Chapter 7 Life-Threatening Survival Exam

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  Chapter 7 Life-threatening Survival Test
  Uchiha Fugaku looked at the backs of these tribesmen leaving and sighed deeply in his heart.

  As the patriarch of the family, he naturally knows the nature of his people, so no matter what these people do, he will not take it to heart.

  A petty person cannot be a clan leader, let alone the clan leader of the Uchiha family.

  It is true that the clan members are too nervous. They looked anxious just now, and now they are actually discussing whether it is good for children to eat fried chicken.

  Watching Asuka and a certain elder walking out side by side, and stuffing a bucket of something into his arms, Uchiha Fugaku sighed again.

  He, the leader of the clan, is so kind and tiring.

  at this time.


  Asuka was holding a chicken bone in his mouth. His eyes fell on Elder Ryoichi next to him and he asked in a low voice.

  "I said, Elder Ryoichi, when are we going to make a coup?"


  Elder Ryoichi trembled. He looked at Asuka in panic, then carefully observed the surroundings, and then said in a lowered voice.

  "What the hell, you've made me feel empty??"

  "No." "

  Then why don't I know about the coup?"

  "The position of Hokage has never been passed to us, so we won't do a coup?" What are

  the thoughts of young people now ? Is it all this dangerous?
  Seeing the curious expression on Asuka's face, Elder Ryoichi shook his head vigorously. After covering the family bucket in his arms with a lid, he took a deep look at Asuka and whispered.

  "Feiniao, I am your second grandfather.

  Although your parents passed away early, your second grandfather is still alive. I hope you will think more about your second grandfather next time you have such dangerous thoughts in your heart." Hiss

  Asuka looked at Ryoichi with the word "rejection" written all over his face and whispered.

  "I know you are my second master.

  Then second master, when did we have the idea of ​​a coup?" What the hell

  Elder Ryoichi glared at Asuka, why is this guy so full of thoughts of a coup? Can't he live a good life?
  Is it because during the war, all of this guy’s companions died, and he felt empty and lacking love in his heart?
  Yes, 18 years old. It's also the age to get married.
  After a moment of silence, he patted Asuka on the shoulder, shook his head, and left here.

  Sure enough, men still have to have weaknesses. Guys without weaknesses have such dangerous ideas.

  Looking at Elder Ryoichi's leaving figure, Asuka stroked his chin with one hand and recalled the plot of his previous life while walking home.

  Through testing, he can be sure that the Uchiha clan has no thoughts of a coup at all. Although their life is a little uncomfortable, it is not worth making a coup.

  Emmm, could it be that guy Uchiha Fugaku who made the coup on his own?
  When he thought of the information revealed by an elder when he was chatting with him some time ago, Asuka squinted his eyes and looked towards Nanga Shrine.

  [Uchiha Fugaku is a person who regards the future of the Uchiha clan as more important than his own life.

  He is proud of bearing the clan crest, is very strict with his friends, family and himself, and strives to sacrifice for the prosperity of the Uchiha clan.

  Such a person would probably have the idea of ​​​​a coup when he could not see the future of his clan, right?
  After all, if he can open eyes like that, his spirit is more or less not normal.

  Let’s do some research and start with Danzo.

  The next day, Ninja School.


  A little girl with long purple hair faced Iruka, but her eyes glanced at the door from time to time, asking expectantly.

  "Do you think we will be divided into the same group?
  Who will the instructor be?"

  "I don't know."

  Iruka shook his head, and then he looked at the purple-haired girl with the same expectation.

  "It should be a chuunin or maybe a special jounin, or even a jounin."


  An inappropriate sneer came from the side, and a black-haired, white-pupiled man appeared next to him. The girl looked at the door with disdain and said slowly.

  "The war in the ninja world is not over yet. Most jounin are busy with missions. How can they be our instructors?"

  Bang! boom! boom!
  As soon as they finished speaking, the three of them heard a knock on the door. Before they could react, they saw people in the classroom being pushed away from the outside.

  Then, a ninja with short black hair, wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform with a green Jōnin mail armor appeared outside the door.

  He took the piece of paper in his hand and walked toward the podium.

  Looking at the seven or eight children sitting in the classroom, he looked down at the list in his hand and shouted.

  "Umino Iruka, Uazuki Yugao, Hinata Hana."

  After seeing the three of them standing up nervously, Asuka smiled at them and said.

  "Follow me."

  Looking at the jounin's back as he turned away, and the Uchiha clan emblem on his back, Xi Yan and others looked at each other with a complex look on their faces.

  The strength and spirit of the Uchiha clan are inversely proportional. This is a well-known thing in the ninja world.

  It's true.
  Although the instructor is a jounin, they don't want their instructor to be a jounin from the Uchiha family.

  After Asuka brought the three little ones to the rooftop, he turned to look at the three of them and introduced himself.

  "My name is Uchiha Asuka, a Konoha fighting jounin. I like to eat cooked food, and I also like to eat raw food. My latest hobby is a journalist, and my dream is to live a safe life. It's your turn to introduce yourself

  . "


  After Iruka swallowed, he took a small step forward and whispered.

  "My name is Umino Iruka. I just graduated from ninja school. I like to eat ramen made by Uncle Ichiraku. I don't like to eat wasabi. My hobby is hot spring bathing. My dream is to become a teacher." Yes.

  Asuka nodded and turned his attention to the purple-haired girl.

  "My name is Uzuki Xiyan. I just graduated from Ninja School. I hate greasy food. My hobby is flower viewing and my dream."

  At this point, Xiyan suddenly felt her face getting hot. She covered her cheeks with her hands and whispered.

  "Can you not talk about dreams?"



  Seeing that her instructor was so easy to talk to, Xiyan's eyes suddenly widened twice. Is this Uchiha so easy to talk to?
  "What about you?"

  "My name is Hinata Huahua. I just graduated from the ninja school. I like eating bananas, hate milk, like to be in a daze, and my dream is freedom." Looking at

  the girl with white pupils and the mark on her forehead, Asuka instantly became confused. Now I understand what freedom means.

  Caged bird?

  Miserable guy.

  Thinking of this, he made a random seal with one hand, summoned three family buckets, and said.

  "Generally, instructors will be bored and give students some difficult tests, such as fighting for the bell in order to pursue peer cooperation.
  But I am different.

  The way for you to gain my approval is to finish these three portions of the whole family.

  If you can't finish eating, you will be sent back to the ninja school by me. After all, I am a fighting ninja. The task of being your teacher was forcibly assigned to me by Lord Hokage.

  "Is it that simple? " ? "

  The three of them looked at the family bucket in Asuka's hand and asked in disbelief.

  This assessment was simply...
  "Of course it's not that simple. "

  As he said that, Asuka disappeared in a flash. When he appeared again, the three people saw the Uchiha ninja carrying a pile of food in his hand. Milk and mustard oil. The moment they saw these three kinds
  food , a bad premonition emerged in the hearts of these three little birds.

  They were all foods they hated.

  After the birds opened a bucket of milk with their teeth, they poured it straight into one of the family buckets.

  Tons! Tons! Tons !
  Seeing the scene where the whole family bucket was gradually being flooded with milk, Hinata Huahua, who was standing nearby, had a trace of tears in her eyes and murmured to herself.

  "Enough. Enough is really enough, too much."

  filled the whole family bucket with milk. After it was fully soaked, he put on his gloves and smeared a thick layer of mustard on each chicken leg.

  Finally, he took out a brush, dipped it in oil a few times, and then swung it on the chicken legs.

  Oops . !
  Looking at the chicken legs dripping with oil, Feiniao couldn't help but shudder. Then he handed the three big pokes to the three of them and said with a serious face.

  "This is the first lesson I will teach you."

  Ninja, no nasty food allowed. "

  Oh, right." "

  Feiniao was sitting on the railing at this time. He looked at the three tangled children and continued as if something suddenly came to his mind.

  "My level of medical ninjutsu is very high. Although I once swore not to use medical ninjutsu, if you three get food poisoning, I can reluctantly treat you. After all,

  this oath is for outsiders to hear."

  "Eat, even if you work hard to go back to Ninja School for another year, you have to finish it today."

  The three of them looked up at Asuka. Seeing the serious expression on each other's faces, they looked down at the food in the bowl, their bodies subconsciously A feeling of nausea came over me.

  Milk soaked in honey mustard. What is this?
  Honey mustard + unknown oil. Will it cause stomach upset?
  After half a day.

  Asuka, who had fallen asleep, was awakened by a painful groan. He looked at the painful expressions of the three people on the rooftop, and then looked at the people in front of them. Empty bucket, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "Congratulations, you are now a qualified genin."

  "That sensei, my stomach hurts so much."

  Hearing this, he jumped from the stage in front of Uzuki Xiyan, and saw him half-kneeling on the ground with a look of pain on his face. In the appearance of Asuka, a ball of green light emerged from Asuka's palm and stuck to her belly.

  After a moment, he scratched his head awkwardly and muttered.

  "You black-hearted foreigner, I told you to buy any bulk oil, but you actually gave me the fish oil."

  Looking at Uoyuki Xiyan, whose face gradually softened, he took off his combat uniform and tied it around the opponent's waist, then patted him. Xi Yan's head said with an apology.

  "Well, because you are eating fish oil, your intestines and stomach cannot absorb the oil, and you will most likely have diarrhea after a while. You go to the school toilet and squat for half a day. I will take you home in the evening. By the way, there are oil stains on your butt

  . Don't touch it, it won't

  be easy to wash." Hearing this, Xiyan looked at Uchiha Asuka strangely, she didn't understand why the other party tied the combat uniform around her waist.

  After all, she couldn't hold back her curiosity about the oily stains on her butt
  , so she reached behind and touched it.
  "A lot of oil."

  Uoyue Xiyan stared at her oily palms and was silent for a long time.

  She raised her head and glanced at Asuka with an aggrieved look on her face, then ran towards the toilet without looking back.

  "You drank too much milk, so you went to the toilet for a long time."

  "You drank too much mustard, but you didn't need to go to the toilet. Remember to go to the hospital to buy a bottle of Kesel. You will feel very uncomfortable when you go to the toilet tomorrow. ."

  After treating the remaining two students, Asuka wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the sun that was gradually setting in the west, and said to himself.

  "Being a teacher is so tiring. I've just started and I'm already on the verge of becoming autistic."

   Ahem, I haven't signed the contract yet. It's just one chapter for today and I can't post more, otherwise I'll have to rush to publish it with 300,000 words.

  (End of chapter)

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