Chapter 78 C-level mission

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  Chapter 78 C-level mission

  boom! Boom! Boom!
  "Come in!"

  Hearing a young male voice coming from inside, Asuka opened the door and entered the Hokage's office.


  Namikaze Minato put down the document in his hand, raised his head and looked at Asuka who came in, and smiled.


  "Hokage-sama, I suspect that I have been squeezed out by the ANBU."

  Asuka came to the desk and complained with his hands on the table.

  "It has been almost four months since I joined ANBU. I only performed one mission and have been idle until now." "


  Namikaze Minato said awkwardly as he picked up a document on the table and handed it to Asuka.

  "Actually, it's not just that you don't have a mission, it's that the new members of your team don't have a mission.

  Although Asuka-kun is a Jonin, the ANBU required the captain to follow him during the previous missions.

  Now your captain has something to do, short-term It is not convenient to follow
  Yuhi Kurenai, who joined the team at the same time as you, so she temporarily went to the ninja school as a temporary teacher.

  Because Asuka-kun's identity is affiliated with the police department, the village did not arrange other positions for you. "

  Think of that preparation for pregnancy . The captain twitched the corners of his mouth.

  Someone enters the soul and gives birth naturally.

  Some people have been trying to get pregnant for a month, but there is no movement at all.

  Asuka shook his head, shook the image out of his mind, and said.


  Since I don't have anything to do,

  I'll just take the students to take on a C-level mission.

  B-level is also

  fine. They have been practicing well recently, and they have done a lot of D-level missions."

  "Wait a minute."

  As he said that, Namikaze Minato began to search for suitable C-level tasks on the task scroll.

  The combination of one Jonin + three Genin can already perform B-level missions.

  However, having a Jonin look after you does not mean it is safe to perform B-level missions.

  Most B-level missions may involve fighting enemy ninjas, and there may still be situations where one's own personnel are injured.

  This kind of novice team
  can perform a C-level mission to practice their skills!

  Looking at the recently reported tasks, he picked up a scroll from under the table and handed it to Asuka and explained.

  "Children are often lost in nearby villages recently, and this has happened several times.

  Those villages raised funds together and issued this task."

  Asuka nodded.

  There have been a lot of missing cases at the police department recently, and a lot of people have been lost in Konoha Village recently.

  In order to increase the workload of the police department, Uchiha Ryoichi asked him to do some tricks.

  If he didn't know who the old man was, Feiniao would have thought that he was responsible for the missing people.

  He didn't have any clues about the children missing outside. After all, there were kidnappers in the ninja world.

  But... in the village?
  After excluding the useless scientist from the Uchiha family who wanted to resurrect Senju Hashirama but had studied nothing for decades, he instantly locked onto Orochimaru in his mind.

  Fake scientists: Research has continued for decades. What progress was made decades ago will still be the same progress decades later.

  After decades of trial and error, something should have been tried out, but it still remained theoretical for decades. This was something Asuka never expected before the clan meeting.

  Real scientists: use life to explore life, practice it personally, and have extremely strong execution ability. The key is that what you want to study can really be studied.

  When he was a private detective, he once received a commission.

  [Investigating why hundreds of donkeys in a breeding farm outside a certain villager screamed for no reason in the middle of the night.

  At that time, he discovered that Orochimaru was like a corpse driver. He often drove a group of slow-moving humanoid creatures past the donkey shed in the middle of the night and roared from time to time, frightening the donkeys.

  At that time, he secretly made a simple trap, captured one of the humanoid creatures, and found that those were almost half-finished reincarnations of dirt.

  But he remembered that mature filthy earth reincarnations usually use living people, while those half-finished filthy earth reincarnations are filled with corpses dug out from graves.

  Then, he threw an anonymous letter directly on the desk of the Third Hokage and reported Orochimaru.

  Although it is not a human experiment, the digging of graves is somewhat punished by God.

  A dark and evil scientist who digs up ancestral graves in the middle of the night.

  And with Orochimaru's genius brain, he will definitely maximize the value of the tools.

  He must have figured out the grave-digging industry chain long ago.

  The grave goods in the tombs were sold for money, and the corpses were used for experiments. After the experiments failed, the corpses were sold to their relatives through the black market.

  After going back and forth, except for some useless shoes, I made a lot of money.

  I just don’t know that he is currently conducting wood escape experiments? Or is it a dirty soil reincarnation experiment?
  Namikaze Minato saw Asuka standing there blankly. He looked at the thoughtful look that flashed across his face from time to time and asked.

  "Asuka-kun, do you still have any doubts?"

  Asuka's eyes fell on Namikaze Minato as his memory was interrupted, he shook his head and left.

  There are so many evil scientists in Konoha. Danzo is in charge of evil scientific research.

  Orochimaru, an evil scientist who conducts practical research.

  A certain Uchiha elder who is nothing but an evil scientist who has been studying Senju Hashirama for half his life but has made 0 progress.

  I heard that the elder seemed to have recognized a step-granddaughter recently. What is her name? It seems to be Uchiha Izumi?
  South of Konoha Village.

  Feiniao carried a bag on his back, put his hands in his pockets as if on a spring outing, and walked forward with a leisurely expression.

  Looking back at the excited expressions of the three students, he shrugged and said casually.

  "This is not the first time I have left the village for a mission."

  Iruka clenched his fists and said excitedly.

  "Coco. This is a C-level mission."

  Hearing this, Feiniao thought of his first C-level mission and smiled.

  "Teacher, my first C-level mission was when I was invited by another country to participate in a war.

  When I arrived at the place, I saw that there was a war. It was clearly two villages fighting. When the village opposite saw the ninjas coming, they surrendered without even thinking. Yes.

  The reward for that mission was 30,000 yuan.

  In order to keep ourselves full of energy and cope with the bad situation of the mission, we ate well, drank well, and slept well.

  Then we spent 28,000 yuan on the round trip. We spent 2,000 taels on it. Four people.

  It’s not as good as a D-level mission.”

  The corners of the mouths of the three people who were poured cold water on them twitched, and they thought of the C-level mission introduction.

  Invitations to participate in wars, capture or conquer wild beasts, and send confidential documents.
  Thinking of taking on the task of finding a child, a look of dejection instantly appeared on his face.

  It seems that there are no ninjas who are human traffickers.
  Looking at the three people who were suddenly hit, Asuka took out four lollipops from his pocket, threw three of them behind him, unfastened one of them himself, and asked while eating.

  "How have you been practicing recently?"

  Xi Yan raised her head and said with a smile.

  "When Hongdou and I competed yesterday, we ended up tied.

  Although it was a tie,
  But she is Lord Orochimaru's disciple. "

  A smile appeared on Feiniao's face and he praised.

  "Not bad! "

  Before he could continue to ask the two people, he saw Xi Yan running two steps to catch up with him and asked in a low voice.

  "Teacher, what kind of person do you think Lord Orochimaru is? "


  Feiniao glanced at Xiyan in confusion.

  "What's wrong? "

  That's it. That's it."

  Xi Yan bit her finger and said with some hesitation.

  "When I competed with Anko yesterday, I met Master Orochimaru. When he saw the ninjutsu I used, he praised the teacher."

  "Praise me? " "

  Asuka was startled.

  What did that guy do to praise himself?

  Orochimaru wouldn't be greedy for his own body, right?

  At this time, he heard Xiyan say to himself.

  "Master Orochimaru said that while Senju is still alive, , "commoners" like us can learn ninja techniques from teachers of great ninja clans.

  Just like "Jiraiya-sama", a civilian idiot can learn from the third generation of adults.

  But in this day and age, we can only die by learning bad three body skills.

  He also said that it was very lucky for the three of us to meet a teacher who came from the Uchiha family and was also a teacher who did not hide his secrets. "

  Hearing that Orochimaru was praising himself,

  Asuka shrugged and said in a very casual tone.

  "I have nothing to hide.

  The teacher has mastered nearly a thousand ninjutsu. If you want to learn it, just learn it.

  If you could squeeze all the ninjutsu out of Sensei, I would copy the others.

  If you accept a disciple in the future and there is no ninjutsu to teach you, then go to the family and look for me.

  The teacher will write dozens of them silently for you. "

  Hearing Asuka's indifferent voice, Xi Yan, Iruka, and Hinata Flowey's cheeks twitched at the same time.

  They used to wonder why the Uchiha clan rarely became other people's teachers.

  After all, being other people's teachers is not good for a big family. It is said that it is a very beneficial thing.

  But now, they seem to have found one of the reasons.

  With the emotional character of the Uchiha clan, it is very likely that the wrong ninjutsu will cause a disaster.

  (End of this chapter)

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