Chapter 57 Agree in principle means disagree

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  Chapter 57: I agree in principle, but I disagree that
  it is not necessarily the sun that hits your face in the morning.

  It could also be the tap water at home!
  Asuka wiped the water stains on his face, opened his eyes and looked at Uoyuki Xiyan who was standing by the bed, throwing cold water on his face, and then looked past him to the sun outside the window.

  The sun hasn't risen yet, Xi Yan is so diligent.

  After getting dressed, he yawned and walked to the calendar, looking down at today's schedule.

  "In the morning, we will decorate the shop that has been set up and disguise ourselves as a tanuki to act as the mascot of the Uchiha fried chicken restaurant." "In the afternoon, we will hold

  a clan meeting to discuss the incident where Uchiha Fugaku was almost defeated.

  " With a full schedule planned, Feiniao picked up the tooth cup and started to wash up.


  In the kitchen, Uo Yue Xiyan poked her head out. She looked at Asuka who was brushing her teeth and asked doubtfully.

  "I've seen you at home these past two days, don't I need to go to ANBU?"


  After Asuka spit out the toothpaste foam from his mouth, he looked at himself in the mirror and said.

  "It is said that the retirement life of the third generation was very boring. He wanted to have a grandson, and then the captain went to prepare for pregnancy.

  In addition, I just came back from the mission, and the captain gave me a holiday and did not assign any tasks to me."

  After finishing speaking , , Asuka couldn't help but sigh.

  Things like pregnancy depend on the probability. You can't say you will get pregnant.

  In addition, Shinnosuke was still in the hospital
  and conservatively estimated that he would have a month off.

  At this time, a head poked out of the tea cauldron on the table. After scanning the room, its eyes fell on the distracted flying bird and said in a high-pitched voice.

  "Boy, I've been thinking about it all night, but until now I still haven't figured it out. What's going on?"

  "What's not clear about this!"

  Asuka turned to look at Shukaku and said seriously.

  "You also know the situation of your companions. They stay in the same place every day for decades.

  But you are different. You are my family. How can I restrict my family's freedom?

  You work for me for ten days during the day. Two hours, and the other twelve hours at night are your free time."

  Seeing Shukaku looking at him with confusion, Asuka rinsed his mouth, put the toothbrush into the cup, and continued.

  "Freedom is something as precious as a detonating charm in this era.

  Freedom is beautiful and within reach.

  Since you want to watch the stars at night, just work twelve hours during the day.

  Then think about your nemesis, Stinky Fox, he is kept in a dark place and is whipped every day.

  But you can cross your legs and lie on the sand and count the stars. How freeing it is.

  In addition, I can also take some pictures of you freely . After the photo is developed, you can use it to piss off the fox."

  At this time, Uozuki Xiyan put down the shovel in her hand and trotted all the way to the table. She looked at Shukaku, whose head started to emit white smoke, and said in surprise.

  "Teacher, is this your psychic beast?"

  Asuka picked his nose and introduced Shukaku, who was lost in thought again.

  "He is a member of my family, and he is also a shareholder and employee of the fried chicken restaurant that is about to open."

  Hearing this, she hugged Shukaku into her arms, lowered her head and looked at the red-faced raccoon cat, and two large stars instantly appeared in her eyes. .

  so cute!

  Kneading Shukaku's cheeks with her hands, she looked up at Asuka and wondered.



  Asuka nodded firmly, then muttered in a voice that could only be heard by himself.

  Family members do not need to pay wages.


  Shukaku squatted on Asuka's shoulder. It looked at the Uchiha clan with people coming and going, and its heart became entangled again.

  Trading 12 hours of work for 12 hours of freedom is a path it has never imagined.

  Although with its head, it could be vaguely noticed that something was wrong inside, it could not tell what was wrong specifically.

  Thinking of this, it lowered its head and glanced at the black trench coat embroidered with red clouds. Shukaku nodded with satisfaction.

  After I put on this dress, except for my head, everything else was wrapped in the clothes.

  Hidden, too hidden.


  At this time, a sound of surprise pulled it back from its distraction, and it looked up at the red-haired human not far away. Shukaku raised the corners of his mouth, joy flew to his brows, and his eyes narrowed like two The little crescent moon.

  The smelly fox is here again!
  "Go forward, let me talk to that person!"

  Hearing Shukaku whisper in his ear, Asuka followed the other person's fingers and saw Kushina not far away.

  "So it's your psychic beast?"

  Kushina walked up to Asuka. She looked at the tanuki sitting on her shoulder and asked with concern.

  "This little guy followed me secretly yesterday. I just wanted to entertain him when I got home. Unexpectedly, he got crazy and suddenly startled me. Then I kicked him out subconsciously. Is he not bad?


  " Bah!"

  Shukaku snorted disdainfully, then his eyes fell on Kushina's belly and began to communicate with Kyuubi.

  "Stinky fox!

  Although you ignore me, I know you can hear me."

  "Do you know what is as precious as the detonating charm in the ninja world?"

  Shukaku asked and answered himself before Kyuubi could respond to it.

  "It's freedom!"

  "Before coming to Konoha, I thought you, a stinky fox, lived a wonderful and happy life."

  At this point, Shukaku couldn't hold back the smile on his face anymore and laughed wildly.


  "I know you're angry, but don't be angry. You can't even smell the free air. Uh-huh." Seeing Feiniao cover the psychic beast's mouth with his hand, he quickly said goodbye and left here

  . , Kushina returned to Mikoto with a puzzled look on her face and asked.

  "Are all the Shinobi cats so nervous and mean?"


  Mikoto shook her head. She looked at Asuka's back and said with a smile on her face.

  “Birds of a feather flock together.” That’s right!

  Kushina seemed to remember something at this moment. She looked at Mikoto's abdomen, with a hint of maternal love on her face, and said softly.

  "It's already June today, will he be born soon?"

  Uchiha Mikoto gently stroked her belly and whispered.

  "According to the medical department, there is about a month left."

  Kushina's eyes lit up and she said hurriedly.

  "Have you thought of a name?"

  Looking in the direction of the Sarutobi clan's territory, Uchiha Mikoto said the name that she had thought of for a long time.


  Konoha in June has begun to get hotter.

  Although it's a little worse than Sunagakure Village, it's still annoyingly hot.

  In the secret room that was not well ventilated, Asuka raised his head and glanced at the vacant chief seat. His eyes fell on Ryoichi and he whispered.

  "The patriarch is dead outside?"

  Liang Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, glared at Asuka and said angrily.

  "Boy, if you can speak, speak more."

  Feiniao rubbed his chin with one hand and said doubtfully.

  "Didn't you say that the clan leader was defeated? I thought the clan leader was going to be replaced."

  Ryoichi shook his head and whispered.

  "It's a failure, but it's not serious. The purpose

  of our meeting this time is to discuss what kind of support we should give the Fourth Hokage after he gradually gains a foothold."

  ? ? ?

  Asuka looked at Ryoichi with a puzzled expression and said.

  "What do you want to give me?"


  Liang Yi glanced at the group of clan members, his eyes mainly falling on a few old men among them, and whispered.

  "Of course I strongly support it.

  The Fourth Hokage is easier to talk to.

  I also plan to take this opportunity to change the external image of the Uchiha clan. I think the Fourth Hokage will not object to this because of our support."


  Asuka looked at Uchiha Ryoichi thoughtfully and said slowly.

  "Are you going to persuade the clan leader to abandon the police department?"

  "What nonsense!"

  Ryoichi twitched his cheeks and laughed angrily.

  "Changing the image of the family and giving up the police department are two different things.

  I came to you today just to ask if you have any good ideas. Let's discuss it together."

  "What did I think it was?"

  Feiniao vomited deeply. After taking a breath, he looked at Ryoichi speechlessly and whispered.

  "This kind of thing is very simple.

  To externally beautify the family history, whitewash Uchiha Madara, and through subtle influence, change the inherent impression of the new generation of Konoha towards the family. The impression of the older

  generation of Konoha towards the family has developed to this day, has it changed? ?

  Nothing has changed.

  Since you want to change the outside world's image of the family, we can only look forward to the new generation. "

  As he spoke, he saw Ryoichi looking at him in confusion, and explained again.

  "Beautifying the history of our village building with the Senju clan, and whitewashing the history of Uchiha Madara's rebellion.

  This kind of beautification and whitewashing is the first step for us to change the impression of outsiders.

  Although beautification and whitewashing will inevitably lead to an increase in distortion in a certain direction.

  But Danzo Shimura is really slandering us every day. He goes in another direction to vilify us and curse us. This is an increase in distortion in another direction.

  Therefore, our propaganda may be closer to historical reality. "


  Ryoichi nodded his head as if he understood.

  Then he grabbed a certain key point and asked.

  "Asuka, I said,
  what if the top management of Konoha doesn't let us publicize it?"

  "Old man, you finally got the point. " "

  At this time, Feiniao nodded, his eyes fell on the empty seat, and he said in a low voice.

  "So, it is very important for the patriarch to divorce.

  Think about it, if the clan leader married Tsunade Senju after the divorce, things would be different.

  We have been hostile to the Senju clan for nearly a thousand years, and her Senju clan is married to our Uchiha, which can already explain a lot of things.

  From now on, we and Senju will be one family. Since we are a family, we can just promote Senju Hashirama directly.

  Anyway, promoting Senju Hashirama will definitely not avoid Uchiha Madara.

  The higher-ups in Konoha won't let us promote Senju Hashirama anymore?

  Against them. "

  Having said this, Asuka turned around, stared at Elder Ryoichi, and said calmly.

  "Second Grandpa, since you want to change the image of the family, are you ready to support my proposal?" "


  Seeing Asuka circling around and then detouring to his proposal, Liang Yi took a breath and looked a little confused. Free way.

  "I agree in principle, and your rhetoric is theoretically feasible.

  But the matter is so important that it cannot be rushed.

  Think about it in the long term. Think about it in the long term."

  ps: Second update completed.

  (End of chapter)

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