approved by the upper house. The term of each governor is four years, and in principle he is allowed to serve four terms, with a maximum of six terms. The governor has the power to The executive power within the state is accountable to the House of Lords and me. The judicial power of the states is withdrawn, and the judicial system adopts unified national rules. This can quickly put an end to the original isolation between the colonies, and can also quickly promote cultural exchanges and exchanges between states. Economic communication." Arthur said with a smile, but what he said was like a bomb that exploded in the hearts of the six prime ministers.

  If they felt Arthur's concession before when Arthur asked them to serve as temporary cabinet members, now the regulations on the new states were like a sharp weapon inserted into their chests.

  According to Arthur, the states would henceforth have only executive powers and would also be responsible to the House of Lords and Arthur. Although he can be re-elected for four terms, without great achievements, he may not be able to keep his position as governor.

  This also means that if the six prime ministers want to enter Australia's top leadership, they can only find ways to attack the positions of the House of Lords and the new cabinet government.

  But neither institution is easy to enter, and more importantly, Arthur's support must be obtained.

  In this way, all their avenues of retreat have been cut off by Arthur. If they want to stay in Australia's senior ranks, they can only gain Arthur's trust while showing their abilities.

  It was not that the prime ministers had not thought about resisting, but in the face of Queen Victoria's presence and the fleet stationed outside the port, they wisely gave up the idea. After several prime ministers chose to accept their fate, the meeting moved quickly.

  After Arthur and several prime ministers simply determined the government system, the powers of various agencies, and the reforms of the states, the meeting officially came to an end.

  In the next few days, Arthur accompanied Queen Victoria for a walk on the streets of Sydney, and also reviewed the Australian army, which had become a unit.

  After a few days of recuperation, Queen Victoria's complexion finally improved a lot, and she began to smile from time to time.

  In the past few days, several prime ministers, who were also members of the temporary cabinet, began to reform the colonies under their charge.

  All the residents of the colony also received the news that the colony was transformed into a state, and Arthur's contribution was hotly discussed everywhere.

  Yes, Australians have been dreaming of uniting their colonies to form a complete country for a long time. Although it is not the expected democratic republic, Arthur has also officially announced that he will form an upper and lower house to give Australians the due s right.

  Under such circumstances, how can Australians not be grateful to Arthur, the ruler who allowed them to trade and travel freely throughout Australia?

  May 7, 1900, Sydney.

  At this time, ten days had passed since Arthur arrived in Australia. In these ten days, Australia has ushered in earth-shaking changes.

  The process of converting colonies into states was very fast for reasons that were welcomed by all Australians.

  In just over a week, all the original border lines and outposts in each state have been canceled and turned into state boundaries and patrol posts.

  The residents of each colony have begun to call themselves state residents, and have begun to travel and travel freely in other states.

  The formation of the upper and lower houses has also taken shape. State governments have begun to notify all residents to participate in the upcoming lower house elections and are looking for a location for the state houses in the capital.

  But at the same time, there is also bad news for Arthur, that is, Queen Victoria is about to leave.

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  (End of chapter)

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