Chapter 74 This high-end game

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  Chapter 74: This high-end bureau is located
  in the Konoha Medical Department, the top floor office area.

  In a certain office.

  Two people in white coats stood by the window, looking down at the street below, watching Uchiha Asuka watching another Uchiha clan member leave, saying something from time to time.

  "It's a pity that Asuka Jonin retired from the medical ninja ranks after three battles. He

  occasionally comes to the hospital to visit patients..."

  Hearing this faint complaint, the eyelids of the old man next to him twitched.

  He glanced at the yellow-haired woman wearing glasses next to him and said in an old voice.

  "You are better than him."

  Seeing the old man emphasize "some", the yellow-haired woman smiled softly and said nothing more.

  She is different from Asuka.

  I have not quit being a medical ninja. Although I haven't been to the hospital much recently, that's because I have to work multiple jobs and am busy making money.

  "That's right!"

  She looked at the flying bird waving to people, surprise flashed in her eyes, and she said curiously.

  "Didn't Asuka Jonin lose confidence in medical ninjutsu and stop treating others because he couldn't save his companions?
  Even when he quit the medical ninja order, Tsunade-sama personally looked for him."

  Hearing this, the old man He crossed his arms across his chest and said with a smile.

  "She had lost all her money and looked at him on the way home to get the money."

  At this point, he pointed at his head and said proudly.

  "The reason why Little Flying Bird can appear in the medical department is all because of my wisdom."


  Looking at the old man's bald head shining brightly in the sun, the yellow-haired woman pursed her lips and suppressed her smile.

  After her research, she found that baldness is not related to intelligence and may be a family inheritance.

  Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the old man's young son has started wearing a wig.

  "I was arbitrary at first, but now it seems that recruiting his apprentice was a very wise decision."

  Hearing the deputy minister next to him still praising himself, the yellow-haired woman raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile.

  "Your wisdom is far beyond ordinary people, which is admirable. Under the leadership of the deputy minister, the medical department will definitely reach a higher level than Tsunade-sama's time." "

  Excessive praise, excessive praise!"

  The old man waved his hand very humbly, He shook his head.

  "I have to tell you that Princess Tsunade was prejudiced against the Uchiha people back then, and she looked through the cracks in the door. How could

  Xiao Asuka, an excellent medical ninja, be turned away?"

  Hearing this, the yellow-haired woman's cheeks flashed. One pump.

  Although there are some conflicts between the Senju and Uchiha clans, Lady Tsunade will not target the Uchiha clan members.

  If I remember correctly, the reason why Tsunade-sama didn't want her was not because of "medical ninjutsu".

  It seemed that
  memories from many years ago came to mind. She looked down at the flying bird standing on the steps and thought to herself.

  [It seems to be because Uchiha Asuka's purpose of learning medical ninjutsu is not simple.

  He specializes in studying how to sterilize people in different ways.

  How could a normal person study that kind of thing?

  In addition, Tsunade-sama had a very bad impression of him because of something at that time.


  Glancing at the deputy minister with a sighing face, the yellow-haired woman narrowed her eyes. She thought of what she would do in a moment, and praised without conscience.

  "You're right.

  But we can't comment on what happened back then.

  Lady Tsunade may also have her own considerations."

  The deputy minister hummed slightly.

  Back then, Tsunade had some serious considerations. She just didn't like the other person.

  Thinking of this, he lightly knocked on the window sill and said with a thoughtful look on his face.

  "I am going to recommend Uoyuki Xiyan more to the outside world.

  Even if she can't understand it, there is a top medical ninja behind her. The medical ninja

  called by Xiao Xiyan is someone that these villagers have never seen before. Not to mention seeking medical treatment from the other party."

  The yellow-haired woman nodded again and agreed.

  "When we ask Feiniao to treat others, we owe him a favor.

  But when his apprentice called him, it was owed to him in his previous life and has nothing to do with the hospital. The

  wisdom and foresight of the deputy minister are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people."

  Hearing this, the old man said He narrowed his eyes and grinned almost to the base of his ears.

  I can bear these compliments.

  "By the way, Nonoyu, what are you asking me for today?"

  Seeing that the old man finally thought of himself, Nonoyu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, a light flashed in his eyes, and said softly.

  "The orphanage's funds are a little tight recently.

  I want to bring the children to the medical department to do some odd jobs in exchange for a meal."

  The deputy minister waved his hand and said casually.

  "What else do I care about? If not tomorrow, come now."

  "Thank you!"

  Seeing that the deputy minister suddenly became so easy to talk to, Nonoyu smiled and thanked him, and turned around to tell the children the good news.

  "Just let someone else notify you."

  The deputy minister waved to the other party, gesturing for her to return to her previous position.

  Sure enough, there are two different feelings when staying with someone who can praise others and someone who can't.

  What Nonoyu praised was very pleasing.

  Hearing the sound of the door being violently opened behind him, the deputy minister's eyelids jumped. Before he could say anything, a familiar voice came over. "Old man.

  Just now when I was seeing someone off outside, I was struck by a flash of wisdom in my eyes. When I raised my head, I saw a very smart head shining in the sun. Among so many people in the

  hospital , only you seem so outstanding."

  The deputy director of the medical department slapped his forehead hard, and slowly moved his big hand down his forehead, gradually erasing the frozen expression on his face.

  Although he was also praising others, it was really uncomfortable for me to hear it.

  "Little flying bird!"

  The old man turned around and said seriously.

  "Although I like to hear compliments from others, you don't need to cater to me too much.

  This not only makes you appear flattering, but also makes me appear a bit hypocritical.

  You just need to stay true to yourself.
  That's the biggest compliment you can give me."

  You don't know what's good or bad . Old man!

  I have been praising you for more than ten years, but I have long since run out of words.

  at the same time.

  Konoha Medical Department, in room [002].

  Mao Yue Xiyan lay on the table dejectedly and said weakly.

  "I didn't expect that the first order would be messed up."

  "It's okay!"

  Hongdou stepped forward and comforted.

  "He didn't get sick according to the case in the book. It has nothing to do with you."

  Xiyan smacked her lips. She always felt that something was wrong with these words.

  But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

  He did not get sick according to the conditions in the book, but if he encounters this kind of situation in the future, will he have to call someone every time?

  Hong Dou patted Xiyan's head gently. She thought of the flying bird that rushed over just now and smiled.

  "However, your teacher is very nice. He arrived as soon as he sent the message.

  We all have a good teacher."

  Hearing this, Xiyan curled her lips and muttered.

  "The teacher came so quickly because he was afraid that I would ruin his reputation in the education world."

  Anko was stunned for a moment.

  She looked at Xi Yan who was not very interested, sniffed and pursed her lips.

  "How about you look at me?"

  Xi Yan sighed.

  "You're not sick!"


  Hongdou shook her head and said firmly.

  "I do.

  I feel very uncomfortable in my neck recently."

  As she said that, she pulled down her clothes and pointed to the mark on her neck, confirming.

  "Look at this for me."

  "What is this?"

  Uoyue Xiyan stood up and came to Hongdou. She looked down at the black circle on the other person's neck and the three small commas in the circle, and frowned.

  "I don't think it's a disease."


  Hongdou hesitated for a while and said slowly.

  "This was planted by Lord Orochimaru.

  It's not harmful to the body, it's just frequent labor pains.

  It's very painful."

  "Then what do you need me to do?"

  "Idiot, of course I want to see if there is any way to relieve pain. "

  Maoyue Xiyan nodded, then took out a medical book in front of Hongdou, and began to read if there were any corresponding cases.

  Half an hour later.

  Asuka had enough rest at the deputy minister's place. Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, he went downstairs to his apprentice's office.

  He knocked on the door with his fingers and shouted inside.

  "Xi Yan, please eat barbecue."

  As soon as he finished speaking, a choking voice was heard from inside.


  Asuka opened the door and his eyes fell on the big bed in the room.

  He looked at Xi Yan, whose eyes were red and swollen, and whose forehead was constantly sweating, and then looked at Anko Mitarashi, who was feeling hot all over, and frowned.

  "What's going on?"

  "It's okay. I believe her."

  At this time, Hongdou made a weak voice. She put a hand on Xiyan's leg, with the word "encouragement" written all over her face.


  Asuka quickly came to the bed, reached out and touched Anko's hot cheek, then his eyes fell on the mark on the other person's neck, shaking his head.

  "Xi Yan, you really did a great job for the teacher!"

  (End of this chapter)

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